Release Notes - Core Server - Version 2.0.7 - HTML format


  • [SERVER-2833] - mongod.exe does not shut down correctly as a Windows service
  • [SERVER-2942] - MapViewOfFileEx failed during large import
  • [SERVER-3097] - mongod --install uses wrong image path depending on current working directory
  • [SERVER-3969] - Shell interactive password prompt can't handle spaces
  • [SERVER-4291] - Assertion: 13273:single data buffer expected while using mongodump
  • [SERVER-4800] - mongos cursor handling with timeouts
  • [SERVER-4907] - sparse indexes break replication of array based operators
  • [SERVER-5473] - mongostat throws an error when connecting via a 1.8.x mongos - "unrecognized command: getnonce"
  • [SERVER-5594] - missed check of node index when initializing replica set with host down
  • [SERVER-5663] - Private pages accumulate in Windows RAM and page file when journaling
  • [SERVER-5680] - repl13.js failing on Windows 64-bit
  • [SERVER-5872] - autosplit would be triggered before data size touch chunksize. The return message "updatedExisting" of update is missed
  • [SERVER-5920] - bad reload of database config
  • [SERVER-5988] - where3.js leaving collections on slave at end of test in 2.0 branch
  • [SERVER-6006] - moveChunk fails with migration already in progress
  • [SERVER-6047] - $pullAll causes empty embedded object field to be created
  • [SERVER-6132] - a failure inside MakeChunkWritable should call abort/fassert instead of assert
  • [SERVER-6162] - backport of targeted shard ranges instead of broadcast on all queries
  • [SERVER-6167] - very verbose messaging with large numbers of collections
  • [SERVER-6178] - Cannot use mongos if subset of config servers can't read from or write to disk
  • [SERVER-6252] - Debug assertion in Windows debug build, bad code in any build, due to incorrect lock usage
  • [SERVER-6305] - option to turn off splitVectors on particular mongoses
  • [SERVER-6311] - FlushViewOfFile failures can result in invalid journal on Windows
  • [SERVER-6359] - mongoexport now outputs full strings in CSV mode
  • [SERVER-6372] - fassert identifier causes Windows 64bit 2008+ to fail compile in 2.0 branch
  • [SERVER-6391] - Yielding with one (or more) active writer and heavy read load results in severe performance degradation
  • [SERVER-6509] - ignore SIGPIPE
  • [SERVER-6512] - ReplicaSetMonitor::_checkConnection does not check upper bounds for the indexes


  • [SERVER-4992] - Disable dropDatabase command on "config" if sharded collections exist with data
  • [SERVER-6414] - use regular file io, not mmap for external sort

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