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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-10649

Use the shell helpers for Zones instead of Tags in the document "Manage Shard Zones"

      From MongoDB 3.4, we use the term Shard Zones rather than Tag-aware Shardings. So for the document Manage Shard Zones, it would be better to change the following shell helpers related to Tags to Zones for documents on 3.4 or above:

      • sh.addShardTag() to sh.addShardToZone().
      • removeShardTag() to sh.removeShardFromZone()
      • sh.addTagRange() to sh.updateZoneKeyRange()

      Note: the above command pairs for tag and Zone are alias in MongoDB 3.4. So the shell helpers for tags still work on MongoDB 3.4, but it would be nice to switch to the shell helpers for Zones to avoid any confusion.

      Note: The section Remove a Zone Range has been updated to use the shell helper sh.removeRangeFromZone() already.

            emet.ozar@mongodb.com Emet Ozar
            linda.qin@mongodb.com Linda Qin
            0 Vote for this issue
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              1 year, 31 weeks, 3 days ago