{ "host" : "ubuntuDB1", "version" : "4.0.5", "process" : "mongod", "pid" : NumberLong(1320), "uptime" : 1937.0, "uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(1937299), "uptimeEstimate" : NumberLong(1937), "localTime" : ISODate("2019-01-21T10:16:50.661+0000"), "asserts" : { "regular" : NumberInt(0), "warning" : NumberInt(0), "msg" : NumberInt(0), "user" : NumberInt(53), "rollovers" : NumberInt(0) }, "connections" : { "current" : NumberInt(298), "available" : NumberInt(50902), "totalCreated" : NumberInt(12182) }, "extra_info" : { "note" : "fields vary by platform", "page_faults" : NumberInt(371) }, "freeMonitoring" : { "state" : "undecided" }, "globalLock" : { "totalTime" : NumberLong(1937045000), "currentQueue" : { "total" : NumberInt(0), "readers" : NumberInt(0), "writers" : NumberInt(0) }, "activeClients" : { "total" : NumberInt(342), "readers" : NumberInt(3), "writers" : NumberInt(0) } }, "locks" : { "Global" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(8659222), "w" : NumberLong(60420), "W" : NumberLong(24) }, "acquireWaitCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(5), "w" : NumberLong(1) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { "r" : NumberLong(18789), "w" : NumberLong(869050) } }, "Database" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(8513569), "w" : NumberLong(60016), "R" : NumberLong(12), "W" : NumberLong(202) }, "acquireWaitCount" : { "W" : NumberLong(1) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { "W" : NumberLong(722) } }, "Collection" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(5956681), "w" : NumberLong(59769) } }, "Metadata" : { "acquireCount" : { "W" : NumberLong(78) } }, "oplog" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(2529046), "w" : NumberLong(241) } } }, "logicalSessionRecordCache" : { "activeSessionsCount" : NumberInt(22), "sessionsCollectionJobCount" : NumberInt(7), "lastSessionsCollectionJobDurationMillis" : NumberInt(48), "lastSessionsCollectionJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2019-01-21T10:14:37.727+0000"), "lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesRefreshed" : NumberInt(24), "lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesEnded" : NumberInt(3), "lastSessionsCollectionJobCursorsClosed" : NumberInt(0), "transactionReaperJobCount" : NumberInt(7), "lastTransactionReaperJobDurationMillis" : NumberInt(0), "lastTransactionReaperJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2019-01-21T10:14:37.727+0000"), "lastTransactionReaperJobEntriesCleanedUp" : NumberInt(0) }, "network" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(320026056), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(4037190470), "physicalBytesIn" : NumberLong(282106382), "physicalBytesOut" : NumberLong(3787829515), "numRequests" : NumberLong(473031), "compression" : { "snappy" : { "compressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(385633956), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(135134009) }, "decompressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(55655054), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(115883485) } } }, "serviceExecutorTaskStats" : { "executor" : "passthrough", "threadsRunning" : NumberInt(298) } }, "opLatencies" : { "reads" : { "latency" : NumberLong(3254338524), "ops" : NumberLong(312349) }, "writes" : { "latency" : NumberLong(77472692), "ops" : NumberLong(9281) }, "commands" : { "latency" : NumberLong(13487474), "ops" : NumberLong(151394) }, "transactions" : { "latency" : NumberLong(0), "ops" : NumberLong(0) } }, "opcounters" : { "insert" : NumberInt(529398), "query" : NumberInt(241423), "update" : NumberInt(4974), "delete" : NumberInt(46), "getmore" : NumberInt(63916), "command" : NumberInt(158852) }, "opcountersRepl" : { "insert" : NumberInt(35882), "query" : NumberInt(0), "update" : NumberInt(317), "delete" : NumberInt(36005), "getmore" : NumberInt(0), "command" : NumberInt(0) }, "repl" : { "hosts" : [ "ubuntuDB1.host.com:27017", "ubuntuDB2.host.com:27017", "ubuntuDB3.host.com:27017" ], "passives" : [ "ubuntuDB4.host.com:27017" ], "setName" : "rs0", "setVersion" : NumberInt(54721), "ismaster" : true, "secondary" : false, "primary" : "ubuntuDB1.host.com:27017", "me" : "ubuntuDB1.host.com:27017", "electionId" : ObjectId("7fffffff0000000000000076"), "lastWrite" : { "opTime" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1548065810, 9), "t" : NumberLong(118) }, "lastWriteDate" : ISODate("2019-01-21T10:16:50.000+0000"), "majorityOpTime" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1548065810, 9), "t" : NumberLong(118) }, "majorityWriteDate" : ISODate("2019-01-21T10:16:50.000+0000") }, "rbid" : NumberInt(1) }, "storageEngine" : { "name" : "wiredTiger", "supportsCommittedReads" : true, "supportsSnapshotReadConcern" : true, "readOnly" : false, "persistent" : true }, "tcmalloc" : { "generic" : { "current_allocated_bytes" : NumberLong(21712837968), "heap_size" : NumberLong(22116470784) }, "tcmalloc" : { "pageheap_free_bytes" : NumberInt(140066816), "pageheap_unmapped_bytes" : NumberInt(14438400), "max_total_thread_cache_bytes" : NumberLong(1073741824), "current_total_thread_cache_bytes" : NumberInt(132843552), "total_free_bytes" : NumberInt(249126608), "central_cache_free_bytes" : NumberInt(111454464), "transfer_cache_free_bytes" : NumberInt(4828480), "thread_cache_free_bytes" : NumberInt(132843488), "aggressive_memory_decommit" : NumberInt(0), "pageheap_committed_bytes" : NumberLong(22102032384), "pageheap_scavenge_count" : NumberInt(4229), "pageheap_commit_count" : NumberInt(105789), "pageheap_total_commit_bytes" : NumberLong(34291679232), "pageheap_decommit_count" : NumberInt(4229), "pageheap_total_decommit_bytes" : NumberLong(12189646848), "pageheap_reserve_count" : NumberInt(12499), "pageheap_total_reserve_bytes" : NumberLong(22116470784), "spinlock_total_delay_ns" : NumberLong(9626796946), "formattedString" : "------------------------------------------------\nMALLOC: 21712839360 (20707.0 MiB) Bytes in use by application\nMALLOC: + 140066816 ( 133.6 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist\nMALLOC: + 111454464 ( 106.3 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist\nMALLOC: + 4828480 ( 4.6 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist\nMALLOC: + 132843264 ( 126.7 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists\nMALLOC: + 92791040 ( 88.5 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata\nMALLOC: ------------\nMALLOC: = 22194823424 (21166.6 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)\nMALLOC: + 14438400 ( 13.8 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)\nMALLOC: ------------\nMALLOC: = 22209261824 (21180.4 MiB) Virtual address space used\nMALLOC:\nMALLOC: 927920 Spans in use\nMALLOC: 359 Thread heaps in use\nMALLOC: 4096 Tcmalloc page size\n------------------------------------------------\nCall ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).\nBytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.\n" } }, "transactions" : { "retriedCommandsCount" : NumberLong(0), "retriedStatementsCount" : NumberLong(0), "transactionsCollectionWriteCount" : NumberLong(0), "currentActive" : NumberLong(0), "currentInactive" : NumberLong(0), "currentOpen" : NumberLong(0), "totalAborted" : NumberLong(0), "totalCommitted" : NumberLong(0), "totalStarted" : NumberLong(0) }, "transportSecurity" : { "1.0" : NumberLong(0), "1.1" : NumberLong(0), "1.2" : NumberLong(0), "1.3" : NumberLong(0), "unknown" : NumberLong(0) }, "wiredTiger" : { "uri" : "statistics:", "LSM" : { "application work units currently queued" : NumberInt(0), "merge work units currently queued" : NumberInt(0), "rows merged in an LSM tree" : NumberInt(0), "sleep for LSM checkpoint throttle" : NumberInt(0), "sleep for LSM merge throttle" : NumberInt(0), "switch work units currently queued" : NumberInt(0), "tree maintenance operations discarded" : NumberInt(0), "tree maintenance operations executed" : NumberInt(0), "tree maintenance operations scheduled" : NumberInt(0), "tree queue hit maximum" : NumberInt(0) }, "async" : { "current work queue length" : NumberInt(0), "maximum work queue length" : NumberInt(0), "number of allocation state races" : NumberInt(0), "number of flush calls" : NumberInt(0), "number of operation slots viewed for allocation" : NumberInt(0), "number of times operation allocation failed" : NumberInt(0), "number of times worker found no work" : NumberInt(0), "total allocations" : NumberInt(0), "total compact calls" : NumberInt(0), "total insert calls" : NumberInt(0), "total remove calls" : NumberInt(0), "total search calls" : NumberInt(0), "total update calls" : NumberInt(0) }, "block-manager" : { "blocks pre-loaded" : NumberInt(41652), "blocks read" : NumberInt(740134), "blocks written" : NumberInt(48940), "bytes read" : 7549415424.0, "bytes written" : NumberInt(473825280), "bytes written for checkpoint" : NumberInt(470843392), "mapped blocks read" : NumberInt(0), "mapped bytes read" : NumberInt(0) }, "cache" : { "application threads page read from disk to cache count" : NumberInt(735186), "application threads page read from disk to cache time (usecs)" : NumberInt(198079997), "application threads page write from cache to disk count" : NumberInt(40728), "application threads page write from cache to disk time (usecs)" : NumberInt(1218972), "bytes belonging to page images in the cache" : 20699707813.0, "bytes belonging to the cache overflow table in the cache" : NumberInt(182), "bytes currently in the cache" : 22235767928.0, "bytes dirty in the cache cumulative" : 1251454061.0, "bytes not belonging to page images in the cache" : 1536060114.0, "bytes read into cache" : 19513977945.0, "bytes written from cache" : NumberInt(767353222), "cache overflow cursor application thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "cache overflow cursor internal thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "cache overflow score" : NumberInt(0), "cache overflow table entries" : NumberInt(0), "cache overflow table insert calls" : NumberInt(0), "cache overflow table remove calls" : NumberInt(0), "checkpoint blocked page eviction" : NumberInt(0), "eviction calls to get a page" : NumberInt(3421), "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty" : NumberInt(2022), "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty after locking" : NumberInt(0), "eviction currently operating in aggressive mode" : NumberInt(0), "eviction empty score" : NumberInt(0), "eviction passes of a file" : NumberInt(0), "eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up" : NumberInt(0), "eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up" : NumberInt(0), "eviction server evicting pages" : NumberInt(0), "eviction server slept, because we did not make progress with eviction" : NumberInt(5696), "eviction server unable to reach eviction goal" : NumberInt(0), "eviction state" : NumberInt(32), "eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks abandoned" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks reached end of tree" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks started from root of tree" : NumberInt(0), "eviction walks started from saved location in tree" : NumberInt(0), "eviction worker thread active" : NumberInt(4), "eviction worker thread created" : NumberInt(0), "eviction worker thread evicting pages" : NumberInt(1390), "eviction worker thread removed" : NumberInt(0), "eviction worker thread stable number" : NumberInt(0), "failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum count" : NumberInt(1167), "failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum time (usecs)" : NumberInt(1217), "files with active eviction walks" : NumberInt(0), "files with new eviction walks started" : NumberInt(0), "force re-tuning of eviction workers once in a while" : NumberInt(0), "hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : NumberInt(154), "hazard pointer check calls" : NumberInt(17724), "hazard pointer check entries walked" : NumberInt(113246), "hazard pointer maximum array length" : NumberInt(2), "in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : NumberInt(184), "in-memory page splits" : NumberInt(85), "internal pages evicted" : NumberInt(3969), "internal pages split during eviction" : NumberInt(0), "leaf pages split during eviction" : NumberInt(5), "maximum bytes configured" : 33241956352.0, "maximum page size at eviction" : NumberInt(0), "modified pages evicted" : NumberInt(1371), "modified pages evicted by application threads" : NumberInt(0), "operations timed out waiting for space in cache" : NumberInt(0), "overflow pages read into cache" : NumberInt(0), "page split during eviction deepened the tree" : NumberInt(0), "page written requiring cache overflow records" : NumberInt(0), "pages currently held in the cache" : NumberInt(720281), "pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum count" : NumberInt(87), "pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum time (usecs)" : NumberInt(41529), "pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items count" : NumberInt(4879), "pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items time (usecs)" : NumberInt(90847), "pages evicted by application threads" : NumberInt(0), "pages queued for eviction" : NumberInt(0), "pages queued for urgent eviction" : NumberInt(1398), "pages queued for urgent eviction during walk" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache" : NumberInt(735666), "pages read into cache after truncate" : NumberInt(6), "pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache requiring cache overflow entries" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache requiring cache overflow for checkpoint" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache skipping older cache overflow entries" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later" : NumberInt(0), "pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later by checkpoint" : NumberInt(0), "pages requested from the cache" : NumberInt(577858207), "pages seen by eviction walk" : NumberInt(0), "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : NumberInt(1311), "pages walked for eviction" : NumberInt(0), "pages written from cache" : NumberInt(40775), "pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : NumberInt(12), "percentage overhead" : NumberInt(8), "tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache" : NumberInt(68115098), "tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache" : 22167652830.0, "tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : NumberInt(43838674), "tracked dirty pages in the cache" : NumberInt(404), "unmodified pages evicted" : NumberInt(14957) }, "connection" : { "auto adjusting condition resets" : NumberInt(6974), "auto adjusting condition wait calls" : NumberInt(18870), "detected system time went backwards" : NumberInt(0), "files currently open" : NumberInt(453), "memory allocations" : NumberInt(21942554), "memory frees" : NumberInt(8513615), "memory re-allocations" : NumberInt(103472), "pthread mutex condition wait calls" : NumberInt(46718), "pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls" : NumberInt(11590922), "pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls" : NumberInt(3396021), "total fsync I/Os" : NumberInt(270450), "total read I/Os" : NumberInt(741497), "total write I/Os" : NumberInt(315495) }, "cursor" : { "cursor close calls that result in cache" : NumberInt(671725), "cursor create calls" : NumberInt(11433), "cursor insert calls" : NumberInt(3257805), "cursor modify calls" : NumberInt(818), "cursor next calls" : NumberInt(312882121), "cursor operation restarted" : NumberInt(1087), "cursor prev calls" : NumberInt(6386000), "cursor remove calls" : NumberInt(2101151), "cursor reserve calls" : NumberInt(0), "cursor reset calls" : NumberInt(16144612), "cursor search calls" : NumberInt(210293912), "cursor search near calls" : NumberInt(4956376), "cursor sweep buckets" : NumberInt(78396), "cursor sweep cursors closed" : NumberInt(0), "cursor sweep cursors examined" : NumberInt(35836), "cursor sweeps" : NumberInt(13066), "cursor update calls" : NumberInt(0), "cursors currently cached" : NumberInt(6828), "cursors reused from cache" : NumberInt(664623), "truncate calls" : NumberInt(5) }, "data-handle" : { "connection data handles currently active" : NumberInt(1084), "connection sweep candidate became referenced" : NumberInt(0), "connection sweep dhandles closed" : NumberInt(0), "connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list" : NumberInt(4410), "connection sweep time-of-death sets" : NumberInt(54631), "connection sweeps" : NumberInt(961), "session dhandles swept" : NumberInt(0), "session sweep attempts" : NumberInt(1285) }, "lock" : { "checkpoint lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(665), "checkpoint lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "checkpoint lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "commit timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(132830), "commit timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(1264), "commit timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(886), "commit timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(579711), "dhandle lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(302), "dhandle lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "dhandle read lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(14341), "dhandle write lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(9905), "metadata lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(32), "metadata lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "metadata lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "read timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(123072), "read timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(46), "read timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(218), "read timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(2526033), "schema lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(1297), "schema lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(1323998), "schema lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "table lock application thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : NumberInt(5067), "table lock internal thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "table read lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(0), "table write lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(3207), "txn global lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(61650), "txn global lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : NumberInt(31223), "txn global read lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(12698), "txn global write lock acquisitions" : NumberInt(68830) }, "log" : { "busy returns attempting to switch slots" : NumberInt(171184), "force archive time sleeping (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "log bytes of payload data" : NumberInt(190786337), "log bytes written" : NumberInt(229538816), "log files manually zero-filled" : NumberInt(0), "log flush operations" : NumberInt(284281), "log force write operations" : NumberInt(286883), "log force write operations skipped" : NumberInt(21111), "log records compressed" : NumberInt(13439), "log records not compressed" : NumberInt(529080), "log records too small to compress" : NumberInt(736), "log release advances write LSN" : NumberInt(667), "log scan operations" : NumberInt(4), "log scan records requiring two reads" : NumberInt(53), "log server thread advances write LSN" : NumberInt(265846), "log server thread write LSN walk skipped" : NumberInt(9602), "log sync operations" : NumberInt(266258), "log sync time duration (usecs)" : NumberInt(46783882), "log sync_dir operations" : NumberInt(3), "log sync_dir time duration (usecs)" : NumberInt(7), "log write operations" : NumberInt(543254), "logging bytes consolidated" : NumberInt(229543296), "maximum log file size" : NumberInt(104857600), "number of pre-allocated log files to create" : NumberInt(2), "pre-allocated log files not ready and missed" : NumberInt(1), "pre-allocated log files prepared" : NumberInt(4), "pre-allocated log files used" : NumberInt(2), "records processed by log scan" : NumberInt(62), "slot close lost race" : NumberInt(0), "slot close unbuffered waits" : NumberInt(0), "slot closures" : NumberInt(266513), "slot join atomic update races" : NumberInt(45), "slot join calls atomic updates raced" : NumberInt(45), "slot join calls did not yield" : NumberInt(542096), "slot join calls found active slot closed" : NumberInt(1112), "slot join calls slept" : NumberInt(2), "slot join calls yielded" : NumberInt(1157), "slot join found active slot closed" : NumberInt(3929), "slot joins yield time (usecs)" : NumberInt(9289), "slot transitions unable to find free slot" : NumberInt(0), "slot unbuffered writes" : NumberInt(67), "total in-memory size of compressed records" : NumberInt(278909827), "total log buffer size" : NumberInt(33554432), "total size of compressed records" : NumberInt(81425301), "written slots coalesced" : NumberInt(0), "yields waiting for previous log file close" : NumberInt(0) }, "perf" : { "file system read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : NumberInt(762), "file system read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : NumberInt(107), "file system read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : NumberInt(47), "file system read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : NumberInt(11), "file system read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : NumberInt(1), "file system read latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : NumberInt(1), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : NumberInt(3), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : NumberInt(1), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : NumberInt(0), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : NumberInt(0), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : NumberInt(0), "file system write latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : NumberInt(0), "operation read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : NumberInt(51809), "operation read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : NumberInt(166270), "operation read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : NumberInt(39227), "operation read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : NumberInt(21741), "operation read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : NumberInt(2406), "operation write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : NumberInt(1883), "operation write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : NumberInt(1986), "operation write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : NumberInt(1058), "operation write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : NumberInt(610), "operation write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : NumberInt(164) }, "reconciliation" : { "fast-path pages deleted" : NumberInt(10095), "page reconciliation calls" : NumberInt(26700), "page reconciliation calls for eviction" : NumberInt(997), "pages deleted" : NumberInt(5501), "split bytes currently awaiting free" : NumberInt(1796), "split objects currently awaiting free" : NumberInt(27) }, "session" : { "open cursor count" : NumberInt(54), "open session count" : NumberInt(43), "session query timestamp calls" : NumberInt(0), "table alter failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table alter successful calls" : NumberInt(633), "table alter unchanged and skipped" : NumberInt(1899), "table compact failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table compact successful calls" : NumberInt(0), "table create failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table create successful calls" : NumberInt(1), "table drop failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table drop successful calls" : NumberInt(0), "table rebalance failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table rebalance successful calls" : NumberInt(0), "table rename failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table rename successful calls" : NumberInt(0), "table salvage failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table salvage successful calls" : NumberInt(0), "table truncate failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table truncate successful calls" : NumberInt(5), "table verify failed calls" : NumberInt(0), "table verify successful calls" : NumberInt(0) }, "thread-state" : { "active filesystem fsync calls" : NumberInt(0), "active filesystem read calls" : NumberInt(0), "active filesystem write calls" : NumberInt(0) }, "thread-yield" : { "application thread time evicting (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "application thread time waiting for cache (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "connection close blocked waiting for transaction state stabilization" : NumberInt(0), "connection close yielded for lsm manager shutdown" : NumberInt(0), "data handle lock yielded" : NumberInt(191494), "get reference for page index and slot time sleeping (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "log server sync yielded for log write" : NumberInt(0), "page access yielded due to prepare state change" : NumberInt(0), "page acquire busy blocked" : NumberInt(0), "page acquire eviction blocked" : NumberInt(19), "page acquire locked blocked" : NumberInt(224), "page acquire read blocked" : NumberInt(243847), "page acquire time sleeping (usecs)" : NumberInt(42499700), "page delete rollback time sleeping for state change (usecs)" : NumberInt(0), "page reconciliation yielded due to child modification" : NumberInt(0) }, "transaction" : { "Number of prepared updates" : NumberInt(0), "Number of prepared updates added to cache overflow" : NumberInt(0), "Number of prepared updates resolved" : NumberInt(0), "commit timestamp queue entries walked" : NumberInt(280581), "commit timestamp queue insert to empty" : NumberInt(537232), "commit timestamp queue inserts to head" : NumberInt(8557), "commit timestamp queue inserts total" : NumberInt(579756), "commit timestamp queue length" : NumberInt(1), "number of named snapshots created" : NumberInt(0), "number of named snapshots dropped" : NumberInt(0), "prepared transactions" : NumberInt(0), "prepared transactions committed" : NumberInt(0), "prepared transactions currently active" : NumberInt(0), "prepared transactions rolled back" : NumberInt(0), "query timestamp calls" : NumberInt(287801), "read timestamp queue entries walked" : NumberInt(2301118), "read timestamp queue insert to empty" : NumberInt(258050), "read timestamp queue inserts to head" : NumberInt(1011147), "read timestamp queue inserts total" : NumberInt(2526558), "read timestamp queue length" : NumberInt(1), "rollback to stable calls" : NumberInt(0), "rollback to stable updates aborted" : NumberInt(0), "rollback to stable updates removed from cache overflow" : NumberInt(0), "set timestamp calls" : NumberInt(43014), "set timestamp commit calls" : NumberInt(0), "set timestamp commit updates" : NumberInt(0), "set timestamp oldest calls" : NumberInt(21507), "set timestamp oldest updates" : NumberInt(21501), "set timestamp stable calls" : NumberInt(21507), "set timestamp stable updates" : NumberInt(21501), "transaction begins" : NumberInt(7284546), "transaction checkpoint currently running" : NumberInt(0), "transaction checkpoint generation" : NumberInt(33), "transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)" : NumberInt(1446), "transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)" : NumberInt(10), "transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)" : NumberInt(489), "transaction checkpoint scrub dirty target" : NumberInt(0), "transaction checkpoint scrub time (msecs)" : NumberInt(0), "transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)" : NumberInt(18587), "transaction checkpoints" : NumberInt(32), "transaction checkpoints skipped because database was clean" : NumberInt(0), "transaction failures due to cache overflow" : NumberInt(0), "transaction fsync calls for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID" : NumberInt(32), "transaction fsync duration for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID (usecs)" : NumberInt(59305), "transaction range of IDs currently pinned" : NumberInt(8), "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint" : NumberInt(0), "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by named snapshots" : NumberInt(0), "transaction range of timestamps currently pinned" : 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"_configsvrAddShard" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrAddShardToZone" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStart" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStop" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkMerge" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkMigration" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkSplit" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitMovePrimary" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCreateCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCreateDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrDropCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : 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"total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_isSelf" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_mergeAuthzCollections" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_migrateClone" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_movePrimary" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkAbort" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkCommit" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkStart" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_shardsvrShardCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_transferMods" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "abortTransaction" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "aggregate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(6871) }, "appendOplogNote" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) 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"writeConflicts" : NumberLong(0) }, "queryExecutor" : { "scanned" : NumberLong(204188105), "scannedObjects" : NumberLong(277336420) }, "record" : { "moves" : NumberLong(0) }, "repl" : { "executor" : { "pool" : { "inProgressCount" : NumberInt(0) }, "queues" : { "networkInProgress" : NumberInt(0), "sleepers" : NumberInt(4) }, "unsignaledEvents" : NumberInt(0), "shuttingDown" : false, "networkInterface" : "DEPRECATED: getDiagnosticString is deprecated in NetworkInterfaceTL" }, "apply" : { "attemptsToBecomeSecondary" : NumberLong(1), "batches" : { "num" : NumberInt(16), "totalMillis" : NumberInt(619) }, "ops" : NumberLong(72204) }, "buffer" : { "count" : NumberLong(0), "maxSizeBytes" : NumberLong(268435456), "sizeBytes" : NumberLong(0) }, "initialSync" : { "completed" : NumberLong(0), "failedAttempts" : NumberLong(0), "failures" : NumberLong(0) }, "network" : { "bytes" : NumberLong(26022228), "getmores" : { "num" : NumberInt(3), "totalMillis" : NumberInt(5437) }, "ops" : NumberLong(72202), 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