Release Notes - PHP Driver: Library - Version 1.8.0 - HTML format


  • [PHPLIB-425] - GridFS methods should throw if stream_copy_to_stream() fails


  • [PHPLIB-493] - Unified test format implementation
  • [PHPLIB-569] - Testing Data Lake with Drivers
  • [PHPLIB-577] - Ensure each API method has at least one example
  • [PHPLIB-580] - Correctly express lack of event assertions in change stream tests
  • [PHPLIB-581] - Ensure retryable writes testing checks for absence/presence of error labels
  • [PHPLIB-582] - Create JSON result file for evergreen
  • [PHPLIB-585] - Specify error label in retryable writes test
  • [PHPLIB-595] - Advertise compatibility with PHP 8 in composer.json
  • [PHPLIB-597] - Replace PHPUnit for Symfony PHPUnit Bridge


  • [PHPLIB-562] - Create Evergreen matrix for various test configurations
  • [PHPLIB-563] - Add PHP runtime axis to Evergreen matrix
  • [PHPLIB-565] - Add MongoDB version axis to Evergreen matrix
  • [PHPLIB-588] - Use get_debug_type for reporting class and primitive type info

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