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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15862

[SERVER] Investigate changes in SERVER-71392: Track usage of JSON Schema for validation

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      A new field (validator) was added for serverStatus.metrics.commands for only the collMod and create commands. The new field has this syntax:

      create: {
      failed: Long("0"),
      validator :

      { total: Long("1"), jsonSchema: Long("1"), failed: Long("0")}

      total: Long("23")

      Description of Linked Ticket

      Add additional counters in serverStatus().metrics.commands for collMod and create.

      Something like:

      create: { 
      failed: Long("0"), 
      validator: { total: Long("0"), failed: Long("0"), jsonSchema: Long("0")}, 
      total: Long("23") 
      collMod: { 
      failed: Long("0"), 
      validator: { total: Long("0"), failed: Long("0"), jsonSchema: Long("0")}, 
      total: Long("0") 

      Increment count for 'validator.total' if non-empty 'validator' object was passed as option to the command. Increment 'validator.jsonSchema' if $jsonSchema was used anywhere within 'validator' object. 

            nick.villahermosa@mongodb.com Nick Villahermosa
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
            0 Vote for this issue
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              8 weeks, 1 day ago