[resmoke] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.780-0400 resmoke.py invocation: buildscripts/resmoke.py --suite replica_sets nsnotfound.js [resmoke] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.785-0400 YAML configuration of suite replica_sets test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - nsnotfound.js executor: config: shell_options: nodb: '' readMode: commands logging: executor: format: '[%(name)s] %(asctime)s %(message)s' handlers: - class: logging.StreamHandler fixture: format: '[%(name)s] %(message)s' handlers: - class: logging.StreamHandler tests: format: '[%(name)s] %(asctime)s %(message)s' handlers: - class: logging.StreamHandler [executor] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.785-0400 Starting execution of js_tests... [executor:js_test:job0] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.792-0400 Running nsnotfound.js... ./mongo --eval MongoRunner.dataDir = "/data/db/job0/mongorunner"; TestData = new Object(); TestData.wiredTigerEngineConfigString = ""; TestData.maxPort = 20249; TestData.storageEngineCacheSizeGB = ""; TestData.wiredTigerIndexConfigString = ""; TestData.noJournal = false; TestData.isMainTest = true; TestData.testName = "nsnotfound"; TestData.serviceExecutor = ""; TestData.storageEngine = ""; TestData.minPort = 20010; TestData.transportLayer = ""; TestData.noJournalPrealloc = true; TestData.numTestClients = 1; TestData.wiredTigerCollectionConfigString = ""; MongoRunner.dataPath = "/data/db/job0/mongorunner/"; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/validate_collections_on_shutdown.js');; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/check_uuids_consistent_across_cluster.js'); --readMode commands --nodb nsnotfound.js [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.792-0400 Starting JSTest nsnotfound.js... ./mongo --eval MongoRunner.dataDir = "/data/db/job0/mongorunner"; TestData = new Object(); TestData.wiredTigerEngineConfigString = ""; TestData.maxPort = 20249; TestData.storageEngineCacheSizeGB = ""; TestData.wiredTigerIndexConfigString = ""; TestData.noJournal = false; TestData.isMainTest = true; TestData.testName = "nsnotfound"; TestData.serviceExecutor = ""; TestData.storageEngine = ""; TestData.minPort = 20010; TestData.transportLayer = ""; TestData.noJournalPrealloc = true; TestData.numTestClients = 1; TestData.wiredTigerCollectionConfigString = ""; MongoRunner.dataPath = "/data/db/job0/mongorunner/"; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/validate_collections_on_shutdown.js');; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/check_uuids_consistent_across_cluster.js'); --readMode commands --nodb nsnotfound.js [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.796-0400 JSTest nsnotfound.js started with pid 32177. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.937-0400 MongoDB shell version v3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.967-0400 true [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.967-0400 Starting new replica set nsnotfound [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.968-0400 ReplSetTest starting set [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.968-0400 ReplSetTest n is : 0 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "useHostName" : true, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "oplogSize" : 40, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "keyFile" : undefined, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "port" : 20010, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "noprealloc" : "", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "smallfiles" : "", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "replSet" : "nsnotfound", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "dbpath" : "$set-$node", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "restart" : undefined, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "pathOpts" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.969-0400 "node" : 0, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 "set" : "nsnotfound" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 "setParameter" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 "writePeriodicNoops" : false, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 "numInitialSyncAttempts" : 1, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 "numInitialSyncConnectAttempts" : 60 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 ReplSetTest Starting.... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.970-0400 Resetting db path '/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-0' [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.973-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:19.973-0400 I - [thread1] shell: started program (sh32178): /Users/guo/dev.mongo/mongod --oplogSize 40 --port 20010 --noprealloc --smallfiles --replSet nsnotfound --dbpath /data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-0 --setParameter writePeriodicNoops=false --setParameter numInitialSyncAttempts=1 --setParameter numInitialSyncConnectAttempts=60 --bind_ip --nopreallocj --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --setParameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh=true --setParameter orphanCleanupDelaySecs=0 --setParameter logComponentVerbosity={"tracking":0,"replication":{"heartbeats":2,"rollback":2}} [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.973-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:19.973-0400 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:19.999-0400 d20010| note: noprealloc may hurt performance in many applications [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.013-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=32178 port=20010 dbpath=/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-0 64-bit host=robert-macbook-pro.local [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 155db509a8e376211095cec062f7aa5be1b7707e [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 0.9.8zh 14 Jan 2016 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: system [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.015-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.015-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment: [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.015-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.015-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.023-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { net: { bindIp: "", port: 20010 }, replication: { oplogSizeMB: 40, replSet: "nsnotfound" }, setParameter: { disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh: "true", enableTestCommands: "1", logComponentVerbosity: "{"tracking":0,"replication":{"heartbeats":2,"rollback":2}}", numInitialSyncAttempts: "1", numInitialSyncConnectAttempts: "60", orphanCleanupDelaySecs: "0", writePeriodicNoops: "false" }, storage: { dbPath: "/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-0", mmapv1: { journal: { nopreallocj: true }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.023-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.014-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=7680M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=(recovery_progress), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 W STORAGE [initandlisten] Detected configuration for non-active storage engine mmapv1 when current storage engine is wiredTiger [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198) of MongoDB. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.099-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.099-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.098-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.100-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.099-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.startup_log with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.125-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.124-0400 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-0/diagnostic.data' [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.126-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.125-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.me with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.144-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.144-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.replset.minvalid with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local voted for document at startup. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. Creating one. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.161-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.system.rollback.id with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.181-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup; NoMatchingDocument: Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.181-0400 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.276-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.276-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.276-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.276-0400 I NETWORK [conn1] received client metadata from conn: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.277-0400 [ connection to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 ] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.278-0400 ReplSetTest n is : 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.278-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.278-0400 "useHostName" : true, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "oplogSize" : 40, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "keyFile" : undefined, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "port" : 20011, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "noprealloc" : "", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "smallfiles" : "", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "replSet" : "nsnotfound", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.279-0400 "dbpath" : "$set-$node", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "restart" : undefined, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "pathOpts" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "node" : 1, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "set" : "nsnotfound" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "setParameter" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "writePeriodicNoops" : false, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "numInitialSyncAttempts" : 1, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 "numInitialSyncConnectAttempts" : 60 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.280-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.281-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.281-0400 ReplSetTest Starting.... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.281-0400 Resetting db path '/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-1' [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.285-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:20.281-0400 I - [thread1] shell: started program (sh32179): /Users/guo/dev.mongo/mongod --oplogSize 40 --port 20011 --noprealloc --smallfiles --replSet nsnotfound --dbpath /data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-1 --setParameter writePeriodicNoops=false --setParameter numInitialSyncAttempts=1 --setParameter numInitialSyncConnectAttempts=60 --bind_ip --nopreallocj --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --setParameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh=true --setParameter orphanCleanupDelaySecs=0 --setParameter logComponentVerbosity={"tracking":0,"replication":{"heartbeats":2,"rollback":2}} [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.285-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:20.281-0400 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.308-0400 d20011| note: noprealloc may hurt performance in many applications [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.320-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=32179 port=20011 dbpath=/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-1 64-bit host=robert-macbook-pro.local [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 155db509a8e376211095cec062f7aa5be1b7707e [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 0.9.8zh 14 Jan 2016 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: system [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment: [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.323-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.321-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { net: { bindIp: "", port: 20011 }, replication: { oplogSizeMB: 40, replSet: "nsnotfound" }, setParameter: { disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh: "true", enableTestCommands: "1", logComponentVerbosity: "{"tracking":0,"replication":{"heartbeats":2,"rollback":2}}", numInitialSyncAttempts: "1", numInitialSyncConnectAttempts: "60", orphanCleanupDelaySecs: "0", writePeriodicNoops: "false" }, storage: { dbPath: "/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-1", mmapv1: { journal: { nopreallocj: true }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.327-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.322-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=7680M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=(recovery_progress), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 W STORAGE [initandlisten] Detected configuration for non-active storage engine mmapv1 when current storage engine is wiredTiger [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198) of MongoDB. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.398-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.397-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.399-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.399-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.startup_log with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.415-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.415-0400 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/data/db/job0/mongorunner/nsnotfound-1/diagnostic.data' [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.416-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.415-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.me with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.432-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.432-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.replset.minvalid with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.451-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.450-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local voted for document at startup. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.451-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.450-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. Creating one. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.451-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.451-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.system.rollback.id with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.467-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.467-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup; NoMatchingDocument: Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.468-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.467-0400 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.483-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.482-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.483-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.483-0400 I NETWORK [conn1] received client metadata from conn: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.483-0400 [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.484-0400 connection to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.484-0400 connection to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.484-0400 ] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 "replSetInitiate" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 "_id" : "nsnotfound", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 "members" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 "_id" : 0, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 "host" : "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 ] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.487-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.486-0400 I REPL [conn1] replSetInitiate admin command received from client [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I REPL [conn1] replSetInitiate config object with 1 members parses ok [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.489-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I NETWORK [conn2] end connection (1 connection now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.489-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I REPL [conn1] ****** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.489-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I REPL [conn1] creating replication oplog of size: 40MB... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.492-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.488-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: local.oplog.rs with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.496-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.496-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] Starting WiredTigerRecordStoreThread local.oplog.rs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.497-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.496-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] The size storer reports that the oplog contains 0 records totaling to 0 bytes [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.500-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.496-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] Scanning the oplog to determine where to place markers for truncation [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.562-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.562-0400 I REPL [conn1] ****** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.562-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.562-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: local.system.replset with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.589-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.589-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: admin.system.version with UUID: b4b3e15e-f2fc-4ba6-adf9-327af20c309b [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] setting featureCompatibilityVersion to 3.6 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I NETWORK [conn1] Skip closing connection for connection # 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 D REPL_HB [conn1] Cancelling all heartbeats. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] New replica set config in use: { _id: "nsnotfound", version: 1, protocolVersion: 1, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf') } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] This node is robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 in the config [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] transition to STARTUP2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.611-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] Starting replication storage threads [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.611-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] Starting replication fetcher thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.614-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] Starting replication applier thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.614-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [conn1] Starting replication reporter thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.615-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I REPL [rsSync] transition to RECOVERING [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.615-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.606-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] command local.system.replset appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: replSetInitiate { replSetInitiate: { _id: "nsnotfound", members: [ { _id: 0.0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010" } ] }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:147 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 15, w: 7, W: 2 }, acquireWaitCount: { W: 1 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { W: 38 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3, W: 4 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { r: 2, w: 3 } } } protocol:op_msg 120ms [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.619-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 I REPL [rsSync] transition to SECONDARY [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.619-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 I REPL [rsSync] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.622-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] dry election run succeeded, running for election [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.622-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.607-0400 I STORAGE [replexec-0] createCollection: local.replset.election with UUID: 47eabc44-76a8-4fcc-abb4-6575db42d305 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] transition to PRIMARY [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Cancelling all heartbeats. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Entering primary catch-up mode. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:20.627-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:20.626-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Exited primary catch-up mode. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.614-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.614-0400 I STORAGE [rsSync] createCollection: config.transactions with UUID: 49628234-368b-4979-a608-b79d11c6f26d [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.640-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.639-0400 I REPL [rsSync] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.645-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.645-0400 I STORAGE [monitoring keys for HMAC] createCollection: admin.system.keys with UUID: 61bff80e-ef26-40fd-b8f5-cc953e40e2f5 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.653-0400 Reconfiguring replica set to add in other nodes [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.654-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.654-0400 "replSetReconfig" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.654-0400 "_id" : "nsnotfound", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.654-0400 "members" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.654-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 "_id" : 0, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 "host" : "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 "_id" : 1, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 "host" : "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 ], [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 "version" : 2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.653-0400 I REPL [conn1] replSetReconfig admin command received from client; new config: { _id: "nsnotfound", members: [ { _id: 0.0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010" }, { _id: 1.0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011" } ], version: 2.0 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.663-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.655-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #3 (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.663-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.655-0400 I NETWORK [conn3] end connection (1 connection now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.666-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.656-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.669-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.656-0400 I REPL [conn1] replSetReconfig config object with 2 members parses ok [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.670-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.656-0400 I NETWORK [conn2] end connection (1 connection now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.673-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.656-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.673-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #3 (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.674-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 I NETWORK [conn3] received client metadata from conn: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.677-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, took 2ms (1 connections now open to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.677-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.680-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:22.658Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.681-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, state: 0, v: -2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.681-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 1) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: -2, from: "", fromId: -1, term: 0 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.685-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.658-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.685-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Cancelling all heartbeats. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.689-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 I REPL [replexec-2] New replica set config in use: { _id: "nsnotfound", version: 2, protocolVersion: 1, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf') } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.693-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 I REPL [replexec-2] This node is robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 in the config [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.693-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 at 2017-10-10T15:23:22.659Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.693-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 4) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.697-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, state: 0, v: -2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.702-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 4) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { ok: 1.0, state: 0, v: -2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, $replData: { term: -1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000'), primaryIndex: -1, syncSourceIndex: -1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.702-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 I REPL [replexec-2] Member robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 is now in state STARTUP [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.705-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.659-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 at 2017-10-10T15:23:24.659Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.706-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #4 (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.710-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 I NETWORK [conn4] received client metadata from conn: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.710-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, took 2ms (1 connections now open to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.714-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Received heartbeat request from , { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: -2, from: "", fromId: -1, term: 0, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 0|0, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.717-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.660-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Processed heartbeat from and generated response, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), config: { _id: "nsnotfound", version: 2, protocolVersion: 1, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf') } }, state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.722-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.661-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 1) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), config: { _id: "nsnotfound", version: 2, protocolVersion: 1, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf') } }, state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.661-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:24.661Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.661-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Received new config via heartbeat with version 2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.726-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.661-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #5 (3 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.726-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.661-0400 I NETWORK [conn5] end connection (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.730-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.662-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #4 (3 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.730-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.662-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Config with version 2 validated for reconfig; persisting to disk. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.662-0400 I NETWORK [conn4] end connection (2 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.662-0400 I STORAGE [replexec-0] createCollection: local.system.replset with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.680-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Starting replication storage threads [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.737-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.684-0400 I STORAGE [replexec-0] createCollection: local.temp_oplog_buffer with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.737-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] New configuration with version 2 persisted to local storage; installing new config in memory [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.738-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Cancelling all heartbeats. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.738-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] New replica set config in use: { _id: "nsnotfound", version: 2, protocolVersion: 1, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf') } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.738-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] This node is robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 in the config [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.738-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] transition to STARTUP2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.738-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:22.701Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.739-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 4) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 0 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.739-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Starting initial sync (attempt 1 of 1) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.739-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 0, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 0|0, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.739-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.701-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.740-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.702-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 4) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.740-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.702-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Member robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 is now in state PRIMARY [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.740-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.702-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:27.702Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.740-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.710-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] createCollection: local.temp_oplog_buffer with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.740-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 I REPL [replication-0] sync source candidate: robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.744-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 I REPL [replication-0] ****** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.747-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 I REPL [replication-0] creating replication oplog of size: 40MB... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.751-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.725-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] createCollection: local.oplog.rs with UUID: none [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.755-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] Starting WiredTigerRecordStoreThread local.oplog.rs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.759-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] The size storer reports that the oplog contains 0 records totaling to 0 bytes [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.763-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.734-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] Scanning the oplog to determine where to place markers for truncation [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.810-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.810-0400 I REPL [replication-0] ****** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.811-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.810-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] dropAllDatabasesExceptLocal 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.811-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.810-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Connecting to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.812-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.812-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #6 (3 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.812-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.812-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] received client metadata from conn: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.813-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.812-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, took 2ms (1 connections now open to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.813-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.813-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Connecting to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.814-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.814-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #7 (4 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.815-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.814-0400 I NETWORK [conn7] received client metadata from conn: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.815-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.814-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, took 1ms (2 connections now open to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.815-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.815-0400 I REPL [replication-1] CollectionCloner::start called, on ns:admin.system.version [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.816-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.815-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 0] createCollection: admin.system.version with UUID: b4b3e15e-f2fc-4ba6-adf9-327af20c309b [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.834-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.834-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 0] build index on: admin.system.version properties: { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "admin.system.version" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.834-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 0] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 I COMMAND [repl writer worker 1] setting featureCompatibilityVersion to 3.6 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 I NETWORK [repl writer worker 1] Skip closing connection for connection # 3 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 I NETWORK [repl writer worker 1] Skip closing connection for connection # 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.835-0400 I REPL [repl writer worker 1] CollectionCloner ns:admin.system.version finished cloning with status: OK [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.839-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.839-0400 I REPL [repl writer worker 1] CollectionCloner::start called, on ns:admin.system.keys [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.839-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.839-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 2] createCollection: admin.system.keys with UUID: 61bff80e-ef26-40fd-b8f5-cc953e40e2f5 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.856-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.855-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 2] build index on: admin.system.keys properties: { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "admin.system.keys" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.856-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.855-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 2] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.856-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.856-0400 I REPL [repl writer worker 3] CollectionCloner ns:admin.system.keys finished cloning with status: OK [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.861-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.861-0400 I REPL [replication-1] CollectionCloner::start called, on ns:config.transactions [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.862-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.861-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 4] createCollection: config.transactions with UUID: 49628234-368b-4979-a608-b79d11c6f26d [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.878-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.878-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 4] build index on: config.transactions properties: { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.transactions" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.878-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.878-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 4] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.879-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.879-0400 W REPL [repl writer worker 6] _insertDocumentsCallback, but no documents to insert for ns:config.transactions [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.879-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.879-0400 I REPL [repl writer worker 6] CollectionCloner ns:config.transactions finished cloning with status: OK [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.882-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.882-0400 I REPL [repl writer worker 6] Finished cloning data: OK. Beginning oplog replay. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.886-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.886-0400 I REPL [replication-1] No need to apply operations. (currently at { : Timestamp 1507649002000|5 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.887-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.887-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Ending connection to host robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 due to bad connection status; 1 connections to that host remain open [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.891-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.887-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Finished fetching oplog during initial sync: CallbackCanceled: error in fetcher batch callback: oplog fetcher is shutting down. Last fetched optime and hash: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }[0] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.891-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.887-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Initial sync attempt finishing up. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.892-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.887-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Initial Sync Attempt Statistics: { failedInitialSyncAttempts: 0, maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts: 1, initialSyncStart: new Date(1507649002701), initialSyncAttempts: [], fetchedMissingDocs: 0, appliedOps: 0, initialSyncOplogStart: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, initialSyncOplogEnd: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, databases: { databasesCloned: 2, admin: { collections: 2, clonedCollections: 2, start: new Date(1507649002813), end: new Date(1507649002861), elapsedMillis: 48, admin.system.version: { documentsToCopy: 1, documentsCopied: 1, indexes: 1, fetchedBatches: 1, start: new Date(1507649002815), end: new Date(1507649002839), elapsedMillis: 24 }, admin.system.keys: { documentsToCopy: 1, documentsCopied: 1, indexes: 1, fetchedBatches: 1, start: new Date(1507649002839), end: new Date(1507649002861), elapsedMillis: 22 } }, config: { collections: 1, clonedCollections: 1, start: new Date(1507649002861), end: new Date(1507649002882), elapsedMillis: 21, config.transactions: { documentsToCopy: 0, documentsCopied: 0, indexes: 1, fetchedBatches: 0, start: new Date(1507649002861), end: new Date(1507649002882), elapsedMillis: 21 } } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.898-0400 I REPL [replication-1] initial sync done; took 0s. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.898-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Starting replication fetcher thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.898-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Starting replication applier thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.898-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Starting replication reporter thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 I REPL [rsSync] transition to RECOVERING [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] could not find member to sync from [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [rsBackgroundSync] Cancelling all heartbeats. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [rsBackgroundSync] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:22.899Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 50) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 I REPL [rsSync] transition to SECONDARY [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.901-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.901-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.901-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 50) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:22.902-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:22.899-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:27.899Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:23.072-0400 Waiting for keys to sign $clusterTime to be generated [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 6) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.665-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.665-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.666-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 6) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.666-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 I REPL [replexec-2] Member robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 is now in state SECONDARY [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.666-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.664-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 at 2017-10-10T15:23:26.664Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.667-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.665-0400 I COMMAND [monitoring keys for HMAC] command admin.system.keys command: insert { insert: "system.keys", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: 6475303157437038593, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, C14C16DBB169839E958F068AEA826445CC3FFA6B), expiresAt: Timestamp 1515425002000|0 } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, $db: "admin" } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:214 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 7, w: 5 }, acquireWaitCount: { r: 1, w: 1 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { r: 25256, w: 92 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 2, W: 3 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 2 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_msg 2019ms [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.668-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:24.665-0400 I NETWORK [conn7] end connection (3 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.729-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: starting: optime for primary, robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.730-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.731-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.731-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.732-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.937-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.939-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.940-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:24.940-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.146-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.147-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.148-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.148-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.352-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.353-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.354-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.354-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.560-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.561-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.562-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.562-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.765-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.766-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.767-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.768-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.973-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.974-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.975-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:25.975-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.178-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.179-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.180-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.181-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.384-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.385-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.386-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.387-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.589-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.590-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.591-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.592-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 8) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.666-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.666-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 8) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|2, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 0|0, t: -1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.666-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:26.665-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-0] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 at 2017-10-10T15:23:28.665Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.794-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.795-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.796-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.797-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:26.998-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.000-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.001-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.001-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.207-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.208-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.209-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.209-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.411-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.412-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.413-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.413-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.614-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.615-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.616-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.616-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.817-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.819-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.820-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: optime for secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } but latest is { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.820-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is NOT synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 52) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.901-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20011", fromId: 1, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.901-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 D REPL_HB [conn4] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.902-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 52) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { ok: 1.0, electionTime: new Date(6475303148847104002), state: 1, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 1507649002000|5, t: 1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.902-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.900-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 at 2017-10-10T15:23:32.900Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.920-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.920-0400 I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] sync source candidate: robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.922-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.921-0400 I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 starting at filter: { ts: { $gte: Timestamp 1507649002000|5 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.922-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.921-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Connecting to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.926-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.926-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #8 (4 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.927-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.926-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] received client metadata from conn: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.927-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.926-0400 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, took 5ms (2 connections now open to robert-macbook-pro.local:20010) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.929-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.929-0400 I STORAGE [rsSync] createCollection: local.replset.oplogTruncateAfterPoint with UUID: d4fba76f-486f-4a75-b0f7-f9b27bf1bb8c [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:27.953-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:27.952-0400 I COMMAND [monitoring keys for HMAC] command admin.system.keys command: insert { insert: "system.keys", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: 6475303157437038594, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, 35EC4502220AEA48F318FED657621D5968A6ED70), expiresAt: Timestamp 1523201002000|0 } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, $db: "admin" } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:214 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 9, w: 7 }, acquireWaitCount: { r: 1, w: 1 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { r: 25256, w: 92 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 3, W: 4 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 3 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 3 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 3 } } } protocol:op_msg 3280ms [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.021-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondaries against latest primary optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.022-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: checking secondary #1: robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.022-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: secondary #1, robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, is synced [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.023-0400 ReplSetTest awaitReplication: finished: all 1 secondaries synced at optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.024-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime: Retrying because node robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 sees optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } on node robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 but expects to see optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.229-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime: Retrying because node robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 sees optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } on node robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 but expects to see optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.438-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime: Retrying because node robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 sees optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } on node robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 but expects to see optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.644-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime: Retrying because node robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 sees optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649002, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1) } on node robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 but expects to see optime { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.670-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-2] Sending heartbeat (requestId: 10) to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Received heartbeat request from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010, { replSetHeartbeat: "nsnotfound", configVersion: 2, from: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", fromId: 0, term: 1, $replData: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 6AE1B01E3023F93506EF19A21CF0CC8F40A6DB4B), keyId: 6475303157437038593 } }, $db: "admin" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.672-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 D REPL_HB [conn3] Processed heartbeat from robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 and generated response, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", syncingTo: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.673-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Received response to heartbeat (requestId: 10) from robert-macbook-pro.local:20011, { ok: 1.0, state: 2, v: 2, hbmsg: "", set: "nsnotfound", syncingTo: "robert-macbook-pro.local:20010", term: 1, primaryId: 0, durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, opTime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, operationTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, t: 1 }, configVersion: 2, replicaSetId: ObjectId('59dce5e82641be30a8740caf'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: 0 }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp 1507649004000|1, signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.673-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.671-0400 D REPL_HB [replexec-1] Scheduling heartbeat to robert-macbook-pro.local:20011 at 2017-10-10T15:23:30.671Z [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.851-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime: All nodes agree that all ops are applied up to { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649004, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.852-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary: Waiting for nodes to agree on any primary. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.852-0400 AwaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary: Nodes agreed on primary robert-macbook-pro.local:20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.853-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.853-0400 W COMMAND [conn1] the autoIndexId option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.854-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.853-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: test.one with UUID: a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.863-0400 Completed cmd 0. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "create" : "one", "autoIndexId" : false, "max" : 707, "validator" : { "e" : { "$ne" : 100 } }, "validationAction" : "warn", "flags" : 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.868-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.864-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: test.three with UUID: 67cdb1cd-9f10-4c10-b545-a19ac25b061d [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.872-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.868-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 3] createCollection: test.one with UUID: a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.898-0400 Completed cmd 1. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "insert" : "three", "documents" : [ { "_id" : "CHrjXhaa", "c" : "When hungry, eat your rice; when tired, close your eyes. Fools may laugh at me, but wise men will know what I mean." } ], "ordered" : false } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.901-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.899-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: vest.two with UUID: b746152e-0259-4210-aa5f-62afe2917484 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.905-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.901-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 6] createCollection: test.three with UUID: 67cdb1cd-9f10-4c10-b545-a19ac25b061d [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.935-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.935-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 9] createCollection: vest.two with UUID: b746152e-0259-4210-aa5f-62afe2917484 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.949-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.948-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: vest.two properties: { v: 2, key: { b: -1.0, a: -1.0 }, name: "d_2dSphere", ns: "vest.two", sparse: false, expireAfterSeconds: 34.0 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.951-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.948-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 250 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.965-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.965-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: vest.two properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "c_-1", ns: "vest.two", sparse: true, weights: { b: 1, d: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.967-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.965-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 250 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.979-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.979-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.980-0400 Completed cmd 5. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "createIndexes" : "two", "indexes" : [ { "key" : { "b" : -1, "a" : -1 }, "name" : "d_2dSphere", "sparse" : false, "expireAfterSeconds" : 34 }, { "key" : { "d" : "text", "b" : "text" }, "name" : "c_-1", "sparse" : true } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.983-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.981-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: vest.three with UUID: 01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:28.998-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.998-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 11] build index on: vest.two properties: { v: 2, key: { b: -1.0, a: -1.0 }, name: "d_2dSphere", sparse: false, expireAfterSeconds: 34.0, ns: "vest.two" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.001-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:28.998-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 11] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.005-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.005-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 11] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.022-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.021-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 13] build index on: vest.two properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "c_-1", sparse: true, weights: { b: 1, d: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", ns: "vest.two", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.022-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.021-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 13] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: vest.three properties: { v: 2, key: { b: "hashed" }, name: "c_1", ns: "vest.three", background: false, expireAfterSeconds: 13.0 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 250 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 13] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.029-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.025-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 15] createCollection: vest.three with UUID: 01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.042-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.042-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: vest.three properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "d_1", ns: "vest.three", weights: { _id: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.046-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.042-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 250 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.056-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.056-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.060-0400 Completed cmd 9. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "createIndexes" : "three", "indexes" : [ { "key" : { "b" : "hashed" }, "name" : "c_1", "background" : false, "unique" : false, "expireAfterSeconds" : 13 }, { "key" : { "_id" : "text" }, "name" : "d_1" } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.060-0400 Completed cmd 10. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "collMod" : "three", "validator" : { "d" : { "$ne" : 100 } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.060-0400 Completed cmd 11. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "insert" : "one", "documents" : [ { "_id" : "NIysI9Ek", "d" : { "e" : "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." } } ], "ordered" : true } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.064-0400 Completed cmd 13. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "collMod" : "one", "validationAction" : "error" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.067-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.061-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one with UUID: 36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.077-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.077-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] dropCollection: test.one - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i9t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.080-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.080-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 0] build index on: vest.three properties: { v: 2, key: { b: "hashed" }, name: "c_1", background: false, expireAfterSeconds: 13.0, ns: "vest.three" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.083-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.080-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 0] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.090-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.090-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 0] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.094-0400 Completed cmd 16. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "convertToCapped" : "one", "size" : 84 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.097-0400 Completed cmd 19. STATUS: PASS, DB: admin, COMMAND: { "applyOps" : [ { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 4), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("548624616670570026"), "v" : 2, "op" : "c", "ns" : "vest.$cmd", "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), "o2" : { "collectionOptions_old" : { "uuid" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8") } }, "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.058Z"), "o" : { "collMod" : "three", "validator" : { "d" : { "$ne" : 100 } } } }, { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 3), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("-48179676359526587"), "v" : 2, "op" : "c", "ns" : "vest.$cmd", "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.056Z"), "o" : { "createIndexes" : "three", "v" : 2, "key" : { "_fts" : "text", "_ftsx" : 1 }, "name" : "d_1", "weights" : { "_id" : 1 }, "default_language" : "english", "language_override" : "language", "textIndexVersion" : 3 } } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.100-0400 Completed cmd 21. STATUS: PASS, DB: admin, COMMAND: { "applyOps" : [ { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 5), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("-4178034862979126089"), "v" : 2, "op" : "i", "ns" : "test.one", "ui" : UUID("a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f"), "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.059Z"), "o" : { "_id" : "NIysI9Ek", "d" : { "e" : "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." } } }, { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 4), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("548624616670570026"), "v" : 2, "op" : "c", "ns" : "vest.$cmd", "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), "o2" : { "collectionOptions_old" : { "uuid" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8") } }, "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.058Z"), "o" : { "collMod" : "three", "validator" : { "d" : { "$ne" : 100 } } } } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.103-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.099-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] CMD: drop test.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.107-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.099-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] dropCollection: test.three - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i12t1.three with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.111-0400 Completed cmd 23. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "drop" : "three" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.114-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.111-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] CMD: drop test.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.117-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.112-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] dropCollection: test.one - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i13t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.120-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.114-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 3] build index on: vest.three properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "d_1", weights: { _id: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", ns: "vest.three", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.121-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.114-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 3] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.123-0400 Completed cmd 27. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "drop" : "one" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.128-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.121-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] CMD: dropIndexes test.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.131-0400 Completed cmd 29. STATUS: FAIL, DB: test, COMMAND: { "dropIndexes" : "one" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.131-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.127-0400 I INDEX [repl writer worker 3] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.135-0400 Completed cmd 30. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "insert" : "three", "documents" : [ { "_id" : "9owCrl1S", "e" : "To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.", "b" : null } ], "ordered" : false } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.138-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.130-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 11] createCollection: test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one with UUID: 36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.142-0400 Completed cmd 31. STATUS: FAIL, DB: admin, COMMAND: { "applyOps" : [ { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 9), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("-147538777155210699"), "v" : 2, "op" : "c", "ns" : "test.$cmd", "ui" : UUID("36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550"), "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.077Z"), "o" : { "renameCollection" : "test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one", "to" : "test.one", "stayTemp" : false, "dropTarget" : UUID("a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f") } }, { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 8), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("-575647583044821593"), "v" : 2, "op" : "i", "ns" : "test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one", "ui" : UUID("36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550"), "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.077Z"), "o" : { "_id" : "NIysI9Ek", "d" : { "e" : "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." } } } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.145-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.137-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: vest.four with UUID: 5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.153-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.152-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 15] dropCollection: test.one - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i9t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.168-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.168-0400 I COMMAND [repl writer worker 6] CMD: drop test.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.170-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.168-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 6] dropCollection: test.three - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i12t1.three with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.174-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i9t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.178-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.174-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i9t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|9, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.182-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.182-0400 I COMMAND [repl writer worker 7] CMD: drop test.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.185-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.182-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 7] dropCollection: test.one - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i13t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.188-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.188-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i12t1.three with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.191-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.188-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i12t1.three with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|12, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.198-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.198-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i13t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.202-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.198-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i13t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|13, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.215-0400 Completed cmd 32. STATUS: FAIL, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "createIndexes" : "four", "indexes" : [ { "key" : { "c" : "hashed", "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "b__id", "background" : true, "sparse" : true, "expireAfterSeconds" : 42 } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.218-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.215-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] CMD: dropIndexes vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.223-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.223-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 13] createCollection: vest.four with UUID: 5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.233-0400 Completed cmd 35. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "dropIndexes" : "two", "index" : "*" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.237-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.234-0400 I COMMAND [conn1] CMD: drop test.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.240-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.234-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] dropCollection: test.one - renaming to drop-pending collection: test.system.drop.1507649009i19t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|19, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.241-0400 Completed cmd 36. STATUS: PASS, DB: test, COMMAND: { "drop" : "one" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.245-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.242-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: vest.tmpww6YT.convertToCapped.four with UUID: 1f495fa9-5037-4b02-a0de-a57faa6f42d4 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.256-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.256-0400 I COMMAND [repl writer worker 15] CMD: dropIndexes vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.266-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.266-0400 I COMMAND [repl writer worker 0] CMD: dropIndexes vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.276-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.275-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] dropCollection: vest.four - renaming to drop-pending collection: vest.system.drop.1507649009i21t1.four with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.294-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.294-0400 I REPL [replication-1] Completing collection drop for test.system.drop.1507649009i19t1.one with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|19, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|19, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.298-0400 Completed cmd 37. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "convertToCapped" : "four", "size" : 32 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.302-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.299-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 6] createCollection: vest.tmpww6YT.convertToCapped.four with UUID: 1f495fa9-5037-4b02-a0de-a57faa6f42d4 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.317-0400 Completed cmd 38. STATUS: PASS, DB: admin, COMMAND: { "applyOps" : [ { "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 16), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("5620521995491488201"), "v" : 2, "op" : "c", "ns" : "vest.$cmd", "ui" : UUID("5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6"), "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.171Z"), "o" : { "create" : "four", "idIndex" : { "v" : 2, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "vest.four" } } } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.320-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.320-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: test.three with UUID: 5af1199d-366a-498a-87d1-5d7e1e5b481a [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.335-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.335-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 7] dropCollection: vest.four - renaming to drop-pending collection: vest.system.drop.1507649009i21t1.four with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.359-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.359-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for vest.system.drop.1507649009i21t1.four with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.363-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.359-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Completing collection drop for vest.system.drop.1507649009i21t1.four with drop optime { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 } (notification optime: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|21, t: 1 }) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.367-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.366-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: test.three properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "e_-1", ns: "test.three", expireAfterSeconds: 41547.0, weights: { _id: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.370-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.366-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 250 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.381-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.381-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 13] createCollection: test.three with UUID: 5af1199d-366a-498a-87d1-5d7e1e5b481a [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.402-0400 Completed cmd 41. STATUS: FAIL, DB: test, COMMAND: { "createIndexes" : "three", "indexes" : [ { "key" : { "_id" : "text" }, "name" : "e_-1", "expireAfterSeconds" : 41547 }, { "key" : { "_id" : 1, "a" : "hashed" }, "name" : "a_1", "unique" : true, "sparse" : true, "expireAfterSeconds" : 975 } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.405-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.403-0400 W COMMAND [conn1] the autoIndexId option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.408-0400 Completed cmd 42. STATUS: FAIL, DB: test, COMMAND: { "create" : "three", "autoIndexId" : false, "max" : 31, "validator" : { "c" : { "$ne" : 100 } }, "validationAction" : "warn" } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.412-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.404-0400 I STORAGE [conn1] createCollection: vest.one with UUID: 7bf52e95-d9ea-402e-a6c3-b62ed616aed2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.432-0400 Completed cmd 43. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "insert" : "one", "documents" : [ { "_id" : "LmelQb91", "c" : undefined, "d" : null } ], "ordered" : true } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.436-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.436-0400 I STORAGE [repl writer worker 15] createCollection: vest.one with UUID: 7bf52e95-d9ea-402e-a6c3-b62ed616aed2 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.447-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.447-0400 I INDEX [conn1] build index on: vest.two properties: { v: 2, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1 }, name: "a_2dSphere", ns: "vest.two", background: true, sparse: true, weights: { _id: 1, a: 1 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", textIndexVersion: 3 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.451-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.447-0400 I INDEX [conn1] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 166 megabytes of RAM [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:29.456-0400 Completed cmd 44. STATUS: FAIL, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "createIndexes" : "two", "indexes" : [ { "key" : { "a" : "text", "_id" : "text" }, "name" : "a_2dSphere", "background" : true, "unique" : false, "sparse" : true }, { "key" : { "_id" : "text", "a" : "text" }, "name" : "d_2dSphere", "background" : false, "unique" : false, "expireAfterSeconds" : 722912 }, { "key" : { "_id" : "hashed", "d" : -1 }, "name" : "d_-1", "sparse" : false } ] } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.028-0400 Completed cmd 45. STATUS: PASS, DB: vest, COMMAND: { "insert" : "four", "documents" : [ { "_id" : "htH0MldB", "d" : "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.", "a" : { "c" : "Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs." } } ], "ordered" : false } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.059-0400 =====Printing the list of applyOps commands keyed by the index of the command.===== [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.068-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.069-0400 "19" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.077-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.087-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 4), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.096-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.096-0400 "h" : NumberLong("548624616670570026"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.105-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.105-0400 "op" : "c", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.113-0400 "ns" : "vest.$cmd", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.114-0400 "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.114-0400 "o2" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.114-0400 "collectionOptions_old" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.114-0400 "uuid" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8") [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.058Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 "collMod" : "three", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 "validator" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 "d" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.125-0400 "$ne" : 100 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.133-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.133-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.133-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.133-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.134-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.134-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 3), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.134-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.134-0400 "h" : NumberLong("-48179676359526587"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.143-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.143-0400 "op" : "c", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.143-0400 "ns" : "vest.$cmd", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.056Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "createIndexes" : "three", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "key" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "_fts" : "text", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "_ftsx" : 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "name" : "d_1", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 "weights" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 "_id" : 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 "default_language" : "english", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 "language_override" : "language", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 "textIndexVersion" : 3 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 ], [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 "21" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 5), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 "h" : NumberLong("-4178034862979126089"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.154-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "op" : "i", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "ns" : "test.one", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "ui" : UUID("a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.059Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "_id" : "NIysI9Ek", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 "d" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 "e" : "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 4), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "h" : NumberLong("548624616670570026"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "op" : "c", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "ns" : "vest.$cmd", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "ui" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "o2" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 "collectionOptions_old" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "uuid" : UUID("01546ec2-3e5b-4f7c-b457-4b0451674cd8") [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.058Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "collMod" : "three", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "validator" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 "d" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 "$ne" : 100 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 ], [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 "31" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 9), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "h" : NumberLong("-147538777155210699"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "op" : "c", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "ns" : "test.$cmd", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 "ui" : UUID("36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.077Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "renameCollection" : "test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "to" : "test.one", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "stayTemp" : false, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "dropTarget" : UUID("a837a41b-7e87-4a0e-8f7f-ba4d29826d4f") [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 8), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "h" : NumberLong("-575647583044821593"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "op" : "i", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "ns" : "test.tmpc1aFN.convertToCapped.one", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "ui" : UUID("36a0c9b9-4a23-4ef0-8f5b-e294ff33e550"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.077Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "_id" : "NIysI9Ek", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "d" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 "e" : "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 ], [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 "38" : [ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 "ts" : Timestamp(1507649009, 16), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 "t" : NumberLong(1), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 "h" : NumberLong("5620521995491488201"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "op" : "c", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "ns" : "vest.$cmd", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "ui" : UUID("5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "wall" : ISODate("2017-10-10T15:23:29.171Z"), [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "o" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "create" : "four", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 "idIndex" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 "v" : 2, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 "key" : { [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 "_id" : 1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 }, [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 "name" : "_id_", [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 "ns" : "vest.four" [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 ] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 ReplSetTest stop *** Shutting down mongod in port 20010 *** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.460-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #9 (5 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:29.460-0400 I NETWORK [conn9] received client metadata from conn: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.5.13-325-g155db50-patch-59d98345e3c331107a001198" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.0.0" } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.four.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-32-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.030-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-40-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.one.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-41-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-26-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.031-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.092-0400 F REPL [repl writer worker 3] writer worker caught exception: NamespaceNotFound: Failed to apply operation due to missing collection (5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6): { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|27, t: 1, h: -3181833839858452288, v: 2, op: "i", ns: "vest.four", ui: BinData(4, 5B46FA4221144E2DB4F042C7EF0156A6), wall: new Date(1507649009457), o: { _id: "htH0MldB", d: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.", a: { c: "Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs." } } } on: { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|27, t: 1, h: -3181833839858452288, v: 2, op: "i", ns: "vest.four", ui: BinData(4, 5B46FA4221144E2DB4F042C7EF0156A6), wall: new Date(1507649009457), o: { _id: "htH0MldB", d: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.", a: { c: "Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs." } } } [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.092-0400 F - [repl writer worker 3] Fatal assertion 16359 NamespaceNotFound: Failed to apply operation due to missing collection (5b46fa42-2114-4e2d-b4f0-42c7ef0156a6): { ts: Timestamp 1507649009000|27, t: 1, h: -3181833839858452288, v: 2, op: "i", ns: "vest.four", ui: BinData(4, 5B46FA4221144E2DB4F042C7EF0156A6), wall: new Date(1507649009457), o: { _id: "htH0MldB", d: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.", a: { c: "Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs." } } } at src/mongo/db/repl/sync_tail.cpp 1132 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.092-0400 F - [repl writer worker 3] [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| ***aborting after fassert() failure [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 d20011| [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.105-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] end connection (4 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.105-0400 I NETWORK [conn4] end connection (3 connections now open) [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.115-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$c_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.133-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$d_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] command vest.$cmd appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: validate { validate: "three", full: true, $readPreference: { mode: "secondaryPreferred" }, $db: "vest" } numYields:0 reslen:616 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_msg 120ms [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-34-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.tmpyjAXk.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.152-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-22-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.two.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.153-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.four.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-32-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-40-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.one.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-41-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.155-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-26-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.173-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.156-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.157-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$c_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$d_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.158-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-34-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.tmpyjAXk.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.159-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.174-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-22-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.two.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.160-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.four.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-32-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.175-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.161-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-40-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.one.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-41-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.176-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-26-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.162-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$c_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$d_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.163-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-34-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.tmpyjAXk.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.177-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-22-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.164-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.two.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.165-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.four.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-32-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.178-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-40-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.one.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-41-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.179-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-26-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.166-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$c_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$d_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.167-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-34-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.tmpyjAXk.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.180-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-22-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.168-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.two.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.four.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.181-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-32-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.169-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.four [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-40-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.one.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:index-41-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.one [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.182-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-26-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.170-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$c_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.three.$d_1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.three [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.183-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-34-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.171-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.tmpyjAXk.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.tmpyjAXk [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I COMMAND [conn9] CMD: validate vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 W STORAGE [conn9] Could not complete validation of table:collection-22-3993604219038140856. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validating index vest.two.$_id_ [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I INDEX [conn9] validated collection vest.two [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] got signal 15 (Terminated: 15), will terminate after current cmd ends [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.184-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.185-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] shutting down replication subsystems [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.185-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication reporter thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.185-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication fetcher thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.185-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.172-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication applier thread [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.633-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.632-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication storage threads [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.633-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.633-0400 I FTDC [signalProcessingThread] Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.636-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.635-0400 I STORAGE [WTOplogJournalThread] oplog journal thread loop shutting down [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:30.636-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:30.636-0400 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.009-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:31.009-0400 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.009-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:31.009-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] now exiting [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.010-0400 d20010| 2017-10-10T11:23:31.009-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] shutting down with code:0 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:31.013-0400 I - [thread1] shell: stopped mongo program on port 20010 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 ReplSetTest stop *** Mongod in port 20010 shutdown with code (0) *** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 ReplSetTest stop *** Shutting down mongod in port 20011 *** [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 Skipping collection validation because we couldn't establish a connection to the server on port 20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 I - [thread1] shell: stopped mongo program on port 20011 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 2017-10-10T11:23:31.014-0400 E QUERY [thread1] StopError: MongoDB process stopped with exit code: 14 : [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 StopError: MongoDB process stopped with exit code: 14 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 MongoRunner.StopError@src/mongo/shell/servers.js:800:48 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 MongoRunner.stopMongod@src/mongo/shell/servers.js:888:19 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 ReplSetTest/this.stop@src/mongo/shell/replsettest.js:1876:19 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 ReplSetTest/this.stopSet@src/mongo/shell/replsettest.js:1897:13 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 @nsnotfound.js:136:5 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 @nsnotfound.js:135:1 [js_test:nsnotfound] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.015-0400 failed to load: nsnotfound.js [executor:js_test:job0] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.023-0400 nsnotfound.js ran in 11.23 seconds. [executor:js_test:job0] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.023-0400 JSTest nsnotfound.js failed, so stopping... [executor:js_test:job0] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.023-0400 Received a StopExecution exception: JSTest nsnotfound.js failed. [executor] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.039-0400 Summary: 1 test(s) ran in 11.25 seconds (0 succeeded, 0 were skipped, 1 failed, 0 errored) The following tests failed (with exit code): nsnotfound.js (253) [resmoke] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.039-0400 ================================================================================ [resmoke] 2017-10-10T11:23:31.039-0400 Summary of replica_sets suite: 1 test(s) ran in 11.25 seconds (0 succeeded, 0 were skipped, 1 failed, 0 errored) The following tests failed (with exit code): nsnotfound.js (253) 1 test(s) ran in 11.25 seconds (0 succeeded, 0 were skipped, 1 failed, 0 errored) js_tests: 1 test(s) ran in 11.25 seconds (0 succeeded, 0 were skipped, 1 failed, 0 errored) The following tests failed (with exit code): nsnotfound.js (253)