2018-06-07T10:57:11.767-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=67550 port=9001 dbpath=/tmp/mms-automation/test/output/data/process9001 64-bit host=jazzstep-2.local 2018-06-07T10:57:11.767-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v4.0.0-rc3 2018-06-07T10:57:11.768-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 9df7d4af87d43a8f1983b56af610b4d4acc069e1 2018-06-07T10:57:11.768-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: system 2018-06-07T10:57:11.769-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none 2018-06-07T10:57:11.769-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment: 2018-06-07T10:57:11.770-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64 2018-06-07T10:57:11.770-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64 2018-06-07T10:57:11.771-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { config: "/tmp/mms-automation/test/output/data/process9001/automation-mongod.conf", net: { bindIp: "", port: 9001 }, processManagement: { fork: true }, replication: { oplogSizeMB: 64, replSetName: "rs1" }, storage: { dbPath: "/tmp/mms-automation/test/output/data/process9001", mmapv1: { preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } }, systemLog: { destination: "file", path: "/tmp/mms-automation/test/logs/run9001" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:11.772-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=7680M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=(recovery_progress), 2018-06-07T10:57:12.336-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1528383432:336079][67550:0x7fffb8844340], txn-recover: Set global recovery timestamp: 0 2018-06-07T10:57:12.376-0400 I RECOVERY [initandlisten] WiredTiger recoveryTimestamp. Ts: Timestamp(0, 0) 2018-06-07T10:57:12.448-0400 W STORAGE [initandlisten] Detected configuration for non-active storage engine mmapv1 when current storage engine is wiredTiger 2018-06-07T10:57:12.448-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] 2018-06-07T10:57:12.449-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database. 2018-06-07T10:57:12.450-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted. 2018-06-07T10:57:12.451-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] 2018-06-07T10:57:12.460-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.startup_log with generated UUID: dc1a582b-20e3-430d-8e7f-6562b7f22df6 2018-06-07T10:57:12.507-0400 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/tmp/mms-automation/test/output/data/process9001/diagnostic.data' 2018-06-07T10:57:12.512-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.replset.oplogTruncateAfterPoint with generated UUID: 56358898-37d6-4357-9fb1-d20f9ca06bc7 2018-06-07T10:57:12.551-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.replset.minvalid with generated UUID: db2b3f1d-a059-46e0-9f4a-3ac3042f3bd7 2018-06-07T10:57:12.608-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local voted for document at startup. 2018-06-07T10:57:12.609-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. Creating one. 2018-06-07T10:57:12.610-0400 I STORAGE [initandlisten] createCollection: local.system.rollback.id with generated UUID: 14fd4782-aeaa-4492-80cd-fa7089a1089a 2018-06-07T10:57:12.646-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Initialized the rollback ID to 1 2018-06-07T10:57:12.647-0400 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup; NoMatchingDocument: Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset 2018-06-07T10:57:12.649-0400 I CONTROL [LogicalSessionCacheReap] Sessions collection is not set up; waiting until next sessions reap interval: Replication has not yet been configured 2018-06-07T10:57:12.649-0400 I CONTROL [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Sessions collection is not set up; waiting until next sessions refresh interval: Replication has not yet been configured 2018-06-07T10:57:12.650-0400 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 9001 2018-06-07T10:57:14.400-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.404-0400 I ACCESS [conn1] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for __system on local from client ; AuthenticationFailed: It is not possible to authenticate as the __system user on servers started without a --keyFile parameter 2018-06-07T10:57:14.404-0400 I NETWORK [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.406-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #2 (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.407-0400 I ACCESS [conn2] Supported SASL mechanisms requested for unknown user 'testuser@admin' 2018-06-07T10:57:14.408-0400 I ACCESS [conn2] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for testuser on admin from client ; UserNotFound: Could not find user testuser@admin 2018-06-07T10:57:14.408-0400 I NETWORK [conn2] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.410-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #3 (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.431-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #4 (2 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.432-0400 I ACCESS [conn4] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for __system on local from client ; AuthenticationFailed: It is not possible to authenticate as the __system user on servers started without a --keyFile parameter 2018-06-07T10:57:14.433-0400 I NETWORK [conn4] end connection (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.433-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #5 (2 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.434-0400 I ACCESS [conn5] Supported SASL mechanisms requested for unknown user 'testuser@admin' 2018-06-07T10:57:14.435-0400 I ACCESS [conn5] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for testuser on admin from client ; UserNotFound: Could not find user testuser@admin 2018-06-07T10:57:14.435-0400 I NETWORK [conn5] end connection (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.435-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #6 (2 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.437-0400 I REPL [conn6] replSetInitiate admin command received from client 2018-06-07T10:57:14.452-0400 I REPL [conn6] replSetInitiate config object with 3 members parses ok 2018-06-07T10:57:14.452-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:14.453-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9003 2018-06-07T10:57:14.456-0400 I REPL [conn6] ****** 2018-06-07T10:57:14.456-0400 I REPL [conn6] creating replication oplog of size: 64MB... 2018-06-07T10:57:14.457-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] createCollection: local.oplog.rs with generated UUID: 4d5e498e-a122-411a-aad0-24226acd628a 2018-06-07T10:57:14.462-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #11 (3 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.462-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #12 (4 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:14.462-0400 I NETWORK [conn11] received client metadata from conn11: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceTL", version: "4.0.0-rc3" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.4.0" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:14.465-0400 I NETWORK [conn12] received client metadata from conn12: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceTL", version: "4.0.0-rc3" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.4.0" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:14.475-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] Starting WiredTigerRecordStoreThread local.oplog.rs 2018-06-07T10:57:14.476-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] The size storer reports that the oplog contains 0 records totaling to 0 bytes 2018-06-07T10:57:14.477-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] Scanning the oplog to determine where to place markers for truncation 2018-06-07T10:57:14.577-0400 I REPL [conn6] ****** 2018-06-07T10:57:14.581-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] createCollection: local.system.replset with generated UUID: f09f882a-e548-4dbe-8514-90bd5ef511c1 2018-06-07T10:57:14.719-0400 I STORAGE [conn6] createCollection: admin.system.version with provided UUID: 6625ffa1-77fb-4c32-8b52-bfd29321b074 2018-06-07T10:57:14.772-0400 I COMMAND [conn6] setting featureCompatibilityVersion to 4.0 2018-06-07T10:57:14.773-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] Skip closing connection for connection # 12 2018-06-07T10:57:14.774-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] Skip closing connection for connection # 11 2018-06-07T10:57:14.775-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] Skip closing connection for connection # 6 2018-06-07T10:57:14.775-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] Skip closing connection for connection # 3 2018-06-07T10:57:14.776-0400 I REPL [conn6] New replica set config in use: { _id: "rs1", version: 1, protocolVersion: 1, writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault: true, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9001", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9002", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 2, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9003", arbiterOnly: true, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 0.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5b1947ca5bf210e5405b14cf') } } 2018-06-07T10:57:14.778-0400 I REPL [conn6] This node is jazzstep-2.local:9001 in the config 2018-06-07T10:57:14.778-0400 I REPL [conn6] transition to STARTUP2 from STARTUP 2018-06-07T10:57:14.779-0400 I REPL [conn6] Starting replication storage threads 2018-06-07T10:57:14.780-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Member jazzstep-2.local:9002 is now in state STARTUP 2018-06-07T10:57:14.781-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Member jazzstep-2.local:9003 is now in state STARTUP 2018-06-07T10:57:14.782-0400 I REPL [conn6] transition to RECOVERING from STARTUP2 2018-06-07T10:57:14.783-0400 I REPL [conn6] Starting replication fetcher thread 2018-06-07T10:57:14.784-0400 I REPL [conn6] Starting replication applier thread 2018-06-07T10:57:14.784-0400 I REPL [conn6] Starting replication reporter thread 2018-06-07T10:57:14.784-0400 I REPL [rsSync-0] Starting oplog application 2018-06-07T10:57:14.785-0400 I COMMAND [conn6] command local.system.replset command: replSetInitiate { replSetInitiate: { _id: "rs1", members: [ { tags: {}, votes: 1, _id: 0, hidden: false, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9001", arbiterOnly: false, priority: 1.0, slaveDelay: 0, buildIndexes: true }, { votes: 1, buildIndexes: true, priority: 1.0, _id: 1, slaveDelay: 0, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9002", arbiterOnly: false, tags: {}, hidden: false }, { priority: 0.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, host: "jazzstep-2.local:9003", arbiterOnly: true, hidden: false, votes: 1, _id: 2, buildIndexes: true } ] }, $readPreference: { mode: "secondaryPreferred" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:178 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 15, w: 6, W: 2 }, acquireWaitCount: { W: 1 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { W: 138 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3, W: 3 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 2 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { r: 2, w: 3 } } } protocol:op_query 348ms 2018-06-07T10:57:14.786-0400 I REPL [rsSync-0] transition to SECONDARY from RECOVERING 2018-06-07T10:57:16.469-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #13 (5 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.470-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #14 (6 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.470-0400 I NETWORK [conn13] end connection (5 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.471-0400 I NETWORK [conn14] end connection (4 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.787-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Member jazzstep-2.local:9003 is now in state ARBITER 2018-06-07T10:57:16.788-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Member jazzstep-2.local:9002 is now in state STARTUP2 2018-06-07T10:57:16.793-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #15 (5 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.794-0400 I NETWORK [conn15] received client metadata from conn15: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceTL", version: "4.0.0-rc3" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.4.0" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:16.797-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #16 (6 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:16.798-0400 I NETWORK [conn16] received client metadata from conn16: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceTL", version: "4.0.0-rc3" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.4.0" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:17.288-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Member jazzstep-2.local:9002 is now in state SECONDARY 2018-06-07T10:57:24.825-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Starting an election, since we've seen no PRIMARY in the past 10000ms 2018-06-07T10:57:24.826-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected. current term: 0 2018-06-07T10:57:24.827-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] VoteRequester(term 0 dry run) received a yes vote from jazzstep-2.local:9002; response message: { term: 0, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0, operationTime: Timestamp(1528383434, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1528383434, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } 2018-06-07T10:57:24.828-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] dry election run succeeded, running for election in term 1 2018-06-07T10:57:24.829-0400 I STORAGE [replexec-1] createCollection: local.replset.election with generated UUID: a427f693-0c65-4dc4-b881-43e410dd3e68 2018-06-07T10:57:24.951-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] VoteRequester(term 1) received a yes vote from jazzstep-2.local:9002; response message: { term: 1, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0, operationTime: Timestamp(1528383434, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1528383434, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } 2018-06-07T10:57:24.952-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 1 2018-06-07T10:57:24.954-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] transition to PRIMARY from SECONDARY 2018-06-07T10:57:24.961-0400 I REPL [replexec-0] Entering primary catch-up mode. 2018-06-07T10:57:24.966-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9003 2018-06-07T10:57:24.979-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats after becoming primary. 2018-06-07T10:57:24.980-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Exited primary catch-up mode. 2018-06-07T10:57:24.981-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Stopping replication producer 2018-06-07T10:57:26.802-0400 I NETWORK [conn15] end connection (5 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:26.820-0400 I STORAGE [rsSync-0] createCollection: config.transactions with generated UUID: 2adc9174-6737-49f0-afd2-cbed0f9a49b0 2018-06-07T10:57:26.867-0400 I REPL [rsSync-0] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted 2018-06-07T10:57:26.875-0400 I STORAGE [monitoring keys for HMAC] createCollection: admin.system.keys with generated UUID: 6ccff40a-ad23-4c2f-9e00-f2e0df1f6e53 2018-06-07T10:57:26.960-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #18 (6 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:26.961-0400 I NETWORK [conn18] received client metadata from conn18: { driver: { name: "NetworkInterfaceTL", version: "4.0.0-rc3" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "17.4.0" } } 2018-06-07T10:57:26.969-0400 I STORAGE [conn18] Triggering the first stable checkpoint. Initial Data: Timestamp(1528383434, 1) PrevStable: Timestamp(0, 0) CurrStable: Timestamp(1528383446, 1) 2018-06-07T10:57:27.066-0400 I COMMAND [monitoring keys for HMAC] command admin.system.keys command: insert { insert: "system.keys", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: 6564356916317782017, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, D03F1D62CDD4CB2418CB300E15C264C3BD0FF6C6), expiresAt: Timestamp(1536159446, 0) } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, $db: "admin" } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:230 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 6, w: 5 }, acquireWaitCount: { r: 1 }, timeAcquiringMicros: { r: 49679 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 2, W: 3 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 2 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_msg 191ms 2018-06-07T10:57:29.418-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #19 (7 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.437-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #20 (8 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.839-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #21 (9 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.840-0400 I ACCESS [conn21] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for __system on local from client ; AuthenticationFailed: It is not possible to authenticate as the __system user on servers started without a --keyFile parameter 2018-06-07T10:57:29.843-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #22 (10 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.843-0400 I NETWORK [conn21] end connection (9 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.844-0400 I ACCESS [conn22] Supported SASL mechanisms requested for unknown user 'testuser@admin' 2018-06-07T10:57:29.845-0400 I ACCESS [conn22] SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for testuser on admin from client ; UserNotFound: Could not find user testuser@admin 2018-06-07T10:57:29.847-0400 I NETWORK [conn22] end connection (8 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.847-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #23 (9 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.884-0400 I NETWORK [conn18] end connection (8 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.884-0400 I NETWORK [conn11] end connection (7 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:29.886-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #24 (8 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:30.974-0400 I ASIO [Replication] dropping unhealthy pooled connection to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:30.975-0400 I ASIO [Replication] after drop, pool was empty, going to spawn some connections 2018-06-07T10:57:30.976-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:31.584-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.585-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.586-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 55) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.587-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:31.589-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.589-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.590-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 57) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.591-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:31.592-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.593-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.594-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 58) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:31.594-0400 I REPL [replexec-1] Member jazzstep-2.local:9002 is now in state RS_DOWN 2018-06-07T10:57:33.598-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:33.600-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.601-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.602-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 60) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.602-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:33.604-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.605-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.606-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 61) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.606-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:33.608-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.609-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:33.609-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 62) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:34.874-0400 I NETWORK [conn16] end connection (7 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:57:34.886-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Ending connection to host jazzstep-2.local:9003 due to bad connection status; 1 connections to that host remain open 2018-06-07T10:57:35.610-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:35.613-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.614-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.615-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 64) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.616-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:35.618-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.618-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.619-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 65) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.620-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:35.621-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.622-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:35.623-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 66) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.624-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:37.627-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.628-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.629-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 68) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.630-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:37.631-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.632-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.633-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 69) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.634-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:37.635-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.636-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:37.637-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 70) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:39.637-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:40.123-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.125-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.125-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 72) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.126-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:40.128-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.129-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.130-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 73) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.130-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:40.132-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.133-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:40.133-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 74) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.136-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:42.139-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.139-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.140-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 76) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.141-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:42.143-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.144-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.144-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 77) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.145-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:42.146-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.147-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:42.148-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 78) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.148-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:44.151-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.152-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.153-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 80) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.153-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:44.155-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.156-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.157-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 81) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.157-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:44.159-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.159-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:44.160-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 82) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.162-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:46.164-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.165-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.166-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 84) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.166-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:46.168-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.169-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.169-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 85) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.170-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:46.171-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.172-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:46.173-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 86) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.176-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:48.659-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.660-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.661-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 88) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.662-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:48.663-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.664-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.665-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 89) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.666-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:48.667-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.668-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:48.669-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 90) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.670-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:50.673-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.674-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.674-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 92) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.675-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:50.677-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.678-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.678-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 93) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.679-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:50.680-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.681-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:50.682-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 94) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.685-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:52.689-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.690-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.691-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 96) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.692-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:52.693-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.694-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.695-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-1] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 97) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.695-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:52.697-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.698-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:52.698-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 98) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:54.698-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:55.346-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.346-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.347-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 100) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.348-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:55.350-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.351-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.352-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 102) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.352-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:55.354-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.354-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:55.355-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 103) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.357-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:57.360-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.361-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.362-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 105) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.362-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:57.364-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.365-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.365-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 106) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.366-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:57.368-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.368-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:57.369-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 107) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.369-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:59.372-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.373-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.374-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 109) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.374-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:59.376-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.377-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.378-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 110) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.378-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:57:59.380-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.380-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:57:59.381-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 111) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.381-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:01.384-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.385-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.386-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 113) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.387-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:01.389-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.389-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.390-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-0] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 114) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.391-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:01.393-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.393-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:01.394-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 115) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.394-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:03.396-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.396-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.397-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 117) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.398-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:03.399-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.400-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.401-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 118) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.401-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:03.403-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.403-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:03.404-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 119) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.408-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:05.411-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.412-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.413-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 121) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.414-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:05.415-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.416-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.417-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 122) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.418-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:05.419-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.420-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:05.420-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-4] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 123) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.422-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:07.426-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.427-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.428-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 125) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.429-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:07.430-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.431-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.432-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 126) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.432-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:07.434-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.435-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:07.435-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 127) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.437-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:09.440-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.441-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.442-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 129) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.443-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:09.444-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.445-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.446-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-2] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 130) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.447-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 2018-06-07T10:58:09.448-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Failed to connect to jazzstep-2.local:9002 - HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.449-0400 I ASIO [Replication] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.450-0400 I REPL_HB [replexec-3] Error in heartbeat (requestId: 131) to jazzstep-2.local:9002, response status: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to jazzstep-2.local:9002 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused 2018-06-07T10:58:09.866-0400 I NETWORK [conn19] end connection (6 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.070-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] end connection (5 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.070-0400 I NETWORK [conn23] end connection (4 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.070-0400 I NETWORK [conn20] end connection (3 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.070-0400 I NETWORK [conn24] end connection (2 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.102-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] got signal 15 (Terminated: 15), will terminate after current cmd ends 2018-06-07T10:58:10.103-0400 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... 2018-06-07T10:58:10.103-0400 I NETWORK [signalProcessingThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-9001.sock 2018-06-07T10:58:10.104-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] shutting down replication subsystems 2018-06-07T10:58:10.105-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication reporter thread 2018-06-07T10:58:10.105-0400 I COMMAND [conn3] command admin.$cmd command: delete { delete: "system.version", writeConcern: { getLastError: 1, w: "majority" }, ordered: true, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:355 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 2, w: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 1, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 40241ms 2018-06-07T10:58:10.105-0400 I NETWORK [conn12] end connection (1 connection now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.106-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication fetcher thread 2018-06-07T10:58:10.106-0400 I NETWORK [conn3] end connection (0 connections now open) 2018-06-07T10:58:10.108-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication applier thread 2018-06-07T10:58:10.109-0400 I REPL [rsSync-0] Finished oplog application 2018-06-07T10:58:10.877-0400 I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] Stopping replication producer 2018-06-07T10:58:10.883-0400 I REPL [signalProcessingThread] Stopping replication storage threads 2018-06-07T10:58:10.887-0400 I ASIO [signalProcessingThread] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9003 due to ShutdownInProgress: Shuting down the connection pool 2018-06-07T10:58:10.894-0400 I ASIO [signalProcessingThread] Dropping all pooled connections to jazzstep-2.local:9002 due to ShutdownInProgress: Shuting down the connection pool 2018-06-07T10:58:10.898-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] Shutting down free monitoring 2018-06-07T10:58:10.900-0400 I FTDC [signalProcessingThread] Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture 2018-06-07T10:58:10.933-0400 I STORAGE [WTOplogJournalThread] oplog journal thread loop shutting down 2018-06-07T10:58:10.939-0400 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down 2018-06-07T10:58:11.113-0400 I STORAGE [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... 2018-06-07T10:58:11.117-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] now exiting 2018-06-07T10:58:11.118-0400 I CONTROL [signalProcessingThread] shutting down with code:0