Release Notes - Core Server - Version 2.1.0 - HTML format


  • [SERVER-1273] - Can't include bson/bson.h and client/connpool.h in same file due to msgasserted conflict
  • [SERVER-1311] - mongodump/mongorestore loses information such as capped params
  • [SERVER-1900] - v8 Issue 708
  • [SERVER-2076] - killall may fail in v8
  • [SERVER-2285] - count() (maybe other operations?) executes successfully when slaves are in RECOVERING mode
  • [SERVER-2493] - Build error on windows 32bit with boost 1.44
  • [SERVER-2532] - JS out of memory if collections are continuously created and dropped
  • [SERVER-2651] - update breaks with blank field name
  • [SERVER-2673] - repair creates a directory with dollarsign in its name
  • [SERVER-2751] - Many JS types crash shell if "new" is omitted
  • [SERVER-2825] - Returns exit code 0 in case of Mongo fail to start
  • [SERVER-2833] - mongod.exe does not shut down correctly as a Windows service
  • [SERVER-2864] - query pattern cannot be created for an 'invalid' key range
  • [SERVER-2917] - Rest / HTTP interface not working with AUTH and command
  • [SERVER-3097] - mongod --install uses wrong image path depending on current working directory
  • [SERVER-3112] - mongo* tools logs should not log to stdout (broken w/--out -)
  • [SERVER-3245] - $addToSet and $each with an array does not filter duplicates for new field.
  • [SERVER-3264] - missing field matches against [null] for both $in and $nin
  • [SERVER-3277] - More specific explain() for geo queries
  • [SERVER-3319] - insert bulk doesn't fail on duplicate, but also doesn't change the data
  • [SERVER-3345] - Read only user - able to create and update collection using map reduce
  • [SERVER-3396] - aggregation: $add with strings puts constants at the end
  • [SERVER-3496] - file/io warning on some numa system WAS - Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)
  • [SERVER-3522] - Memory Leak in dbtests/perftests.cpp
  • [SERVER-3528] - memory footprint of JS context keeps increasing as it is used
  • [SERVER-3557] - dbpath can not end in a trailing / on windows
  • [SERVER-3561] - chunk size of 0 causes floating point exception
  • [SERVER-3567] - mongos doesn't handle negative limits correctly
  • [SERVER-3582] - Mongo Windows Service locks up CPU when computer reboots after a crash.
  • [SERVER-3615] - for v8 invoke, if this does not exists, should be set to global obj
  • [SERVER-3627] - sharded map-reduce output should be parallelized and properly distribute chunks
  • [SERVER-3641] - support mongostat through mongos with authentication
  • [SERVER-3661] - Specifying includeLocs returns objects instead of arrays when arrays are used for locations
  • [SERVER-3665] - lastOp field in GLE should use Timestamp type
  • [SERVER-3671] - change VERSION to PDFILE_VERSION
  • [SERVER-3672] - use min(majority, all "real" nodes) for majority
  • [SERVER-3676] - JSTests::NumberLong fails
  • [SERVER-3681] - spinlock test hangs intermittently on fedora core 14
  • [SERVER-3688] - Consistently able to cause a segmentation fault in Mongodb 1.9.1 and 1.9.2
  • [SERVER-3690] - don't count csv headerline when reporting objects imported
  • [SERVER-3715] - re-adding member to replica set without keyFile results in secondary node
  • [SERVER-3718] - Trying to shard a collection succeeds even without a unique index
  • [SERVER-3730] - Illegal key names allowed in $set command
  • [SERVER-3734] - Better detection of an problem/unresponsive member
  • [SERVER-3737] - v8 BinData corruption
  • [SERVER-3753] - "db config reload failed"
  • [SERVER-3755] - mongos died unexpectedly
  • [SERVER-3763] - when one shard goes down, mongos starts returning failure in getlasterror for all the shards, to already connected client.
  • [SERVER-3773] - It's possible to invoke certain admin operations remotely without authentication
  • [SERVER-3784] - Need to add explicit timeout to distributed lock pinger thread
  • [SERVER-3798] - Malformed argument to rs.add(..) causes primary to throw Uncaught exception, exit
  • [SERVER-3799] - Replica set tagging breaks if tags are changed until servers restarted
  • [SERVER-3802] - Mongodump prints boost create_directory error
  • [SERVER-3805] - Need to add snappy to 2.0 3rd party notices file
  • [SERVER-3811] - RamLog toHTML missing newline
  • [SERVER-3817] - Increment opcounters for bulk insert
  • [SERVER-3821] - Problem With SConstruct file: TypeError: exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not str
  • [SERVER-3822] - after upgrade to 2.0.0 mongo starts consuming all cpu resources locking the system, complains of memory leak
  • [SERVER-3834] - mongoimport from mongoexport file with --jsonArray in 2.0 broken
  • [SERVER-3837] - BuildInfo shouldn't require auth
  • [SERVER-3840] - Inconsistent handling of arbiters with tags between rs.initiate() and rs.reconfig()
  • [SERVER-3842] - Multiple mongos can interfere in initial sharding
  • [SERVER-3854] - mongodump 2.0.0 fails on replica/slave
  • [SERVER-3866] - reIndex() on secondary drops all indexes
  • [SERVER-3875] - Mongostats not working with Authentication enabled
  • [SERVER-3888] - need to describe exception if known when syncclusterconnection fails
  • [SERVER-3889] - Possible for setShardVersion to never be set on mongod after multiple StaleConfigExceptions due to reset metadata
  • [SERVER-3897] - shell prompt does not work well in some debuggers (e.g. eclipse), 'enter' triggers pegged cpu
  • [SERVER-3899] - Initial sync should check occaisonally if it can stop and become secondary
  • [SERVER-3900] - Should indexes automatically upgrade to "v1" on a replication initial sync / resync?
  • [SERVER-3906] - the values of nodes in Already class is never updated
  • [SERVER-3907] - Broken pipe of HTTP client lets mongod crash (Segmentation fault)
  • [SERVER-3909] - Blank lines don't work in the mongo shell starting with 2.0
  • [SERVER-3910] - millis always 0 when profilingLevel is 2
  • [SERVER-3912] - mongo shell creates a new .dbshell file in the current directory on windows(should be user's home directory?)
  • [SERVER-3913] - MongoDB 2.0 crashes on Windows 7 x64
  • [SERVER-3923] - Compact command on secondary with nonexistent collection leaves secondary in recovery state
  • [SERVER-3930] - Profiler shouldn't use 0 as default value
  • [SERVER-3937] - Allow mongorestore to be throttled
  • [SERVER-3939] - Rollback is trying to log something in the oplog
  • [SERVER-3953] - Cannot initialize set when using --keyFile
  • [SERVER-3955] - mongod seg fault related to replica sets
  • [SERVER-3956] - A new replica secondary may be missing docs after its initial sync from the primary
  • [SERVER-3959] - Dist lock not relinquished in the event of failover
  • [SERVER-3961] - Segmentation Fault when creating new indexes
  • [SERVER-3962] - Trying to do slaveOk queries through mongos on a one-node replica set causes excessive calls to isMaster and replSetGetStatus
  • [SERVER-3969] - Shell interactive password prompt can't handle spaces
  • [SERVER-3982] - Error message omits cause for parallel cursor
  • [SERVER-3985] - JSON parsing on Windows doesn't capture extended JSON correctly
  • [SERVER-3986] - v8 needs to cache DBCollection objects in db object
  • [SERVER-3990] - Mongo client line editing -- ctrl-d will not delete a single character (line length == 1)
  • [SERVER-3991] - Indexing past the end of a string in mongo shell
  • [SERVER-3992] - Windows executables should not export symbols
  • [SERVER-4006] - Shell command completion for function properties has 'prototype' 3 times
  • [SERVER-4007] - The edit() function (command) in shell/dbShell.cpp could index off the end of a string
  • [SERVER-4008] - A memory leak per line of typed text in the shell
  • [SERVER-4011] - Escape only works to end command completion in Windows
  • [SERVER-4012] - Ctrl-T in Mongo shell behavior isn't quite right
  • [SERVER-4016] - Standalone C++ v2.0 driver doesn't compile
  • [SERVER-4020] - bad serverID set in setShardVersion
  • [SERVER-4022] - reload (settings) chunksize before each balancing round
  • [SERVER-4025] - segv in V8 when certain special objects (e.g. DBCollection) are converted from JS to BSON
  • [SERVER-4030] - with v8 assert kills db when accessing a sharded collection via JS
  • [SERVER-4041] - Spelling error on web server
  • [SERVER-4043] - Tab completion does not work in mid-code
  • [SERVER-4044] - Ctrl-U in the shell removes different text from what bash and version 1.8.4 do
  • [SERVER-4065] - thread interruption is disabled in V8 native callback, makes it impossible to kill op
  • [SERVER-4068] - v8 build sometimes fails sharding/auto2.js, may be due to GC
  • [SERVER-4070] - BSONObj and BSONElement classes have no operator!=, while having operator==
  • [SERVER-4074] - object doesn't have full shard key error is vague
  • [SERVER-4076] - when migration fails due to conn error, no response sent
  • [SERVER-4077] - need more helpful error message for unauthorized connection on splitChunk
  • [SERVER-4081] - mongod terminates when bufbuilder exceeds 64mb when doing geoNear commandd
  • [SERVER-4084] - "During" misspelled as "durring" in error message
  • [SERVER-4093] - BinData requires constructor in shell, unlike HexData
  • [SERVER-4113] - shell should validate database name passed in command line
  • [SERVER-4114] - If a shard contacts another shard for the first time for a MapReduce, the sharding connection hook won't be set
  • [SERVER-4115] - copyCollectionFromRemote needs to authenticate
  • [SERVER-4129] - server segfault when starting with a wrong replSet name
  • [SERVER-4130] - isself too agressive when bind_ip also specified
  • [SERVER-4137] - Need to catch DBException in message_server_port
  • [SERVER-4154] - Delete code doesn't correctly advance cursors pointing to deleted location
  • [SERVER-4158] - version error in mapreduce aborts operation
  • [SERVER-4160] - Make sure members that build indexes sync from members with indexes
  • [SERVER-4171] - WritebackListener should force detection of newly sharded collection
  • [SERVER-4178] - Shared client doesn't compile - references code for server side components.
  • [SERVER-4185] - Assertion 13388: shard version not ok in Client::Context: client in sharded mode, but doesn't have version set for this collection
  • [SERVER-4191] - killOp cannot interrupt v8 javascript loop
  • [SERVER-4196] - Count command on mongos can get into infinite loop
  • [SERVER-4215] - multiple connections to shards can rarely get mutually inconsistent versions when migrate occurs
  • [SERVER-4228] - Segfault under load
  • [SERVER-4238] - Make sure authentication always happens when a ScopedConn connects
  • [SERVER-4240] - make 2.0.1 mongos nightly compatible with 2.0.1 mongod
  • [SERVER-4241] - Shell connections don't re-authenticate on reconnect
  • [SERVER-4244] - replsethostnametrim.js works because of a race condition
  • [SERVER-4250] - db.currentOp and db.killOp on mongos work without needing to auth()
  • [SERVER-4251] - db.killOp doesn't work right on mongos with authentication
  • [SERVER-4252] - Auth doesn't work on SyncClusterConnections
  • [SERVER-4254] - benchRun doesn't work with authentication enabled
  • [SERVER-4256] - When running with authorization enabled the "compact" command doesn't behave as expected on a secondary
  • [SERVER-4270] - master/slave initial sync bug backport
  • [SERVER-4278] - Slave tracking cache is cleaned up too aggressively
  • [SERVER-4280] - sharding/sync3.js failure when run with auth
  • [SERVER-4284] - Don't create entries in config.databases if the dbname is invalid
  • [SERVER-4287] - Shell command line wrapping
  • [SERVER-4290] - Don't dispose of connections after GLE
  • [SERVER-4291] - Assertion: 13273:single data buffer expected while using mongodump
  • [SERVER-4296] - don't allow too many splitVectors in parallel from splitIfShould
  • [SERVER-4298] - db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() appears twice in
  • [SERVER-4324] - new checking of initial shard version catches stale replica set info
  • [SERVER-4329] - uncaught exception in mapreduce causes mongod to terminate
  • [SERVER-4331] - conneciton/memory leak if onCreate or onHandedOut hooks fail
  • [SERVER-4350] - Segmentation fault on replica recovery
  • [SERVER-4357] - Missing appender for uint64_t in BSONObjBuilder
  • [SERVER-4359] - Non-atomic reference counting in threaded aggregation.
  • [SERVER-4384] - Grouping by incorrect projected field crashes mongod
  • [SERVER-4387] - command should force reload of config data after multiple stale config exceptions
  • [SERVER-4388] - newly sharded collection requires config info reload on the mongod
  • [SERVER-4389] - Wrong $eq format crashes
  • [SERVER-4390] - mongos does bad things when adding replica sets with same name as shard
  • [SERVER-4398] - ClusteredCursor reported total time is just sum of individual times
  • [SERVER-4399] - mongos doesn't always update shards in response to replica set changes
  • [SERVER-4400] - attempt to record query plan for a dropped cursor triggers bad file number assertion
  • [SERVER-4401] - query optimizer cursor may return partial result set for a $or query if the last index match for a $or clause is deleted while it is "current"
  • [SERVER-4405] - replSetStepDown must close socket on step down.
  • [SERVER-4410] - Windows Service --install option isn't quoting all file parameters
  • [SERVER-4413] - Mongodump segfaults on certain collection names
  • [SERVER-4415] - mongoexport assertion: 10311:Number inf cannot be represented in JSON
  • [SERVER-4430] - Initial sync reclone asserts on correctly applied oplog entry
  • [SERVER-4432] - Strange item in mongo shell's autocomplete
  • [SERVER-4440] - replica never goes back to secondary state after rollback because of error "15929 client access to index backing namespace prohibited"
  • [SERVER-4442] - It is possible to rename a collection to an empty string
  • [SERVER-4454] - immediately overwrite error mesage in storeCurrentLocs during migrate
  • [SERVER-4455] - replSetGetStatus errmsg isn't being set correctly for self
  • [SERVER-4458] - Code cleanup broke "two blank lines exits multi-line mode"
  • [SERVER-4465] - counts with large numbers of shards can error with too many retries
  • [SERVER-4471] - [SECURITY] MapReduce able to overwrite any collection in any db regardless of authentication
  • [SERVER-4474] - Initial sync should ignore capped collection dup key error, too
  • [SERVER-4492] - $all/$elemMatch needs to be applied to array error for non-existant field
  • [SERVER-4526] - Linux 64-bit failing Buildbot tests at mongos_no_detect_sharding.js
  • [SERVER-4530] - parallel/repl.js test is broken
  • [SERVER-4546] - Oplog replay can assert on initial sync if there's no _id index on a capped collection
  • [SERVER-4552] - bad value for millisAvg
  • [SERVER-4559] - when a cursor is timed out, other cursors may last longer than they should
  • [SERVER-4560] - We must not be able to create capped collection with negative size
  • [SERVER-4584] - mongod crashes when trying to create a collection in a database *
  • [SERVER-4591] - MongoDB 2.0.2 fails to build: 'str' object has no attribute 'rpartition'
  • [SERVER-4592] - mongos always returns with exit code 0, even on errors
  • [SERVER-4593] - mongoimport BUF_SIZE needs to be upgraded
  • [SERVER-4598] - mongostat always shows port for the last line
  • [SERVER-4603] - when migrating the last chunk off of a shard for a collection, version set to 0 and does *not* block version reset
  • [SERVER-4604] - inserts need better handling of version changes
  • [SERVER-4605] - explain() needs to better handle versioning
  • [SERVER-4609] - StringBuilder signed integer max buffer size spec is too low, can cause allocated memory buffer overflow upon call to BSONObj::toString()
  • [SERVER-4611] - Handle the AltGr key correctly in the shell (Windows)
  • [SERVER-4614] - mongorestore ignores perrmissions and acts like it worked
  • [SERVER-4618] - memory leaking with v8
  • [SERVER-4626] - If update does not contain an _id in criteria, sync apply can assert and get stuck
  • [SERVER-4639] - update yielding with upsert can duplicate a document
  • [SERVER-4641] - shard2.js test failing on linux 64-bit build machine
  • [SERVER-4643] - one of the shard is down
  • [SERVER-4665] - Querying against sparse index creates bad state, affecting later queries
  • [SERVER-4677] - index ranges for overlapping prefix regular expressions in a $in clause
  • [SERVER-4703] - updates are being applied multiple times in debug test suites, causing buildbot failures
  • [SERVER-4712] - Shards crash fairly frequently when memory is low
  • [SERVER-4714] - ScopedConn is segfaulting
  • [SERVER-4722] - possible for partially returned results to be deleted by migrate cleanup
  • [SERVER-4738] - aggregation: field inclusion in $group _id is not accepting integral types
  • [SERVER-4749] - fix concurrency api when using openssl
  • [SERVER-4751] - queryoptimizer2.js test failing under sharding
  • [SERVER-4765] - sharded currentOp doesn't actually pass query
  • [SERVER-4772] - V8 buildbot slowNightly test failure
  • [SERVER-4799] - Race condition between election and sync threads
  • [SERVER-4807] - test crash
  • [SERVER-4809] - Linux build failing on sharding_multiple_ns_rs.js
  • [SERVER-4825] - New replica set member doesn't stay in EMPTYCONFIG state
  • [SERVER-4902] - getShardDistribution()
  • [SERVER-5408] - Shell won't suspend on ^Z
  • [SERVER-5542] - Race during static destruction of CommitJob object

New Feature

  • [SERVER-1651] - Add feature to expose server-side functions in shell
  • [SERVER-3470] - multiline commands are not saved completly in history
  • [SERVER-3483] - $timestamp extended json format for dumping parts of the oplog
  • [SERVER-3787] - 'edit' command in shell
  • [SERVER-3844] - New SRW build of Mongo for Win7/Server2008R2
  • [SERVER-3862] - aggregation: add $first and $last group functions
  • [SERVER-3871] - Support authentication for tools that do not support it. mongo{top,stat} advertise support but do not call auth() anywhere.
  • [SERVER-3998] - It's trivial to make the new "edit" function work on Windows
  • [SERVER-4200] - Server should have a "clear screen" command
  • [SERVER-4521] - ability to choose initial split points for sharded collection


  • [SERVER-3257] - aggregation: create real error numbers
  • [SERVER-3258] - aggregation: assertion failure on empty document
  • [SERVER-3299] - Strip spaces from hostname:port
  • [SERVER-3629] - ensure that find readonly is implemented (SERVER-3107)
  • [SERVER-3835] - Related issue: Assertion: 10338:Invalid use of reserved field name
  • [SERVER-4209] - Remove warning and stack trace when adding shard sub-connection
  • [SERVER-4488] - Remove mappings from Replica Set name to shard from shardMap


  • [SERVER-808] - mongodump should backup indexes when run with --collection option
  • [SERVER-969] - There is a limit on the number regexes in a query
  • [SERVER-1401] - Dont call getLastError if last statement didn't go to server
  • [SERVER-1507] - option in shell to print how long each command takes and certain stats
  • [SERVER-2031] - setSlaveOk at each level in shell
  • [SERVER-2157] - mongoexport fails with: 10311 Number nan cannot be represented in JSON
  • [SERVER-2395] - Allow multidoc (bulk) insert
  • [SERVER-2412] - improve object id generation in c++ driver for OS X
  • [SERVER-2428] - Make the MR inline limits equal to general object size limit
  • [SERVER-2475] - CLI tools (mongoimport, mongorestrore, etc.) should print a short description with --help
  • [SERVER-2495] - Make progress bar meter units clear on dump/restore WAS: mongodump and mongorestore progress output inconsistent - docs/bytes
  • [SERVER-2534] - MR tmp collections should be cleaned up if present on strartup
  • [SERVER-2535] - Need to print progress in MR post-process
  • [SERVER-2571] - mark chunks that can't be split as "jumbo" so we don't keep trying to migrate/split
  • [SERVER-2612] - support logRotate under windows
  • [SERVER-2663] - Apply query expression to currentOp WAS: db.currentOp() should return multiple documents, so various queries can be performed on it
  • [SERVER-2684] - special types in shell (e.g. Timestamp) display in variety of ways, and can confuse users
  • [SERVER-2705] - Shell setSlaveOk() returns unhelpful response
  • [SERVER-2836] - When fed through sdtin mongo should have a better output
  • [SERVER-2837] - shell --quiet w/stdin
  • [SERVER-2888] - boost 1.46.1 support
  • [SERVER-2957] - Add ability to log to syslog
  • [SERVER-3183] - Make initial sync more tolerant of sync source changing
  • [SERVER-3252] - aggregation: allow _id to be a non-structured type
  • [SERVER-3265] - Mongorestore: allow up-to ts/date value for --oplogReplay
  • [SERVER-3292] - aggregation: add a limit option for $sort
  • [SERVER-3315] - Ability to call _isSelf on mongos
  • [SERVER-3318] - [Shard] No offer possibility to drain all shard
  • [SERVER-3357] - disk/yield lock - any update
  • [SERVER-3380] - log writing should be fadvise'd
  • [SERVER-3419] - Explain object should include server address in mongos or slave_ok
  • [SERVER-3512] - removeShard improvements for dbs where shard is primary
  • [SERVER-3525] - "nonmatching repl set name in _id field" error should give the names compared
  • [SERVER-3548] - use field path prefix consistently on rhs expressions
  • [SERVER-3565] - Improve error message when trying to shard on non-existent field
  • [SERVER-3580] - Add current open connection count to begin/end connection messages in log
  • [SERVER-3609] - write starvation can make secondaries fall behind when under heavy load
  • [SERVER-3612] - Add a new_handler that aborts on bad_alloc
  • [SERVER-3616] - "syncingTo" field should only be present on secondaries
  • [SERVER-3630] - 'this' supplied to map function not read only
  • [SERVER-3655] - don't allow both --journal and --nojournal at the same time
  • [SERVER-3686] - Change the "has more" prompt
  • [SERVER-3696] - missing uptime field for self in replSetGetStatus
  • [SERVER-3727] - minor btree cleanups
  • [SERVER-3732] - Do bulk insert objcheck outside of writelock
  • [SERVER-3741] - Better error message when forgetting type to $within
  • [SERVER-3771] - custom prompt usability issues
  • [SERVER-3775] - xterm and konsole home/end key support
  • [SERVER-3780] - GridFS and GridFile acessor member functions should be made 'const'.
  • [SERVER-3789] - make $comment a doc level filter
  • [SERVER-3790] - implement "paging in" for compact command
  • [SERVER-3791] - compact always creates a new extent
  • [SERVER-3804] - "slaveok" shouldn't be used, especially in error messages, since every function uses "slaveOk"
  • [SERVER-3813] - Replace "biggest" with shard name in error message
  • [SERVER-3818] - Document insert method in
  • [SERVER-3819] - Support bulk insert in shell
  • [SERVER-3829] - scons flag to use each library externally --use-system-(prcre|boost) etc..
  • [SERVER-3832] - aggregation: early $sort should be optimized to use an index if possible
  • [SERVER-3855] - aggregation: finalize command name
  • [SERVER-3856] - aggregation: $unwind should be a separate pipeline operator
  • [SERVER-3857] - aggregation: finalize name of $unwind
  • [SERVER-3858] - aggregation: finalize name of $project
  • [SERVER-3860] - aggregation: uassert on sorts where the data size exceeds 10% of physical RAM
  • [SERVER-3861] - aggregation: make $skip and $limit top-level pipeline operators
  • [SERVER-3865] - aggregation: finalize field reference symbol (i.e., $, or something else?)
  • [SERVER-3872] - replSetGetStatus shouldn't print oplog fields on arbiters
  • [SERVER-3881] - aggregation: $group _id should support being a constant to support count(*)
  • [SERVER-3896] - make Client and ClientInfo inherit from same base class
  • [SERVER-3972] - Add memory limits to V8 JS
  • [SERVER-4014] - Insert into sharded cluster without pre-splitting should be as close to performance with pre-splitting as possible
  • [SERVER-4028] - Expose slaveOverrideOk for listcommands (slaveOverrideOk)
  • [SERVER-4034] - Command line history in the shell could be better
  • [SERVER-4035] - Spelling error in db.Help() output - missing 'L' in "db.Unock()"
  • [SERVER-4040] - remove unused declaration of class NamespaceCursor
  • [SERVER-4047] - make error message for missing dbpath clearer
  • [SERVER-4052] - Suggestion: allow case-insensitive command completion in the shell
  • [SERVER-4063] - make leak warning take number of connections info consideration WAS: I would like a way to set the threshold for the memory leak warning message
  • [SERVER-4075] - New settable parameter to force stack traces from all asserts
  • [SERVER-4104] - show this->n on shape() in btree bucket
  • [SERVER-4139] - Check for freespace before preallocating journal files
  • [SERVER-4148] - reimplement findone and count using query optimizer cursor
  • [SERVER-4149] - reimplement update and delete using query optimizer cursor
  • [SERVER-4166] - Implement operator<< for std::ostream output of mongo::Query objects
  • [SERVER-4176] - Add more intuitive object argument to shell's update method
  • [SERVER-4258] - v8: switch to Isolates to enable JS multi-threading
  • [SERVER-4297] - --configsvr should imply --smallfiles
  • [SERVER-4304] - Add Visual Studio pre-build steps so we can eliminate mongo_vstudio.cpp
  • [SERVER-4311] - change "M" in mongostat to "PRI"
  • [SERVER-4347] - misleading error message printed when attempting to perform an unindexed sort on parallel arrays
  • [SERVER-4382] - MR becomes very slow if it keeps reducing a very large object
  • [SERVER-4396] - hit config server only once when loading a chunk meta data certain version
  • [SERVER-4406] - Better warnings for missing SSL settings in mongod.conf
  • [SERVER-4459] - remove "using boost namespace" from goodies.h
  • [SERVER-4470] - Request NULL support in BSON ans QUERY macro
  • [SERVER-4483] - Track heap usage in mmap'ed blocks not just main arena
  • [SERVER-4501] - Close connections on a replica set removal
  • [SERVER-4531] - new process for selecting a geo index when performing exact lookup queries
  • [SERVER-4538] - add pagefault detection on Windows
  • [SERVER-4551] - move src code to src/mongo
  • [SERVER-4556] - simplify FieldRange interface by removing concept of a 'nontrivial' range
  • [SERVER-4599] - Remove the "--nocursor" command line option
  • [SERVER-4673] - Don't lock authenticate command if we don't need to
  • [SERVER-4681] - Implement page fault reporting in mongostat on OS X

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