========================================================================= roles & Users ========================================================================= set06:PRIMARY> db.getRoles() [ ] set06:PRIMARY> use admin switched to db admin set06:PRIMARY> db.getRoles() [ ] set06:PRIMARY> db.getUsers() [ { "_id" : "admin.admin", "userId" : UUID("250bc229-ecf5-49c3-9598-f12be272c7ca"), "user" : "admin", "db" : "admin", "roles" : [ { "role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "readWriteAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "clusterAdmin", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "restore", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "backup", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "hostManager", "db" : "admin" } ] }, { "_id" : "admin.readonly", "userId" : UUID("38e15eed-8a27-4b95-b9e7-11e058a0e5fd"), "user" : "readonly", "db" : "admin", "roles" : [ { "role" : "readAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "clusterMonitor", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "backup", "db" : "admin" } ] } ] set06:PRIMARY> ========================================================================== Logs ========================================================================== 2020-08-11T00:14:44.574+0000 I NETWORK [conn533678] received client metadata from X.X.X.X:59410 conn533678: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:44.587+0000 I ACCESS [conn533678] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("31a2e442-4cbd-40b9-b283-b3f3045b402e") } ], $db: "admin" } 2020-08-11T00:14:47.989+0000 I NETWORK [conn533680] received client metadata from X.X.X.Y:45168 conn533680: { driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:47.990+0000 I NETWORK [conn533681] received client metadata from conn533681: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:48.001+0000 I ACCESS [conn533681] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("b6feff84-d9b6-4210-81cf-5f76875cd103") } ], $db: "admin" } 2020-08-11T00:14:49.495+0000 I NETWORK [conn533682] received client metadata from X.X.X.A:33520 conn533682: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:51.298+0000 I NETWORK [conn533684] received client metadata from X.X.X.Y:45196 conn533684: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:51.307+0000 I ACCESS [conn533684] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("b71b9b38-02c5-4ec4-b2c6-3edeeeb7e10b") } ], $db: "admin" } 2020-08-11T00:14:52.644+0000 I NETWORK [conn533685] received client metadata from conn533685: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:52.647+0000 I ACCESS [conn533685] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("5cb2711d-cc04-4ca5-b15a-5e1fa9a141ff") } ], $db: "admin" } 2020-08-11T00:14:52.743+0000 I NETWORK [conn533686] received client metadata from conn533686: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:52.747+0000 I ACCESS [conn533686] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("ee8e52a6-36b1-4534-9631-37f41eff0190") } ], $db: "admin" } 2020-08-11T00:14:53.777+0000 I NETWORK [conn533687] received client metadata from X.X.X.X:53210 conn533687: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.6.17" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) ", architecture: "x86_64", version: "Kernel 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64" } } 2020-08-11T00:14:53.783+0000 I ACCESS [conn533687] Unauthorized: not authorized on admin to execute command { endSessions: [ { id: UUID("98d58196-1ccd-4d4d-85db-2b6403b3a73e") } ], $db: "admin" }