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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16510

Investigate changes in SERVER-80363: server default writeConcern is not honored when wtimeout is set

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      Original Downstream Change Summary
      • Explicitly documenting that missing 'w' field from write concern object will be filled with default write concern.
      • 'w' field is not optional while setting default write concern using setDefaultRWConcern command

        Description of Linked Ticket

        Sending wtimeout:x without specifying w value causes the server to use w:1, wtimeout:x instead of combining wtimeout with server default (which should be majority in 5.0+).

      Reproduced with Java driver and mongo shell against 6.0. In the logs it indicates it received only wtimeout:xxx for writeConcern but it indicates it uses w:1 with passed wtimeout and claims it's provided by client.

            lauren.tran@mongodb.com Lauren Tran
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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            2 Start watching this issue

              9 weeks, 4 days ago