Instructions for Ubuntu on Windows: In your Ubuntu terminal window, first head to your root folder by typing cd ~. Then, type the command sudo apt install mongodb. You may be asked to confirm the installation; if so, type y. Once Mongo DB has finished installing, you'll need to create your "db" directory. This is where your MongoDB data files will live. Create this directory by typing sudo mkdir -p /data/db in your terminal window. Ensure the “/data/db” directory has the right permissions set (you'll probably remember doing something similar when getting npm to successfully install your packages earlier in this Achievement). Do so by running the following command: sudo chown -R username:username /data/db Make sure you replace both instances of "username" with the name of the user you're currently logged in as. If you're not sure what this is, type id -un io your terminal to find out. You’ll then be asked to enter your administrator password.