Release Notes - Core Server - Version 2.3.1 - HTML format


  • [SERVER-3067] - Can't kill indexing operations
  • [SERVER-3795] - All logfile lines should start with date
  • [SERVER-4529] - fast count mode should not be used when matching against null
  • [SERVER-6543] - Possible to bulk insert more than 16MB of docs but not possible to retry via WBL
  • [SERVER-6591] - Localhost authentication exception doesn't work right on sharded cluster
  • [SERVER-6802] - Do not enable ContinueOnError for all batch inserts
  • [SERVER-6961] - v2.2 mongodump is incompatible with pre-v2.2 mongorestore
  • [SERVER-7077] - Failure to journal list changes in NamespaceDetail::__stdAlloc
  • [SERVER-7168] - Don't cache ensureIndex in the shell
  • [SERVER-7206] - potential mongod crash in profiling, 2.2
  • [SERVER-7231] - Replace log(int level) statements with LOG(int level)
  • [SERVER-7259] - mongodump output to stdout broken
  • [SERVER-7310] - benchRun() doesn't generate random distribution within the specified range
  • [SERVER-7367] - Make replica set members pick up their own connection via DBDirectClient, not over the network
  • [SERVER-7369] - WBL too verbose when calling GLE
  • [SERVER-7378] - Windows Azure logs errors and retries if WRITETODATAFILES and FlushViewOfFile run at the same time
  • [SERVER-7381] - Inserting into collections that begin with system. fails silently
  • [SERVER-7386] - stack traces in v8 don't work
  • [SERVER-7408] - Need to handle $limit differently in sharding if before first $sort or $group
  • [SERVER-7410] - SYSLIBDEPS functionality broken
  • [SERVER-7435] - Windows stack trace isn't specifying symbol search path
  • [SERVER-7436] - Timestamp is missing from shell's autocomplete list
  • [SERVER-7438] - NamespaceDetails::alloc()'s 'extentLoc' argument is unused by all callers, should be removed
  • [SERVER-7439] - makeRecord() and makeDeletedRecord() do not use their size/len arguments
  • [SERVER-7460] - Issue with threads re-using previously released memory containing a Shard version
  • [SERVER-7472] - Replication lag can cause cluster to hang in migration critical section
  • [SERVER-7484] - empty mongos queries with returnPartial can segfault
  • [SERVER-7491] - Can't use subfields of composite _id in $group _id
  • [SERVER-7492] - jstests should not use /dev/null when running on Windows
  • [SERVER-7493] - Possible for read starvation to cause migration to get stuck in critical section
  • [SERVER-7494] - If _recvChunkCommit throws an exception we don't properly roll back the migration
  • [SERVER-7501] - Background indexes should be built in foreground on secondaries
  • [SERVER-7503] - Fail point test causing nightly to fail
  • [SERVER-7512] - applyOps alwaysUpsert flag not properly saved in oplog
  • [SERVER-7516] - exhaustReceiveMore() doesn't propagate error on recv()
  • [SERVER-7523] - Update THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES file with recent open-source additions
  • [SERVER-7532] - read_pref_cmd.js test fails if shell's ReplicaSetMonitor is not in sync
  • [SERVER-7537] - V8 buffer overrun / heap corruption
  • [SERVER-7542] - V8 crashes on startup
  • [SERVER-7543] - creating capped collection of (4096*3) allocates (4096*4)
  • [SERVER-7551] - _id Unique key violation during initial sync
  • [SERVER-7558] - read_pref_cmd.js fails when calling inline map reduce
  • [SERVER-7562] - Change OplogReader to send query as OpTime, not Date
  • [SERVER-7577] - Windows/V8 crash in jstests/mr_killop.js
  • [SERVER-7600] - Fix header include paths and order for V8, adapt Visual Studio files
  • [SERVER-7612] - explicit primary read pref does not work well with shard versioning
  • [SERVER-7614] - Top command shouldn't require db lock
  • [SERVER-7615] - FieldParser::extract(...BSONField<BSONObj>&...) does not copy unowned (maybe temp) memory
  • [SERVER-7617] - V8 assertion from running ./test in debug mode
  • [SERVER-7624] - Linux 32-bit mmap failure in jstests/replsets/replset9.js -- errno:12 Cannot allocate memory
  • [SERVER-7632] - jstests/drop2.js and jstests/killop.js failing (auth issue)
  • [SERVER-7633] - V8 segfault in jstests/evald.js on Linux 64-bit v8
  • [SERVER-7634] - Windows 32bit running out of memory while linking test.exe
  • [SERVER-7650] - V8 segfault in jstests/ora.js on all platforms
  • [SERVER-7657] - Mongos update to configdb for replicaset catches an exception but does nothing with it
  • [SERVER-7660] - findAndModify causes exception when "new" and "upsert" are true and a sort is provided (with auth enabled)
  • [SERVER-7665] - Connection used to update rs config in config servers should get the internal auth table
  • [SERVER-7666] - shard maxSize does not support draining well
  • [SERVER-7670] - jstests\geo_s2near.js failing on Windows
  • [SERVER-7698] - dbcase2.js failing with "db already exists with different case other"
  • [SERVER-7699] - stale_clustered.js fails during SlaveOK query
  • [SERVER-7701] - replset9.js failing on FreeBSD
  • [SERVER-7703] - Fatal Assertion 16151 running core 'test' program in debug builds
  • [SERVER-7704] - Shard == operator doesn't handle replica set changes well.
  • [SERVER-7705] - ReferenceError executing stored JS with V8 causes nightly to segfault.
  • [SERVER-7709] - mutablebson doesn't handle OIDs with null correctly
  • [SERVER-7734] - Mac OS X 64-bit DEBUG failing StackChecker check in 'test' program
  • [SERVER-7738] - jstests/sharding/gle_error_message.js failing in all Windows builds

New Feature

  • [SERVER-4464] - drivers and mongos should support 5 read preferences
  • [SERVER-6725] - Add Date.prototype.toISOString()
  • [SERVER-7423] - Support commands for read preference
  • [SERVER-7443] - writeback ids can be generated out of order
  • [SERVER-7452] - Add an upsert flag to the applyOps command
  • [SERVER-7592] - Add a new administrative command that provides detailed and aggregate information and statistics for an index btree.
  • [SERVER-7593] - Add a new administrative command to provide aggregate statistics related to a collection's storage layout.
  • [SERVER-7639] - add fast StringMap class


  • [SERVER-7026] - Add log message and return earlier when starting with --fork
  • [SERVER-7086] - add v8 to build system
  • [SERVER-7088] - Activate V8 by default in the build
  • [SERVER-7118] - Integrate Enterprise Build into Build System
  • [SERVER-7126] - new authPrinciples and acquiredCapabilities data structures
  • [SERVER-7129] - Mechanism to Store Authentication Session information in ClientBasic
  • [SERVER-7130] - integrate GSASL into mongodb
  • [SERVER-7131] - SASL commands in mongod
  • [SERVER-7133] - SASL support in C++ driver
  • [SERVER-7134] - SASL support in mongo shell
  • [SERVER-7332] - Separate command line processing from server startup in mongod and mongos.
  • [SERVER-7374] - mrshardedoutput.js fails on nightly legacy build
  • [SERVER-7380] - Make uassert 13419 consistent with allowable values (replica set priority limits)
  • [SERVER-7399] - Move fail_point.js to jstests directory
  • [SERVER-7473] - Integration tests for Enterprise Buildbot
  • [SERVER-7475] - Remove upper bound test on mock dbclient delay
  • [SERVER-7500] - Set socket timeout on connection used to run _recvChunkCommit to greater than the internal timeout of the command
  • [SERVER-7556] - Break FailPoint library into smaller pieces
  • [SERVER-7576] - Make Visual Studio builds require Python, and run Python scripts
  • [SERVER-7685] - nestedarr1.js failing os x 64-bit debug


  • [SERVER-2407] - Switch to v8
  • [SERVER-3602] - Add fast-path for migrating empty chunks
  • [SERVER-5726] - clean cursorid generation
  • [SERVER-6295] - make time in log have millisecond precision
  • [SERVER-6828] - At high log verbosity, log all ops as they are applied on a secondary
  • [SERVER-7069] - serverStatus : option to supress a given section
  • [SERVER-7159] - Change DataRecord allocation strategy to quantize within freelist buckets
  • [SERVER-7335] - Warn at startup on machines with sub-optimal readahead settings
  • [SERVER-7358] - Pre-split new collections when using a hashed shard key
  • [SERVER-7398] - DiskLocs should display file number in decimal
  • [SERVER-7476] - Add CONTRIBUTING.rst file to repo
  • [SERVER-7486] - Allow "show databases" as alias for "show dbs".
  • [SERVER-7498] - top level option in replica set to disable chaining
  • [SERVER-7565] - Automatically generate error_codes.h and error_codes.cpp from a list of codes
  • [SERVER-7570] - Add a function to ProcessInfo that checks whether a range of contiguous memory pages are in RAM
  • [SERVER-7571] - Add get accessors for bson and empty size in btree BucketBasics
  • [SERVER-7610] - Consider unfenced load for CurOp::killPending()
  • [SERVER-7640] - pick algorithm for PseudoRandom
  • [SERVER-7697] - shard_existing.js failing across multiple linux 64-bit builds
  • [SERVER-8099] - use condition instead of hard loop for SSV waiting for critical section to finish

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