2015-01-16T11:13:31.909-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=65737 port=30001 dbpath=/data/test2/shard01/db 64-bit host=charlie-macbook-pro 2015-01-16T11:13:31.909-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v2.8.0-rc5 2015-01-16T11:13:31.909-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 74b351de21c84438b12a83b28e155f5e69e3c1eb 2015-01-16T11:13:31.909-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build info: Darwin charlie-macbook-pro 14.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49 2015-01-16T11:13:31.910-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: system 2015-01-16T11:13:31.910-0500 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 30001 }, processManagement: { fork: true }, storage: { dbPath: "/data/test2/shard01/db" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", logAppend: true, path: "/data/test2/shard01/mongod.log" } } 2015-01-16T11:13:31.919-0500 I JOURNAL [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/test2/shard01/db/journal 2015-01-16T11:13:31.919-0500 I JOURNAL [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed 2015-01-16T11:13:31.939-0500 I INDEX [initandlisten] allocating new ns file /data/test2/shard01/db/local.ns, filling with zeroes... 2015-01-16T11:13:31.970-0500 I STORAGE [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/test2/shard01/db/local.0, filling with zeroes... 2015-01-16T11:13:31.970-0500 I STORAGE [FileAllocator] creating directory /data/test2/shard01/db/_tmp 2015-01-16T11:13:32.057-0500 I STORAGE [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/test2/shard01/db/local.0, size: 64MB, took 0.086 secs 2015-01-16T11:13:32.082-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 30001 2015-01-16T11:13:32.235-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:32.237-0500 I NETWORK [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:32.581-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (1 connection now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:33.621-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (2 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:33.623-0500 I NETWORK [conn3] end connection (1 connection now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:33.627-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (2 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:33.628-0500 I NETWORK [conn4] end connection (1 connection now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:52.474-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (2 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:13:52.474-0500 I INDEX [conn5] allocating new ns file /data/test2/shard01/db/test.ns, filling with zeroes... 2015-01-16T11:13:52.501-0500 I STORAGE [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/test2/shard01/db/test.0, filling with zeroes... 2015-01-16T11:13:52.575-0500 I STORAGE [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /data/test2/shard01/db/test.0, size: 64MB, took 0.072 secs 2015-01-16T11:13:52.598-0500 I WRITE [conn5] insert test.foo query: { _id: ObjectId('54b938c031db51d01cd874a6'), i: 0.0 } ninserted:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 123ms 2015-01-16T11:13:52.599-0500 I COMMAND [conn5] command test.$cmd command: insert { insert: "foo", documents: [ { _id: ObjectId('54b938c031db51d01cd874a6'), i: 0.0 } ], ordered: true, metadata: { shardName: "shard0000", shardVersion: [ Timestamp 0|0, ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], session: 0 } } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:40 124ms 2015-01-16T11:14:02.030-0500 I SHARDING [conn5] first cluster operation detected, adding sharding hook to enable versioning and authentication to remote servers 2015-01-16T11:14:02.031-0500 I SHARDING [conn5] remote client initialized this host (charlie-macbook-pro:30001) as shard shard0000 2015-01-16T11:14:02.033-0500 I INDEX [conn5] build index on: test.foo properties: { v: 1, key: { i: 1.0 }, name: "i_1", ns: "test.foo" } 2015-01-16T11:14:02.034-0500 I INDEX [conn5] building index using bulk method 2015-01-16T11:14:02.037-0500 I INDEX [conn5] build index done. scanned 1000 total records. 0 secs 2015-01-16T11:14:28.971-0500 I SHARDING [conn5] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo with requested shard version 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current shard version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000, current metadata version is 0|0||000000000000000000000000 2015-01-16T11:14:28.973-0500 I SHARDING [conn5] collection test.foo was previously unsharded, new metadata loaded with shard version 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:28.973-0500 I SHARDING [conn5] collection version was loaded at version 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 1ms 2015-01-16T11:14:41.345-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] request split points lookup for chunk test.foo { : MinKey } -->> { : MaxKey } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.346-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received splitChunk request: { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey }, from: "shard0000", splitKeys: [ { i: 1.0 }, { i: 21.0 }, { i: 32.0 }, { i: 43.0 }, { i: 54.0 }, { i: 65.0 }, { i: 76.0 }, { i: 87.0 }, { i: 98.0 }, { i: 109.0 }, { i: 120.0 }, { i: 131.0 }, { i: 142.0 }, { i: 153.0 }, { i: 164.0 }, { i: 175.0 }, { i: 186.0 }, { i: 197.0 }, { i: 208.0 }, { i: 219.0 }, { i: 230.0 }, { i: 241.0 }, { i: 252.0 }, { i: 263.0 }, { i: 274.0 }, { i: 285.0 }, { i: 296.0 }, { i: 307.0 }, { i: 318.0 }, { i: 329.0 }, { i: 340.0 }, { i: 351.0 }, { i: 362.0 }, { i: 373.0 }, { i: 384.0 }, { i: 395.0 }, { i: 406.0 }, { i: 417.0 }, { i: 428.0 }, { i: 439.0 }, { i: 450.0 }, { i: 461.0 }, { i: 472.0 }, { i: 483.0 }, { i: 494.0 }, { i: 505.0 }, { i: 516.0 }, { i: 527.0 }, { i: 538.0 }, { i: 549.0 }, { i: 560.0 }, { i: 571.0 }, { i: 582.0 }, { i: 593.0 }, { i: 604.0 }, { i: 615.0 }, { i: 626.0 }, { i: 637.0 }, { i: 648.0 }, { i: 659.0 }, { i: 670.0 }, { i: 681.0 }, { i: 692.0 }, { i: 703.0 }, { i: 714.0 }, { i: 725.0 }, { i: 736.0 }, { i: 747.0 }, { i: 758.0 }, { i: 769.0 }, { i: 780.0 }, { i: 791.0 }, { i: 802.0 }, { i: 813.0 }, { i: 824.0 }, { i: 835.0 }, { i: 846.0 }, { i: 857.0 }, { i: 868.0 }, { i: 879.0 }, { i: 890.0 }, { i: 901.0 }, { i: 912.0 }, { i: 923.0 }, { i: 934.0 }, { i: 945.0 }, { i: 956.0 }, { i: 967.0 }, { i: 978.0 }, { i: 989.0 }, { i: 1000.0 } ], shardId: "test.foo-i_MinKey", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.348-0500 I SHARDING [LockPinger] creating distributed lock ping thread for charlie-macbook-pro:30003 and process charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516 (sleeping for 30000ms) 2015-01-16T11:14:41.349-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f1710e283ac14545db 2015-01-16T11:14:41.350-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:41.350-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] metadata of collection test.foo already up to date (shard version : 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms) 2015-01-16T11:14:41.351-0500 I SHARDING [LockPinger] cluster charlie-macbook-pro:30003 pinged successfully at Fri Jan 16 11:14:41 2015 by distributed lock pinger 'charlie-macbook-pro:30003/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516', sleeping for 30000ms 2015-01-16T11:14:41.351-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] splitChunk accepted at version 1|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:41.356-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545dc", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881356), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 1, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|1, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.368-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545dd", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881368), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 2, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|2, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.376-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545de", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881376), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 3, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|3, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.385-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545df", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881385), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 4, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|4, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.390-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e0", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881390), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 5, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|5, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.395-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e1", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881395), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 6, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|6, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.402-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e2", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881402), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 7, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|7, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.407-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e3", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881407), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 8, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|8, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.412-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e4", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881412), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 9, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|9, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.418-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e5", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881418), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 10, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|10, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.424-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e6", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881424), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 11, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|11, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.429-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e7", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881429), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 12, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|12, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.435-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e8", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881435), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 13, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 131.0 }, max: { i: 142.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|13, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.441-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545e9", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881441), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 14, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 142.0 }, max: { i: 153.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|14, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.447-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ea", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881447), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 15, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 153.0 }, max: { i: 164.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|15, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.452-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545eb", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881452), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 16, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 164.0 }, max: { i: 175.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|16, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.457-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ec", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881457), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 17, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 175.0 }, max: { i: 186.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|17, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.463-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ed", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881463), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 18, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 186.0 }, max: { i: 197.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|18, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.468-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ee", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881468), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 19, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 197.0 }, max: { i: 208.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|19, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.474-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ef", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881474), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 20, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 208.0 }, max: { i: 219.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|20, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.479-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f0", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881479), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 21, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 219.0 }, max: { i: 230.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|21, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.484-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f1", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881484), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 22, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 230.0 }, max: { i: 241.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|22, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.490-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f2", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881490), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 23, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 241.0 }, max: { i: 252.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|23, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.495-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f3", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881495), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 24, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 252.0 }, max: { i: 263.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|24, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.500-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f4", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881500), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 25, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 263.0 }, max: { i: 274.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|25, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.506-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f5", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881506), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 26, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 274.0 }, max: { i: 285.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|26, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.512-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f6", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881512), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 27, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 285.0 }, max: { i: 296.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|27, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.517-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f7", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881517), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 28, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 296.0 }, max: { i: 307.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|28, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.522-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f8", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881522), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 29, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 307.0 }, max: { i: 318.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|29, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.528-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545f9", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881528), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 30, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 318.0 }, max: { i: 329.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|30, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.534-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545fa", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881534), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 31, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 329.0 }, max: { i: 340.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|31, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.539-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545fb", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881539), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 32, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 340.0 }, max: { i: 351.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|32, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.544-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545fc", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881544), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 33, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 351.0 }, max: { i: 362.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|33, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.551-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545fd", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881551), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 34, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 362.0 }, max: { i: 373.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|34, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.557-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545fe", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881557), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 35, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 373.0 }, max: { i: 384.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|35, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.562-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac14545ff", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881562), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 36, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 384.0 }, max: { i: 395.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|36, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.567-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454600", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881567), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 37, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 395.0 }, max: { i: 406.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|37, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.573-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454601", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881573), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 38, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 406.0 }, max: { i: 417.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|38, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.580-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454602", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881580), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 39, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 417.0 }, max: { i: 428.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|39, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.585-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454603", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881585), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 40, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 428.0 }, max: { i: 439.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|40, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.591-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454604", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881591), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 41, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 439.0 }, max: { i: 450.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|41, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.597-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454605", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881597), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 42, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 450.0 }, max: { i: 461.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|42, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.603-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454606", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881603), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 43, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 461.0 }, max: { i: 472.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|43, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.608-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454607", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881608), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 44, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 472.0 }, max: { i: 483.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|44, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.613-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454608", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881613), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 45, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 483.0 }, max: { i: 494.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|45, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.619-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454609", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881619), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 46, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 494.0 }, max: { i: 505.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|46, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.626-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881625), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 47, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 505.0 }, max: { i: 516.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|47, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.631-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881631), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 48, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 516.0 }, max: { i: 527.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|48, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.636-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460c", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881636), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 49, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 527.0 }, max: { i: 538.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|49, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.642-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881642), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 50, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 538.0 }, max: { i: 549.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|50, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.649-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881649), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 51, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 549.0 }, max: { i: 560.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|51, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.654-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145460f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881654), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 52, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 560.0 }, max: { i: 571.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|52, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.660-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454610", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881660), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 53, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 571.0 }, max: { i: 582.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|53, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.665-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454611", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881665), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 54, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 582.0 }, max: { i: 593.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|54, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.671-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454612", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881671), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 55, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 593.0 }, max: { i: 604.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|55, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.676-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454613", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881676), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 56, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 604.0 }, max: { i: 615.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|56, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.681-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454614", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881681), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 57, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 615.0 }, max: { i: 626.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|57, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.687-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454615", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881687), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 58, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 626.0 }, max: { i: 637.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|58, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.693-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454616", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881693), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 59, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 637.0 }, max: { i: 648.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|59, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.698-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454617", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881698), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 60, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 648.0 }, max: { i: 659.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|60, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.703-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454618", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881703), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 61, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 659.0 }, max: { i: 670.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|61, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.709-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454619", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881709), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 62, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 670.0 }, max: { i: 681.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|62, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.715-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881715), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 63, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 681.0 }, max: { i: 692.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|63, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.720-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881720), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 64, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 692.0 }, max: { i: 703.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|64, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.725-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461c", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881725), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 65, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 703.0 }, max: { i: 714.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|65, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.731-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881731), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 66, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 714.0 }, max: { i: 725.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|66, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.737-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881737), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 67, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 725.0 }, max: { i: 736.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|67, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.743-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145461f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881743), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 68, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 736.0 }, max: { i: 747.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|68, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.748-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454620", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881748), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 69, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 747.0 }, max: { i: 758.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|69, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.757-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454621", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881757), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 70, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 758.0 }, max: { i: 769.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|70, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.763-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 (3 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:41.766-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454622", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881766), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 71, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 769.0 }, max: { i: 780.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|71, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.772-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454623", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881772), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 72, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 780.0 }, max: { i: 791.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|72, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.778-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454624", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881778), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 73, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 791.0 }, max: { i: 802.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|73, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.786-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454625", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881786), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 74, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 802.0 }, max: { i: 813.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|74, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.795-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454626", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881795), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 75, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 813.0 }, max: { i: 824.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|75, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.805-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454627", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881805), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 76, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 824.0 }, max: { i: 835.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|76, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.810-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454628", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881810), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 77, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 835.0 }, max: { i: 846.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|77, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.817-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454629", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881817), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 78, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 846.0 }, max: { i: 857.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|78, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.827-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881827), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 79, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 857.0 }, max: { i: 868.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|79, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.835-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881835), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 80, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 868.0 }, max: { i: 879.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|80, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.841-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462c", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881841), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 81, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 879.0 }, max: { i: 890.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|81, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.851-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881851), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 82, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 890.0 }, max: { i: 901.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|82, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.861-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881861), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 83, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 901.0 }, max: { i: 912.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|83, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.866-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac145462f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881866), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 84, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 912.0 }, max: { i: 923.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|84, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.872-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454630", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881872), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 85, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 923.0 }, max: { i: 934.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|85, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.883-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454631", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881883), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 86, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 934.0 }, max: { i: 945.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|86, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.893-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454632", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881893), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 87, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 945.0 }, max: { i: 956.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|87, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.899-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454633", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881899), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 88, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 956.0 }, max: { i: 967.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|88, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.904-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454634", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881904), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 89, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 967.0 }, max: { i: 978.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|89, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.916-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454635", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881916), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 90, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 978.0 }, max: { i: 989.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|90, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.929-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454636", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881929), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 91, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 989.0 }, max: { i: 1000.0 }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|91, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.941-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454637", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881941), what: "multi-split", ns: "test.foo", details: { before: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey } }, number: 92, of: 92, chunk: { min: { i: 1000.0 }, max: { i: MaxKey }, lastmod: Timestamp 1000|92, lastmodEpoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.950-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:41.950-0500 I COMMAND [conn2] command admin.$cmd command: splitChunk { splitChunk: "test.foo", keyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: MaxKey }, from: "shard0000", splitKeys: [ { i: 1.0 }, { i: 21.0 }, { i: 32.0 }, { i: 43.0 }, { i: 54.0 }, { i: 65.0 }, { i: 76.0 }, { i: 87.0 }, { i: 98.0 }, { i: 109.0 }, { i: 120.0 }, { i: 131.0 }, { i: 142.0 }, { i: 153.0 }, { i: 164.0 }, { i: 175.0 }, { i: 186.0 }, { i: 197.0 }, { i: 208.0 }, { i: 219.0 }, { i: 230.0 }, { i: 241.0 }, { i: 252.0 }, { i: 263.0 }, { i: 274.0 }, { i: 285.0 }, { i: 296.0 }, { i: 307.0 }, { i: 318.0 }, { i: 329.0 }, { i: 340.0 }, { i: 351.0 }, { i: 362.0 }, { i: 373.0 }, { i: 384.0 }, { i: 395.0 }, { i: 406.0 }, { i: 417.0 }, { i: 428.0 }, { i: 439.0 }, { i: 450.0 }, { i: 461.0 }, { i: 472.0 }, { i: 483.0 }, { i: 494.0 }, { i: 505.0 }, { i: 516.0 }, { i: 527.0 }, { i: 538.0 }, { i: 549.0 }, { i: 560.0 }, { i: 571.0 }, { i: 582.0 }, { i: 593.0 }, { i: 604.0 }, { i: 615.0 }, { i: 626.0 }, { i: 637.0 }, { i: 648.0 }, { i: 659.0 }, { i: 670.0 }, { i: 681.0 }, { i: 692.0 }, { i: 703.0 }, { i: 714.0 }, { i: 725.0 }, { i: 736.0 }, { i: 747.0 }, { i: 758.0 }, { i: 769.0 }, { i: 780.0 }, { i: 791.0 }, { i: 802.0 }, { i: 813.0 }, { i: 824.0 }, { i: 835.0 }, { i: 846.0 }, { i: 857.0 }, { i: 868.0 }, { i: 879.0 }, { i: 890.0 }, { i: 901.0 }, { i: 912.0 }, { i: 923.0 }, { i: 934.0 }, { i: 945.0 }, { i: 956.0 }, { i: 967.0 }, { i: 978.0 }, { i: 989.0 }, { i: 1000.0 } ], shardId: "test.foo-i_MinKey", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:91 604ms 2015-01-16T11:14:41.954-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_MinKey", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: false, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.956-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f1710e283ac1454638 2015-01-16T11:14:41.956-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:41-54b938f1710e283ac1454639", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424881956), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:41.964-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 1|92||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 1|92||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:41.964-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] metadata of collection test.foo already up to date (shard version : 1|92||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms) 2015-01-16T11:14:41.964-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 1|92||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:41.965-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 1 2015-01-16T11:14:41.970-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (4 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:41.971-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:41.974-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:41.979-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:41.991-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.009-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.043-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.111-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "ready", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.241-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 33, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.242-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.242-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.243-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 2|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:42.255-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 33, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.255-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 2|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 1.0 } -> { i: 21.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:42.257-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:42-54b938f2710e283ac145463a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424882257), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 1, clonedBytes: 33, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.263-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.263-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:42.264-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.264-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: MinKey } -> { i: 1.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:42.265-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:42.265-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 1 documents for test.foo from { i: MinKey } -> { i: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.265-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:42-54b938f2710e283ac145463b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424882265), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 9, step 3 of 6: 4, step 4 of 6: 272, step 5 of 6: 21, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.270-0500 I COMMAND [conn2] command admin.$cmd command: moveChunk { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: MinKey }, max: { i: 1.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_MinKey", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: false, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:37 315ms 2015-01-16T11:14:42.685-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_1.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.687-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f2710e283ac145463c 2015-01-16T11:14:42.687-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:42-54b938f2710e283ac145463d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424882687), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.692-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 2|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 2|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:42.693-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 2|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 2|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:42.693-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 2|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:42.693-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 2|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:42.693-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 20 2015-01-16T11:14:42.696-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.699-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 20, clonedBytes: 660, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:42.699-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.699-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.700-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 3|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:42.717-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 20, clonedBytes: 660, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.718-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 3|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 21.0 } -> { i: 32.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:42.718-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:42-54b938f2710e283ac145463e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424882718), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 20, clonedBytes: 660, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.725-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.725-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:42.725-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:42.725-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 1.0 } -> { i: 21.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:42.726-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:42.726-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:42-54b938f2710e283ac145463f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424882726), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 1.0 }, max: { i: 21.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 7, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:42.727-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 20 documents for test.foo from { i: 1.0 } -> { i: 21.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.759-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_21.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.760-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f3710e283ac1454640 2015-01-16T11:14:43.761-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:43-54b938f3710e283ac1454641", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424883761), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.766-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 3|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 3|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:43.766-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 3|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 3|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:43.767-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 3|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:43.767-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 3|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:43.767-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:43.769-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:43.772-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:43.773-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:43.773-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:43.773-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 4|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:43.790-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.790-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 4|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 32.0 } -> { i: 43.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:43.791-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:43-54b938f3710e283ac1454642", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424883791), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.798-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:43.798-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:43.798-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:43.798-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 21.0 } -> { i: 32.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:43.799-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:43.799-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 21.0 } -> { i: 32.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:43.799-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:43-54b938f3710e283ac1454643", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424883799), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 21.0 }, max: { i: 32.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 7, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 25, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.828-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_32.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.829-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f4710e283ac1454644 2015-01-16T11:14:44.829-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:44-54b938f4710e283ac1454645", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424884829), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.836-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 4|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 4|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:44.836-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 4|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 4|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:44.837-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 4|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:44.837-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 4|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:44.837-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:44.840-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:44.842-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:44.843-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:44.843-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:44.843-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 5|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:44.861-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.862-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 5|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 43.0 } -> { i: 54.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:44.863-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:44-54b938f4710e283ac1454646", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424884863), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.869-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:44.869-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:44.869-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:44.869-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 32.0 } -> { i: 43.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:44.870-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:44.870-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:44-54b938f4710e283ac1454647", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424884870), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 32.0 }, max: { i: 43.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 8, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:44.870-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 32.0 } -> { i: 43.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.901-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_43.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.902-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f5710e283ac1454648 2015-01-16T11:14:45.902-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:45-54b938f5710e283ac1454649", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424885902), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.908-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 5|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 5|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:45.909-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 5|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 5|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:45.909-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 5|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:45.909-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 5|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:45.910-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:45.912-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 0, clonedBytes: 0, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:45.915-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:45.915-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:45.915-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:45.915-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 6|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:45.935-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.935-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 6|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 54.0 } -> { i: 65.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:45.936-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:45-54b938f5710e283ac145464a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424885936), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.942-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:45.942-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:45.942-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:45.942-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 43.0 } -> { i: 54.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:45.943-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:45.943-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 43.0 } -> { i: 54.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:45.943-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:45-54b938f5710e283ac145464b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424885943), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 43.0 }, max: { i: 54.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 8, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 3, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:46.972-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_54.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:46.973-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f6710e283ac145464c 2015-01-16T11:14:46.974-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:46-54b938f6710e283ac145464d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424886974), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:46.980-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 6|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 6|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:46.980-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 6|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 6|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:46.980-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 6|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:46.981-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 6|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:46.981-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:46.984-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 7, clonedBytes: 231, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:46.986-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:46.987-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:46.987-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:46.987-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 7|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:47.003-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:47.003-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 7|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 65.0 } -> { i: 76.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:47.004-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:47-54b938f7710e283ac145464e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424887004), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:47.010-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:47.011-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:47.011-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:47.011-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 54.0 } -> { i: 65.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:47.012-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:47.012-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 54.0 } -> { i: 65.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:47.012-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:47-54b938f7710e283ac145464f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424887012), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 54.0 }, max: { i: 65.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 8, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 23, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.038-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_65.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.039-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f8710e283ac1454650 2015-01-16T11:14:48.040-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:48-54b938f8710e283ac1454651", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424888040), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.045-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 7|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 7|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:48.046-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 7|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 7|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:48.046-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 7|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:48.046-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 7|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:48.046-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:48.049-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "catchup", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:48.052-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:48.052-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:48.052-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:48.053-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 8|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:48.069-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.070-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 8|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 76.0 } -> { i: 87.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:48.070-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:48-54b938f8710e283ac1454652", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424888070), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.077-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:48.077-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:48.077-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:48.078-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 65.0 } -> { i: 76.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:48.078-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:48.078-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 65.0 } -> { i: 76.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:48.079-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:48-54b938f8710e283ac1454653", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424888078), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 65.0 }, max: { i: 76.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 7, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 25, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.109-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_76.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.110-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938f9710e283ac1454654 2015-01-16T11:14:49.110-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:49-54b938f9710e283ac1454655", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424889110), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.116-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 8|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 8|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:49.116-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 8|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 8|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:49.116-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 8|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:49.117-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 8|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:49.117-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:49.119-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 9, clonedBytes: 297, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:49.122-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:49.123-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:49.123-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:49.123-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 9|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:49.141-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.141-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 9|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 87.0 } -> { i: 98.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:49.142-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:49-54b938f9710e283ac1454656", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424889142), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.149-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:49.149-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:49.149-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:49.149-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 76.0 } -> { i: 87.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:49.150-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:49.150-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 76.0 } -> { i: 87.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:49.150-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:49-54b938f9710e283ac1454657", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424889150), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 76.0 }, max: { i: 87.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 7, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.182-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_87.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.183-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938fa710e283ac1454658 2015-01-16T11:14:50.184-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:50-54b938fa710e283ac1454659", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424890184), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.190-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 9|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 9|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:50.190-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 9|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 9|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:50.191-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 9|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:50.191-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 9|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:50.191-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:50.193-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "catchup", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:50.196-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:50.197-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:50.197-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:50.197-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 10|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:50.215-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.216-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 10|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 98.0 } -> { i: 109.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:50.216-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:50-54b938fa710e283ac145465a", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424890216), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.223-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:50.223-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:50.223-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:50.223-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 87.0 } -> { i: 98.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:50.224-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:50.224-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 87.0 } -> { i: 98.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:50.224-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:50-54b938fa710e283ac145465b", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424890224), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 87.0 }, max: { i: 98.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 8, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.258-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_98.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.259-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938fb710e283ac145465c 2015-01-16T11:14:51.260-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:51-54b938fb710e283ac145465d", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424891260), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.266-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 10|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 10|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:51.267-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 10|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 10|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:51.267-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 10|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:51.267-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 10|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:51.267-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:51.270-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 5, clonedBytes: 165, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:51.273-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:51.273-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:51.274-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:51.274-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 11|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:51.292-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.292-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 11|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 109.0 } -> { i: 120.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:51.293-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:51-54b938fb710e283ac145465e", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424891293), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.299-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:51.299-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:51.300-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:51.300-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 98.0 } -> { i: 109.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:51.300-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:51.301-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:51-54b938fb710e283ac145465f", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424891301), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 98.0 }, max: { i: 109.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 9, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 25, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:51.302-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 98.0 } -> { i: 109.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.332-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_109.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.334-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938fc710e283ac1454660 2015-01-16T11:14:52.334-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:52-54b938fc710e283ac1454661", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424892334), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.340-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 11|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 11|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:52.341-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 11|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 11|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:52.341-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 11|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:52.341-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 11|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:52.342-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:52.344-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:52.347-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:52.347-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:52.348-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:52.348-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 12|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:52.366-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.366-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 12|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 120.0 } -> { i: 131.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:52.367-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:52-54b938fc710e283ac1454662", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424892367), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.373-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:52.373-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:52.374-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:52.374-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 109.0 } -> { i: 120.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:52.374-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:52.375-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 109.0 } -> { i: 120.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:52.375-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:52-54b938fc710e283ac1454663", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424892375), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 109.0 }, max: { i: 120.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 9, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 26, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.404-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] received moveChunk request: { moveChunk: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", to: "charlie-macbook-pro:30002", fromShard: "shard0000", toShard: "shard0001", min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, maxChunkSizeBytes: 67108864, shardId: "test.foo-i_120.0", configdb: "charlie-macbook-pro:30003", secondaryThrottle: true, waitForDelete: false, maxTimeMS: 0, epoch: ObjectId('54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6') } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.406-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' acquired, ts : 54b938fd710e283ac1454664 2015-01-16T11:14:53.406-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:53-54b938fd710e283ac1454665", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424893406), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.412-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] remotely refreshing metadata for test.foo based on current shard version 12|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, current metadata version is 12|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:53.413-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] updating metadata for test.foo from shard version 12|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 to shard version 12|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:53.413-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] collection version was loaded at version 12|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6, took 0ms 2015-01-16T11:14:53.413-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk request accepted at version 12|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:53.413-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk number of documents: 11 2015-01-16T11:14:53.416-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "clone", counts: { cloned: 5, clonedBytes: 165, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:53.419-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk data transfer progress: { active: true, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "steady", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } my mem used: 0 2015-01-16T11:14:53.420-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to check if it is safe to enter critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:53.420-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] About to enter migrate critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:53.420-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk setting version to: 13|0||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 2015-01-16T11:14:53.437-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk migrate commit accepted by TO-shard: { active: false, ns: "test.foo", from: "charlie-macbook-pro:30001", min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, shardKeyPattern: { i: 1.0 }, state: "done", counts: { cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 }, ok: 1.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.437-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] moveChunk updating self version to: 13|1||54b938e42c57a4e9f494c9f6 through { i: 131.0 } -> { i: 142.0 } for collection 'test.foo' 2015-01-16T11:14:53.438-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:53-54b938fd710e283ac1454666", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424893438), what: "moveChunk.commit", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, from: "shard0000", to: "shard0001", cloned: 11, clonedBytes: 363, catchup: 0, steady: 0 } } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.444-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:53.444-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] forking for cleanup of chunk data 2015-01-16T11:14:53.444-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] MigrateFromStatus::done About to acquire global lock to exit critical section 2015-01-16T11:14:53.445-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] Deleter starting delete for: test.foo from { i: 120.0 } -> { i: 131.0 }, with opId: 5 2015-01-16T11:14:53.445-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] distributed lock 'test.foo/charlie-macbook-pro:30001:1421424881:1099531516' unlocked. 2015-01-16T11:14:53.445-0500 I SHARDING [conn2] about to log metadata event: { _id: "charlie-macbook-pro-2015-01-16T16:14:53-54b938fd710e283ac1454667", server: "charlie-macbook-pro", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1421424893445), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "test.foo", details: { min: { i: 120.0 }, max: { i: 131.0 }, step 1 of 6: 0, step 2 of 6: 9, step 3 of 6: 1, step 4 of 6: 4, step 5 of 6: 24, step 6 of 6: 0, to: "shard0001", from: "shard0000", note: "success" } } 2015-01-16T11:14:53.445-0500 I SHARDING [RangeDeleter] rangeDeleter deleted 11 documents for test.foo from { i: 120.0 } -> { i: 131.0 } 2015-01-16T11:14:54.232-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 (5 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.233-0500 I NETWORK [conn8] end connection (4 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.239-0500 I NETWORK [conn5] end connection (3 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.239-0500 I NETWORK [conn2] end connection (3 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.240-0500 I NETWORK [conn6] end connection (2 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.241-0500 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #9 (2 connections now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I COMMAND [conn9] terminating, shutdown command received 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I CONTROL [conn9] now exiting 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] closing listening socket: 7 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] closing listening socket: 8 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-30001.sock 2015-01-16T11:14:54.242-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.243-0500 I NETWORK [conn9] shutdown: going to close sockets... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.243-0500 I STORAGE [conn9] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.243-0500 I NETWORK [conn7] end connection (1 connection now open) 2015-01-16T11:14:54.243-0500 I STORAGE [conn9] shutdown: final commit... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.250-0500 I STORAGE [conn9] shutdown: closing all files... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.251-0500 I STORAGE [conn9] closeAllFiles() finished 2015-01-16T11:14:54.252-0500 I JOURNAL [conn9] journalCleanup... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.252-0500 I JOURNAL [conn9] removeJournalFiles 2015-01-16T11:14:54.253-0500 I STORAGE [conn9] shutdown: removing fs lock... 2015-01-16T11:14:54.253-0500 I CONTROL [conn9] dbexit: rc: 0