Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 connection accepted from #218834 Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 connection accepted from #218835 Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 connection accepted from #218836 Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 connection accepted from #218837 Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:19 repl: applied 1 operations Tue Apr 27 14:05:19 repl: end sync_pullOpLog syncedTo: Tue Apr 27 14:05:18 2010 4bd6ef1e:1 Tue Apr 27 14:05:19 repl: sleep 1sec before next pass Tue Apr 27 14:05:20 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:20 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:20 repl: from host:production-shard1-001 Tue Apr 27 14:05:20 repl: sleep 2sec before next pass Tue Apr 27 14:05:20 connection accepted from #218838 Tue Apr 27 14:05:21 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:21 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:21 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:22 repl: from host:production-shard1-001 Tue Apr 27 14:05:22 repl: sleep 2sec before next pass Tue Apr 27 14:05:22 end connection Tue Apr 27 14:05:24 repl: from host:production-shard1-001 Tue Apr 27 14:05:24 repl: sleep 2sec before next pass Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 CMD: drop random_db_name.tmp.mr.mapreduce_1272377125_2 Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 CMD: drop random_db_name.tmp.mr.mapreduce_1272377125_2_inc Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault). Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 Backtrace: 0x6a8309 0x33042322a0 0x7400f9 0x7a02c3 0x79dbbb 0x71388b 0x713b5a 0x714c4f 0x714bdc 0x714ac5 0x54d691 0x54f433 0x649bdc 0x67e441 0x67f347 0x55662f 0x55a6cc 0x5f310a 0x5f8137 0x6a9894 /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi+0x399) [0x6a8309] /lib64/libc.so.6 [0x33042322a0] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(js_EmitTree+0x420f) [0x7400f9] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod [0x7a02c3] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(js_CompileTokenStream+0xee) [0x79dbbb] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod [0x71388b] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals+0x83) [0x713b5a] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals+0x71) [0x714c4f] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(JS_EvaluateUCScript+0x5a) [0x714bdc] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(JS_EvaluateScript+0x80) [0x714ac5] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7SMScope4execERKSsS2_bbbi+0x101) [0x54d691] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7SMScope12injectNativeEPKcPFNS_7BSONObjERKS3_E+0x253) [0x54f433] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo2mr16MapReduceCommand3runEPKcRNS_7BSONObjERSsRNS_14BSONObjBuilderEb+0x27c) [0x649bdc] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11execCommandEPNS_7CommandERNS_6ClientEiPKcRNS_7BSONObjERNS_14BSONObjBuilderEb+0x821) [0x67e441] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo12_runCommandsEPKcRNS_7BSONObjERNS_10BufBuilderERNS_14BSONObjBuilderEbi+0x4d7) [0x67f347] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11runCommandsEPKcRNS_7BSONObjERNS_5CurOpERNS_10BufBuilderERNS_14BSONObjBuilderEbi+0x3f) [0x55662f] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo8runQueryERNS_7MessageERNS_12QueryMessageERNS_5CurOpE+0x116c) [0x55a6cc] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod [0x5f310a] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERK11sockaddr_in+0x1227) [0x5f8137] /opt/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.1/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10connThreadEv+0x244) [0x6a9894] Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 dbexit: Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 shutdown: going to close listening sockets... Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 going to close listening socket: 19 Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 going to close listening socket: 21 Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 shutdown: going to flush oplog... Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 shutdown: going to close sockets... Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 shutdown: closing all files... Tue Apr 27 14:05:25 got request after shutdown() 128/234 54% Tue Apr 27 14:05:27 connection accepted from #218839 Tue Apr 27 14:05:28 msync errno:12 Cannot allocate memory Tue Apr 27 14:05:28 msync errno:12 Cannot allocate memory Tue Apr 27 14:05:28 msync errno:12 Cannot allocate memory 173/234 73% Tue Apr 27 14:05:30 got request after shutdown() 218/234 93% Tue Apr 27 14:05:31 closeAllFiles() finished Tue Apr 27 14:05:31 shutdown: removing fs lock... Tue Apr 27 14:05:31 dbexit: really exiting now ERROR: Client::~Client _context should be NULL: conn