- [PYTHON-644] - Can't force PyMongo to send w=1 write concern
- [PYTHON-693] - MongoClient() doesn't parse arguments properly when None is passed
- [PYTHON-700] - Error behavior in SONManipulator
- [PYTHON-742] - Authenticate client in test_unix_socket in test_client.py
- [PYTHON-747] - Exception TypeError
- [PYTHON-749] - Handle non-integer chunk sizes in GridFS
- [PYTHON-752] - Exception "ValueError: unsupported format character" in _check_command_response
- [PYTHON-755] - PyMongo ReplicaSetConnection monitor hanging in test suite
- [PYTHON-766] - KeyError parsing error response from mongos
- [PYTHON-778] - Document URI quoting rules
- [PYTHON-782] - Error on first readchunk with GridOut(_connect=False)
- [PYTHON-791] - bson.json_util.loads does not recognize $timestamp in object_hook
- [PYTHON-794] - disconnect() doesn't unblock threads waiting on connection pool
- [PYTHON-795] - Password basestring type check
- [PYTHON-799] - Rare deadlock in Cursor destructor
- [PYTHON-806] - Always use command cursor 'ns' value for OP_GET_MORE
- [PYTHON-830] - Database._create_or_update_user does not respect database/client write concern
New Feature
- [PYTHON-706] - Implement SCRAM-SHA-1 Authentication Mechanism
- [PYTHON-708] - Support new extended JSON types introduced in MongoDB 2.6
- [PYTHON-757] - Warn against installing "bson" from PyPI
- [PYTHON-777] - Make copydb work with SASL (SCRAM)
- [PYTHON-754] - Deprecate dropDups / drop_dups option for ensure/create_index
- [PYTHON-759] - Support $date as an ISO-8601 string or $numberLong in json_util.object_hook
- [PYTHON-761] - When available, use listCollections command for Database.collection_names and Collection.options
- [PYTHON-762] - When available, use listIndexes command for Collection.index_information
- [PYTHON-764] - SCRAM-SHA-1 upgrade / downgrade support
- [PYTHON-768] - Auth Mechanism Properties in the Connection String
- [PYTHON-781] - Run tests against the inMemoryExperiment and wiredtiger storage engines
- [PYTHON-789] - Clarify docs - ObjectId constructor with str vs with unicode
- [PYTHON-792] - Update create_collection, create_index, ensure_index documentation for MongoDB 2.8
- [PYTHON-797] - Update minimongo in the Tools/ORM-Like Layers Information
- [PYTHON-314] - Using index by its name through helper cursor.hint()
- [PYTHON-493] - database.dereference() should pass **kwargs to find_one()
- [PYTHON-679] - Add option socketKeepAlive to Python driver
- [PYTHON-703] - bson.son.SON should not copy keys for internal operations
- [PYTHON-739] - Authorization Failure Error Message, include namespace?
- [PYTHON-744] - Allow count to work with query hints
- [PYTHON-751] - Move all PyMongo auth tests to the test_auth module (2.x branch only)
- [PYTHON-753] - Add "How to Ask for Help" section to Github readme
- [PYTHON-765] - Allow tests to use an existing users when running under auth, 2.x edition
- [PYTHON-776] - API Documentation needs to be update to reflect new 255k Default chunk size in GridFS
- [PYTHON-783] - Deprecate "copy_database" helper method
- [PYTHON-784] - Deprecate "start_request"
- [PYTHON-786] - Deprecate MasterSlaveConnection
- [PYTHON-796] - Support cursor in listCollections and listIndexes commands
- [PYTHON-807] - Deprecate Database.error() and related methods
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