- [PYTHON-721] - BSON Errors with invalid utf8 strings.
- [PYTHON-860] - GridFS.list and other operations fail as read-only user
- [PYTHON-961] - initializing multiple connections from multiprocessing threads causes database connections to fail to be created
- [PYTHON-962] - Read preference classes __eq__ should return NotImplemented
- [PYTHON-969] - Unchecked return value in _cbsonmodule.c
- [PYTHON-977] - Some BSON types are hashable in python 2 but not python 3
- [PYTHON-991] - Out-of-date note about "not master" error
- [PYTHON-999] - Update SDAM tests to latest and fix failures
- [PYTHON-1003] - Helpers should not call get_socket recursively
New Feature
- [PYTHON-222] - PyMongo timezone transparency enhancement request
- [PYTHON-928] - Add support for discovering the connection string to recreate a MongoClient
- [PYTHON-952] - Implement APM spec.
- [PYTHON-307] - Investigate replacing select
- [PYTHON-884] - 3.0 migration guide.
- [PYTHON-959] - Connection string spec compliance.
- [PYTHON-960] - GridFS spec compliance
- [PYTHON-963] - Fix doctests for modern MongoDB.
- [PYTHON-967] - print is a function with Python 3
- [PYTHON-976] - Publish CommandFailedEvent for arbitrary failures
- [PYTHON-980] - Document deprecation of Database.eval
- [PYTHON-983] - Excessive task switching and load increase after updating to pymongo 3
- [PYTHON-996] - Python 3.5 support
- [PYTHON-957] - Lacking rich comparison method(s) for write operations
- [PYTHON-964] - Unclear error msg when failing to connect to a Unix Domain Socket
- [PYTHON-974] - Use appropriate hash comparators for sensitive functions
- [PYTHON-975] - Name driver's threads
- [PYTHON-997] - Add a FAQ entry about _id and document mutation
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