// BasicDBObject.java /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mongodb; import java.util.*; import com.mongodb.util.*; /** * A simple implementation of DBObject. * A DBObject can be created as follows, using this class: *
 * DBObject obj = new BasicDBObject();
 * obj.put( "foo", "bar" );
*/ public class BasicDBObject extends LinkedHashMap implements DBObject { /** * Creates an empty object. */ public BasicDBObject(){ } /** * Convenience CTOR * @param key key under which to store * @param value value to stor */ public BasicDBObject(String key, Object value){ put(key, value); } /** * Creates a DBObject from a map. * @param m map to convert */ public BasicDBObject(Map m) { super(m); } /** * Converts a DBObject to a map. * @return the DBObject */ public Map toMap() { return new LinkedHashMap(this); } /** Deletes a field from this object. * @param key the field name to remove * @return the object removed */ public Object removeField( String key ){ return remove( key ); } /** Checks if this object is ready to be saved. * @return if the object is incomplete */ public boolean isPartialObject(){ return _isPartialObject; } /** Checks if this object contains a given field * @param key field name * @return if the field exists */ public boolean containsField( String field ){ return super.containsKey(field); } /** * @deprecated */ public boolean containsKey( String key ){ return containsField(key); } /** Gets a value from this object * @param key field name * @return the value */ public Object get( String key ){ return super.get(key); } /** Returns the value of a field as an int. * @param key the field to look for * @return the field value (or default) */ public int getInt( String key ){ return ((Number)get( key )).intValue(); } /** Returns the value of a field as an int. * @param key the field to look for * @param def the default to return * @return the field value (or default) */ public int getInt( String key , int def ){ Object foo = get( key ); if ( foo == null ) return def; return ((Number)foo).intValue(); } /** * Returns the value of a field as a long. * * @param key the field to return * @return the field value */ public long getLong( String key){ Object foo = get( key ); return ((Number)foo).longValue(); } /** Returns the value of a field as a string * @param key the field to look up * @return the value of the field, converted to a string */ public String getString( String key ){ Object foo = get( key ); if ( foo == null ) return null; return foo.toString(); } /** Add a key/value pair to this object * @param key the field name * @param val the field value * @return the val parameter */ public Object put( String key , Object val ){ return super.put( key , val ); } public void putAll( Map m ){ for ( Object k : m.keySet() ){ put( k.toString() , m.get( k ) ); } } public void putAll( DBObject o ){ for ( String k : o.keySet() ){ put( k , o.get( k ) ); } } /** Add a key/value pair to this object * @param key the field name * @param val the field value * @return the val parameter */ public BasicDBObject append( String key , Object val ){ put( key , val ); return this; } /** Returns a JSON serialization of this object * @return JSON serialization */ public String toString(){ return JSON.serialize( this ); } /** Sets that this object is incomplete and should not be saved. */ public void markAsPartialObject(){ _isPartialObject = true; } public boolean equals( Object o ){ if ( ! ( o instanceof DBObject ) ) return false; DBObject other = (DBObject)o; if ( ! keySet().equals( other.keySet() ) ) return false; for ( String key : keySet() ){ Object a = get( key ); Object b = other.get( key ); if ( a instanceof Number && b instanceof Number ){ if ( ((Number)a).doubleValue() != ((Number)b).doubleValue() ) return false; } else { if ( ! a.equals( b ) ) return false; } } return true; } private boolean _isPartialObject = false; }