2013-10-29T22:50:27.761+0000 shardObjTest passed 2013-10-29T22:50:27.761+0000 isInRangeTest passed 2013-10-29T22:50:27.761+0000 shardKeyTest passed 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 versionArrayTest passed 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=9572 port=27018 dbpath=/home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/ slave=1 64-bit host=ip-10-239-24-41 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] ** NOTE: This is a development version (2.5.4-pre-) of MongoDB. 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] ** Not recommended for production. 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] db version v2.5.4-pre- 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] git version: 97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033 modules: enterprise 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] build info: Linux ip-10-73-136-95 3.2.0-36-virtual #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 8 22:04:49 UTC 2013 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2013-10-29T22:50:27.762+0000 [initandlisten] options: { dbpath: "data/slave-0/", fork: true, logpath: "logs/slave-0/mongod.log", nohttpinterface: true, nojournal: true, port: 27018, slave: true, smallfiles: true, snmp-subagent: true, source: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", vvvvv: true } 2013-10-29T22:50:27.763+0000 BackgroundJob starting: DataFileSync 2013-10-29T22:50:27.779+0000 [initandlisten] flushing directory /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0 2013-10-29T22:50:27.792+0000 [initandlisten] opening db: local 2013-10-29T22:50:27.793+0000 [initandlisten] enter repairDatabases (to check pdfile version #) 2013-10-29T22:50:27.793+0000 [initandlisten] done repairDatabases 2013-10-29T22:50:27.793+0000 [initandlisten] runQuery called admin.system.roles {} 2013-10-29T22:50:27.793+0000 [initandlisten] opening db: admin 2013-10-29T22:50:27.793+0000 [initandlisten] query admin.system.roles ntoreturn:0 ntoskip:0 keyUpdates:0 locks(micros) W:112 r:133 nreturned:0 reslen:20 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 [initandlisten] fd limit hard:4096 soft:1024 max conn: 819 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 [initandlisten] runQuery called local.$cmd { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 [initandlisten] run command local.$cmd { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 [initandlisten] create collection local.startup_log { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 [initandlisten] mmf create /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.ns 2013-10-29T22:50:27.798+0000 BackgroundJob starting: SNMPAgent 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 BackgroundJob starting: TTLMonitor 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 BackgroundJob starting: PeriodicTask::Runner 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 BackgroundJob starting: ClientCursorMonitor 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 BackgroundJob starting: IndexRebuilder 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 [IndexRebuilder] checking complete 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 BackgroundJob starting: snapshot 2013-10-29T22:50:27.802+0000 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2013-10-29T22:50:27.802+0000 [FileAllocator] creating directory /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/_tmp 2013-10-29T22:50:27.802+0000 [FileAllocator] flushing directory /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0 2013-10-29T22:50:27.801+0000 [SnmpAgent] SNMPAgent num things: 102 2013-10-29T22:50:27.809+0000 [FileAllocator] flushing directory /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0 2013-10-29T22:50:27.818+0000 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.ns, size: 16MB, took 0.008 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:27.818+0000 [initandlisten] mmf finishOpening 0x7f1214651000 /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.ns len:16777216 2013-10-29T22:50:27.819+0000 [initandlisten] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.startup_log 2013-10-29T22:50:27.821+0000 [initandlisten] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.system.namespaces 2013-10-29T22:50:27.821+0000 [initandlisten] mmf create /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.0 2013-10-29T22:50:27.821+0000 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2013-10-29T22:50:27.821+0000 [FileAllocator] flushing directory /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.005 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [initandlisten] mmf finishOpening 0x7f1213651000 /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.0 len:16777216 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [initandlisten] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.system.namespaces desiredSize:8192 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:2000 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [initandlisten] _reuse extent was: now:local.system.namespaces 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [initandlisten] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.startup_log desiredSize:10485760 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:4000 2013-10-29T22:50:27.827+0000 [initandlisten] _reuse extent was: now:local.startup_log 2013-10-29T22:50:27.828+0000 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:37 29ms 2013-10-29T22:50:27.828+0000 [initandlisten] info PageFaultRetryableSection will not yield, already locked upon reaching 2013-10-29T22:50:27.828+0000 [initandlisten] insert local.startup_log ninserted:1 keyUpdates:0 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:27.828+0000 [initandlisten] slave=true 2013-10-29T22:50:27.828+0000 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27018 2013-10-29T22:50:27.838+0000 [SnmpAgent] SNMPAgent running as subagent 2013-10-29T22:50:28.833+0000 [replslave] processing update : query: {} updated: { _id: ObjectId('52703bb43e8489a27453438f'), host: "ip-10-239-24-41" } god: 0 upsert: 1 multi: 0 logToOplog: 1 fromMigration: 0 fromReplications: 0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.833+0000 [replslave] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.me 2013-10-29T22:50:28.833+0000 [replslave] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.me desiredSize:4096 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:a04000 2013-10-29T22:50:28.833+0000 [replslave] _reuse extent was: now:local.me 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.system.indexes 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] allocating new extent 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.system.indexes desiredSize:8192 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:a05000 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] _reuse extent was: now:local.system.indexes 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] creating index with info @ 0:a050b0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.835+0000 [replslave] build index on: local.me properties: { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "local.me" } 2013-10-29T22:50:28.836+0000 [replslave] have free list for local.$freelist 2013-10-29T22:50:28.837+0000 [replslave] external sort used : 0 files in 0 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.me.$_id_ 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.me.$_id_ desiredSize:36864 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:a07000 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] _reuse extent was: now:local.me.$_id_ 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] done building bottom layer, going to commit 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0.003 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] Saving repl source: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main" } 2013-10-29T22:50:28.838+0000 [replslave] processing update : query: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017" } updated: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main" } god: 0 upsert: 1 multi: 0 logToOplog: 0 fromMigration: 0 fromReplications: 0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.sources 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.sources desiredSize:4096 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:a10000 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] _reuse extent was: now:local.sources 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] creating index with info @ 0:a05100 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] build index on: local.sources properties: { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "local.sources" } 2013-10-29T22:50:28.839+0000 [replslave] external sort used : 0 files in 0 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] Database::_addNamespaceToCatalog ns: local.sources.$_id_ 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] ExtentManager::increaseStorageSize ns:local.sources.$_id_ desiredSize:36864 fromFreeList: 0 eloc: 0:a11000 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] _reuse extent was: now:local.sources.$_id_ 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] done building bottom layer, going to commit 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0.002 secs 2013-10-29T22:50:28.841+0000 [replslave] repl: syncing from host:ip-10-239-24-41:27017 2013-10-29T22:50:28.842+0000 BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG 2013-10-29T22:50:28.843+0000 [replslave] replHandshake res not: 1 res: { ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:28.843+0000 [replslave] repl: sync_pullOpLog local.oplog.$main syncedTo:Jan 1 00:00:00 0:0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.844+0000 [replslave] Saving repl source: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main", syncedTo: Timestamp 1383087025000|11 } 2013-10-29T22:50:28.844+0000 [replslave] processing update : query: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017" } updated: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main", syncedTo: Timestamp 1383087025000|11 } god: 0 upsert: 1 multi: 0 logToOplog: 0 fromMigration: 0 fromReplications: 0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.845+0000 [replslave] CoveredIndexMatcher::matches() {} 0:a100b0 0 2013-10-29T22:50:28.845+0000 [replslave] CoveredIndexMatcher _docMatcher->matches() returns 1 2013-10-29T22:50:28.845+0000 [replslave] repl: local.oplog.$main.find({ ts: { $gte: Timestamp 1383087025000|11 } }) 2013-10-29T22:50:28.846+0000 [replslave] repl: first op time received: 52703bb1:b 2013-10-29T22:50:28.846+0000 [replslave] repl: initial run 2013-10-29T22:50:33.588+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.insert 2013-10-29T22:50:33.588+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.588+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.589+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.589+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 344 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.589+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5908, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033589), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.insert 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 151 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5909, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033590), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.query 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.590+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 148 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5909, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033590), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.query 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.591+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 211 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5910, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033591), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.update 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 149 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.592+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5911, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033592), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.update 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 148 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.593+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5912, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033593), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.delete 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 157 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.594+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5913, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033594), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.delete 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 147 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5914, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033595), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.getmore 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.595+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5914, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033595), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.getmore 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 151 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.596+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5915, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033596), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.command 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 144 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.597+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5916, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033597), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: opcountersRepl.command 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 1, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:301 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for opcountersRepl took 157 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.598+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5917, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033598), opcountersRepl: { insert: 0, query: 0, update: 0, delete: 0, getmore: 0, command: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.current 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 208 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.602+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5921, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033602), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.current 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 151 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5922, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033603), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.available 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.603+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 198 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5922, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033603), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.available 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.604+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5923, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033604), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.totalCreated 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 196 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.605+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5924, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033605), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: connections.totalCreated 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 1, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:275 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for connections took 156 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.606+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5925, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033606), connections: { current: 0, available: 819, totalCreated: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.flushes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 209 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.611+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5930, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033611), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.flushes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 150 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.612+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5931, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033612), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.total_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 185 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.613+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5932, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033613), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.total_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5933, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033614), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.614+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.average_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 157 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5934, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033615), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.average_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.615+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5935, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033616), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.last_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 151 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.616+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5935, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033616), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.last_ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 156 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.617+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5936, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033617), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.last_finished 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 178 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.618+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5937, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033618), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: backgroundFlushing.last_finished 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 1, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:315 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for backgroundFlushing took 145 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.619+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5938, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033619), backgroundFlushing: { flushes: 0, total_ms: 0, average_ms: 0.0, last_ms: 0, last_finished: new Date(0) }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.totalOpen 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 1, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 1, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 1, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:274 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for cursors took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.620+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5939, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033620), cursors: { totalOpen: 0, clientCursors_size: 0, timedOut: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.621+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.totalOpen 2013-10-29T22:50:33.621+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.clientCursors_size 2013-10-29T22:50:33.622+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.clientCursors_size 2013-10-29T22:50:33.622+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.timedOut 2013-10-29T22:50:33.623+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: cursors.timedOut 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.note 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 1, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 1, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 1, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:297 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for extra_info took 408 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.633+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5952, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033633), extra_info: { note: "fields vary by platform", heap_usage_bytes: 29350912, page_faults: 17 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.634+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.note 2013-10-29T22:50:33.635+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.heap_usage_bytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.635+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.heap_usage_bytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.635+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.page_faults 2013-10-29T22:50:33.636+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: extra_info.page_faults 2013-10-29T22:50:33.636+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.accesses 2013-10-29T22:50:33.637+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.637+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.637+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.637+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 168 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.637+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5956, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033637), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.accesses 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 187 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5957, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033638), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.hits 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.638+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 224 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5957, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033638), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.hits 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.639+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 146 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5958, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033639), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.misses 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 150 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.640+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5959, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033640), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.misses 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 162 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.641+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5960, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033641), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.resets 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 147 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.642+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5961, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033642), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.resets 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 151 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5962, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033643), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.643+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.missRatio 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 163 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5963, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033644), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: indexCounters.missRatio 2013-10-29T22:50:33.644+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 1, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:294 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for indexCounters took 147 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5964, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033645), indexCounters: { accesses: 4, hits: 4, misses: 0, resets: 0, missRatio: 0.0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.bytesIn 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 1, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 1, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 1, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:265 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for network took 147 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.645+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5964, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033645), network: { bytesIn: 0, bytesOut: 0, numRequests: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.646+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.bytesIn 2013-10-29T22:50:33.647+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.bytesOut 2013-10-29T22:50:33.647+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.bytesOut 2013-10-29T22:50:33.648+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.numRequests 2013-10-29T22:50:33.648+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: network.numRequests 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: writeBacksQueued 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 412 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.649+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5968, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033649), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.650+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: writeBacksQueued 2013-10-29T22:50:33.650+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.650+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 330 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5969, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033650), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.totalTime 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 1, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 1, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 1, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 0 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:374 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for globalLock took 169 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.651+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5970, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033651), globalLock: { totalTime: 5970000, lockTime: 41488, currentQueue: { total: 0, readers: 0, writers: 0 }, activeClients: { total: 0, readers: 0, writers: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.652+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.totalTime 2013-10-29T22:50:33.653+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.lockTime 2013-10-29T22:50:33.653+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.lockTime 2013-10-29T22:50:33.654+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.total 2013-10-29T22:50:33.654+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.total 2013-10-29T22:50:33.655+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.readers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.655+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.readers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.656+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.writers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.656+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.currentQueue.writers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.657+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.total 2013-10-29T22:50:33.657+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.total 2013-10-29T22:50:33.658+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.readers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.659+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.readers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.659+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.writers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.660+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: globalLock.activeClients.writers 2013-10-29T22:50:33.660+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.deleted 2013-10-29T22:50:33.660+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.660+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.661+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.661+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 449 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.661+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5979, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033660), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.deleted 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 317 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.662+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5981, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033662), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.inserted 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 310 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.663+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5982, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033663), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.inserted 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 312 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.664+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5983, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033664), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.returned 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 308 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.665+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5984, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033665), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.666+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.returned 2013-10-29T22:50:33.666+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.666+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 296 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5985, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033666), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.updated 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 328 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.667+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5986, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033667), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.document.updated 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 321 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5988, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033669), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.669+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtime.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.670+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.670+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.670+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.670+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 296 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.670+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5989, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033670), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtime.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 296 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.671+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5990, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033671), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtime.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 299 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.672+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5991, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033672), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtime.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 318 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.673+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5992, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033673), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtimeouts 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 296 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.674+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5993, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033674), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.675+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.getLastError.wtimeouts 2013-10-29T22:50:33.675+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.675+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 329 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5994, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033675), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.fastmod 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 298 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.676+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5995, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033676), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.677+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.fastmod 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 297 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5997, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033678), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.idhack 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.678+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.679+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.679+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 337 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.679+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5998, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033679), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.idhack 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 327 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.680+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 5999, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033680), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.scanAndOrder 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 342 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.681+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6000, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033681), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.operation.scanAndOrder 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 309 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.682+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6001, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033682), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.queryExecutor.scanned 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 298 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.683+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6002, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033683), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.684+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.queryExecutor.scanned 2013-10-29T22:50:33.684+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.684+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 337 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6003, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033684), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.record.moves 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.685+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.686+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.686+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 332 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.686+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6004, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033685), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.record.moves 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 319 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6006, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033687), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.687+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.batches.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.688+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.688+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.688+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.688+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 307 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.688+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6007, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033688), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.batches.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 312 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.689+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6008, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033689), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.batches.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 308 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.690+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6009, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033690), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.batches.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 308 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.691+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6010, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033691), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.ops 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 307 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.692+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6011, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033692), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.693+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.apply.ops 2013-10-29T22:50:33.693+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.693+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 308 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6012, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033693), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.count 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.694+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.695+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.695+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 306 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.695+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6013, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033694), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.count 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 331 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.696+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6015, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033696), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.maxSizeBytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 328 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.697+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6016, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033697), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.maxSizeBytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 310 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.698+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6017, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033698), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.sizeBytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 319 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.699+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6018, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033699), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.700+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.buffer.sizeBytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.700+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.700+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.700+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 313 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6019, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033700), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.bytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.701+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 343 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.702+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6020, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033701), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.702+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.bytes 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 311 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6022, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033703), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.getmores.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.703+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.704+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.704+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 321 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.704+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6022, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033703), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.getmores.num 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 334 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.705+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6024, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033705), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.getmores.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 318 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.706+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6025, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033706), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.getmores.totalMillis 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 307 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.707+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6026, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033707), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.708+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::getElement: metrics.repl.network.ops 2013-10-29T22:50:33.708+0000 [SnmpAgent] runQuery called admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.710+0000 [SnmpAgent] run command admin.$cmd { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } 2013-10-29T22:50:33.710+0000 [SnmpAgent] command admin.$cmd command: { serverStatus: 1, asserts: 0, backgroundFlushing: 0, connections: 0, cursors: 0, dur: 0, extra_info: 0, globalLock: 0, indexCounters: 0, locks: 0, network: 0, opcounters: 0, opcountersRepl: 0, recordStats: 0, repl: 0, mem: 0, metrics: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 reslen:1071 0ms 2013-10-29T22:50:33.710+0000 [SnmpAgent] serverStatus cmd for metrics took 1999 micros 2013-10-29T22:50:33.710+0000 [SnmpAgent] ServerStatusClient::load { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27018", version: "2.5.4-pre-", process: "mongod", pid: 9572, uptime: 6.0, uptimeMillis: 6029, uptimeEstimate: 5.0, localTime: new Date(1383087033710), writeBacksQueued: false, mem: { bits: 64, resident: 42, virtual: 262, supported: true, mapped: 32 }, metrics: { document: { deleted: 0, inserted: 1, returned: 0, updated: 0 }, getLastError: { wtime: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, wtimeouts: 0 }, operation: { fastmod: 0, idhack: 0, scanAndOrder: 0 }, queryExecutor: { scanned: 0 }, record: { moves: 1 }, repl: { apply: { batches: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0 }, buffer: { count: 0, maxSizeBytes: 268435456, sizeBytes: 0 }, network: { bytes: 0, getmores: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, ops: 0, readersCreated: 2 }, oplog: { insert: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, insertBytes: 0 }, preload: { docs: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 }, indexes: { num: 0, totalMillis: 0 } } }, ttl: { deletedDocuments: 0, passes: 0 } }, ok: 1.0 } 2013-10-29T22:50:38.874+0000 [replslave] Saving repl source: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main", syncedTo: Timestamp 1383087025000|11 } 2013-10-29T22:50:38.877+0000 [replslave] processing update : query: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017" } updated: { host: "ip-10-239-24-41:27017", source: "main", syncedTo: Timestamp 1383087025000|11 } god: 0 upsert: 1 multi: 0 logToOplog: 0 fromMigration: 0 fromReplications: 0 2013-10-29T22:50:38.877+0000 [replslave] CoveredIndexMatcher::matches() {} 0:a100f8 0 2013-10-29T22:50:38.877+0000 [replslave] CoveredIndexMatcher _docMatcher->matches() returns 1 2013-10-29T22:50:38.877+0000 [replslave] repl: applied 0 operations 2013-10-29T22:50:38.878+0000 [replslave] repl: end sync_pullOpLog syncedTo: Oct 29 22:50:25 52703bb1:b 2013-10-29T22:50:38.878+0000 [replslave] repl: sleep 2 sec before next pass 2013-10-29T22:50:40.878+0000 [replslave] repl: syncing from host:ip-10-239-24-41:27017 2013-10-29T22:50:40.878+0000 [replslave] repl: sync_pullOpLog local.oplog.$main syncedTo:Oct 29 22:50:25 52703bb1:b 2013-10-29T22:50:40.878+0000 [replslave] repl: tailing=true 2013-10-29T22:50:40.878+0000 [replslave] repl: first op time received: 52703bbf:1 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] got signal 2 (Interrupt), will terminate after current cmd ends 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] now exiting 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 6 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] closing listening socket: 7 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-27018.sock 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: going to close sockets... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: closing all files... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] mmf close 2013-10-29T22:51:04.985+0000 [signalProcessingThread] mmf close /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.ns 2013-10-29T22:51:04.987+0000 [signalProcessingThread] mmf close /home/ubuntu/mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-97c3a3d2b487e9376d484d33ede2895e379a3033-2013-10-29/data/slave-0/local.0 2013-10-29T22:51:04.987+0000 [signalProcessingThread] closeAllFiles() finished 2013-10-29T22:51:04.987+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: removing fs lock... 2013-10-29T22:51:04.987+0000 [signalProcessingThread] shutdown: groupCommitMutex