mongorestore --port 15000 --db my_db --drop -vvvvv my_db 2019-07-11T12:04:05.685+0300 using write concern: &{majority false 0} 2019-07-11T12:04:05.995+0300 checking options 2019-07-11T12:04:05.995+0300 dumping with object check disabled 2019-07-11T12:04:05.997+0300 will listen for SIGTERM, SIGINT, and SIGKILL 2019-07-11T12:04:06.301+0300 connected to node type: standalone 2019-07-11T12:04:06.301+0300 the --db and --collection args should only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead 2019-07-11T12:04:06.303+0300 mongorestore target is a directory, not a file 2019-07-11T12:04:06.303+0300 building a list of collections to restore from my_db dir 2019-07-11T12:04:06.304+0300 reading collections for database my_db in my_db 2019-07-11T12:04:06.305+0300 found collection my_db.base bson to restore to my_db.base 2019-07-11T12:04:06.305+0300 found collection metadata from my_db.base to restore to my_db.base 2019-07-11T12:04:06.305+0300 finalizing intent manager with multi-database longest task first prioritizer 2019-07-11T12:04:06.306+0300 restoring up to 4 collections in parallel 2019-07-11T12:04:06.306+0300 starting restore routine with id=3 2019-07-11T12:04:06.307+0300 starting restore routine with id=1 2019-07-11T12:04:06.308+0300 ending restore routine with id=1, no more work to do 2019-07-11T12:04:06.308+0300 starting restore routine with id=0 2019-07-11T12:04:06.309+0300 starting restore routine with id=2 2019-07-11T12:04:06.309+0300 ending restore routine with id=0, no more work to do 2019-07-11T12:04:06.310+0300 ending restore routine with id=2, no more work to do 2019-07-11T12:04:06.311+0300 dropping collection my_db.base before restoring 2019-07-11T12:04:06.323+0300 reading metadata for my_db.base from my_db\base.metadata.json 2019-07-11T12:04:06.324+0300 creating collection my_db.base using options from metadata 2019-07-11T12:04:06.326+0300 using collection options: primitive.D{primitive.E{Key:"idIndex", Value:mongorestore.IndexDocument{Options:primitive.M{"name":"_id_", "ns":"my_db.base"}, Key:primitive.D{primitive.E{Key:"_id", Value:1}}, PartialFilterExpression:primitive.D(nil)}}} 2019-07-11T12:04:06.352+0300 restoring my_db.base from my_db\base.bson 2019-07-11T12:04:06.354+0300 using 1 insertion workers 2019-07-11T12:04:06.356+0300 no indexes to restore 2019-07-11T12:04:06.357+0300 finished restoring my_db.base (5 documents, 0 failures) 2019-07-11T12:04:06.357+0300 ending restore routine with id=3, no more work to do 2019-07-11T12:04:06.358+0300 5 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore. mongodump --port 15000 --db my_db -vvvvv -o dump 2019-07-11T12:01:08.277+0300 initializing mongodump object 2019-07-11T12:01:08.281+0300 will listen for SIGTERM, SIGINT, and SIGKILL 2019-07-11T12:01:08.902+0300 starting Dump() 2019-07-11T12:01:08.906+0300 enqueued collection 'my_db.base' 2019-07-11T12:01:08.908+0300 dump phase I: metadata, indexes, users, roles, version 2019-07-11T12:01:08.908+0300 reading indexes for `my_db.base` 2019-07-11T12:01:08.911+0300 dump phase II: regular collections 2019-07-11T12:01:08.911+0300 finalizing intent manager with legacy prioritizer 2019-07-11T12:01:08.912+0300 dumping up to 1 collections in parallel 2019-07-11T12:01:08.914+0300 starting dump routine with id=0 2019-07-11T12:01:08.915+0300 writing my_db.base to 2019-07-11T12:01:08.918+0300 counted 5 documents in my_db.base 2019-07-11T12:01:08.921+0300 done dumping my_db.base (5 documents) 2019-07-11T12:01:08.921+0300 ending dump routine with id=0, no more work to do 2019-07-11T12:01:08.921+0300 dump phase III: the oplog 2019-07-11T12:01:08.923+0300 finishing dump