==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:47.283+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile config/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.283+0100 [FileAllocator] creating directory config/_tmp 2014-12-17T16:33:47.307+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile config/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.014 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:47.320+0100 [initandlisten] build index on: local.startup_log properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "local.startup_log" } 2014-12-17T16:33:47.320+0100 [initandlisten] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:47.320+0100 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: create { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 2250ms 2014-12-17T16:33:47.320+0100 [initandlisten] ****** 2014-12-17T16:33:47.320+0100 [initandlisten] creating replication oplog of size: 5MB... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.339+0100 [initandlisten] ****** 2014-12-17T16:33:47.345+0100 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 20000 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:45.101+0100 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2014-12-17T16:33:45.101+0100 [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 10001 }, sharding: { clusterRole: "shardsvr" }, storage: { dbPath: "a", journal: { enabled: false }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } 2014-12-17T16:33:45.117+0100 [initandlisten] allocating new ns file a/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.284+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile a/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.284+0100 [FileAllocator] creating directory a/_tmp 2014-12-17T16:33:47.304+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile a/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.011 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:47.306+0100 [initandlisten] build index on: local.startup_log properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "local.startup_log" } 2014-12-17T16:33:47.306+0100 [initandlisten] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:47.306+0100 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: create { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 2188ms 2014-12-17T16:33:47.313+0100 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 10001 ==> shardb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:45.162+0100 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2014-12-17T16:33:45.162+0100 [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 10002 }, sharding: { clusterRole: "shardsvr" }, storage: { dbPath: "b", journal: { enabled: false }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } 2014-12-17T16:33:45.176+0100 [initandlisten] allocating new ns file b/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.285+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile b/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.285+0100 [FileAllocator] creating directory b/_tmp 2014-12-17T16:33:47.324+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile b/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.025 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:47.325+0100 [initandlisten] build index on: local.startup_log properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "local.startup_log" } 2014-12-17T16:33:47.325+0100 [initandlisten] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:47.325+0100 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: create { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 2149ms 2014-12-17T16:33:47.326+0100 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 10002 ==> shardc.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:45.129+0100 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2014-12-17T16:33:45.129+0100 [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 10003 }, sharding: { clusterRole: "shardsvr" }, storage: { dbPath: "c", journal: { enabled: false }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } 2014-12-17T16:33:45.143+0100 [initandlisten] allocating new ns file c/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.275+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile c/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.275+0100 [FileAllocator] creating directory c/_tmp 2014-12-17T16:33:47.307+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile c/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.014 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:47.311+0100 [initandlisten] build index on: local.startup_log properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "local.startup_log" } 2014-12-17T16:33:47.311+0100 [initandlisten] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:47.311+0100 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: create { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 2168ms 2014-12-17T16:33:47.319+0100 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 10003 ==> shardd.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:45.007+0100 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2014-12-17T16:33:45.007+0100 [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 10004 }, sharding: { clusterRole: "shardsvr" }, storage: { dbPath: "d", journal: { enabled: false }, preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true } } 2014-12-17T16:33:45.023+0100 [initandlisten] allocating new ns file d/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.197+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile d/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:47.197+0100 [FileAllocator] creating directory d/_tmp 2014-12-17T16:33:47.285+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile d/local.0, size: 16MB, took 0.012 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:47.288+0100 [initandlisten] build index on: local.startup_log properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "local.startup_log" } 2014-12-17T16:33:47.288+0100 [initandlisten] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:47.288+0100 [initandlisten] command local.$cmd command: create { create: "startup_log", size: 10485760, capped: true } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 2265ms 2014-12-17T16:33:47.288+0100 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 10004 ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:50.890+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:50.891+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:50.891+0100 [conn1] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.154+0100 [conn1] command admin.$cmd command: fsync { fsync: 1 } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 reslen:51 262ms 2014-12-17T16:33:51.155+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:51.160+0100 [conn1] allocating new ns file config/config.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:51.618+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile config/config.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:51.626+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile config/config.0, size: 16MB, took 0.007 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:51.628+0100 [conn1] build index on: config.lockpings properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.lockpings" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.629+0100 [conn1] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.629+0100 [conn1] update config.lockpings query: { _id: "tracecloud:27017:1418830431:1804289383" } update: { $set: { ping: new Date(1418830431160) } } nMatched:1 nModified:0 upsert:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) w:468924 468ms 2014-12-17T16:33:51.630+0100 [conn3] build index on: config.locks properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.locks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.630+0100 [conn3] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.634+0100 [conn1] build index on: config.changelog properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.changelog" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.635+0100 [conn1] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.636+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:51.636+0100 [conn4] first cluster operation detected, adding sharding hook to enable versioning and authentication to remote servers 2014-12-17T16:33:51.637+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.666+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.681+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.version properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.version" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.682+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.691+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.713+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.742+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.settings properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.settings" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.742+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.743+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.769+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.chunks properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.chunks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.771+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.772+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.chunks properties: { v: 1, unique: true, key: { ns: 1, min: 1 }, name: "ns_1_min_1", ns: "config.chunks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.772+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.773+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.801+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.chunks properties: { v: 1, unique: true, key: { ns: 1, shard: 1, min: 1 }, name: "ns_1_shard_1_min_1", ns: "config.chunks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.802+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.802+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.820+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.chunks properties: { v: 1, unique: true, key: { ns: 1, lastmod: 1 }, name: "ns_1_lastmod_1", ns: "config.chunks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.821+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.821+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.854+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.shards properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.shards" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.854+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.854+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.shards properties: { v: 1, unique: true, key: { host: 1 }, name: "host_1", ns: "config.shards" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.855+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.855+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.884+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.locks properties: { v: 1, unique: true, key: { ts: 1 }, name: "ts_1", ns: "config.locks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.884+0100 [conn4] building index using bulk method 2014-12-17T16:33:51.885+0100 [conn4] build index done. scanned 1 total records. 0 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:51.885+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.910+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.locks properties: { v: 1, key: { state: 1, process: 1 }, name: "state_1_process_1", ns: "config.locks" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.911+0100 [conn4] building index using bulk method 2014-12-17T16:33:51.911+0100 [conn4] build index done. scanned 1 total records. 0 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:51.911+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:51.940+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.lockpings properties: { v: 1, key: { ping: 1 }, name: "ping_1", ns: "config.lockpings" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.941+0100 [conn4] building index using bulk method 2014-12-17T16:33:51.941+0100 [conn4] build index done. scanned 1 total records. 0 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:51.942+0100 [conn1] end connection (3 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:51.944+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.mongos properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.mongos" } 2014-12-17T16:33:51.944+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:51.945+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (4 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:55.730+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:55.752+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.databases properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.databases" } 2014-12-17T16:33:55.753+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:55.756+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:55.758+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:55.774+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:55.790+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:55.804+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:55.828+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:55.829+0100 [conn2] first cluster operation detected, adding sharding hook to enable versioning and authentication to remote servers 2014-12-17T16:33:55.831+0100 [conn2] allocating new ns file a/test.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:56.284+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile a/test.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:56.291+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile a/test.0, size: 16MB, took 0.006 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:56.292+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.InputCollection" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.292+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.292+0100 [conn2] command test.$cmd command: create { create: "InputCollection" } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) w:461575 reslen:37 461ms 2014-12-17T16:33:56.294+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { value.sn: 1, _id: 1 }, name: "value.sn_1__id_1", ns: "test.InputCollection", sparse: false } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.294+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.296+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open) ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.297+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.311+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.329+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.344+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.347+0100 [conn4] build index on: config.collections properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "config.collections" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.348+0100 [conn4] added index to empty collection ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.348+0100 [conn2] remote client initialized this host (localhost:10001) as shard localhost:10001 2014-12-17T16:33:56.350+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.InputCollection with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.351+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 (5 connections now open) ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.352+0100 [conn2] collection test.InputCollection was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf 2014-12-17T16:33:56.352+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf, took 1ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.353+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.374+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionA properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.374+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.375+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionA properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.376+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.378+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.392+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.405+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.418+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.421+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionA with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2014-12-17T16:33:56.422+0100 [conn2] collection test.OutputCollectionA was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2 2014-12-17T16:33:56.422+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.422+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.438+0100 [conn3] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.OutputCollectionA", keyPattern: { _id: "hashed" }, min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:10001", splitKeys: [ { _id: 0 } ], shardId: "test.OutputCollectionA-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:20000" } ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.439+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (6 connections now open) ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.442+0100 [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for localhost:20000 and process tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149 (sleeping for 30000ms) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.443+0100 [LockPinger] cluster localhost:20000 pinged successfully at Wed Dec 17 16:33:56 2014 by distributed lock pinger 'localhost:20000/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149', sleeping for 30000ms 2014-12-17T16:33:56.444+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionA/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' acquired, ts : 5491a264be79ea8e98653c0f 2014-12-17T16:33:56.445+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionA based on current shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, current metadata version is 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2 2014-12-17T16:33:56.445+0100 [conn3] metadata of collection test.OutputCollectionA already up to date (shard version : 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, took 0ms) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.446+0100 [conn3] splitChunk accepted at version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2 2014-12-17T16:33:56.447+0100 [conn3] about to log metadata event: { _id: "tracecloud-2014-12-17T15:33:56-5491a264be79ea8e98653c10", server: "tracecloud", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1418830436447), what: "split", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA", details: { before: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|0, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, left: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: 0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2') }, right: { min: { _id: 0 }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2') } } } ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.448+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 (7 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.450+0100 [conn8] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.469+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionA/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' unlocked. 2014-12-17T16:33:56.504+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.506+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0_inc properties: { v: 1, key: { 0: 1 }, name: "_temp_0", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0_inc" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.506+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.507+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.507+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.508+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830436_0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.509+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.509+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.510+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.513+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 2014-12-17T16:33:56.513+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.513+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:56.514+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1" } 2014-12-17T16:33:56.514+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.515+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #9 (8 connections now open) ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.516+0100 [conn2] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.InputCollection: 1ms sequenceNumber: 2 version: 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf based on: (empty) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.517+0100 [conn2] ChunkManager: time to load chunks for test.OutputCollectionA: 0ms sequenceNumber: 3 version: 1|2||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2 based on: (empty) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.517+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.518+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.OutputCollectionA 2014-12-17T16:33:56.519+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 2014-12-17T16:33:56.519+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 2014-12-17T16:33:56.519+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_1 2014-12-17T16:33:56.521+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830436_0 ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.524+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.555+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.568+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.581+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.InputCollection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.581+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.594+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.InputCollection with requested shard version 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current shard version is 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf, current metadata version is 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf 2014-12-17T16:33:56.594+0100 [conn3] warning: no chunks found when reloading test.InputCollection, previous version was 0|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf, this is a drop 2014-12-17T16:33:56.594+0100 [conn3] dropping metadata for test.InputCollection at shard version 1|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbbf, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.595+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.608+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.622+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.635+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.OutputCollectionA ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.636+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.654+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionA with requested shard version 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current shard version is 1|2||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, current metadata version is 1|2||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2 2014-12-17T16:33:56.655+0100 [conn3] warning: no chunks found when reloading test.OutputCollectionA, previous version was 0|0||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, this is a drop 2014-12-17T16:33:56.655+0100 [conn3] dropping metadata for test.OutputCollectionA at shard version 1|2||5491a26457ee7292db5ddbc2, took 1ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.656+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.670+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.683+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (5 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:56.683+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test starting 2014-12-17T16:33:56.692+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test finished 2014-12-17T16:33:56.693+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test starting 2014-12-17T16:33:56.693+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test finished ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.693+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.707+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:56.723+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:56.743+0100 [conn2] allocating new ns file a/test.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:57.148+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile a/test.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:57.158+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile a/test.0, size: 16MB, took 0.009 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:57.159+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.InputCollection" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.160+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.160+0100 [conn2] command test.$cmd command: create { create: "InputCollection" } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) w:416434 reslen:37 416ms 2014-12-17T16:33:57.162+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { value.sn: 1, _id: 1 }, name: "value.sn_1__id_1", ns: "test.InputCollection", sparse: false } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.162+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.164+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.173+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.190+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.205+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.209+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.InputCollection with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2014-12-17T16:33:57.210+0100 [conn2] collection test.InputCollection was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce 2014-12-17T16:33:57.210+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.210+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.223+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionB properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.OutputCollectionB" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.224+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.225+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionB properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.OutputCollectionB" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.225+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.228+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.252+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.265+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.279+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.282+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionB with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2014-12-17T16:33:57.282+0100 [conn2] collection test.OutputCollectionB was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1 2014-12-17T16:33:57.282+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.283+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.300+0100 [conn3] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.OutputCollectionB", keyPattern: { _id: "hashed" }, min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:10001", splitKeys: [ { _id: 0 } ], shardId: "test.OutputCollectionB-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:20000" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.301+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionB/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' acquired, ts : 5491a265be79ea8e98653c13 2014-12-17T16:33:57.303+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionB based on current shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, current metadata version is 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1 2014-12-17T16:33:57.304+0100 [conn3] metadata of collection test.OutputCollectionB already up to date (shard version : 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, took 0ms) 2014-12-17T16:33:57.304+0100 [conn3] splitChunk accepted at version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1 2014-12-17T16:33:57.304+0100 [conn3] about to log metadata event: { _id: "tracecloud-2014-12-17T15:33:57-5491a265be79ea8e98653c14", server: "tracecloud", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1418830437304), what: "split", ns: "test.OutputCollectionB", details: { before: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|0, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, left: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: 0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1') }, right: { min: { _id: 0 }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1') } } } ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.304+0100 [conn8] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.326+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionB/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' unlocked. 2014-12-17T16:33:57.329+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2 2014-12-17T16:33:57.331+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2_inc properties: { v: 1, key: { 0: 1 }, name: "_temp_0", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2_inc" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.331+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.332+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.332+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.333+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830437_1 2014-12-17T16:33:57.334+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2 2014-12-17T16:33:57.335+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2 2014-12-17T16:33:57.335+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_2 2014-12-17T16:33:57.337+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 2014-12-17T16:33:57.338+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.338+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.339+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.340+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.340+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.OutputCollectionB 2014-12-17T16:33:57.342+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 2014-12-17T16:33:57.342+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 2014-12-17T16:33:57.342+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_3 2014-12-17T16:33:57.343+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830437_1 ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.346+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.371+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.384+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.397+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.InputCollection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.398+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.411+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.InputCollection with requested shard version 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current shard version is 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce, current metadata version is 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce 2014-12-17T16:33:57.412+0100 [conn3] warning: no chunks found when reloading test.InputCollection, previous version was 0|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce, this is a drop 2014-12-17T16:33:57.412+0100 [conn3] dropping metadata for test.InputCollection at shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbce, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.412+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.425+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.438+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.454+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.OutputCollectionB ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.454+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.470+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionB with requested shard version 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current shard version is 1|2||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, current metadata version is 1|2||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1 2014-12-17T16:33:57.471+0100 [conn3] warning: no chunks found when reloading test.OutputCollectionB, previous version was 0|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, this is a drop 2014-12-17T16:33:57.471+0100 [conn3] dropping metadata for test.OutputCollectionB at shard version 1|2||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbd1, took 1ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.472+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.507+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.523+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test starting 2014-12-17T16:33:57.532+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test finished 2014-12-17T16:33:57.532+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test starting 2014-12-17T16:33:57.532+0100 [conn5] dropDatabase test finished ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.532+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.544+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.560+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.574+0100 [conn2] allocating new ns file a/test.ns, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:57.934+0100 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile a/test.0, filling with zeroes... 2014-12-17T16:33:57.940+0100 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile a/test.0, size: 16MB, took 0.005 secs 2014-12-17T16:33:57.941+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.InputCollection" } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.941+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:57.941+0100 [conn2] command test.$cmd command: create { create: "InputCollection" } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) w:367164 reslen:37 367ms 2014-12-17T16:33:57.942+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.InputCollection properties: { v: 1, key: { value.sn: 1, _id: 1 }, name: "value.sn_1__id_1", ns: "test.InputCollection", sparse: false } 2014-12-17T16:33:57.943+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.944+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.948+0100 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #10 (9 connections now open) 2014-12-17T16:33:57.959+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.979+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:57.994+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.997+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.InputCollection with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbde, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2014-12-17T16:33:57.998+0100 [conn2] collection test.InputCollection was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbde 2014-12-17T16:33:57.998+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26557ee7292db5ddbde, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:57.998+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.012+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionA properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.012+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:58.013+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.OutputCollectionA properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.014+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.015+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:58.028+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:58.043+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 2014-12-17T16:33:58.056+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.059+0100 [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionA with requested shard version 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2014-12-17T16:33:58.060+0100 [conn2] collection test.OutputCollectionA was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1 2014-12-17T16:33:58.060+0100 [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1, took 0ms ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.061+0100 [conn4] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.071+0100 [conn3] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.OutputCollectionA", keyPattern: { _id: "hashed" }, min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, from: "localhost:10001", splitKeys: [ { _id: 0 } ], shardId: "test.OutputCollectionA-_id_MinKey", configdb: "localhost:20000" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.072+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionA/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' acquired, ts : 5491a266be79ea8e98653c17 2014-12-17T16:33:58.073+0100 [conn3] remotely refreshing metadata for test.OutputCollectionA based on current shard version 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1, current metadata version is 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1 2014-12-17T16:33:58.074+0100 [conn3] metadata of collection test.OutputCollectionA already up to date (shard version : 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1, took 0ms) 2014-12-17T16:33:58.074+0100 [conn3] splitChunk accepted at version 1|0||5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1 2014-12-17T16:33:58.075+0100 [conn3] about to log metadata event: { _id: "tracecloud-2014-12-17T15:33:58-5491a266be79ea8e98653c18", server: "tracecloud", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1418830438075), what: "split", ns: "test.OutputCollectionA", details: { before: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|0, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, left: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: 0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1') }, right: { min: { _id: 0 }, max: { _id: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('5491a26657ee7292db5ddbe1') } } } ==> configdb.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.075+0100 [conn8] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0 ==> sharda.log <== 2014-12-17T16:33:58.091+0100 [conn3] distributed lock 'test.OutputCollectionA/tracecloud:10001:1418830436:1582191149' unlocked. 2014-12-17T16:33:58.095+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4 2014-12-17T16:33:58.097+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4_inc properties: { v: 1, key: { 0: 1 }, name: "_temp_0", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4_inc" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.097+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:58.098+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.098+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:58.098+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830438_2 2014-12-17T16:33:58.100+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4 2014-12-17T16:33:58.100+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4 2014-12-17T16:33:58.101+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_4 2014-12-17T16:33:58.104+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 2014-12-17T16:33:58.104+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.105+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:58.105+0100 [conn2] build index on: test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: "hashed" }, name: "_id_hashed", ns: "test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5" } 2014-12-17T16:33:58.105+0100 [conn2] added index to empty collection 2014-12-17T16:33:58.106+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.OutputCollectionA 2014-12-17T16:33:58.108+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 2014-12-17T16:33:58.108+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 2014-12-17T16:33:58.108+0100 [conn2] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.InputCollection_5 2014-12-17T16:33:58.109+0100 [conn3] CMD: drop test.tmp.mrs.InputCollection_1418830438_2