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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16711

[SERVER] Investigate changes in SERVER-86902: Add flag to dbHash to go in recordId order / include recordIds

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      Release notes on dbHash. The excludeRecordIds option should be used to get the md5sum like every version has done before.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      We don't want to always use the recordId with dbHash. For example, if a customer has a recordIdsReplicated:false collection and then they upgrade to a repcordIdsReplicated:true collection, because dbHash includes the recordIds when calculating the hash in the latter case, the hash will be different, even if the documents on disk are exactly the same.

      This can be confusing for customers if they run dbHash and get value X, upgrade and then get value, they might think that something has gotten corrupted on disk.

      So we need to have a flag to make including the recordId opt-in. Likewise for SERVER-86692, the behavior of having dbHash include the natural order should be opt-in via this flag for the same reason. Otherwise someone who upgrades would see that the exact same capped collection was returning a different hash between versions.

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            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              9 weeks ago