import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.CommandResult; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoOptions; import com.mongodb.MongoURI; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; public class MongoBenchTest { private static List createCollectionList(Mongo mongo, int noOfDBs, int noOfColls) throws UnknownHostException { List collectionList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfDBs; i++) { DB mDB = mongo.getDB("mongoBenchDB" + i); for (int j = 0; j < noOfColls; j++) { DBCollection mColl = mDB.getCollection("mongoBenchColl" + j); mColl.drop(); mColl.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("randomNo", 1)); mColl.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("title", 1)); mColl.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("stringList", 1)); collectionList.add(mColl); } } return collectionList; } private static void resetCollection(DBCollection c) { c.drop(); c.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("randomNo", 1)); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { int documentSizeFactor = 4000; // ignored currently int noOfDBs = 20; int noOfColls = 1; int noOfOperations = 4000; int batchSize = 4000; int startNumThreads = 1; int endNumThreads = 10; int threadNumIncrement = 1; final int numRuns = 1; boolean writeTest = true; String uri = "mongodb://localhost:30000"; if (args.length > 0) { uri = args[0]; } uri += "/?maxPoolSize=" + endNumThreads; MongoOptions mo = new MongoOptions(); mo.connectionsPerHost = endNumThreads; Mongo mongo = new Mongo(new MongoURI(uri)); List collectionList = createCollectionList(mongo, noOfDBs, noOfColls); CommandResult serverStatus = mongo.getDB("admin").command("serverStatus"); System.out.println("Mongo server: " + uri); System.out.println("MongoDB server version: " + serverStatus.get("version")); System.out.println("Number Of threads = " + endNumThreads); System.out.println("Number Of operations = " + noOfOperations); System.out.println("Batch size = " + batchSize); System.out.println("Number of runs = " + numRuns); System.out.println(); if (writeTest) { // warm up doWriteTest(5, documentSizeFactor, endNumThreads, 5, collectionList); for (int threadCount = startNumThreads; threadCount <= endNumThreads; threadCount+=threadNumIncrement) { System.out.println("Thread count: " + threadCount); long totalElapsedTime = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= numRuns; i++) { long elapsedTime = doWriteTest(noOfOperations, documentSizeFactor, threadCount, batchSize, collectionList); totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime; // System.out.println(" " + elapsedTime + " ms"); } // System.out.println("Total: " + totalElapsedTime + " ms"); System.out.println(" Average: " + totalElapsedTime / numRuns + " ms"); System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Done"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static long doWriteTest(final int noOfOperations, final int documentSizeFactor, final int noOfThreads, final int batchSize, List collectionList) throws InterruptedException { CountDownLatch ready = new CountDownLatch(noOfThreads); CountDownLatch go = new CountDownLatch(1); List threads = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfThreads; i++) { resetCollection(collectionList.get(i)); MongoWriteThread mwt = new MongoWriteThread(collectionList.get(i), documentSizeFactor, noOfOperations, batchSize, ready, go); threads.add(mwt); mwt.start(); } ready.await(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); go.countDown(); for (Thread t : threads) { t.join(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } static class MongoWriteThread extends Thread { public MongoWriteThread(DBCollection coll, int docSizeFactor, int noOfOperations, int batchSize, final CountDownLatch ready, final CountDownLatch go) { this.coll = coll; this.docSizeFactor = docSizeFactor; this.batchSize = batchSize; this.ready = ready; this.go = go; this.noOfOperations = noOfOperations; } private DBCollection coll; // Use docSizeFactor as an input to determine document size returned by getObjectOFSize private int docSizeFactor; private final int batchSize; private final CountDownLatch ready; private final CountDownLatch go; private int noOfOperations; private long randomNo; private String title = "sample title"; private String[] stringList = {"listString1", "listString2", "listString3", "listString4", "listString5", "listString6", "listString7", "listString8"}; private String longString = "efwwefwerferwjkhwfgkrwjehfkjrhwbfjherbwfkhjerwkjhbfkejrhbwfkjrhwebfjkhrwbfkjhrwbfjkhrebwfjkhberwfjhbwrefjhberwfbherwkjfbwkjerb" + "klwrehflkerwhfleruwhflkwhrejfklherwldjkfhwllllerfkljerbwfljkberfklberwliugirhlubflerbwki3475gferuwbfkwjbulferhlkfhklrewhrwkleflgkehrlkghwlerhgkerflkjhrew" + "fluiwerhfuhgerfkuygwreyukfgekrwyugfuiqwghfiurwgbfkeuwygi7348gfbkjwbfrkjrwbhfkuyfeu4kfgku34wyfrhfglurehligkhrelwhgkerwghfkrewgfkuerwgfkerwfgkevkjqwflqrwbf" + "lfyurwegflrgfliruewhflrewhfleriwhflirewufhlierwflierwgfhlierwhuflriwefhlierwufhlirewuhflierwhfuliwrefhleirwuhflirehglwghletrkhgltieghelgherlwghlewihglerh" + "erfkljrbflkwrrlkwhelfkuhewrlkuhlkgreuhglkhewrlkuhglkrehglkrhueglkuehrwlgkhglkwerhfgliuerwhliwhilhluerbwlkgbelwrkbvlkurehwfligwerhfkygjbflkrbflkrwebflrkbge"; private DBObject getDBObjectOfSize(long docSizeFactor) { DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put("randomNo", randomNo++); dbo.put("title", title); dbo.put("stringList", stringList); dbo.put(longString, longString); return dbo; } private DBObject[] getDBObjectArray() { List dbObjectList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfOperations; i++) { DBObject dbo = getDBObjectOfSize(docSizeFactor); dbObjectList.add(dbo); } return dbObjectList.toArray(new DBObject[noOfOperations]); } public void run() { try { DBObject[] dboArray = getDBObjectArray(); ready.countDown(); go.await(); DBObject[] batch = new DBObject[batchSize]; for (int batchNum = 0; batchNum < noOfOperations / batchSize; batchNum++) { System.arraycopy(dboArray, batchSize * batchNum, batch, 0, batchSize); coll.insert(batch, WriteConcern.SAFE); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }