Release Notes - Python Driver - Version 3.12.2 - HTML format


  • [PYTHON-2984] - Client does not retry retryable writeConcernError in bulk write on 4.4+
  • [PYTHON-3017] - Potential hang in CSFLE when reading a KMS network response


  • [PYTHON-2987] - Test failure - test_errors on PyPy 7.3.7 due to a unicode str repr change
  • [PYTHON-2990] - Github no longer supports "git://" for git clone
  • [PYTHON-3015] - SSL Handshake with Mongo atlas fails with Python 3.10
  • [PYTHON-3022] - [3.12] Spec test for prefer-error-code.yml needs to contain "not master"
  • [PYTHON-3024] - Update estimatedDocumentCount test for Atlas Data Lake
  • [PYTHON-3032] - [pymongo-stubs] Test Python 3.10 support


  • [PYTHON-2434] - Evergreen task to collect release wheels

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