Mon Oct 17 18:16:29 [conn1408] request split points lookup for chunk users.globalusers { : "twitter/derektrotter8" } -->> { : "twitter/descobrindoal" } Mon Oct 17 18:16:29 [conn1408] warning: Finding the split vector for users.globalusers over { _id: 1.0 } keyCount: 20201 numSplits: 1 lookedAt: 6851 took 225ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:29 [conn1408] command admin.$cmd command: { splitVector: "users.globalusers", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: "twitter/derektrotter8" }, max: { _id: "twitter/descobrindoal" }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, maxSplitPoints: 2, maxChunkObjects: 250000 } ntoreturn:1 reslen:91 225ms 26765200/26783304 99% Mon Oct 17 18:16:31 [conn1320] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:70 107ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:33 [conn1083] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:83 271ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:33 [conn1388] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:1335 309ms 26768800/26783307 99% Mon Oct 17 18:16:35 [conn1310] update users.globalusers query: { _id: "twitter/earthtolaura_" } update: { $set: { namedentities: { boys like girls: { mentions: 1, name: "Boys Like Girls" }, craig owens: { mentions: 1, name: "Craig Owens" }, jeremy davis: { mentions: 1, name: "Jeremy Davis" }, paramore: { polarity: 0.8613302251093221, mentions: 1, name: "paramore" }, arcade fire: { mentions: 1, name: "Arcade Fire" }, steven moffat: { mentions: 1, name: "Steven Moffat" }, timbaland: { mentions: 1, name: "Timbaland" }, chuck palahniuk: { mentions: 1, name: "Chuck Palahniuk" }, my chemical romance: { polarity: 0.5474247809896869, mentions: 1, name: "my chemical romance" }, charlie sheen: { mentions: 1, name: "Charlie Sheen" }, julian casablancas: { mentions: 1, name: "Julian Casablancas" }, zach galifianakis: { mentions: 1, name: "zach galifianakis" }, jack dorsey: { mentions: 1, name: "Jack Dorsey" }, christopher nolan: { polarity: 0.9227770786613789, mentions: 1, name: "christopher nolan" }, ashton kutcher: { polarity: 0.5, mentions: 1, name: "Ashton Kutcher" }, chris martin: { polarity: 0.9363082047054151, mentions: 1, name: "Chris Martin" }, george craig: { mentions: 1, name: "George Craig" }, piers morgan: { mentions: 1, name: "Piers Morgan" }, imogen heap: { mentions: 1, name: "Imogen Heap" }, amy winehouse: { polarity: 0.7004842526698483, mentions: 1, name: "Amy Winehouse" }, andrew mcmahon: { polarity: 0.459269438444161, mentions: 1, name: "Andrew McMahon" }, simple plan: { mentions: 1, name: "Simple Plan" }, daniel tosh: { mentions: 1, name: "daniel tosh" }, david tennant: { mentions: 1, name: "David Tennant" }, spencer peterson: { mentions: 1, name: "Spencer Peterson" }, jonas brothers: { polarity: 0.5284103613268191, mentions: 1, name: "Jonas Brothers" }, symphony: { polarity: 0.5044006031068692, mentions: 1, name: "symphony" }, neil patrick harris: { mentions: 1, name: "Neil Patrick Harris" }, brendon urie: { polarity: 0.5996520436317937, mentions: 1, name: "Brendon Urie" }, jeff jenkins: { mentions: 1, name: "Jeff Jenkins" }, all time low: { polarity: 0.5892016147893067, mentions: 1, name: "all time low" }, beirut: { polarity: 0.8341439371616506, mentions: 1, name: "Beirut" }, katie todd: { mentions: 1, name: "Katie Todd" }, steel train: { mentions: 1, name: "steel train" }, rebecca black: { mentions: 2, name: "Rebecca Black" }, good charlotte: { mentions: 1, name: "Good Charlotte" }, taylor york: { mentions: 1, name: "Taylor York" }, andrew dost: { mentions: 1, name: "andrew dost" }, foo fighters: { mentions: 1, name: "Foo Fighters" }, the social: { mentions: 1, name: "The Social" }, avenged sevenfold: { polarity: 0.5, mentions: 1, name: "Avenged Sevenfold" }, tom felton: { mentions: 1, name: "Tom Felton" }, kingsley: { mentions: 1, name: "Kingsley" }, pierre bouvier: { mentions: 1, name: "Pierre Bouvier" }, alternative press: { mentions: 1, name: "Alternative Press" }, lollapalooza: { polarity: 0.612286852805985, mentions: 1, name: "lollapalooza" }, peter griffin: { mentions: 1, name: "Peter Griffin" }, daniel alonso: { mentions: 1, name: "Daniel Alonso" }, brenda song: { polarity: 0.6830421043937709, mentions: 1, name: "Brenda Song" }, matt smith: { polarity: 0.3765167209754106, mentions: 1, name: "Matt Smith" }, sergio carlo: { mentions: 1, name: "Sergio Carlo" }, late late show: { polarity: 0.5823521621375045, mentions: 1, name: "Late Late Show" }, selena gomez: { polarity: 0.6224385099632371, mentions: 1, name: "selena gomez" }, mayday parade: { mentions: 1, name: "Mayday Parade" }, andrew wk: { mentions: 1, name: "ANDREW WK" } } } } idhack:1 moved:1 615ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:35 [conn1402] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:81 368ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:35 [conn1027] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:89 368ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:35 [conn1408] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1 } ntoreturn:1 reslen:1366 132ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:35 [conn1027] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:72 103ms 26771500/26783312 99% Mon Oct 17 18:16:37 [conn1320] query users.globalusers ntoreturn:1 idhack:1 reslen:1639 134ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 [conn1153] update users.globalusers query: { _id: "twitter/emeryehrenberg" } update: { $addToSet: { instanceslist: { $each: [ 40493, 40112, 34517, 40494, 40322, 40169, 40749, 40764, 40773, 40772, 40770, 40768, 40776, 40780, 40779, 40778, 40787, 40786, 40785, 40784, 40783, 40782, 40781, 40788, 40790, 40797, 40796, 40795, 40794, 40793, 40792, 40801, 40800, 40799, 40798, 40803, 40809, 40808, 40807, 40806, 40805, 40804, 40813, 40812, 40811, 40810 ] } } } moved:1 118ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 [conn1307] build index done 26779893 records 26322.6 secs Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 [conn1307] insert users.system.indexes 26322630ms Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 Invalid access at address: 0 Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault). Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 Backtrace: 0xa83fc9 0xa845a0 0x7f6c932a3b40 0x54d7dc 0x83d551 0x83d756 0x83d8b0 0x96ef38 0x8c0b66 0x8cd4b0 0x8cdb06 0x8d2100 0x8d3be5 0x8d50b7 0x960d4a 0x87e037 0x88485c 0xa96a46 0x635dd7 0x7f6c9329b971 /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi+0x399) [0xa83fc9] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo24abruptQuitWithAddrSignalEiP7siginfoPv+0x220) [0xa845a0] /lib/ [0x7f6c932a3b40] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo24FieldRangeVectorIterator7advanceERKNS_7BSONObjE+0x4c) [0x54d7dc] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11BtreeCursor29skipOutOfRangeKeysAndCheckEndEv+0x81) [0x83d551] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11BtreeCursor12skipAndCheckEv+0x26) [0x83d756] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11BtreeCursor7advanceEv+0x100) [0x83d8b0] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11UserQueryOp4nextEv+0x2b8) [0x96ef38] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo12QueryPlanSet6Runner6nextOpERNS_7QueryOpE+0x56) [0x8c0b66] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo12QueryPlanSet6Runner4nextEv+0x110) [0x8cd4b0] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo12QueryPlanSet6Runner22runUntilFirstCompletesEv+0x56) [0x8cdb06] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo12QueryPlanSet5runOpERNS_7QueryOpE+0x50) [0x8d2100] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo16MultiPlanScanner9runOpOnceERNS_7QueryOpE+0x525) [0x8d3be5] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo16MultiPlanScanner5runOpERNS_7QueryOpE+0x17) [0x8d50b7] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo8runQueryERNS_7MessageERNS_12QueryMessageERNS_5CurOpES1_+0x147a) [0x960d4a] /usr/bin/mongod() [0x87e037] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_11HostAndPortE+0x55c) [0x88485c] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo16MyMessageHandler7processERNS_7MessageEPNS_21AbstractMessagingPortEPNS_9LastErrorE+0x76) [0xa96a46] /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo3pms9threadRunEPNS_13MessagingPortE+0x287) [0x635dd7] /lib/ [0x7f6c9329b971] Logstream::get called in uninitialized state Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 ERROR: Client::~Client _context should be null but is not; client:conn Logstream::get called in uninitialized state Mon Oct 17 18:16:38 ERROR: Client::shutdown not called: conn