2018-04-17T20:33:06.555+0000 I CONTROL [main] 2018-04-17T20:33:06.556+0000 I CONTROL [main] ** NOTE: This is a development version (3.7.4-6-g228106a741) of MongoDB. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.556+0000 I CONTROL [main] ** Not recommended for production. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.556+0000 I CONTROL [main] 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I SHARDING [mongosMain] mongos version v3.7.4-6-g228106a741 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] git version: 228106a7416288ad6263ab67878477cc23e9c23f 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] allocator: tcmalloc 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] modules: enterprise 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] build environment: 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distmod: windows-64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distarch: x86_64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] target_arch: x86_64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] db version v3.7.4-6-g228106a741 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] git version: 228106a7416288ad6263ab67878477cc23e9c23f 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] allocator: tcmalloc 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] modules: enterprise 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] build environment: 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distmod: windows-64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distarch: x86_64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] target_arch: x86_64 2018-04-17T20:33:06.567+0000 I CONTROL [mongosMain] options: { config: "c:\data\mci\71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e\drivers-tools\.evergreen\orchestration\db\mongo-q7i09e", net: { bindIp: ",::1", compression: { compressors: "zlib,snappy,noop" }, ipv6: true, port: 27017, ssl: { CAFile: "C:/data/mci/71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e/drivers-tools/.evergreen/x509gen/ca.pem", PEMKeyFile: "C:/data/mci/71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e/drivers-tools/.evergreen/x509gen/server.pem", mode: "requireSSL", weakCertificateValidation: true } }, security: { keyFile: "c:\data\mci\71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e\drivers-tools\.evergreen\orchestration\db\tmpf20wpy\key" }, setParameter: { enableTestCommands: "1" }, sharding: { configDB: "631a5eda-46bc-4dd0-80f0-fc9efb51ef08/localhost:1026" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", path: "c:\data\mci\71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e\drivers-tools\.evergreen\orchestration\db\mongo-igroky\mongos.log" } } 2018-04-17T20:33:06.569+0000 I NETWORK [mongosMain] Starting new replica set monitor for 631a5eda-46bc-4dd0-80f0-fc9efb51ef08/localhost:1026 2018-04-17T20:33:06.569+0000 I SHARDING [thread1] creating distributed lock ping thread for process WIN-T1NSTPV2UDM:27017:1523997186:-5025637213461658973 (sleeping for 30000ms) 2018-04-17T20:33:06.617+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to localhost:1026 (1 connections now open to localhost:1026 with a 5 second timeout) 2018-04-17T20:33:06.617+0000 I ASIO [replSetDistLockPinger] Connecting to localhost:1026 2018-04-17T20:33:06.618+0000 I ASIO [replSetDistLockPinger] Connecting to localhost:1026 2018-04-17T20:33:06.658+0000 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-ShardRegistry] Connecting to localhost:1026 2018-04-17T20:33:06.661+0000 I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-ShardRegistry] Connecting to localhost:1026 2018-04-17T20:33:06.661+0000 W SHARDING [replSetDistLockPinger] pinging failed for distributed lock pinger :: caused by :: LockStateChangeFailed: findAndModify query predicate didn't match any lock document 2018-04-17T20:33:06.661+0000 I NETWORK [shard registry reload] Starting new replica set monitor for d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc/localhost:27217 2018-04-17T20:33:06.661+0000 I NETWORK [shard registry reload] Starting new replica set monitor for a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2/localhost:27218 2018-04-17T20:33:06.662+0000 I SHARDING [mongosMain] Waiting for signing keys, sleeping for 1s and trying again. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.706+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27217 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.707+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:33:06.707+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 1 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.741+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:33:06.741+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:33:06.741+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 1 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:33:08.751+0000 I FTDC [mongosMain] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory 'c:/data/mci/71adf00840eee64d74f9bd1375d5226e/drivers-tools/.evergreen/orchestration/db/mongo-igroky/mongos.diagnostic.data' 2018-04-17T20:33:08.754+0000 I NETWORK [mongosMain] waiting for connections on port 27017 ssl 2018-04-17T20:33:08.980+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #8 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:08.980+0000 I NETWORK [conn8] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:08.982+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #9 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:09.002+0000 I FTDC [ftdc] Unclean full-time diagnostic data capture shutdown detected, found interim file, some metrics may have been lost. OK 2018-04-17T20:33:09.012+0000 I NETWORK [conn9] received client metadata from conn9: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.5.1" }, os: { type: "Windows", name: "Windows 2008ServerR2", architecture: "AMD64", version: "6.1.7601-SP1" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.14.final.0" } 2018-04-17T20:33:09.045+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #10 (2 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:09.072+0000 I NETWORK [conn10] received client metadata from conn10: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.5.1" }, os: { type: "Windows", name: "Windows 2008ServerR2", architecture: "AMD64", version: "6.1.7601-SP1" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.14.final.0" } 2018-04-17T20:33:09.073+0000 I NETWORK [conn10] end connection (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:09.073+0000 I NETWORK [conn9] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:33:37.708+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:33:37.708+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 2 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:33:37.740+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:33:37.740+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:33:37.740+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 2 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:34:07.751+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to localhost:27217 (2 connections now open to localhost:27217 with a 5 second timeout) 2018-04-17T20:34:07.782+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:34:07.783+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:34:07.783+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 3 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:34:37.814+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:34:37.815+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:34:37.815+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 4 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:35:07.846+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:35:07.847+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:35:07.847+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 5 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:35:37.878+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:35:37.879+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:35:37.879+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 6 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:36:07.923+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:36:07.924+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:36:07.924+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 7 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:36:37.956+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:36:37.956+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:36:37.956+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 8 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:37:07.994+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:37:07.994+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:37:07.994+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 9 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:37:38.027+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:37:38.027+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:37:38.028+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 10 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:38:08.059+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:38:08.060+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:38:08.060+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 11 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:38:08.843+0000 I SHARDING [thread5] Refreshing cached database entry for config; current cached database info is {} 2018-04-17T20:38:08.843+0000 I SHARDING [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Refresh for database config took 0 ms and found { _id: "config", primary: "config", partitioned: true } 2018-04-17T20:38:08.844+0000 I SHARDING [thread5] Refreshing chunks for collection config.system.sessions based on version 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2018-04-17T20:38:08.845+0000 I SHARDING [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Refresh for collection config.system.sessions took 1 ms and found version 1|0||5ad65b2ce9ac17222e5af2bf 2018-04-17T20:38:38.092+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:38:38.092+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:39:07.762+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Failed to check socket connectivity: The operation completed successfully. 2018-04-17T20:39:08.762+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Marking host localhost:27217 as failed :: caused by :: Location40356: connection pool: connect failed localhost:27217 : couldn't connect to server localhost:27217, connection attempt failed: SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. 2018-04-17T20:39:08.762+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:39:08.762+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 1 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:39:08.794+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] can't authenticate to localhost:27218 as internal user, error: Authentication failed. 2018-04-17T20:39:08.795+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:39:39.770+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:39:39.770+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 2 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:39:40.771+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set a48d2503-6cc2-48e9-809a-1fb935ea2bb2 2018-04-17T20:40:06.195+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #24 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.196+0000 I NETWORK [conn24] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: The server is configured to only allow SSL connections. Ending connection from (connection id: 24) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.196+0000 I NETWORK [conn24] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.696+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #25 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.697+0000 I NETWORK [conn25] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: The server is configured to only allow SSL connections. Ending connection from (connection id: 25) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.697+0000 I NETWORK [conn25] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:06.699+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #26 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:07.281+0000 I NETWORK [conn26] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:10.772+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:40:10.772+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 3 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:40:10.823+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to localhost:27218 (14 connections now open to localhost:27218 with a 5 second timeout) 2018-04-17T20:40:40.638+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #28 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:40.638+0000 I NETWORK [conn28] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: The server is configured to only allow SSL connections. Ending connection from (connection id: 28) 2018-04-17T20:40:40.638+0000 I NETWORK [conn28] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:41.774+0000 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc 2018-04-17T20:40:41.774+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set d32c6dd4-eaa7-4548-82b7-edfa1b821bcc. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for 4 checks in a row. 2018-04-17T20:40:54.817+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #29 (1 connection now open) 2018-04-17T20:40:54.818+0000 I NETWORK [conn29] end connection (0 connections now open)