['jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js'] cwd [/home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo] num procs:302 removing: /data/db/sconsTests//mongod.lock running /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongod --port 32000 --dbpath /data/db/sconsTests/ --nopreallocj Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=27866 port=32000 dbpath=/data/db/sconsTests/ 64-bit host=ubuntu Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (2.1.0-pre-) of MongoDB. Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] db version v2.1.0-pre-, pdfile version 4.5 Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] git version: 000b236424c6499eaaf128d618ab37821ebcf35f Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] build info: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:46 UTC 2011 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_42 Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] options: { dbpath: "/data/db/sconsTests/", nopreallocj: true, port: 32000 } Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/sconsTests/journal Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 32000 Thu Nov 3 18:35:32 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 33000 Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) starting test : bigMapReduce.js ******************************************* Test : bigMapReduce.js ... Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open) ['/home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongo', '--port', '32000', '/home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js', '--eval', 'TestData = new Object();TestData.testPath = "/home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js";TestData.testFile = "bigMapReduce.js";TestData.testName = "bigMapReduce";TestData.noJournal = false;TestData.noJournalPrealloc = true;'] MongoDB shell version: 2.1.0-pre- fork() available! connecting to: Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (1 connection now open) true Resetting db path '/data/db/bigMapReduce0' shell: started program /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongod --port 30000 --dbpath /data/db/bigMapReduce0 --nopreallocj m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=27879 port=30000 dbpath=/data/db/bigMapReduce0 64-bit host=ubuntu m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (2.1.0-pre-) of MongoDB. m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] db version v2.1.0-pre-, pdfile version 4.5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] git version: 000b236424c6499eaaf128d618ab37821ebcf35f m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] build info: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:46 UTC 2011 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_42 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] options: { dbpath: "/data/db/bigMapReduce0", nopreallocj: true, port: 30000 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/bigMapReduce0/journal m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 30000 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 31000 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) Resetting db path '/data/db/bigMapReduce1' shell: started program /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongod --port 30001 --dbpath /data/db/bigMapReduce1 --nopreallocj m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=27892 port=30001 dbpath=/data/db/bigMapReduce1 64-bit host=ubuntu m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (2.1.0-pre-) of MongoDB. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] db version v2.1.0-pre-, pdfile version 4.5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] git version: 000b236424c6499eaaf128d618ab37821ebcf35f m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] build info: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:46 UTC 2011 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_42 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] options: { dbpath: "/data/db/bigMapReduce1", nopreallocj: true, port: 30001 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/bigMapReduce1/journal m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 31001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) "localhost:30000" m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.ns, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [FileAllocator] creating directory /data/db/bigMapReduce0/_tmp ShardingTest bigMapReduce : { "config" : "localhost:30000", "shards" : [ connection to localhost:30000, connection to localhost:30001 ] } shell: started program /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos --port 30999 --configdb localhost:30000 -v m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos db version v2.1.0-pre-, pdfile version 4.5 starting (--help for usage) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 git version: 000b236424c6499eaaf128d618ab37821ebcf35f m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 build info: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:46 UTC 2011 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_42 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 config string : localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:33 connected connection! m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.117 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.0, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.0, size: 64MB, took 0.706 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.1, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn2] build index config.settings { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn2] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn2] insert config.settings 839ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: CheckConfigServers m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [CheckConfigServers] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [CheckConfigServers] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (5 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 connected connection! m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn5] build index config.version { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn5] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 MaxChunkSize: 1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.chunks { _id: 1 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [websvr] fd limit hard:65536 soft:65536 max conn: 52428 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [mongosMain] fd limit hard:65536 soft:65536 max conn: 52428 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 31999 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: Balancer m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] about to contact config servers and shards m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: cursorTimeout m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: PeriodicTask::Runner m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [mongosMain] waiting for connections on port 30999 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] info: creating collection config.chunks on add index m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.chunks { ns: 1, min: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.chunks { ns: 1, shard: 1, min: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.chunks { ns: 1, lastmod: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] config servers and shards contacted successfully m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] balancer id: ubuntu:30999 started at Nov 3 18:35:34 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] created new distributed lock for balancer on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.shards { _id: 1 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 (6 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] info: creating collection config.shards on add index m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.shards { host: 1 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] creating WriteBackListener for: localhost:30000 serverID: 4eb317364399b494047ff79a m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] initializing shard connection to localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: WriteBackListener-localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30000] localhost:30000 is not a shard node m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn5] build index config.mongos { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn5] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (7 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] Refreshing MaxChunkSize: 1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for localhost:30000 and process ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383 (sleeping for 30000ms) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] inserting initial doc in config.locks for lock balancer m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383: m30999| { "state" : 1, m30999| "who" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", m30999| "process" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383", m30999| "when" : { "$date" : "Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 2011" }, m30999| "why" : "doing balance round", m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317364399b494047ff79b" } } m30999| { "_id" : "balancer", m30999| "state" : 0 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.lockpings { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn7] build index config.locks { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn7] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [LockPinger] cluster localhost:30000 pinged successfully at Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 2011 by distributed lock pinger 'localhost:30000/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383', sleeping for 30000ms m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.lockpings { ping: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 1 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' acquired, ts : 4eb317364399b494047ff79b m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] *** start balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] no collections to balance m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] no need to move any chunk m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] *** end of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [mongosMain] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) ShardingTest undefined going to add shard : localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn1] couldn't find database [admin] in config db m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index config.databases { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:34 [conn1] put [admin] on: config:localhost:30000 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/config.1, size: 128MB, took 1.867 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn5] command admin.$cmd command: { listDatabases: 1 } ntoreturn:1 reslen:177 1698ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 (8 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] initializing shard connection to localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] going to add shard: { _id: "shard0000", host: "localhost:30000" } { "shardAdded" : "shard0000", "ok" : 1 } ShardingTest undefined going to add shard : localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] connected connection! m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] going to add shard: { _id: "shard0001", host: "localhost:30001" } { "shardAdded" : "shard0001", "ok" : 1 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] creating WriteBackListener for: localhost:30001 serverID: 4eb317364399b494047ff79a m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] initializing shard connection to localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 BackgroundJob starting: WriteBackListener-localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] couldn't find database [test] in config db m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 0 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] put [test] on: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] enabling sharding on: test m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] CMD: shardcollection: { shardcollection: "test.foo", key: { _id: 1.0 } } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] enable sharding on: test.foo with shard key: { _id: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 2 version: 0|0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] going to create 1 chunk(s) for: test.foo m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.ns, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [FileAllocator] creating directory /data/db/bigMapReduce1/_tmp m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn3] build index config.collections { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] warning: version 0 found when reloading chunk manager, collection 'test.foo' initially detected as sharded m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 3 version: 1|0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] resetting shard version of test.foo on localhost:30000, version is zero m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 0|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:36 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.323 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.0, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.0, size: 64MB, took 0.736 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.1, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn4] build index test.foo { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn4] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn4] info: creating collection test.foo on add index m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn4] insert test.system.indexes 1067ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn3] command admin.$cmd command: { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:144 1064ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn1] setShardVersion failed! m30999| { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ns: "test.foo", need_authoritative: true, errmsg: "first time for collection 'test.foo'", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:37 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), authoritative: true, shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:38 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #9 (9 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:38 [conn3] command admin.$cmd command: { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), authoritative: true, shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:57 522ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:38 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:38 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|0 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 62394 splitThreshold: 921 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.1, size: 128MB, took 1.806 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : MinKey } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] warning: chunk is larger than 1024 bytes because of key { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] command admin.$cmd command: { splitVector: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1024, maxSplitPoints: 2, maxChunkObjects: 250000 } ntoreturn:1 reslen:53 1282ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|0 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 4126 splitThreshold: 921 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : MinKey } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] warning: chunk is larger than 1024 bytes because of key { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28139') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|0 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 4126 splitThreshold: 921 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : MinKey } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : MinKey } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] warning: chunk is larger than 1024 bytes because of key { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for localhost:30000 and process ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840 (sleeping for 30000ms) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #10 (10 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d266096 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-0", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739597), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|0 }, left: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 4 version: 1|2 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|0 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } (splitThreshold 921) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|2, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 4 new: 4 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 198731 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 94898 splitThreshold: 471859 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d266097 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-1", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739619), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|3 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|4 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 5 version: 1|4 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|2 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } (splitThreshold 471859) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|4, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|2, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 5 new: 5 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191814 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28244') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28244') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28244') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d266098 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-2", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739677), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|4 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|5 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|6 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 6 version: 1|6 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|4 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|6, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|4, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 6 new: 6 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189710 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28364') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28364') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28364') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d266099 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-3", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739744), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|6 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|7 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|8 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 7 version: 1|8 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|6 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|8, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|6, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 7 new: 7 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188891 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2848a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2848a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2848a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d26609a m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-4", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739801), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|8 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|9 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|10 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 8 version: 1|10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|8 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|10, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|8, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 8 new: 8 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192539 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb285a1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb285a1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d26609b m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|10 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-5", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739860), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|10 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|11 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|12 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 9 version: 1|12 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|10 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|12, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|10, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 9 new: 9 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190967 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb286a3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb286a3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb286a3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d26609c m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|12 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-6", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739912), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|12 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|13 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|14 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 10 version: 1|14 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|12 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|14, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|12, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 10 new: 10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190851 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb287c3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb287c3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb287c3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173b73d50ccb5d26609d m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|14 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:39-7", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359739967), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|14 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|15 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|16 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 11 version: 1|16 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|14 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|16, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|14, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] sequence number - old: 11 new: 11 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191486 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:39 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb288ef') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb288ef') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb288ef') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d26609e m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|16 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-8", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740020), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|16 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|17 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|18 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 12 version: 1|18 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|16 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|18, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|16, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 12 new: 12 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189895 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a05') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a05') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a05') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d26609f m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|18 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-9", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740071), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|18 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|19 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|20 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 13 version: 1|20 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|18 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|20, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|18, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 13 new: 13 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190557 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28b13') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28b13') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28b13') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|20 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-10", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740123), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|20 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|21 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|22 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 14 version: 1|22 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|20 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|22, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|20, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 14 new: 14 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191017 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28c22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28c22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28c22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|22 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-11", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740178), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|22 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|23 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|24 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 15 version: 1|24 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|22 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|24, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|22, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 15 new: 15 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190998 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28d43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28d43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28d43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|24 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-12", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740232), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|24 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|25 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|26 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 16 version: 1|26 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|24 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|26, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|24, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 16 new: 16 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191295 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28e63') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28e63') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28e63') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|26 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-13", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740289), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|26 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|27 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|28 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 17 version: 1|28 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|26 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|28, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|26, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 17 new: 17 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192266 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|28 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-14", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740341), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|28 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|29 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|30 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 18 version: 1|30 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|28 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|30, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|28, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 18 new: 18 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190004 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb290a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb290a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb290a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|30 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-15", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740395), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|30 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|31 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|32 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 19 version: 1|32 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|30 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|32, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|30, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 19 new: 19 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191645 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb291b6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb291b6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb291b6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|32 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-16", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740445), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|32 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|33 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|34 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 20 version: 1|34 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|32 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|34, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|32, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 20 new: 20 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190038 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb292c1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb292c1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb292c1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|34 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-17", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740498), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|34 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|35 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|36 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 21 version: 1|36 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|34 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|36, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|34, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 21 new: 21 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192682 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb293e1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb293e1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb293e1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|36 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-18", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740548), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|36 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|37 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|38 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 22 version: 1|38 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|36 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|38, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|36, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 22 new: 22 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190248 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb294f5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb294f5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb294f5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660a9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|38 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-19", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740601), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|38 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|39 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|40 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 23 version: 1|40 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|38 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|40, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|38, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 23 new: 23 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190035 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29613') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29613') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660aa m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|40 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-20", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740647), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|40 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|41 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|42 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 24 version: 1|42 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|40 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|42, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|40, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 24 new: 24 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192204 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29715') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29715') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29715') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660ab m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|42 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-21", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740697), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|42 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|43 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|44 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 25 version: 1|44 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|42 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|44, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|42, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 25 new: 25 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191174 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29825') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29825') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29825') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660ac m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|44 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-22", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740751), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|44 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|45 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|46 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 26 version: 1|46 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|44 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|46, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|44, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 26 new: 26 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190522 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb2994b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb2994b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb2994b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660ad m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|46 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-23", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740801), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|46 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|47 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|48 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 27 version: 1|48 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|46 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|48, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|46, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 27 new: 27 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 213562 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29a60') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29a60') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29a60') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660ae m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|48 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-24", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740853), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|48 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|49 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|50 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 28 version: 1|50 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|48 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|50, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|48, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 28 new: 28 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191264 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29b75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29b75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29b75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660af m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|50 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-25", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740906), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|50 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|51 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|52 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 29 version: 1|52 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|50 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|52, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|50, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 29 new: 29 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188921 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c98') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c98') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c98') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173c73d50ccb5d2660b0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|52 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:40-26", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359740961), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|52 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|53 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|54 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 30 version: 1|54 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|52 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|54, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|52, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] sequence number - old: 30 new: 30 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189802 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29dc2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:40 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29dc2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29dc2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|54 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-27", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741015), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|54 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|55 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|56 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 31 version: 1|56 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|54 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|56, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|54, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 31 new: 31 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190322 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29eee') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29eee') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29eee') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|56 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-28", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741068), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|56 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|57 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|58 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 32 version: 1|58 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|56 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|58, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|56, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 32 new: 32 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 206350 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a010') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a010') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a010') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|58 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-29", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741119), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|58 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|59 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|60 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 33 version: 1|60 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|58 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|60, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|58, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 33 new: 33 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189939 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a125') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a125') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a125') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|60 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-30", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741168), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|60 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|61 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|62 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 34 version: 1|62 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|60 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|62, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|60, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 34 new: 34 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189735 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a230') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a230') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a230') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|62 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-31", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741221), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|62 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|63 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|64 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 35 version: 1|64 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|62 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|64, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|62, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 35 new: 35 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192218 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a357') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a357') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a357') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|64 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-32", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741275), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|64 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|65 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|66 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 36 version: 1|66 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|64 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|66, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|64, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 36 new: 36 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188773 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a47c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a47c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a47c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|66 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-33", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741328), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|66 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|67 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|68 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 37 version: 1|68 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|66 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|68, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|66, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 37 new: 37 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191415 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a5a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a5a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a5a0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|68 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-34", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741382), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|68 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|69 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|70 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 38 version: 1|70 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|68 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|70, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|68, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 38 new: 38 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191198 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a6c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a6c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a6c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660b9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|70 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-35", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741432), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|70 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|71 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|72 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 39 version: 1|72 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|70 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|72, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|70, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 39 new: 39 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189556 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a7cb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a7cb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a7cb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660ba m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|72 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-36", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741486), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|72 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|73 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|74 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 40 version: 1|74 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|72 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|74, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|72, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 40 new: 40 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190540 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a8ea') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a8ea') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a8ea') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660bb m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|74 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-37", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741537), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|74 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|75 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|76 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 41 version: 1|76 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|74 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|76, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|74, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 41 new: 41 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192136 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a9f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a9f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a9f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660bc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|76 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-38", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741588), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|76 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|77 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|78 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 42 version: 1|78 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|76 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|78, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|76, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 42 new: 42 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188874 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab0c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab0c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660bd m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|78 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-39", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741637), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|78 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|79 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|80 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 43 version: 1|80 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|78 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|80, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|78, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 43 new: 43 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189242 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac0d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac0d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac0d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660be m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|80 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-40", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741688), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|80 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|81 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|82 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 44 version: 1|82 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|80 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|82, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|80, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 44 new: 44 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192364 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ad19') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ad19') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ad19') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660bf m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|82 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-41", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741742), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|82 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|83 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|84 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 45 version: 1|84 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|82 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|84, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|82, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 45 new: 45 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191971 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ae43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ae43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660c0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|84 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-42", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741791), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|84 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|85 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|86 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 46 version: 1|86 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|84 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|86, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|84, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 46 new: 46 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192079 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2af42') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2af42') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660c1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|86 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-43", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741839), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|86 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|87 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|88 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 47 version: 1|88 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|86 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|88, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|86, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 47 new: 47 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 210423 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b044') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b044') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b044') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660c2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|88 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-44", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741892), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|88 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|89 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|90 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 48 version: 1|90 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|88 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|90, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|88, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 48 new: 48 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189983 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b159') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b159') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b159') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660c3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|90 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-45", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741947), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|90 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|91 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|92 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 49 version: 1|92 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|90 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|92, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|90, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 49 new: 49 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191065 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b279') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b279') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173d73d50ccb5d2660c4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|92 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:41-46", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359741994), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|92 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|93 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|94 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 50 version: 1|94 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|92 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|94, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|92, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] sequence number - old: 50 new: 50 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192217 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:41 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b379') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b379') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b379') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660c5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|94 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-47", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742046), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|94 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|95 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|96 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 51 version: 1|96 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|94 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|96, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|94, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] sequence number - old: 51 new: 51 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188747 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b491') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b491') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660c6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|96 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-48", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742095), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|96 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|97 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|98 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 52 version: 1|98 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|96 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|98, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|96, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] sequence number - old: 52 new: 52 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190537 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660c7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|98 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-49", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742148), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|98 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|99 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|100 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 53 version: 1|100 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|98 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|100, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|98, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] sequence number - old: 53 new: 53 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 193506 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b6b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b6b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b6b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660c8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|100 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-50", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742264), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|100 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|101 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|102 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 54 version: 1|102 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|100 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|102, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|100, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] sequence number - old: 54 new: 54 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 210462 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b7c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b7c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b7c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660c9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|102 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-51", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742283), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|102 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|103 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|104 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 55 version: 1|104 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|102 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 1000|104, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|102, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] sequence number - old: 55 new: 55 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189538 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.2, filling with zeroes... m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b8dc') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b8dc') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660ca m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 1|104 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-52", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742332), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|104 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|105 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|106 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 56 version: 1|106 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|104 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 80 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] moving chunk (auto): ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|106 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } to: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn1] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|106 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey }) shard0001:localhost:30001 -> shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3173e73d50ccb5d2660cb m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:42-53", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359742334), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] moveChunk request accepted at version 1|106 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [conn4] moveChunk number of documents: 1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (5 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:42 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.ns, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:43 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:44 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.ns, size: 16MB, took 1.685 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:44 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.0, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:44 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:45 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:46 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/test.2, size: 256MB, took 4.734 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.0, size: 64MB, took 3.84 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.1, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [migrateThread] build index test.foo { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [migrateThread] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:47 [migrateThread] info: creating collection test.foo on add index m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:48 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [Balancer] creating new connection to:localhost:30001 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [Balancer] connected connection! m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 (6 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [Balancer] Refreshing MaxChunkSize: 1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383: m30999| { "state" : 1, m30999| "who" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", m30999| "process" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383", m30999| "when" : { "$date" : "Thu Nov 3 18:35:49 2011" }, m30999| "why" : "doing balance round", m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317454399b494047ff79c" } } m30999| { "_id" : "balancer", m30999| "state" : 0, m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317364399b494047ff79b" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "catchup", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 4126, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.1, size: 128MB, took 2.674 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' acquired, ts : 4eb317454399b494047ff79c m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] *** start balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] collection : test.foo m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] donor : 54 chunks on shard0001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] receiver : 0 chunks on shard0000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] chose [shard0001] to [shard0000] { _id: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, ns: "test.foo", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, shard: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 1|1 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }) shard0001:localhost:30001 -> shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [conn6] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [conn6] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:50-54", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359750555), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, step1: 0, note: "aborted" } } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] moveChunk result: { errmsg: "migration already in progress", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] balancer move failed: { errmsg: "migration already in progress", ok: 0.0 } from: shard0001 to: shard0000 chunk: { _id: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, ns: "test.foo", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, shard: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] *** end of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:50 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 4126, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] moveChunk setting version to: 2|0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [migrateThread] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-0", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: ":27017", time: new Date(1320359751345), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, step1: 5529, step2: 1781, step3: 0, step4: 0, step5: 1699 } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #11 (11 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 4126, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] moveChunk updating self version to: 2|1 through { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } for collection 'test.foo' m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-55", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751347), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] doing delete inline m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] moveChunk deleted: 1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-56", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751347), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 0, step4: 9003, step5: 8, step6: 0 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn4] command admin.$cmd command: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:37 9013ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] moveChunk result: { ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 57 version: 2|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion failed! m30999| { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ns: "test.foo", need_authoritative: true, errmsg: "first time for collection 'test.foo'", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), authoritative: true, shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 57 new: 57 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192159 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #12 (12 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for localhost:30000 and process ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018 (sleeping for 30000ms) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-1", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751372), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|0 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|2 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|3 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 58 version: 2|3 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|3, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 58 new: 58 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188949 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2baf8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2baf8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2baf8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-2", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751386), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|3 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|4 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|5 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 59 version: 2|5 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|5, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|3, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 59 new: 59 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191668 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bc1c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bc1c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bc1c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-3", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751397), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|5 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|6 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|7 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 60 version: 2|7 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|7, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|5, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 60 new: 60 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191622 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bd26') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bd26') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bd26') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-4", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751420), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|7 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|8 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|9 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 61 version: 2|9 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|9, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|7, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 61 new: 61 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189531 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2be43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2be43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2be43') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-5", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751477), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|9 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|10 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|11 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 62 version: 2|11 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|11, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|9, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 62 new: 62 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 194347 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bf6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bf6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bf6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ed9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|11 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-6", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751528), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|11 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|12 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|13 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 63 version: 2|13 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|13, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|11, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 63 new: 63 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191062 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c084') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c084') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7eda m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|13 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-7", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751582), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|13 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|14 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|15 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 64 version: 2|15 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|15, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|13, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 64 new: 64 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190604 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c187') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c187') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7edb m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|15 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-8", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751632), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|15 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|16 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|17 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 65 version: 2|17 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|17, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|15, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 65 new: 65 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191619 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c28f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c28f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c28f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7edc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|17 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-9", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751688), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|17 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|18 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|19 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 66 version: 2|19 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|19, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|17, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 66 new: 66 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189432 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c3b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c3b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c3b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7edd m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|19 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-10", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751737), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|19 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|20 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|21 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 67 version: 2|21 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|21, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|19, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 67 new: 67 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189731 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c4bc') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c4bc') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c4bc') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ede m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|21 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-11", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751790), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|21 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|22 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|23 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 68 version: 2|23 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|23, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|21, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 68 new: 68 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189420 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c5e0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c5e0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c5e0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7edf m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|23 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-12", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751846), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|23 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|24 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|25 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 69 version: 2|25 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|25, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|23, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 69 new: 69 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191617 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c70b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c70b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c70b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ee0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|25 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-13", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751900), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|25 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|26 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|27 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 70 version: 2|27 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|27, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|25, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 70 new: 70 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192700 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c82c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c82c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c82c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31747099c7800727c7ee1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|27 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:51-14", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359751950), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|27 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|28 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|29 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 71 version: 2|29 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|29, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|27, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] sequence number - old: 71 new: 71 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189335 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c939') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c939') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:51 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c939') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|29 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-15", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752002), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|29 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|30 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|31 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 72 version: 2|31 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|31, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|29, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 72 new: 72 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190343 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ca51') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ca51') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ca51') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|31 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-16", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752054), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|31 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|32 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|33 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 73 version: 2|33 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|33, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|31, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 73 new: 73 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188947 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cb70') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cb70') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|33 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-17", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752102), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|33 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|34 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|35 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 74 version: 2|35 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|35, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|33, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 74 new: 74 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189338 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cc75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cc75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cc75') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|35 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-18", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752152), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|35 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|36 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|37 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 75 version: 2|37 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|37, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|35, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 75 new: 75 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190825 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd86') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd86') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd86') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|37 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-19", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752204), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|37 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|38 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|39 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 76 version: 2|39 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|39, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|37, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 76 new: 76 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192141 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce99') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce99') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce99') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|39 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-20", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752252), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|39 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|40 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|41 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 77 version: 2|41 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|41, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|39, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 77 new: 77 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189764 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cfa5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cfa5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cfa5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|41 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-21", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752304), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|41 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|42 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|43 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 78 version: 2|43 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|43, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|41, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 78 new: 78 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190217 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d0c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d0c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d0c0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ee9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|43 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-22", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752359), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|43 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|44 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|45 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 79 version: 2|45 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|45, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|43, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 79 new: 79 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 209092 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d1eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d1eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d1eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eea m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|45 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-23", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752409), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|45 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|46 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|47 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 80 version: 2|47 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|47, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|45, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 80 new: 80 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 204201 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d300') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d300') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d300') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eeb m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|47 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-24", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752460), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|47 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|48 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|49 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 81 version: 2|49 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|49, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|47, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 81 new: 81 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190290 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d415') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d415') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d415') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eec m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|49 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-25", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752514), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|49 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|50 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|51 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 82 version: 2|51 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|51, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|49, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 82 new: 82 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191333 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d53d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d53d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d53d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eed m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|51 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-26", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752567), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|51 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|52 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|53 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 83 version: 2|53 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|53, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|51, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 83 new: 83 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189295 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d660') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d660') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eee m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|53 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-27", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752614), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|53 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|54 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|55 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 84 version: 2|55 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|55, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|53, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 84 new: 84 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 196497 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d762') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d762') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d762') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7eef m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|55 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-28", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752665), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|55 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|56 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|57 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 85 version: 2|57 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|57, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|55, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 85 new: 85 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192739 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d877') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d877') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|57 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-29", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752712), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|57 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|58 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|59 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 86 version: 2|59 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|59, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|57, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 86 new: 86 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 212382 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d979') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d979') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d979') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|59 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-30", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752763), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|59 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|60 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|61 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 87 version: 2|61 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|61, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|59, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 87 new: 87 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191786 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da8e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|61 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-31", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752817), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|61 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|62 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|63 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 88 version: 2|63 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|63, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|61, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 88 new: 88 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189596 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dbb6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dbb6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|63 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-32", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752868), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|63 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|64 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|65 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 89 version: 2|65 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|65, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|63, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 89 new: 89 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190701 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dcb7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dcb7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dcb7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|65 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-33", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752919), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|65 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|66 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|67 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 90 version: 2|67 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|67, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|65, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 90 new: 90 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192776 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dde1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dde1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31748099c7800727c7ef5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|67 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:52-34", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359752967), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|67 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|68 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|69 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 91 version: 2|69 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|69, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|67, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] sequence number - old: 91 new: 91 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189171 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:52 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dee8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dee8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dee8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7ef6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|69 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-35", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753021), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|69 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|70 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|71 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 92 version: 2|71 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|71, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|69, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 92 new: 92 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188989 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e00c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e00c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7ef7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|71 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-36", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753069), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|71 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|72 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|73 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 93 version: 2|73 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|73, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|71, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 93 new: 93 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190772 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e114') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e114') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e114') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7ef8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|73 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-37", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753122), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|73 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|74 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|75 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 94 version: 2|75 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|75, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|73, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 94 new: 94 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191464 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e233') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e233') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e233') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7ef9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|75 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-38", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753174), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|75 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|76 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|77 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 95 version: 2|77 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|77, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|75, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 95 new: 95 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190321 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e346') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e346') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7efa m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|77 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-39", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753221), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|77 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|78 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|79 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 96 version: 2|79 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|79, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|77, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 96 new: 96 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188793 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e448') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e448') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e448') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7efb m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|79 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-40", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753273), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|79 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|80 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|81 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 97 version: 2|81 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|81, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|79, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 97 new: 97 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188907 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e564') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e564') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e564') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7efc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|81 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-41", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753326), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|81 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|82 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|83 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 98 version: 2|83 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|83, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|81, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 98 new: 98 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191825 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e681') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e681') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e681') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7efd m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|83 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-42", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753382), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|83 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|84 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|85 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 99 version: 2|85 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|85, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|83, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 99 new: 99 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192421 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e7ad') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e7ad') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e7ad') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7efe m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|85 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-43", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753437), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|85 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|86 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|87 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 100 version: 2|87 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|87, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|85, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 100 new: 100 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192254 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e8d1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e8d1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7eff m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|87 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-44", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753485), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|87 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|88 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|89 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 101 version: 2|89 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|89, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|87, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 101 new: 101 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192829 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e9d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e9d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e9d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f00 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|89 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-45", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753538), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|89 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|90 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|91 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 102 version: 2|91 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|91, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|89, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 102 new: 102 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190921 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eaf6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eaf6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eaf6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f01 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|91 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-46", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753593), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|91 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|92 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|93 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 103 version: 2|93 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|93, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|91, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 103 new: 103 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189044 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ec22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ec22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ec22') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f02 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|93 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-47", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753646), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|93 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|94 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|95 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 104 version: 2|95 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|95, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|93, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 104 new: 104 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190249 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ed47') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ed47') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ed47') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f03 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|95 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-48", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753696), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|95 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|96 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|97 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 105 version: 2|97 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|97, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|95, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 105 new: 105 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 205673 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ee55') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ee55') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ee55') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f04 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|97 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-49", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753747), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|97 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|98 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|99 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 106 version: 2|99 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|99, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|97, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 106 new: 106 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 205855 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ef6a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ef6a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ef6a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f05 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|99 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-50", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753798), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|99 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|100 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|101 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 107 version: 2|101 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|101, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|99, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 107 new: 107 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190907 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f07f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f07f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f06 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|101 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-51", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753846), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|101 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|102 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|103 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 108 version: 2|103 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 160 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 2000|103, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|101, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] sequence number - old: 108 new: 108 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190631 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.2, filling with zeroes... m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f187') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f187') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f187') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30000", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f07 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] splitChunk accepted at version 2|103 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-52", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753899), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|103 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|104 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 2000|105 } } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 109 version: 2|105 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] moving chunk (auto): ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } to: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn1] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0000:localhost:30000 lastmod: 2|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey }) shard0000:localhost:30000 -> shard0001:localhost:30001 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30000", to: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' acquired, ts : 4eb31749099c7800727c7f08 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:53-53", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359753901), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] moveChunk request accepted at version 2|105 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [conn5] moveChunk number of documents: 1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:53 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 4126, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] moveChunk setting version to: 3|0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -> { _id: MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [migrateThread] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:54-57", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: ":27017", time: new Date(1320359754905), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 0, step4: 0, step5: 1003 } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 4126, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] moveChunk updating self version to: 3|1 through { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') } for collection 'test.foo' m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:54-54", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359754907), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:54 [conn5] doing delete inline m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/test.2, size: 256MB, took 3.268 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn5] moveChunk deleted: 1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn5] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30000:1320359751:1824082018' unlocked. m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn5] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-55", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757118), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 0, step4: 1000, step5: 5, step6: 2210 } } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] moveChunk result: { ok: 1.0 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn5] command admin.$cmd command: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30000", to: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:37 3216ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 110 version: 3|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 1000|104, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 110 new: 110 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191877 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f29e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f29e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f29e') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660cc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-58", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757143), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|0 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|2 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|3 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 111 version: 3|3 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|0 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|3, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 111 new: 111 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 202499 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f3bd') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f3bd') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f3bd') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660cd m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-59", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757157), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|3 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|4 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|5 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 112 version: 3|5 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|3 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|5, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|3, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 112 new: 112 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189793 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f4d2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f4d2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f4d2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660ce m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-60", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757171), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|5 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|6 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|7 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 113 version: 3|7 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|5 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|7, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|5, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 113 new: 113 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192490 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f5f0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f5f0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f5f0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660cf m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-61", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757187), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|7 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|8 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|9 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 114 version: 3|9 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|7 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|9, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|7, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 114 new: 114 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191265 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f71c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f71c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f71c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-62", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757232), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|9 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|10 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|11 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 115 version: 3|11 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|9 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|11, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|9, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 115 new: 115 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189377 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f82d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f82d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f82d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|11 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-63", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757286), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|11 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|12 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|13 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 116 version: 3|13 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|11 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|13, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|11, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 116 new: 116 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189259 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f946') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f946') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f946') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|13 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-64", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757340), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|13 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|14 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|15 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 117 version: 3|15 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|13 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|15, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|13, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 117 new: 117 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192509 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fa69') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fa69') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-65", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757390), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|15 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|16 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|17 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 118 version: 3|17 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|15 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|17, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|15, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 118 new: 118 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192625 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fb6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fb6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fb6f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|17 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-66", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757447), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|17 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|18 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|19 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 119 version: 3|19 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|17 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|19, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|17, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 119 new: 119 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189705 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc93') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc93') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc93') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|19 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-67", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757498), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|19 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|20 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|21 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 120 version: 3|21 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|19 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|21, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|19, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 120 new: 120 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189616 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fdac') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fdac') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|21 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-68", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757548), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|21 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|22 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|23 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 121 version: 3|23 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|21 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|23, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|21, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 121 new: 121 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190730 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2feb2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2feb2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2feb2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|23 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-69", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757599), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|23 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|24 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|25 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 122 version: 3|25 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|23 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|25, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|23, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 122 new: 122 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190492 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ffc5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ffc5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ffc5') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|25 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-70", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757654), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|25 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|26 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|27 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 123 version: 3|27 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|25 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|27, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|25, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 123 new: 123 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 208515 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb300eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb300eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb300eb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660d9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|27 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-71", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757706), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|27 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|28 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|29 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 124 version: 3|29 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|27 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|29, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|27, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 124 new: 124 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189091 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30200') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30200') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660da m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|29 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-72", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757757), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|29 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|30 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|31 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 125 version: 3|31 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|29 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|31, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|29, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 125 new: 125 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190058 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30304') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30304') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30304') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660db m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|31 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-73", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757811), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|31 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|32 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|33 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 126 version: 3|33 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|31 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|33, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|31, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 126 new: 126 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192205 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30426') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30426') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30426') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660dc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|33 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-74", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757866), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|33 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|34 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|35 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 127 version: 3|35 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|33 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|35, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|33, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 127 new: 127 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190435 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30548') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30548') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30548') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660dd m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|35 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-75", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757921), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|35 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|36 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|37 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 128 version: 3|37 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|35 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|37, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|35, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 128 new: 128 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190495 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3066b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3066b') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3066b') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174d73d50ccb5d2660de m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|37 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:57-76", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359757975), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|37 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|38 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|39 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 129 version: 3|39 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|37 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|39, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|37, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] sequence number - old: 129 new: 129 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189696 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:57 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30785') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30785') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30785') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660df m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|39 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-77", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758031), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|39 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|40 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|41 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 130 version: 3|41 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|39 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|41, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|39, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 130 new: 130 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192304 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb308ae') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb308ae') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|41 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-78", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758081), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|41 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|42 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|43 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 131 version: 3|43 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|41 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|43, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|41, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 131 new: 131 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192589 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb309b4') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb309b4') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb309b4') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|43 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-79", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758131), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|43 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|44 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|45 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 132 version: 3|45 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|43 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|45, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|43, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 132 new: 132 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190167 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30ac1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30ac1') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30ac1') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|45 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-80", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758188), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|45 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|46 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|47 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 133 version: 3|47 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|45 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|47, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|45, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 133 new: 133 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192136 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30beb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30beb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30beb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|47 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-81", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758240), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|47 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|48 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|49 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 134 version: 3|49 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|47 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|49, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|47, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 134 new: 134 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192637 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30cff') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30cff') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30cff') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|49 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-82", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758291), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|49 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|50 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|51 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 135 version: 3|51 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|49 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|51, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|49, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 135 new: 135 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192103 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e0b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e0b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|51 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-83", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758339), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|51 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|52 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|53 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 136 version: 3|53 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|51 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|53, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|51, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 136 new: 136 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192069 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f0c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f0c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f0c') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|53 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-84", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758390), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|53 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|54 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|55 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 137 version: 3|55 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|53 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|55, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|53, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 137 new: 137 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191757 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3101b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3101b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3101b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|55 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-85", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758444), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|55 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|56 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|57 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 138 version: 3|57 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|55 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|57, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|55, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 138 new: 138 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191801 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31135') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31135') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|57 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-86", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758495), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|57 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|58 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|59 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 139 version: 3|59 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|57 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|59, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|57, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 139 new: 139 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190708 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3123c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3123c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3123c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660e9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|59 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-87", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758547), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|59 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|60 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|61 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 140 version: 3|61 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|59 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|61, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|59, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 140 new: 140 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 194982 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3135c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3135c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3135c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660ea m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|61 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-88", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758599), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|61 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|62 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|63 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 141 version: 3|63 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|61 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|63, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|61, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 141 new: 141 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189239 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31471') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31471') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31471') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660eb m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|63 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-89", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758653), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|63 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|64 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|65 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 142 version: 3|65 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|63 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|65, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|63, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 142 new: 142 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 204266 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31593') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660ec m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|65 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-90", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758704), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|65 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|66 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|67 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 143 version: 3|67 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|65 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|67, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|65, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 143 new: 143 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188874 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb316a8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb316a8') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660ed m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|67 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-91", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758752), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|67 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|68 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|69 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 144 version: 3|69 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|67 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|69, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|67, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 144 new: 144 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190886 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb317ae') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb317ae') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660ee m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|69 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-92", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758800), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|69 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|70 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|71 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 145 version: 3|71 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|69 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|71, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|69, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 145 new: 145 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191287 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb318b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb318b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb318b2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660ef m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|71 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-93", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758852), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|71 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|72 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|73 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 146 version: 3|73 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|71 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|73, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|71, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 146 new: 146 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192733 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb319c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb319c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb319c7') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660f0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|73 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-94", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758906), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|73 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|74 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|75 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 147 version: 3|75 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|73 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|75, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|73, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 147 new: 147 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192458 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31af3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31af3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31af3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174e73d50ccb5d2660f1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|75 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:58-95", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359758961), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|75 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|76 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|77 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 148 version: 3|77 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|75 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|77, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|75, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] sequence number - old: 148 new: 148 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191534 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:58 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31c19') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31c19') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|77 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-96", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759010), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|77 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|78 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|79 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 149 version: 3|79 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|77 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|79, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|77, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 149 new: 149 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189632 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31d1f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31d1f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31d1f') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|79 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-97", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759063), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|79 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|80 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|81 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 150 version: 3|81 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|79 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|81, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|79, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 150 new: 150 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189431 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31e3b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31e3b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31e3b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|81 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-98", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759116), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|81 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|82 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|83 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 151 version: 3|83 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|81 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|83, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|81, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 151 new: 151 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188769 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31f59') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31f59') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31f59') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|83 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-99", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759165), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|83 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|84 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|85 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 152 version: 3|85 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|83 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|85, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|83, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 152 new: 152 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192532 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32062') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32062') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|85 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-100", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759214), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|85 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|86 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|87 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 153 version: 3|87 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|85 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|87, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|85, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 153 new: 153 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192621 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32164') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32164') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32164') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|87 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-101", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759274), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|87 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|88 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|89 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 154 version: 3|89 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|87 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|89, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|87, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 154 new: 154 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 200511 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3228d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3228d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3228d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|89 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-102", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759322), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|89 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|90 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|91 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 155 version: 3|91 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|89 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|91, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|89, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 155 new: 155 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191698 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb323a2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb323a2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb323a2') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660f9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|91 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-103", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759376), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|91 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|92 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|93 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 156 version: 3|93 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|91 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|93, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|91, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 156 new: 156 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192491 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb324ba') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb324ba') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb324ba') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660fa m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|93 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-104", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759429), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|93 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|94 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|95 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 157 version: 3|95 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|93 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|95, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|93, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 157 new: 157 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192354 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb325d6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb325d6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb325d6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660fb m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|95 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-105", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759483), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|95 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|96 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|97 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 158 version: 3|97 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|95 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|97, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|95, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 158 new: 158 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 210500 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb326f6') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb326f6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb326f6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660fc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|97 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-106", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759535), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|97 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|98 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|99 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 159 version: 3|99 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|97 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|99, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|97, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 159 new: 159 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189127 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3280b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3280b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660fd m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|99 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-107", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759584), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|99 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|100 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|101 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 160 version: 3|101 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|99 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|101, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|99, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 160 new: 160 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191762 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3290c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3290c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3290c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660fe m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|101 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-108", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759638), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|101 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|102 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|103 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 161 version: 3|103 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|101 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|103, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|101, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 161 new: 161 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192325 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32a2b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32a2b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32a2b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d2660ff m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|103 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-109", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759695), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|103 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|104 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|105 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 162 version: 3|105 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|103 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|105, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|103, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 162 new: 162 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190251 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32b54') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32b54') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32b54') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266100 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|105 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-110", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759745), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|105 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|106 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|107 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 163 version: 3|107 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|105 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|107, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|105, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 163 new: 163 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188964 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32c62') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32c62') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266101 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|107 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-111", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759799), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|107 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|108 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|109 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 164 version: 3|109 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|107 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|109, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|107, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 164 new: 164 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189087 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32d61') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32d61') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32d61') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266102 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|109 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-112", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759843), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|109 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|110 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|111 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 165 version: 3|111 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|109 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|111, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|109, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 165 new: 165 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190807 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32e6b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32e6b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32e6b') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266103 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|111 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-113", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759897), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|111 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|112 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|113 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 1ms sequenceNumber: 166 version: 3|113 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|111 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|113, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|111, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 166 new: 166 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189954 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f8c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f8c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f8c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266104 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|113 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-114", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759949), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|113 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|114 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|115 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 1ms sequenceNumber: 167 version: 3|115 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|113 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|115, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|113, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] sequence number - old: 167 new: 167 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189759 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb330a3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb330a3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3174f73d50ccb5d266105 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|115 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:35:59-115", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359759998), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|115 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|116 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|117 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 168 version: 3|117 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:35:59 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|115 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|117, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|115, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 168 new: 168 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 196058 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb331a6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb331a6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb331a6') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d266106 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|117 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-116", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760051), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|117 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|118 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|119 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 169 version: 3|119 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|117 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|119, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|117, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 169 new: 169 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 205457 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb332bb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb332bb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb332bb') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d266107 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|119 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-117", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760103), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|119 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|120 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|121 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 170 version: 3|121 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|119 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|121, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|119, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 170 new: 170 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192280 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb333d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb333d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb333d0') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d266108 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|121 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-118", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760158), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|121 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|122 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|123 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 1ms sequenceNumber: 171 version: 3|123 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|121 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|123, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|121, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 171 new: 171 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192074 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb334f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb334f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb334f3') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d266109 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|123 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-119", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760213), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|123 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|124 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|125 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 1ms sequenceNumber: 172 version: 3|125 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|123 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|125, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|123, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 172 new: 172 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189376 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3361d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3361d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3361d') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610a m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|125 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-120", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760268), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|125 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|126 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|127 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 173 version: 3|127 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|125 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|127, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|125, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 173 new: 173 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 191489 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33745') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33745') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33745') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610b m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|127 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-121", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760322), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|127 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|128 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|129 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 174 version: 3|129 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|127 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|129, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|127, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 174 new: 174 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 188918 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33864') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33864') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610c m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|129 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-122", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760371), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|129 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|130 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|131 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 175 version: 3|131 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|129 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|131, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|129, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 175 new: 175 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 212986 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33967') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33967') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33967') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610d m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|131 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-123", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760424), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|131 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|132 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|133 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 176 version: 3|133 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|131 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|133, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|131, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 176 new: 176 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 192022 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33a7c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33a7c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33a7c') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610e m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|133 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-124", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760477), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|133 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|134 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|135 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 177 version: 3|135 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|133 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|135, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|133, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 177 new: 177 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 210138 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b95') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b95') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b95') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d26610f m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] splitChunk accepted at version 3|135 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-125", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760529), what: "split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|135 }, left: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|136 }, right: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 3000|137 } } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 178 version: 3|137 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] autosplitted test.foo shard: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|135 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') } max: { _id: MaxKey } on: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } (splitThreshold 943718) (migrate suggested) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] recently split chunk: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey } } already in the best shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|137, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|135, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] retrying bulk insert of 1 documents because of StaleConfigException: 9996 ns: test.foo for insert(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] sequence number - old: 178 new: 178 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 190173 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split no split entry m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33caa') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] Refreshing MaxChunkSize: 1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383: m30999| { "state" : 1, m30999| "who" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", m30999| "process" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383", m30999| "when" : { "$date" : "Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 2011" }, m30999| "why" : "doing balance round", m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317504399b494047ff79d" } } m30999| { "_id" : "balancer", m30999| "state" : 0, m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317454399b494047ff79c" } } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' acquired, ts : 4eb317504399b494047ff79d m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] *** start balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] collection : test.foo m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] donor : 122 chunks on shard0001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] receiver : 52 chunks on shard0000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] chose [shard0001] to [shard0000] { _id: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", lastmod: Timestamp 2000|1, ns: "test.foo", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, shard: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [Balancer] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 2|1 min: { _id: MinKey } max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }) shard0001:localhost:30001 -> shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:00-126", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359760558), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] moveChunk request accepted at version 3|137 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn4] moveChunk number of documents: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33caa') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] chunk not full enough to trigger auto-split { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33caa') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d36') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #13 (13 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d36') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d64') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d64') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d92') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33d92') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33dc0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33dc0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33dee') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33dee') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e1c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e1c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e4a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e4a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e78') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33e78') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33ea6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33ea6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33ed4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33ed4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f02') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f02') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f30') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f30') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f5e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f5e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f8c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33f8c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33fba') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33fba') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33fe8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33fe8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34016') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34016') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34044') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34044') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34072') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34072') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340a0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340a0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340ce') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340ce') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340fc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb340fc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3412a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3412a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34158') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34158') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34186') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34186') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb341b4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb341b4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb341e2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb341e2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34210') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34210') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3423e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3423e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3426c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3426c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3429a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3429a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb342c8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb342c8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb342f6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb342f6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34324') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34324') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34352') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34352') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34380') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34380') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb343ae') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb343ae') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb343dc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb343dc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3440a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3440a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34438') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34438') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34466') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34466') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34494') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb34494') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb344c2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb344c2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb344f0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb344f0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3451e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3451e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3454c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3454c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3457a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3457a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb345a8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb345a8') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb345d6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:00 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb345d6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34604') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34604') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34632') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34632') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34660') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34660') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3468e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3468e') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb346bc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb346bc') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb346ea') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb346ea') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34718') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34718') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34746') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34746') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34774') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34774') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347a2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347a2') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347d0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347d0') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347fe') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb347fe') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3482c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3482c') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3485a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb3485a') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34888') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34888') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb348b6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb348b6') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb348e4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb348e4') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] about to initiate autosplit: ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 3|137 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } max: { _id: MaxKey } dataWritten: 189796 splitThreshold: 943718 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] max number of requested split points reached (2) before the end of chunk test.foo { : ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') } -->> { : MaxKey } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34912') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn6] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] warning: splitChunk failed - cmd: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { _id: 1.0 }, min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:30001", splitKeys: [ { _id: ObjectId('4eb31751819e9e4edeb34912') } ], shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } result: { who: { _id: "test.foo", process: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840", state: 2, ts: ObjectId('4eb3175073d50ccb5d266110'), when: new Date(1320359760558), who: "ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840:conn4:1465468233", why: "migrate-{ _id: MinKey }" }, errmsg: "the collection's metadata lock is taken", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 3000|1, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 2000|103, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn1] ns: test.foo could not initialize cursor across all shards because : stale config detected for ns: test.foo ParallelCursor::_init(recv) @ localhost:30000(recv) attempt: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] moveChunk setting version to: 4|0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [migrateThread] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:01-56", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: ":27017", time: new Date(1320359761566), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 0, step4: 0, step5: 1006 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] moveChunk updating self version to: 4|1 through { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } for collection 'test.foo' m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:01-127", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359761567), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] forking for cleaning up chunk data m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [cleanupOldData] (start) waiting to cleanup test.foo from { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } # cursors:1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:01-128", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359761567), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, step1: 0, step2: 1, step3: 0, step4: 1000, step5: 7, step6: 0 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [conn4] command admin.$cmd command: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:30000" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:37 1009ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] moveChunk result: { ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] connected connection! m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #14 (14 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 2ms sequenceNumber: 179 version: 4|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] *** end of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [cleanupOldData] (looping 1) waiting to cleanup test.foo from { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } # cursors:1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:01 [cleanupOldData] cursors: 4594915401301955850 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [cleanupOldData] moveChunk deleted: 0 ShardingTest test.foo-_id_MinKey 4000|0 { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') 4000|1 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') 1000|5 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') 1000|7 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') 1000|9 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522') 1000|11 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624') 1000|13 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744') 1000|15 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870') 1000|17 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986') 1000|19 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94') 1000|21 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3') 1000|23 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4') 1000|25 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4') 1000|27 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f') 1000|29 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021') 1000|31 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137') 1000|33 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242') 1000|35 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362') 1000|37 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476') 1000|39 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594') 1000|41 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696') 1000|43 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6') 1000|45 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc') 1000|47 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1') 1000|49 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6') 1000|51 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19') 1000|53 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43') 1000|55 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f') 1000|57 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91') 1000|59 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6') 1000|61 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1') 1000|63 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8') 1000|65 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd') 1000|67 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521') 1000|69 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641') 1000|71 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c') 1000|73 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b') 1000|75 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974') 1000|77 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d') 1000|79 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e') 1000|81 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a') 1000|83 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4') 1000|85 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3') 1000|87 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5') 1000|89 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da') 1000|91 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa') 1000|93 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa') 1000|95 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412') 1000|97 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514') 1000|99 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633') 1000|101 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748') 1000|103 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d') 1000|105 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961') 3000|1 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79') 2000|4 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d') 2000|6 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7') 2000|8 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4') 2000|10 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0') 2000|12 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005') 2000|14 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108') 2000|16 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210') 2000|18 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333') 2000|20 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d') 2000|22 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561') 2000|24 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c') 2000|26 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad') 2000|28 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba') 2000|30 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2') 2000|32 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1') 2000|34 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6') 2000|36 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07') 2000|38 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a') 2000|40 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26') 2000|42 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041') 2000|44 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c') 2000|46 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281') 2000|48 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396') 2000|50 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be') 2000|52 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1') 2000|54 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3') 2000|56 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8') 2000|58 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa') 2000|60 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f') 2000|62 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37') 2000|64 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38') 2000|66 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62') 2000|68 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69') 2000|70 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d') 2000|72 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095') 2000|74 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4') 2000|76 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7') 2000|78 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9') 2000|80 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5') 2000|82 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602') 2000|84 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e') 2000|86 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852') 2000|88 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951') 2000|90 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77') 2000|92 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3') 2000|94 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8') 2000|96 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6') 2000|98 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb') 2000|100 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000') 2000|102 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108') 2000|104 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") } shard0000 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f') 3000|2 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e') 3000|4 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453') 3000|6 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571') 3000|8 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d') 3000|10 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae') 3000|12 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7') 3000|14 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea') 3000|16 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0') 3000|18 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14') 3000|20 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d') 3000|22 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33') 3000|24 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46') 3000|26 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c') 3000|28 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181') 3000|30 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285') 3000|32 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7') 3000|34 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9') 3000|36 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec') 3000|38 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706') 3000|40 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f') 3000|42 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935') 3000|44 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42') 3000|46 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c') 3000|48 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80') 3000|50 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c') 3000|52 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d') 3000|54 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c') 3000|56 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6') 3000|58 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd') 3000|60 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd') 3000|62 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2') 3000|64 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514') 3000|66 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629') 3000|68 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f') 3000|70 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833') 3000|72 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948') 3000|74 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74') 3000|76 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a') 3000|78 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0') 3000|80 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc') 3000|82 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda') 3000|84 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3') 3000|86 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5') 3000|88 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e') 3000|90 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323') 3000|92 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b') 3000|94 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557') 3000|96 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677') 3000|98 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c') 3000|100 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d') 3000|102 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac') 3000|104 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5') 3000|106 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3') 3000|108 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2') 3000|110 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec') 3000|112 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d') 3000|114 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024') 3000|116 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127') 3000|118 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c') 3000|120 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351') 3000|122 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474') 3000|124 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e') 3000|126 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6') 3000|128 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5') 3000|130 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8') 3000|132 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd') 3000|134 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16') 3000|136 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b") } shard0001 test.foo test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b') 3000|137 { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } shard0001 test.foo ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28522") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28624") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:39 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28744") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173b819e9e4edeb28870") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28986") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28a94") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28ba3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28cc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28de4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb28f0f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29021") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29137") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29242") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29362") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29476") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29594") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29696") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb297a6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb298cc") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb299e1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29af6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29c19") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173c819e9e4edeb29d43") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29e6f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb29f91") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a0a6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a1b1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a2d8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a3fd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a521") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a641") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a74c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a86b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2a974") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aa8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ab8e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2ac9a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2adc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2aec3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2afc5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b0da") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b1fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173d819e9e4edeb2b2fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b412") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b514") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b633") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b748") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b85d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:42 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.start test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "from" : "shard0001", "to" : "shard0000" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:50 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.from test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }, "step1" : 0, "note" : "aborted" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.to test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "step1" : 5529, "step2" : 1781, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 0, "step5" : 1699 } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.commit test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "from" : "shard0001", "to" : "shard0000" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.from test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "step1" : 0, "step2" : 0, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 9003, "step5" : 8, "step6" : 0 } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2b961") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2ba79") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3173e819e9e4edeb2bb9d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bca7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bdc4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2bef0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c005") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c108") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c210") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c333") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c43d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c561") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c68c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c7ad") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31747819e9e4edeb2c8ba") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2c9d2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2caf1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cbf6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cd07") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2ce1a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2cf26") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d041") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d16c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d281") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d396") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d4be") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d5e1") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d6e3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d7f8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2d8fa") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2da0f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2db37") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dc38") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:52 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2dd62") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31748819e9e4edeb2de69") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2df8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e095") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e1b4") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e2c7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e3c9") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e4e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e602") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e72e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e852") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2e951") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ea77") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eba3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2ecc8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2edd6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2eeeb") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f000") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f108") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:53 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.start test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "from" : "shard0000", "to" : "shard0001" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:54 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.to test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "step1" : 0, "step2" : 0, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 0, "step5" : 1003 } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:54 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.commit test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "from" : "shard0000", "to" : "shard0001" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.from test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }, "step1" : 0, "step2" : 0, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 1000, "step5" : 5, "step6" : 2210 } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f21f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31749819e9e4edeb2f33e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f453") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174a819e9e4edeb2f571") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f69d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f7ae") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f8c7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2f9ea") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2faf0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fc14") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fd2d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2fe33") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb2ff46") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb3006c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30181") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30285") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb303a7") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb304c9") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:57 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb305ec") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174d819e9e4edeb30706") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3082f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30935") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30a42") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30b6c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30c80") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30d8c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30e8d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb30f9c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb310b6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb311bd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb312dd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb313f2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31514") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31629") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb3172f") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31833") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31948") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:58 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31a74") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174e819e9e4edeb31b9a") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31ca0") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31dbc") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31eda") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb31fe3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb320e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3220e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32323") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3243b") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32557") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32677") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3278c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb3288d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb329ac") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ad5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32be3") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32ce2") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32dec") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb32f0d") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:35:59 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33024") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb3174f819e9e4edeb33127") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3323c") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33351") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33474") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb3359e") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb336c6") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb337e5") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb338e8") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb339fd") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) split test.foo { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } } -->> ({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33b16") } -> { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b") }),({ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31750819e9e4edeb33c2b") } -> { "_id" : { "$MaxKey" : true } }) ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.start test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }, "from" : "shard0001", "to" : "shard0000" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:01 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.to test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }, "step1" : 0, "step2" : 0, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 0, "step5" : 1006 } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:01 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.commit test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }, "from" : "shard0001", "to" : "shard0000" } ShardingTest ubuntu Thu Nov 03 2011 18:36:01 GMT-0400 (EDT) moveChunk.from test.foo { "min" : { "_id" : { "$MinKey" : true } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138") }, "step1" : 0, "step2" : 1, "step3" : 0, "step4" : 1000, "step5" : 7, "step6" : 0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 4000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|1, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 4000|1, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 3000|137, ok: 1.0 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_0 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_0 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:03 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 256ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_0_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 620ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn1] customOut: {} outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_1 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #15 (15 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (7 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 (8 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359763_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.big_out m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_1_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_2 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_1 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_1_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 227ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 501ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn1] customOut: {} outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_3 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.big_out m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_4 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_2 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [LockPinger] cluster localhost:30000 pinged successfully at Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 2011 by distributed lock pinger 'localhost:30000/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383', sleeping for 30000ms m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_2_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:04 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 181ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 473ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn1] customOut: {} outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_5 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359764_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.big_out m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_3_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_6 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_3 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_3_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 222ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 492ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn1] customOut: {} outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_7 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_3 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.big_out m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_4 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_8 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_4_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:05 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 183ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 458ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn1] customOut: {} outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_9 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359765_4 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.big_out m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] Refreshing MaxChunkSize: 1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383: m30999| { "state" : 1, m30999| "who" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", m30999| "process" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383", m30999| "when" : { "$date" : "Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 2011" }, m30999| "why" : "doing balance round", m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317564399b494047ff79e" } } m30999| { "_id" : "balancer", m30999| "state" : 0, m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317504399b494047ff79d" } } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' acquired, ts : 4eb317564399b494047ff79e m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] *** start balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] collection : test.foo m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] donor : 121 chunks on shard0001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] receiver : 53 chunks on shard0000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] chose [shard0001] to [shard0000] { _id: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138')", lastmod: Timestamp 4000|1, ns: "test.foo", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, shard: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [Balancer] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 4|1 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }) shard0001:localhost:30001 -> shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175673d50ccb5d266111 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:06-129", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359766575), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] moveChunk request accepted at version 4|1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [conn4] moveChunk number of documents: 141 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:06 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 141, clonedBytes: 581766, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] moveChunk setting version to: 5|0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [migrateThread] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:07-57", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: ":27017", time: new Date(1320359767583), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 215, step4: 0, step5: 789 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 141, clonedBytes: 581766, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] moveChunk updating self version to: 5|1 through { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } for collection 'test.foo' m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:07-130", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359767583), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] forking for cleaning up chunk data m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [cleanupOldData] (start) waiting to cleanup test.foo from { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } # cursors:1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:07-131", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359767584), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, step1: 0, step2: 2, step3: 0, step4: 1000, step5: 6, step6: 0 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn4] command admin.$cmd command: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:37 1009ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [Balancer] moveChunk result: { ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [Balancer] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [Balancer] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 180 version: 5|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [Balancer] *** end of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [cleanupOldData] (looping 1) waiting to cleanup test.foo from { _id: ObjectId('4eb31738819e9e4edeb28138') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } # cursors:1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [cleanupOldData] cursors: 6453803729779107995 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [cleanupOldData] moveChunk deleted: 141 Testing mr replace into DB 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 5000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc36980 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 4000|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 5000|1, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc37f10 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5_inc m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 4000|1, ok: 1.0 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_5_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_10_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_10_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_10 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_10 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_5 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:07 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_5_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 205ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_10 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_10 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_10_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 467ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn1] couldn't find database [mr_db_0] in config db m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 208 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn1] put [mr_db_0] on: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn1] customOut: { replace: "mr_replace_col_0", db: "mr_db_0" } outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [conn3] CMD: drop mr_db_0.tmp.mr.foo_11 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.ns, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.171 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:08 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.0, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.0, size: 64MB, took 0.768 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.1, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] build index mr_db_0.tmp.mr.foo_11 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] CMD: drop mr_db_0.mr_replace_col_0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] CMD: drop mr_db_0.tmp.mr.foo_11 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] CMD: drop mr_db_0.tmp.mr.foo_11 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] CMD: drop mr_db_0.tmp.mr.foo_11 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:09 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce.shardedfinish: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: { replace: "mr_replace_col_0", db: "mr_db_0" } }, shardedOutputCollection: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5", shards: { localhost:30000: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5", timeMillis: 1, counts: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 }, localhost:30001: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359767_5", timeMillis: 0, counts: { input: 36533, emit: 36533, reduce: 37, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 } }, shardCounts: { localhost:30000: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1, version: Timestamp 5000|0, versionStale: false }, localhost:30001: { input: 36533, emit: 36533, reduce: 37, output: 1, version: Timestamp 5000|1, versionStale: false } }, counts: { emit: 51200, input: 51200, output: 2, reduce: 52 } } ntoreturn:1 reslen:389 975ms { "result" : { "db" : "mr_db_0", "collection" : "mr_replace_col_0" }, "shardCounts" : { "localhost:30000" : { "input" : 14667, "emit" : 14667, "reduce" : 15, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 5000, "i" : 0 }, "versionStale" : false }, "localhost:30001" : { "input" : 36533, "emit" : 36533, "reduce" : 37, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 5000, "i" : 1 }, "versionStale" : false } }, "counts" : { "emit" : NumberLong(51200), "input" : NumberLong(51200), "output" : NumberLong(1), "reduce" : NumberLong(53) }, "ok" : 1, "timeMillis" : 1446, "timing" : { "shards" : 469, "final" : 977 }, } checking result field Testing mr replace into DB 1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_12_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_12_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_12 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_12 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0.413 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] insert test.system.indexes 413ms m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_6 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:10 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_12 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_12 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_12_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn3] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 467ms m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_6_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 591ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn1] couldn't find database [mr_db_1] in config db m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0000:localhost:30000 mapped: 288 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn1] put [mr_db_1] on: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:11 [conn1] customOut: { replace: "mr_replace_col_1", db: "mr_db_1" } outServer: shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:13 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_0.1, size: 128MB, took 4.017 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:13 [conn8] CMD: drop mr_db_1.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:13 [conn8] command mr_db_1.$cmd command: { drop: "tmp.mr.foo_7" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:62 2378ms m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:13 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.ns, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.546 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.0, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.0, size: 64MB, took 0.754 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.1, filling with zeroes... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [conn8] build index mr_db_1.tmp.mr.foo_7 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #16 (16 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:14 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #9 (9 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] Refreshing MaxChunkSize: 1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383: m30999| { "state" : 1, m30999| "who" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", m30999| "process" : "ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383", m30999| "when" : { "$date" : "Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 2011" }, m30999| "why" : "doing balance round", m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb3175f4399b494047ff79f" } } m30999| { "_id" : "balancer", m30999| "state" : 0, m30999| "ts" : { "$oid" : "4eb317564399b494047ff79e" } } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn12] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' acquired, ts : 4eb3175f4399b494047ff79f m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] *** start balancing round m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn5] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] collection : test.foo m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] donor : 120 chunks on shard0001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] receiver : 54 chunks on shard0000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] chose [shard0001] to [shard0000] { _id: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5')", lastmod: Timestamp 5000|1, ns: "test.foo", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, shard: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [Balancer] moving chunk ns: test.foo moving ( ns:test.foo at: shard0001:localhost:30001 lastmod: 5|1 min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }) shard0001:localhost:30001 -> shard0000:localhost:30000 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn8] CMD: drop mr_db_1.mr_replace_col_1 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn8] CMD: drop mr_db_1.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn8] CMD: drop mr_db_1.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn8] CMD: drop mr_db_1.tmp.mr.foo_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce.shardedfinish: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: { replace: "mr_replace_col_1", db: "mr_db_1" } }, shardedOutputCollection: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6", shards: { localhost:30000: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6", timeMillis: 1, counts: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 }, localhost:30001: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359770_6", timeMillis: 1, counts: { input: 36533, emit: 36533, reduce: 37, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 } }, shardCounts: { localhost:30000: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1, version: Timestamp 5000|0, versionStale: false }, localhost:30001: { input: 36533, emit: 36533, reduce: 37, output: 1, version: Timestamp 5000|1, versionStale: false } }, counts: { emit: 51200, input: 51200, output: 2, reduce: 52 } } ntoreturn:1 reslen:389 3898ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' acquired, ts : 4eb3175f73d50ccb5d266112 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:15-132", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359775054), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } { "result" : { "db" : "mr_db_1", "collection" : "mr_replace_col_1" }, "shardCounts" : { "localhost:30000" : { "input" : 14667, "emit" : 14667, "reduce" : 15, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 5000, "i" : 0 }, "versionStale" : false }, "localhost:30001" : { "input" : 36533, "emit" : 36533, "reduce" : 37, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 5000, "i" : 1 }, "versionStale" : false } }, "counts" : { "emit" : NumberLong(51200), "input" : NumberLong(51200), "output" : NumberLong(1), "reduce" : NumberLong(53) }, "ok" : 1, "timeMillis" : 4493, "timing" : { "shards" : 592, "final" : 3901 }, } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] moveChunk request accepted at version 5|1 checking result field m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [conn4] moveChunk number of documents: 288 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:15 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, state: "catchup", counts: { cloned: 288, clonedBytes: 1188288, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce0/mr_db_1.1, size: 128MB, took 1.666 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } Testing mr replace into DB 2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_13_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_13_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_13 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_13 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn3] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_8 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359776_7 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_8_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:16 [conn8] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359776_7" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 266ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 288, clonedBytes: 1188288, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] moveChunk setting version to: 6|0 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] mr detected stale config, should retry :: caused by :: 13388 ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_13 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_13_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] assertion 13388 ns: test.foo ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send)(send) ns:test.$cmd query:{ mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359776_7" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] ntoskip:0 ntoreturn:-1 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] { $err: "ns: test.foo ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send)(send)", code: 13388, ns: "test.foo" } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn3] query test.$cmd ntoreturn:1 exception: ns: test.foo ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send)(send) code:13388 reslen:214 354ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] ERROR: Future::spawnComand (part 2) stale config exception :: caused by :: 9996 ns: test.foo stale config on lazy receive :: caused by :: $err: "ns: test.foo ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send)(send)"(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] restarting m/r due to stale config on a shard :: caused by :: 9996 ns: test.foo stale config on lazy receive :: caused by :: $err: "ns: test.foo ns: test.foo [test.foo] shard version not ok in Client::Context: your version is too old ns: test.foo global: 6|0 client: 5|1(send)(send)"(recv) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] DBConfig unserialize: test { _id: "test", partitioned: true, primary: "shard0001" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 181 version: 5|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 182 version: 5|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] warning: chunk manager reload forced for collection 'test.foo', config version is 5|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #17 (17 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] initializing shard connection to localhost:30000 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0000 localhost:30000 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 5000|0, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0000", shardHost: "localhost:30000" } 0xc3b200 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] creating new connection to:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #10 (10 connections now open) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] connected connection! m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] initializing shard connection to localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 5000|1, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc3a290 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_9_inc { 0: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_9 { _id: 1 } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [migrateThread] migrate commit succeeded flushing to secondaries for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [migrateThread] migrate commit flushed to journal for 'test.foo' { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [migrateThread] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:17-58", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: ":27017", time: new Date(1320359777083), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, step1: 0, step2: 0, step3: 19, step4: 0, step5: 2005 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 288, clonedBytes: 1188288, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] moveChunk updating self version to: 6|1 through { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') } -> { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb2840b') } for collection 'test.foo' m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:17-133", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359777093), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, from: "shard0001", to: "shard0000" } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] doing delete inline m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion failed! m30999| { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ns: "test.foo", version: Timestamp 5000|1, globalVersion: Timestamp 6000|0, reloadConfig: true, errmsg: "shard global version for collection is higher than trying to set to 'test.foo'", ok: 0.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] created new distributed lock for test.foo on localhost:30000 ( lock timeout : 900000, ping interval : 30000, process : 0 ) m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.foo: 0ms sequenceNumber: 183 version: 6|1 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion shard0001 localhost:30001 test.foo { setShardVersion: "test.foo", configdb: "localhost:30000", version: Timestamp 6000|1, serverID: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a'), authoritative: true, shard: "shard0001", shardHost: "localhost:30001" } 0xc3a290 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] moveChunk deleted: 288 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] setShardVersion success: { oldVersion: Timestamp 0|0, ok: 1.0 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] distributed lock 'test.foo/ubuntu:30001:1320359739:714912840' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] about to log metadata event: { _id: "ubuntu-2011-11-03T22:36:17-134", server: "ubuntu", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1320359777109), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, step1: 0, step2: 4, step3: 1, step4: 2000, step5: 35, step6: 6 } } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn4] command admin.$cmd command: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "localhost:30001", to: "localhost:30000", min: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5') }, max: { _id: ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb282e5') }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 1048576, shardId: "test.foo-_id_ObjectId('4eb3173b819e9e4edeb281c5')", configdb: "localhost:30000" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:37 2058ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [Balancer] moveChunk result: { ok: 1.0 } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [Balancer] *** end of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/ubuntu:30999:1320359734:1804289383' unlocked. m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_14_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_14_inc { 0: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_14 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] build index test.tmp.mr.foo_14 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_9_inc m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn17] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 249ms m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_14 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_14 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.foo_14_inc m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8" } ntoreturn:1 reslen:148 544ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] couldn't find database [mr_db_2] in config db m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] best shard for new allocation is shard: shard0001:localhost:30001 mapped: 288 writeLock: 0 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] put [mr_db_2] on: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn1] customOut: { replace: "mr_replace_col_2", db: "mr_db_2" } outServer: shard0001:localhost:30001 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [conn10] CMD: drop mr_db_2.tmp.mr.foo_15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.ns, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.178 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:17 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.0, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.0, size: 64MB, took 0.604 secs m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.1, filling with zeroes... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] build index mr_db_2.tmp.mr.foo_15 { _id: 1 } m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] build index done 0 records 0 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #18 (18 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #11 (11 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn9] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn8] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] CMD: drop mr_db_2.mr_replace_col_2 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] CMD: drop mr_db_2.tmp.mr.foo_15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] CMD: drop mr_db_2.tmp.mr.foo_15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] CMD: drop mr_db_2.tmp.mr.foo_15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn10] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce.shardedfinish: { mapreduce: "foo", map: function map() { emit('count', 1); }, reduce: function reduce(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, out: { replace: "mr_replace_col_2", db: "mr_db_2" } }, shardedOutputCollection: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8", shards: { localhost:30000: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8", timeMillis: 1, counts: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 }, localhost:30001: { result: "tmp.mrs.foo_1320359777_8", timeMillis: 1, counts: { input: 36245, emit: 36245, reduce: 37, output: 1 }, ok: 1.0 } }, shardCounts: { localhost:30000: { input: 14667, emit: 14667, reduce: 15, output: 1, version: Timestamp 6000|0, versionStale: true }, localhost:30001: { input: 36245, emit: 36245, reduce: 37, output: 1, version: Timestamp 6000|1, versionStale: false } }, counts: { emit: 50912, input: 50912, output: 2, reduce: 52 } } ntoreturn:1 reslen:389 882ms m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn1] ~ScopedDBConnection: _conn != null m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn1] ~ScopedDBConnection: _conn != null m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn3] end connection (10 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn8] end connection (17 connections now open) { "result" : { "db" : "mr_db_2", "collection" : "mr_replace_col_2" }, "shardCounts" : { "localhost:30000" : { "input" : 14667, "emit" : 14667, "reduce" : 15, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 6000, "i" : 0 }, "versionStale" : true }, "localhost:30001" : { "input" : 36245, "emit" : 36245, "reduce" : 37, "output" : 1, "version" : { "t" : 6000, "i" : 1 }, "versionStale" : false } }, "counts" : { "emit" : NumberLong(50912), "input" : NumberLong(50912), "output" : NumberLong(1), "reduce" : NumberLong(53) }, "ok" : 1, "timeMillis" : 1459, "timing" : { "shards" : 574, "final" : 885 }, } assert: [51200] != [50912] are not equal : Received wrong result 50912 Error: Printing Stack Trace at shell/utils.js:37:7 at shell/utils.js:58:1 at Function.eq (shell/utils.js:84:42) at /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js:47:12 Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 exec error: shell/utils.js:59 [51200] != [50912] are not equal : Received wrong result 50912 throw msg; ^ failed to load: /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 got kill or ctrl c or hup signal 15 (Terminated), will terminate after current cmd ends m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] now exiting m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 dbexit: m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 11 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 12 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 13 m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-30000.sock m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close sockets... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: lock for final commit... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [interruptThread] shutdown: final commit... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn12] end connection (16 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn9] end connection (9 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn5] end connection (9 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn16] end connection (16 connections now open) m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:18 [conn11] end connection (14 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:20 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/db/bigMapReduce1/mr_db_2.1, size: 128MB, took 2.034 secs m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: closing all files... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] closeAllFiles() finished m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] journalCleanup... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] removeJournalFiles m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... m30000| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 dbexit: really exiting now m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 got kill or ctrl c or hup signal 15 (Terminated), will terminate after current cmd ends m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] now exiting m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 dbexit: m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 14 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 15 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 16 m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-30001.sock m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close sockets... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: lock for final commit... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: final commit... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [conn7] end connection (7 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [conn11] end connection (7 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [conn8] end connection (7 connections now open) m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: closing all files... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] closeAllFiles() finished m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] journalCleanup... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] removeJournalFiles m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [interruptThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... m30001| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 dbexit: really exiting now m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] SocketException: remote: error: 9001 socket exception [0] server [] m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] DBClientCursor::init call() failed m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] User Assertion: 10276:DBClientBase::findN: transport error: localhost:30001 ns: admin.$cmd query: { writebacklisten: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] WriteBackListener exception : DBClientBase::findN: transport error: localhost:30001 ns: admin.$cmd query: { writebacklisten: ObjectId('4eb317364399b494047ff79a') } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] SocketException: remote: error: 9001 socket exception [0] server [] m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] DBClientCursor::init call() failed m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] Assertion: 13632:couldn't get updated shard list from config server m30999| 0x5045a9 0x65bcdd 0x6cfb8d 0x4f7698 0x4f7f49 0x7fd7023d8230 0x7fd702af3971 0x7fd70135292d m30999| /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos(_ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc+0x119) [0x5045a9] m30999| /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos() [0x65bcdd] m30999| /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos(_ZN5mongo17WriteBackListener3runEv+0x323d) [0x6cfb8d] m30999| /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos(_ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEN5boost10shared_ptrINS0_9JobStatusEEE+0xc8) [0x4f7698] m30999| /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/mongos(_ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataINS_3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS7_9JobStatusEEEEENS2_5list2INS2_5valueIPS7_EENSD_ISA_EEEEEEE3runEv+0x79) [0x4f7f49] m30999| /usr/lib/libboost_thread.so.1.42.0(thread_proxy+0x60) [0x7fd7023d8230] m30999| /lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x7971) [0x7fd702af3971] m30999| /lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7fd70135292d] m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:21 [WriteBackListener-localhost:30001] ERROR: backgroundjob WriteBackListener-localhost:30001error: couldn't get updated shard list from config server m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] SocketException: remote: error: 9001 socket exception [0] server [] m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] DBClientCursor::init call() failed m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] User Assertion: 10276:DBClientBase::findN: transport error: localhost:30000 ns: config.settings query: { _id: "balancer" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] ~ScopedDbConnection: _conn != null m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] caught exception while doing balance: DBClientBase::findN: transport error: localhost:30000 ns: config.settings query: { _id: "balancer" } m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [Balancer] *** End of balancing round m30999| Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [mongosMain] dbexit: received signal 15 rc:0 received signal 15 m30999| CursorCache at shutdown - sharded: 0 passthrough: 2 Thu Nov 3 18:36:22 [conn2] end connection (0 connections now open) 50008.9299679ms test /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js exited with status 253 Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 got kill or ctrl c or hup signal 15 (Terminated), will terminate after current cmd ends Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] now exiting Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 dbexit: Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 6 Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 7 Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 8 Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-32000.sock Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close sockets... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: lock for final commit... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: final commit... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: closing all files... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] closeAllFiles() finished Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] journalCleanup... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] removeJournalFiles Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 [interruptThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... Thu Nov 3 18:36:23 dbexit: really exiting now 0 tests succeeded The following tests failed (with exit code): /home/greg/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo/jstests/sharding/bigMapReduce.js 253 Traceback (most recent call last): File "buildscripts/smoke.py", line 531, in main() File "buildscripts/smoke.py", line 527, in main report() File "buildscripts/smoke.py", line 377, in report raise Exception("Test failures") Exception: Test failures greg@ubuntu:~/Workspaces/Mongo Workspace/mongo$