- [MONGOSH-1131] - db.currentOp() should allow boolean argument
- [MONGOSH-1143] - Use user id and anonymous id as segment identity
- [MONGOSH-1150] - Help text for retryWrites needs to be updated
- [MONGOSH-1158] - Cannot call mongo.getClientEncryption() when schemaMap was provided
- [MONGOSH-1159] - mongosh 1.2.3 broke PPA rpm install for mongodb-enterprise package
- [MONGOSH-856] - Add support for CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME checks in mongosh
- [MONGOSH-1013] - Add tests for CSFLE enhancements
- [MONGOSH-1151] - Add support for snapshot: true in startSession()
- [MONGOSH-1152] - Adjust for changes in server "Make enableSharding command optional"
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