$ harness replicaset-3.6.yml Creating a deployment from devel/config/replicaset-3.6.yml Starting host1 /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod is v3.6.0 Running /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod -vvv -v --bind_ip --enableMajorityReadConcern --quiet --replSet foo --dbpath /tmp/host1-dwOWJW/data --port 34099 --logpath /tmp/host1-dwOWJW/mongodb.log --logappend --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 Waiting for port 34099 Pinging host1 (mongodb://xdg-dev:34099) with ismaster Server host1 is up on port 34099 Starting host2 /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod is v3.6.0 Running /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod -vvv -v --bind_ip --enableMajorityReadConcern --quiet --replSet foo --dbpath /tmp/host2-zowNKp/data --port 34601 --logpath /tmp/host2-zowNKp/mongodb.log --logappend --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 Waiting for port 34601 Pinging host2 (mongodb://xdg-dev:34601) with ismaster Server host2 is up on port 34601 Starting host3 /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod is v3.6.0 Running /home/xdg/mongodb/3.6.0-rc4/bin/mongod -vvv -v --bind_ip --enableMajorityReadConcern --quiet --replSet foo --dbpath /tmp/host3-EfQSaB/data --port 44751 --logpath /tmp/host3-EfQSaB/mongodb.log --logappend --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 Waiting for port 44751 Pinging host3 (mongodb://xdg-dev:44751) with ismaster Server host3 is up on port 44751 configuring replica set on host1 with: {"members":[{"host":"xdg-dev:34099","_id":0},{"host":"xdg-dev:34601","_id":1},{"arbiterOnly":"1","_id":2,"host":"xdg-dev:44751"}],"_id":"foo"} waiting for primary host states: 2 0 0 host states: 2 0 0 host states: 2 0 0 host states: 2 0 0 host states: 2 0 0 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 2 2 7 host states: 1 2 7 MONGOD=mongodb://xdg-dev:34099,xdg-dev:34601,xdg-dev:44751/?replicaSet=foo bash ▪ {0} [xdg@xdg-dev] ~/git/mongo/perl-driver [master] (26.1) (mongodb://xdg-dev:34099,xdg-dev:34601,xdg-dev:44751/?replicaSet=foo) $ cd ../mongo-tools/ ▪ {0} [xdg@xdg-dev] ~/git/mongo/mongo-tools [master *] (26.1) (mongodb://xdg-dev:34099,xdg-dev:34601,xdg-dev:44751/?replicaSet=foo) $ . ./set_gopath.sh ▪ {0} [xdg@xdg-dev] ~/git/mongo/mongo-tools [master *] (26.1) (mongodb://xdg-dev:34099,xdg-dev:34601,xdg-dev:44751/?replicaSet=foo) $ time go test -v ./mongodump -test.types=unit,integration === RUN TestMongoDumpValidateOptions With a MongoDump instance we cannot dump a collection when a database specified ✔✔ we have to specify a collection name if using a query ✔✔ 4 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpValidateOptions (0.00s) === RUN TestMongoDumpKerberos --- SKIP: TestMongoDumpKerberos (0.00s) === RUN TestMongoDumpBSON With a MongoDump instance ✔ testing that using MongoDump WITHOUT giving a query dumps everything in the database and/or collection and that for a particular collection ✔ it dumps to the default output directory ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ with the correct number of documents ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ that are the same as the documents in the test database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ it dumps to a user-specified output directory ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ it dumps to standard output ✔✔✔✔✔ for an entire database ✔ that exists. The dumped directory should contain the necessary bson files ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ that does not exist. The dumped directory shouldn't be created ✔✔✔✔✔✔ testing that using MongoDump WITH a query dumps a subset of documents in a database and/or collection ✔✔✔ using --query for all the collections in the database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ using --queryFile for all the collections in the database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ 140 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpBSON (1.25s) === RUN TestMongoDumpMetaData With a MongoDump instance ✔ testing that the dumped directory contains information about indexes ✔✔✔✔✔ having one metadata file per collection ✔✔✔ and that the JSON in a metadata file is valid ✔✔✔✔ and contains an 'indexes' key ✔✔✔✔ 157 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpMetaData (0.11s) === RUN TestSkipCollection With a mongodump that excludes collections 'test' and 'fake' and excludes prefixes 'pre-' and 'no' collection 'pre-test' should be skipped ✔ collection 'notest' should be skipped ✔ collection 'test' should be skipped ✔ collection 'fake' should be skipped ✔ collection 'fake222' should not be skipped ✔ collection 'random' should not be skipped ✔ collection 'mytest' should not be skipped ✔ 164 total assertions --- PASS: TestSkipCollection (0.00s) PASS ok _/home/xdg/git/mongo/mongo-tools/mongodump 1.378s real 0m4.411s user 0m9.073s sys 0m0.833s ▪ {0} [xdg@xdg-dev] ~/git/mongo/mongo-tools [master *] (26.1) (mongodb://xdg-dev:34099,xdg-dev:34601,xdg-dev:44751/?replicaSet=foo) $ time go test -v ./mongodump -test.types=unit,integration === RUN TestMongoDumpValidateOptions With a MongoDump instance we cannot dump a collection when a database specified ✔✔ we have to specify a collection name if using a query ✔✔ 4 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpValidateOptions (0.00s) === RUN TestMongoDumpKerberos --- SKIP: TestMongoDumpKerberos (0.00s) === RUN TestMongoDumpBSON With a MongoDump instance ✔ testing that using MongoDump WITHOUT giving a query dumps everything in the database and/or collection and that for a particular collection ✔ it dumps to the default output directory ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ with the correct number of documents ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ that are the same as the documents in the test database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ it dumps to a user-specified output directory ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ it dumps to standard output ✔✔✔✔✔ for an entire database ✔ that exists. The dumped directory should contain the necessary bson files ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ that does not exist. The dumped directory shouldn't be created ✔✔✔✔✔✔ testing that using MongoDump WITH a query dumps a subset of documents in a database and/or collection ✔✔✔ using --query for all the collections in the database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ using --queryFile for all the collections in the database ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ 140 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpBSON (1.39s) === RUN TestMongoDumpMetaData With a MongoDump instance ✔ testing that the dumped directory contains information about indexes ✔✔✔✔✔ having one metadata file per collection ✔✔✔ and that the JSON in a metadata file is valid ✔✔✔✔ and contains an 'indexes' key ✔✔✔✔ 157 total assertions --- PASS: TestMongoDumpMetaData (0.11s) === RUN TestSkipCollection With a mongodump that excludes collections 'test' and 'fake' and excludes prefixes 'pre-' and 'no' collection 'pre-test' should be skipped ✔ collection 'notest' should be skipped ✔ collection 'test' should be skipped ✔ collection 'fake' should be skipped ✔ collection 'fake222' should not be skipped ✔ collection 'random' should not be skipped ✔ collection 'mytest' should not be skipped ✔ 164 total assertions --- PASS: TestSkipCollection (0.00s) PASS ok _/home/xdg/git/mongo/mongo-tools/mongodump 1.510s real 0m4.531s user 0m8.878s sys 0m0.890s