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4,638.34832,264.503ss opcounters: insert update delete query getmore command (/s)
5.88416.000ss global: active read write queue
0.0031.000ss global: read write queue
39.00039.000ss globalLock: activeClients total
0.0061.000ss globalLock: currentQueue total
750,851,385.350909,369,000.000ss globalLock: totalTime
51,166.00051,166.000ss connections: available
34.00034.000ss connections: current
458.5371,286.888ss extra_info: heap_usage_bytes (MB)
13,912.38532,112.077ss locks: Collection acquireCount r (/s)
14,177.73132,679.449ss locks: Collection acquireCount w (/s)
13,912.38532,112.077ss locks: Database acquireCount r (/s)
14,177.73132,679.449ss locks: Database acquireCount w (/s)
13,912.38532,112.077ss locks: Global acquireCount r (/s)
14,177.73132,679.449ss locks: Global acquireCount w (/s)
64.00064.000ss mem: bits
6,070.2106,083.000ss mem: resident (MB)
1.0001.000ss mem: supported
6,384.3896,385.000ss mem: virtual (MB)
3.17915.889ss metrics: commands isMaster total (/s)
0.9880.993ss metrics: commands serverStatus total (/s)
13,910.85932,269.420ss metrics: commands update total (/s)
3.17915.889ss metrics: commands buildInfo total (/s)
13,911.85032,110.145ss metrics: document returned (/s)
13,910.85332,268.437ss metrics: document updated (/s)
13,911.85132,110.145ss metrics: operation idhack (/s)
260.5755,895.937ss metrics: operation writeConflicts (/s)
27,822.70364,176.008ss metrics: queryExecutor scanned (/s)
27,822.70364,176.008ss metrics: queryExecutor scannedObjects (/s)
0.0190.992ss metrics: ttl passes (/s)
10.79339.064ss network: bytes In Out (MB/s)
27,830.09264,175.025ss network: numRequests (/s)
1.0001.000ss ok:
26,176.00026,176.000ss pid:
751.016910.000ss uptime:
740.500897.000ss uptimeEstimate:
750,832.255909,349.000ss uptimeMillis:
3.67429.276sysmon cpu: user system iowait nice steal (%)
70.24196.852sysmon cpu: idle (%)
0.0020.062sysmon cpu: irq (%)
0.6371.840sysmon cpu: softirq (%)
146,080.308414,076.872sysmon: context switches (/s)
6,334,317.0986,334,453.000sysmon: processes
1.3314.000sysmon: procs_blocked
0.62114.973sysmon disk: xvda read write requests merged (/s)
1.137123.763sysmon disk: xvda read write requests issued (/s)
0.0232.823sysmon disk: xvda bytes read written (MB/s)
0.40427.947sysmon disk: xvda io_time_ms
0.74555.898sysmon disk: xvda io_queued_ms
0.15414.000sysmon disk: xvda qms/tms
59.3149,912.221sysmon disk: xvdb read write requests merged (/s)
1,101.3649,889.684sysmon disk: xvdb read write requests issued (/s)
70.392335.956sysmon disk: xvdb bytes read written (MB/s)
2,712.14728,701.092sysmon disk: xvd a busy read a busy writ b busy read b busy writ c busy read c busy writing (%)
160.779315.000sysmon disk: xvdb in progress
980.2191,003.025sysmon disk: xvdb io_time_ms
162,707.185278,559.638sysmon disk: xvdb io_queued_ms
164.122278.012sysmon disk: xvdb qms/tms
9,151.84436,411.591ss wt block-manager: blocks read written (/s)
282.761880.928ss wt block-manager: bytes read written (MB/s)
4,236.0495,069.524ss wt cache: bytes currently in the cache (MB)
273.958826.242ss wt cache: bytes read into written from cache (MB/s)
0.893116.071ss wt cache: checkpoint blocked page eviction (/s)
1.38846.169ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up (/s)
2,388.7138,820.059ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up (/s)
0.22144.643ss wt cache: eviction server evicting pages (/s)
2,390.0988,820.059ss wt cache: eviction server populating queue, but not evicting pages (/s)
5.8417.000ss wt cache: eviction server unable to reach eviction goal
0.0220.991ss wt cache: hazard pointer blocked page eviction (/s)
0.0030.981ss wt cache: in-memory page splits (/s)
5,120.0005,120.000ss wt cache: maximum bytes configured (MB)
109.713109.713ss wt cache: maximum page size at eviction (MB)
6,618.80643,125.123ss wt cache: modified pages evicted (/s)
138,447.838160,056.000ss wt cache: pages currently held in the cache
0.0061.963ss wt cache: pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s)
125.0687,735.236ss wt cache: pages evicted by application threads (/s)
9,151.83136,416.503ss wt cache: pages read into written from cache (/s)
1.313116.071ss wt cache: pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted (/s)
0.0061.963ss wt cache: pages split during eviction (/s)
379,751.2012,844,807.730ss wt cache: pages walked for eviction (/s)
2,501.8373,540.585ss wt cache: tracked dirty bytes in the cache (MB)
78,405.484107,757.000ss wt cache: tracked dirty pages in the cache
4,817.50033,431.548ss wt cache: unmodified pages evicted (/s)
9.69711.000ss wt connection: files currently open
101,696.945364,895.874ss wt connection: memory allocations (/s)
87,635.2721,752,445.104ss wt connection: memory frees (/s)
1.0382.950ss wt connection: memory re-allocations (/s)
3,222.48412,923.228ss wt connection: pthread mutex condition wait calls (/s)
1.43715.748ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls (/s)
0.6993.964ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls (/s)
12,332.07036,399.804ss wt connection: total read write I/Os (/s)
1.06711.893ss wt cursor: cursor create calls (/s)
14,163.71932,656.834ss wt cursor: cursor insert calls (/s)
70,091.778161,200.590ss wt cursor: cursor reset calls (/s)
42,185.43797,094.395ss wt cursor: cursor search calls (/s)
28,054.14164,516.224ss wt cursor: cursor search near calls (/s)
0.0761.986ss wt data-handle: connection candidate referenced (/s)
0.0980.993ss wt data-handle: connection sweeps (/s)
0.0792.976ss wt data-handle: connection time-of-death sets (/s)
0.0192.976ss wt data-handle: session dhandles swept (/s)
0.3271.984ss wt data-handle: session sweep attempts (/s)
6,362.71118,171.260ss wt log: consolidated slot closures (/s)
17.08652.063ss wt log: consolidated slot join races (/s)
8.65533.697ss wt log: consolidated slot join transitions (/s)
13,909.71632,265.487ss wt log: consolidated slot joins (/s)
15.88636.839ss wt log: log bytes of payload data (MB/s)
15.79336.368ss wt log: log bytes written (MB/s)
0.2860.992ss wt log: log records compressed (/s)
13,903.95032,249.754ss wt log: log records not compressed (/s)
0.0090.992ss wt log: log records too small to compress (/s)
0.0160.992ss wt log: log sync operations (/s)
13,903.59832,250.737ss wt log: log write operations (/s)
19,585.57722,505.705ss wt log: logging bytes consolidated (MB)
100.000100.000ss wt log: maximum log file size (MB)
1.0001.000ss wt log: number of pre-allocated log files to create
0.1600.992ss wt log: pre-allocated log files prepared (/s)
0.1600.992ss wt log: pre-allocated log files used (/s)
1,328,545.6874,711,216.485ss wt log: slots selected for switching that were unavailable (/s)
0.0800.094ss wt log: total in-memory size of compressed records (MB)
1.0001.000ss wt log: total log buffer size (MB)
0.0490.058ss wt log: total size of compressed records (MB)
5,821.58418,352.999ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls for eviction (/s)
6,864.25620,991.185ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls (/s)
0.4560.456ss wt reconciliation: split bytes currently awaiting free (MB)
3.0003.000ss wt reconciliation: split objects currently awaiting free
346.787358.000ss wt session: open cursor count
170.889175.000ss wt session: open session count
0.665208.047ss wt thread-yield: page acquire eviction blocked (/s)
50.0273,936.212ss wt thread-yield: page acquire locked blocked (/s)
0.98576.012ss wt thread-yield: page acquire read blocked (/s)
433.90264,801.766ss wt thread-yield: page acquire time sleeping (usecs) (/s)
28,005.78164,385.447ss wt transaction: transaction begins (/s)
0.7201.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint currently running
47,401.00047,401.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)
1.0001.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)
35,502.04547,401.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)
134,604.261170,977.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)
0.0060.984ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoints (/s)
8,298.500180,937.000ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned
27,794.23864,091.445ss wt transaction: transactions committed (/s)
261.5701,855.446ss wt transaction: transactions rolled back (/s)