Release Notes - PHP Driver: Library - Version 1.7.0-beta2 - HTML format

New Feature

  • [PHPLIB-544] - Support commitQuorum option for createIndexes on MongoDB 4.4
  • [PHPLIB-545] - Support authorizedDatabases option for listDatabases


  • [PHPLIB-552] - Use sort when verifying contents of outcome collections
  • [PHPLIB-554] - Don't use admin database for FLE tests
  • [PHPLIB-555] - Test arrayFilters on non-supporting server for subsequent ops in bulkWrite


  • [PHPLIB-551] - Do not add the RetryableWriteError label to errors that occur during a write within a transaction (excepting commitTransaction and abortTransaction)
  • [PHPLIB-556] - allowDiskUse option for find should be documented as only being supported in 4.4+

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