Click on or to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
avg.val max.val
 166454  692247  ss wt log: slots selected for switching that were unavailable (/s)
 871.79 2197.24  ss opcounters: insert (/s)

111 samples, 13012 traces, 117.23 threads
avg.thr max.thr  call tree
 116.18  122.00  clone
116.18 122.00 start_thread
101.10 105.00 mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
79.89 101.00 │├mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
78.66 101.00 ││├mongo::assembleResponse
75.59 101.00 │││├mongo::runQuery
67.99 101.00 ││││├mongo::_runCommands
67.92 101.00 │││││├mongo::Command::execCommand
67.76 101.00 ││││││├mongo::_execCommand
67.69 100.00 │││││││├mongo::WriteCmd::run
67.41 100.00 ││││││││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
67.34 100.00 │││││││││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
48.59 77.00 ││││││││││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execUpdate
40.10 75.00 │││││││││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::executePlan
40.10 75.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
40.10 75.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
40.07 75.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::UpdateStage::work
33.94 72.00 ││││││││││││ │├mongo::UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate
31.71 72.00 ││││││││││││ ││├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
31.69 72.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
31.55 72.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
31.55 72.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
31.55 72.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_txn_commit
31.54 72.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├__wt_log_write
24.84 59.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├__wt_log_slot_wait
15.04 50.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││├sched_yield
9.80 58.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││└__wt_sleep
9.80 58.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ select
6.19 14.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├??
3.74 14.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││├__wt_write
3.74 14.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │││ pwrite64
1.59 12.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││├__wt_cond_wait
1.58 11.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │││├pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │││└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │││ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │││ __lll_unlock_wake
0.81 8.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││├sched_yield
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││└snappy_compress
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ snappy::RawCompress
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ snappy::Compress
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ ??
0.50 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├__wt_log_slot_close
0.50 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ sched_yield
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │└__wt_cksum
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └__wt_txn_op_free
0.13 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├tc_delete
0.11 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.11 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::endWriteUnitOfWork
1.27 24.00 ││││││││││││ ││├mongo::Collection::updateDocument
0.94 22.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::update
0.59 21.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.59 21.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard::_insert
0.59 21.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.59 21.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.31 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.22 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.22 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ __wt_calloc
0.22 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tc_calloc
0.21 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.21 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.20 19.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.20 19.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├__wt_update_alloc
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ __wt_calloc
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tc_calloc
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │└__wt_txn_log_op
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ __wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ __wt_struct_pack
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ ??
0.27 11.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├__wt_row_search
0.09 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │├__wt_search_insert
0.09 10.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │└__wt_page_in_func
0.08 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ ├__wt_sleep
0.08 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ │ select
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ └sched_yield
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └__wt_cache_wait
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_evict_lru_page
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_evict_page
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_evict
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_reconcile
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_bt_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├__wt_block_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ __wt_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ pwrite64
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └__wt_scr_alloc_func
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_buf_grow_worker
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_realloc_aligned
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ memset
0.33 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└mongo::WiredTigerIndex::unindex
0.32 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ├mongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard::_unindex
0.28 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │├??
0.28 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ __wt_btcur_remove
0.22 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ ├__wt_row_search
0.10 5.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │├__wt_page_in_func
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ ││├__wt_evict_page
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ __wt_evict
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ __wt_split_multi
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ __wt_page_out
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ tc_free
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ ││├__wt_sleep
0.03 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │││ select
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ ││└sched_yield
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │├__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │└__wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ __wt_update_alloc
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ __wt_calloc
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ tc_calloc
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ └??
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │├mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ││ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ └mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ __wt_btcur_reset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ __wt_hazard_clear
0.17 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::validateUpdate
0.13 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.07 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImpl
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImplWithArray
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::extractNextElement
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tc_new
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││││└??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││└??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││└tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├tc_new
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││└mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tc_malloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::BSONObj::woCompare
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ strlen
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └mongo::compareElementValues
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.11 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::updateRecord
0.10 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├??
0.09 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├__wt_btcur_insert
0.09 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ __wt_row_modify
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├__wt_update_alloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ __wt_calloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ tc_calloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├__wt_page_modify_alloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ ├tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ └memset
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├__wt_txn_log_op
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ __wt_logrec_alloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ __wt_scr_alloc_func
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├__wt_update_obsolete_check
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ └__wt_update_obsolete_free
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││└__wt_btcur_search
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::OwnedPointerMap<...>::~OwnedPointerMap
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::BtreeBasedPrivateUpdateData::~BtreeBasedPrivateUpdateData
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ├tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ └tc_free
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││└mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ ??
0.46 20.00 ││││││││││││ ││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.43 20.00 ││││││││││││ │││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.38 17.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.18 8.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││││├tc_delete
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││││└std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││└tc_delete
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ │││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.08 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││└tc_delete
0.08 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.08 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.08 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││└tc_delete
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.18 9.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└tc_delete
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.05 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.04 3.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││└tc_delete
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.42 8.00 ││││││││││││ ││├mongo::UpdateDriver::update
0.17 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::FieldRefSet::insert
0.12 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├tc_new
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.10 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::FieldRef::FieldRef
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::FieldRef::parse
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::FieldRefSet::FieldRefPtrLessThan::operator
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::FieldRef::compare
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_get_insert_hint_unique_pos
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::FieldRefSet::FieldRefPtrLessThan::operator
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ mongo::FieldRef::compare
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
0.16 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::ModifierSet::prepare
0.08 4.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├tc_new
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.07 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ ├SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::pathsupport::findLongestPrefix
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││├mongo::mutablebson::Element::findFirstChildNamed
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││││ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::resolveRightSibling
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││││└mongo::mutablebson::Element::hasChildren
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└tc_delete
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::ModifierSet::apply
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::mutablebson::Element::setValueBSONElement
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::mutablebson::Document::makeElementWithNewFieldName
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ ├mongo::_BufBuilder<...>::grow_reallocate
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ mongo::mongoRealloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tc_realloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ └mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::insertLeafElement
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││├mongo::mutablebson::Document::reset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::reset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││└mongo::ModifierSet::log
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ mongo::FieldRef::dottedField
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ mongo::FieldRef::dottedSubstring
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││├??
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││├mongo::mutablebson::Element::getType
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││││└mongo::mutablebson::Element::parent
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││└mongo::mutablebson::Element::findFirstChildNamed
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││├mongo::repl::logOp
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ mongo::logOpForSharding
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││├mongo::mutablebson::Document::reset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │││ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::reset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ││└mongo::UpdateLifecycleImpl::getImmutableFields
6.14 46.00 ││││││││││││ │└mongo::IDHackStage::work
5.45 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├mongo::Collection::docFor
5.45 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
5.41 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ├??
5.41 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ __wt_btcur_search
5.41 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ __wt_row_search
5.37 46.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ __wt_page_in_func
5.03 45.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ ├__wt_sleep
5.03 45.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ select
0.19 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ ├__wt_evict_page
0.19 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ __wt_evict
0.17 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ ├??
0.17 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_reconcile
0.17 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ ??
0.17 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ ??
0.16 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ ??
0.16 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ ??
0.16 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_bt_write
0.14 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ ├__wt_block_write
0.14 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.14 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_write
0.14 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ │ pwrite64
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ └??
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ snappy_compress
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ snappy::RawCompress
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ snappy::Compress
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ └__wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_delete_page_skip
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ └__wt_page_out
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ tc_free
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.10 5.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ ├__wt_cache_read
0.10 5.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ __wt_bt_read
0.09 5.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ ├__wt_buf_grow_worker
0.09 5.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ __wt_realloc
0.09 5.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ │ memset
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ └__wt_bm_read
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ __wt_block_read_off
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ __wt_read
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ │ pread64
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ └sched_yield
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_getData
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ tc_malloc
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ └mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.68 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle
0.61 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ │├??
0.60 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ ││├??
0.60 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ??
0.60 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ??
0.59 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.41 35.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ├__wt_cache_wait
0.32 33.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │├__wt_cond_wait
0.32 33.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │└__wt_evict_lru_page
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_evict_page
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_evict
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ ??
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_reconcile
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ ??
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ ??
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ ??
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_bt_write
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_block_write
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ __wt_write
0.09 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │ pwrite64
0.16 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ├__wt_row_search
0.11 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │├__wt_page_in_func
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ││├__wt_evict_page
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ __wt_evict
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ ├__wt_split_multi
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ __wt_page_out
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ tc_free
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ └??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ ??
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ││├__wt_sleep
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │││ select
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ ││└sched_yield
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ │└__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │││ └__wt_evict_server_wake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ││└mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ││ ??
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │└mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::newCursor
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ __wt_txn_begin
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ __wt_txn_refresh
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ qsort_r
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ └mongo::IDHackStage::advance
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::WorkingSetMember::hasObj
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ └mongo::PlanYieldPolicy::yield
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::QueryYield::yieldAllLocks
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::restoreLockState
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobal
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ └mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::LockManager::Partition::find
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ └mongo::PlanExecutor::saveState
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::supportsDocLocking
5.82 51.00 │││││││││││├??
5.78 51.00 ││││││││││││├mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
5.78 51.00 │││││││││││││ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
5.74 51.00 │││││││││││││ ├mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
5.62 51.00 │││││││││││││ │├mongo::logger::RotatableFileWriter::Use::Use
5.62 51.00 │││││││││││││ ││ pthread_mutex_lock
5.62 51.00 │││││││││││││ ││ _L_lock_909
5.62 51.00 │││││││││││││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.06 1.00 │││││││││││││ │├mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.06 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ std::ostream::write
0.06 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ std::basic_filebuf<...>::xsputn
0.06 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ std::__basic_file<...>::xsputn_2
0.06 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ writev
0.05 1.00 │││││││││││││ │└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.05 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ _L_unlock_722
0.05 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ __lll_unlock_wake
0.05 1.00 │││││││││││││ └mongo::RamLogAppender::append
0.03 1.00 │││││││││││││ ├mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ │├mongo::outputDateAsISOStringLocal
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ mongo::time_t_to_Struct
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │└std::ostream::write
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ std::basic_streambuf<...>::xsputn
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ std::basic_stringbuf<...>::overflow
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ std::string::reserve
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ std::string::_Rep::_M_clone
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ └mongo::RamLog::write
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││└mongo::OpDebug::report
1.34 24.00 │││││││││││├mongo::UpdateDriver::~UpdateDriver
1.31 24.00 ││││││││││││├mongo::UpdateDriver::clear
1.22 24.00 │││││││││││││├mongo::ModifierSet::~ModifierSet
1.21 24.00 ││││││││││││││ mongo::ModifierSet::~ModifierSet
1.15 24.00 ││││││││││││││ tc_delete
1.10 24.00 ││││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
1.10 24.00 ││││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
1.09 24.00 ││││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
1.06 24.00 ││││││││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
1.06 24.00 ││││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││││ tcmalloc::DLL_Prepend
0.07 2.00 │││││││││││││└tc_delete
0.07 2.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.07 2.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.05 2.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.05 2.00 │││││││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 2.00 │││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││└mongo::mutablebson::Document::~Document
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.48 8.00 │││││││││││├mongo::ParsedUpdate::parseRequest
0.48 8.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::ParsedUpdate::parseUpdate
0.48 8.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::UpdateDriver::parse
0.40 7.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::ModifierSet::init
0.40 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ mongo::FieldRef::parse
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ tc_new
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.39 7.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.38 6.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.38 6.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ └std::string::_M_leak_hard
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::modifiertable::makeUpdateMod
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ tc_new
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ └void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ ├tc_new
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ └tc_delete
0.29 30.00 │││││││││││├mongo::CurOp::~CurOp
0.27 30.00 ││││││││││││├pthread_mutex_lock
0.27 30.00 │││││││││││││ _L_lock_909
0.27 30.00 │││││││││││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││├tc_deletearray
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.14 8.00 │││││││││││├mongo::getExecutorUpdate
0.07 8.00 ││││││││││││├mongo::WorkingSet::WorkingSet
0.07 8.00 │││││││││││││ tc_new
0.07 8.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.07 8.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.07 8.00 │││││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.07 8.00 │││││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::make
0.04 1.00 │││││││││││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::make
0.04 1.00 │││││││││││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::pickBestPlan
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ ├mongo::PlanExecutor::registerExec
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ mongo::CursorManager::registerExecutor
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ pthread_mutex_lock
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ _L_lock_909
0.02 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ ├??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ mongo::IDHackStage::stageType
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ └mongo::PlanExecutor::setYieldPolicy
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││││├mongo::BSONElement::wrap
0.02 2.00 │││││││││││││ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.02 2.00 │││││││││││││ tc_malloc
0.02 2.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 2.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││└mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ memcmp@plt
0.13 4.00 │││││││││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor
0.07 3.00 ││││││││││││├tc_delete
0.07 3.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.07 3.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.07 3.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.06 3.00 │││││││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.06 3.00 │││││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││└mongo::CursorManager::deregisterExecutor
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││ _L_lock_909
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.11 8.00 │││││││││││├mongo::Client::Context::~Context
0.10 8.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.08 8.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::Top::record
0.08 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ pthread_mutex_lock
0.08 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ _L_lock_909
0.08 8.00 ││││││││││││ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ └std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ├char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ └strlen
0.05 1.00 │││││││││││├mongo::ParsedUpdate::ParsedUpdate
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::UpdateDriver::UpdateDriver
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Document
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││││ ├mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::Impl
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ tc_new
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ ├SpinLock::SpinLoop
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ │ └base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ └tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.04 1.00 │││││││││││├mongo::CurOp::CurOp
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││├tc_newarray
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││└mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tc_malloc
0.04 4.00 │││││││││││├mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.04 4.00 ││││││││││││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.04 4.00 ││││││││││││ _L_lock_909
0.04 4.00 ││││││││││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.03 1.00 │││││││││││├mongo::Lock::DBLock::~DBLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_unlock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││││ boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ boost::detail::get_current_thread_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::incWriteStats
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::BSONObj::valid
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ mongo::validateBSON
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││├mongo::ScopedTransaction::~ScopedTransaction
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││└mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 │││││││││││ mongo::LockStats::recordAcquisition
18.75 97.00 ││││││││││└mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
18.66 97.00 ││││││││││ ├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ ││ ??
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ ││ __wt_txn_commit
13.28 37.00 ││││││││││ ││ __wt_log_write
10.98 31.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├__wt_log_slot_wait
5.93 27.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├sched_yield
5.05 30.00 ││││││││││ ││ │└__wt_sleep
5.05 30.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ select
1.97 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├??
1.00 6.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├__wt_write
1.00 6.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ pwrite64
0.69 7.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├__wt_cond_wait
0.68 7.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││├pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ __lll_unlock_wake
0.27 4.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├sched_yield
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │└snappy_compress
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ snappy::RawCompress
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ snappy::Compress
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.32 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ └__wt_log_slot_close
0.32 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ sched_yield
2.73 31.00 ││││││││││ │├??
2.67 31.00 ││││││││││ ││├mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
2.67 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
2.66 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ ├mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
2.63 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ │├mongo::logger::RotatableFileWriter::Use::Use
2.63 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ pthread_mutex_lock
2.63 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ _L_lock_909
2.63 31.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ │├mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ std::ostream::write
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ std::basic_filebuf<...>::xsputn
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ std::__basic_file<...>::xsputn_2
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ ││ writev
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ │└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ │ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ │ __lll_unlock_wake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ └mongo::RamLogAppender::append
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::ostream::write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::basic_streambuf<...>::xsputn
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::basic_stringbuf<...>::overflow
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::string::reserve
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::string::_Rep::_M_clone
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││├mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││├pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││└boost::scoped_array<...>::operator[]
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││├mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::Top::record
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││├mongo::Database::getCollection
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ memchr
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││├mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │││ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││└std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
2.53 97.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::Collection::insertDocument
2.53 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
1.99 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
1.92 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├??
1.92 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ __wt_btcur_insert
1.73 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├__wt_row_search
1.73 97.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_page_in_func
1.71 96.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ├__wt_sleep
1.71 96.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ select
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ └__wt_evict_page
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ __wt_bt_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ __wt_block_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ __wt_write
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ pwrite64
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ └__wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ sched_yield
0.14 13.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├__wt_cache_wait
0.13 13.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │├__wt_cond_wait
0.13 13.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │└__wt_evict_lru_page
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_evict_page
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_evict
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ??
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_reconcile
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ??
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ??
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ??
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_bt_write
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_block_write
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_write
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ pwrite64
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ └__wt_row_modify
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├__wt_update_alloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_calloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tc_calloc
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ └__wt_txn_log_op
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ __wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ __wt_struct_pack
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ??
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │││ __wt_txn_begin
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │││ __wt_txn_refresh
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││└mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ tc_new
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.54 10.00 ││││││││││ ││ └mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
0.54 10.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
0.54 10.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.43 9.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.31 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├mongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard::_insert
0.31 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ??
0.31 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.15 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ __wt_calloc
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ tc_calloc
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.11 8.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │├__wt_txn_log_op
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ __wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ ├__wt_struct_size
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ __ctype_b_loc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ └__wt_struct_pack
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │└__wt_update_alloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tc_calloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.14 4.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ └__wt_row_search
0.05 4.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├__wt_page_in_func
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │├__wt_evict_page
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ __wt_evict
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ ├__wt_split_multi
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ __wt_page_out
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ tc_free
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ └??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ ??
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │├__wt_sleep
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ││ select
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │└sched_yield
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ └__wt_search_insert
0.13 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │└mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.13 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ??
0.13 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_insert
0.09 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ├__wt_row_search
0.05 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │├__wt_page_in_func
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ││├__wt_evict_page
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ __wt_evict
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ __wt_split_multi
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ __wt_page_out
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ tc_free
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │││ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ││└__wt_sleep
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ││ select
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │└__wt_search_insert
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ └__wt_row_modify
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ tc_calloc
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ └__wt_update_alloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ └__wt_calloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ tc_calloc
0.11 2.00 ││││││││││ ││ └mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.07 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImpl
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImplWithArray
0.05 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::extractNextElement
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tc_new
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ││ └tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │└tc_new
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ├tc_new
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ └mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tc_malloc
0.10 11.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::CurOp::~CurOp
0.10 11.00 ││││││││││ ││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.10 11.00 ││││││││││ ││ _L_lock_909
0.10 11.00 ││││││││││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::repl::logOp
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isCollectionLockedForMode
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.06 1.00 ││││││││││ ├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::ExecInsertsState::~ExecInsertsState
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::Client::Context::~Context
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ strlen
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ │├tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │├mongo::Lock::DBLock::~DBLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ boost::detail::get_current_thread_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ boost::detail::get_once_per_thread_epoch
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ││ pthread_getspecific
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ mongo::LockManager::unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ └tc_delete
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 │││││││││├mongo::validateWriteConcern
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││├mongo::KVStorageEngine::isDurable
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││└mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::isDurable
0.02 1.00 │││││││││├??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ clock_gettime
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getNSS
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││├mongo::CurOp::setMessage
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││││├mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::getReplicationMode
0.01 1.00 │││││││││└std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ strlen
0.07 8.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::BatchedCommandRequest
0.07 8.00 │││││││││ tc_new
0.07 8.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.07 8.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.07 8.00 │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.07 8.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.04 2.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::~BatchedCommandRequest
0.02 2.00 │││││││││├mongo::BatchedUpdateRequest::~BatchedUpdateRequest
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ mongo::BatchedUpdateRequest::~BatchedUpdateRequest
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ tc_delete
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.02 2.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.02 1.00 │││││││││└mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::~BatchedInsertRequest
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::~BatchedInsertRequest
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tc_delete
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.04 2.00 ││││││││├tc_delete
0.04 2.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.04 2.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.04 2.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.04 2.00 │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 2.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::LastErrorHolder::get
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::LastErrorHolder::_get
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.03 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::parseBSON
0.02 1.00 │││││││││├mongo::FieldParser::extract
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.02 1.00 ││││││││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││││││└mongo::FieldParser::FieldState mongo::FieldParser::extract<...>
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::FieldParser::extract
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::BSONObj::copy
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tc_malloc
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedUpdateRequest::parseBSON
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::FieldParser::extract
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tc_new
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││├??
0.01 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::getGetLastErrorDefault
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ boost::mutex::unlock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedUpdateRequest::setCollNameNS
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ std::string::assign
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_M_clone
0.01 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::NamespaceString::NamespaceString
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ std::string::_S_construct
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 ││││││││├mongo::BatchedCommandResponse::BatchedCommandResponse
0.01 1.00 │││││││││ mongo::BatchedCommandResponse::clear
0.01 1.00 ││││││││└mongo::BatchedCommandResponse::toBSON
0.01 1.00 ││││││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.06 1.00 │││││││└mongo::CmdServerStatus::run
0.05 1.00 │││││││ ├??
0.05 1.00 │││││││ │├mongo::ProcessInfo::getExtraInfo
0.03 1.00 │││││││ ││├fscanf
0.03 1.00 │││││││ │││ _IO_vfscanf
0.03 1.00 │││││││ │││ _IO_default_uflow
0.03 1.00 │││││││ │││ _IO_file_underflow
0.02 1.00 │││││││ │││ ├read
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │││ └_IO_doallocbuf
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │││ _IO_file_doallocate
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │││ mmap64
0.02 1.00 │││││││ ││└fclose
0.02 1.00 │││││││ ││ _IO_file_close_it
0.02 1.00 │││││││ ││ _IO_setb
0.02 1.00 │││││││ ││ munmap
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │└pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 │││││││ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │││││││ └mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.01 1.00 │││││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::ProcessInfo::getResidentSize
0.01 1.00 │││││││ fscanf
0.01 1.00 │││││││ _IO_vfscanf
0.01 1.00 │││││││ _IO_default_uflow
0.01 1.00 │││││││ _IO_file_underflow
0.01 1.00 │││││││ read
0.09 5.00 ││││││├tc_delete
0.09 5.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.09 5.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.09 5.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.09 5.00 │││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.09 5.00 │││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.05 4.00 ││││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.05 4.00 │││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.05 4.00 │││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.05 4.00 │││││││ tc_new
0.05 4.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.05 4.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 4.00 │││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 4.00 │││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││├mongo::Command::appendCommandStatus
0.01 1.00 ││││││└mongo::CurOp::ensureStarted
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::curTimeMicros64
0.01 1.00 ││││││ ??
0.05 2.00 │││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.05 2.00 ││││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.05 2.00 ││││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.05 2.00 ││││││ tc_new
0.05 2.00 ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.05 2.00 ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 2.00 ││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 2.00 ││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00 │││││└tc_delete
0.03 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.02 1.00 │││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
7.01 51.00 ││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
7.01 51.00 │││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
6.99 51.00 │││││ ├mongo::IDHackStage::work
6.05 51.00 │││││ │├mongo::Collection::docFor
6.05 51.00 │││││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
6.04 51.00 │││││ ││ ├??
6.04 51.00 │││││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_search
6.04 51.00 │││││ ││ │ __wt_row_search
5.96 51.00 │││││ ││ │ ├__wt_page_in_func
5.73 51.00 │││││ ││ │ │├__wt_sleep
5.73 51.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ select
0.11 2.00 │││││ ││ │ │├__wt_evict_page
0.11 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ __wt_evict
0.09 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ├??
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ │├__wt_reconcile
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ ??
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ ??
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ ??
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ ??
0.08 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ __wt_bt_write
0.07 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ ├__wt_block_write
0.07 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.07 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ │ __wt_write
0.07 2.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ │ pwrite64
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ └??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ snappy_compress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ snappy::RawCompress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ snappy::Compress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ ││ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ │└__wt_split_insert
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ │ __wt_delete_page_skip
0.02 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ └__wt_split_multi
0.02 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ __wt_page_out
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ││ tc_free
0.06 2.00 │││││ ││ │ │├sched_yield
0.06 3.00 │││││ ││ │ │└__wt_cache_read
0.05 3.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ├__wt_bt_read
0.04 3.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │├__wt_buf_grow_worker
0.04 3.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ││ __wt_realloc
0.04 3.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ││ memset
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │├??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ││ snappy_uncompress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ││ snappy::RawUncompress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ││ snappy::RawUncompress
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │└__wt_bm_read
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ __wt_block_read_off
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ __wt_read
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ pread64
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ └__wt_page_inmem
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ └__wt_search_insert
0.02 1.00 │││││ ││ └mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_getData
0.02 1.00 │││││ ││ tc_malloc
0.89 48.00 │││││ │├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle
0.80 48.00 │││││ ││├??
0.78 48.00 │││││ │││├??
0.75 48.00 │││││ ││││├??
0.75 48.00 │││││ │││││ ??
0.73 48.00 │││││ │││││ ├__wt_btcur_search_near
0.50 48.00 │││││ │││││ │├__wt_cache_wait
0.41 45.00 │││││ │││││ ││├__wt_cond_wait
0.41 45.00 │││││ │││││ │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││└__wt_evict_lru_page
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ __wt_evict_page
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ __wt_evict
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ??
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ __wt_reconcile
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ??
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ??
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ??
0.09 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ __wt_bt_write
0.07 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ├__wt_block_write
0.07 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ │ __wt_block_write_off
0.07 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ │ __wt_write
0.07 7.00 │││││ │││││ ││ │ pwrite64
0.02 2.00 │││││ │││││ ││ └??
0.02 2.00 │││││ │││││ ││ snappy_compress
0.02 2.00 │││││ │││││ ││ snappy::RawCompress
0.02 2.00 │││││ │││││ ││ snappy::Compress
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ ├snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ └tc_newarray
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.22 2.00 │││││ │││││ │└__wt_row_search
0.18 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ ├__wt_page_in_func
0.13 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ │├__wt_evict_page
0.13 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ __wt_evict
0.10 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ├__wt_split_multi
0.10 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ __wt_page_out
0.07 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ tc_free
0.07 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.07 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.05 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ ├tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.04 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ │├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ │└tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ └SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ └??
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ __wt_reconcile
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ??
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ??
0.02 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ??
0.02 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ ??
0.04 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ │├__wt_sleep
0.04 2.00 │││││ │││││ │ ││ select
0.02 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ │└__wt_hazard_set
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ └__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ └mongo::KeyString::decodeRecordId
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││││├mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.03 1.00 │││││ │││││ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.02 1.00 │││││ │││││ ├mongo::KeyString::_appendBson
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ mongo::KeyString::_appendStringLike
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ │ strnlen
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ └mongo::KeyString::_appendObject
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││││└mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││││ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││└mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ │││ memchr
0.09 1.00 │││││ ││└mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::newCursor
0.08 1.00 │││││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.08 1.00 │││││ ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.07 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.07 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ??
0.07 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ __wt_txn_begin
0.07 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ __wt_txn_refresh
0.04 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ qsort_r
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ ├??
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ ??
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ ??
0.02 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ │ └__wt_txnid_cmp
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ │ └tc_free
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ └mongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::getSession
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption::disable_interruption
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ boost::this_thread::interruption_enabled
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ boost::detail::get_current_thread_data
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ boost::detail::get_once_per_thread_epoch
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ │ pthread_once
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ └tc_new
0.02 1.00 │││││ │├mongo::WorkingSet::allocate
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││├std::vector<...>::_M_default_append
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││└tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││ │├mongo::IDHackStage::advance
0.01 1.00 │││││ ││ mongo::WorkingSetMember::hasObj
0.01 1.00 │││││ │└mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ mongo::IndexDescriptor::_checkOk
0.01 1.00 │││││ ├mongo::PlanYieldPolicy::yield
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ mongo::PlanExecutor::saveState
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ mongo::WorkingSetCommon::forceFetchAllLocs
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ mongo::WorkingSet::begin
0.01 1.00 │││││ └mongo::ElapsedTracker::intervalHasElapsed
0.16 7.00 ││││├mongo::getExecutor
0.06 7.00 │││││├mongo::WorkingSet::WorkingSet
0.05 6.00 ││││││├tc_new
0.05 6.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.05 6.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 6.00 │││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 6.00 │││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││└std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy::_M_next_bkt
0.05 1.00 │││││├??
0.02 1.00 ││││││├mongo::fillOutPlannerParams
0.02 1.00 │││││││ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.01 1.00 │││││││ ├tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││││ └mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.02 1.00 ││││││├mongo::IDHackStage::IDHackStage
0.02 1.00 │││││││ mongo::BSONElement::wrap
0.02 1.00 │││││││ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.02 1.00 │││││││ tc_malloc
0.01 1.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 ││││││├mongo::IDHackStage::supportsQuery
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::CanonicalQuery::isSimpleIdQuery
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::BSONElement::Obj
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::BSONElement::embeddedObjectUserCheck
0.01 1.00 ││││││└mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.05 2.00 │││││└mongo::PlanExecutor::make
0.04 2.00 │││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::make
0.04 2.00 │││││ mongo::PlanExecutor::pickBestPlan
0.03 2.00 │││││ ├mongo::PlanExecutor::registerExec
0.03 2.00 │││││ │ mongo::CursorManager::registerExecutor
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ ├pthread_mutex_lock
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ │ _L_lock_909
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ └std::_Hashtable<...>::_M_insert_unique_node
0.01 1.00 │││││ └mongo::PlanExecutor::setYieldPolicy
0.01 1.00 │││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.14 8.00 ││││├mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.11 8.00 │││││├mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.08 8.00 ││││││├mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.07 8.00 │││││││├pthread_mutex_lock
0.07 8.00 ││││││││ _L_lock_909
0.07 8.00 ││││││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │││││││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isDbLockedForMode
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isW
0.01 1.00 │││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.03 1.00 ││││││└mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.02 1.00 ││││││ ├boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.02 1.00 ││││││ │ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││ └mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::LockStats::recordAcquisition
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::LockStats::get
0.04 1.00 │││││└mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::_init
0.02 1.00 │││││ ├mongo::CurOp::ensureStarted
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ mongo::curTimeMicros64
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ ├mongo::CurOp::setNS
0.01 1.00 │││││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││││ └mongo::Database::getCollection
0.01 1.00 │││││ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::find
0.01 1.00 │││││ mongo::StringData::compare
0.11 3.00 ││││├mongo::CanonicalQuery::canonicalize
0.11 3.00 │││││ mongo::CanonicalQuery::canonicalize
0.05 1.00 │││││ ├mongo::MatchExpressionParser::_parse
0.04 1.00 │││││ │├mongo::ComparisonMatchExpression::init
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ mongo::LeafMatchExpression::initPath
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ mongo::ElementPath::init
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ mongo::FieldRef::parse
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ tc_new
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 │││││ ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 │││││ │└tc_new
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 1.00 │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.05 2.00 │││││ └mongo::CanonicalQuery::init
0.05 2.00 │││││ mongo::CanonicalQuery::generateCacheKey
0.05 2.00 │││││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.05 2.00 │││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.05 2.00 │││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.05 2.00 │││││ tc_new
0.05 2.00 │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.05 2.00 │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.05 2.00 │││││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 2.00 │││││ │├base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││ │└SpinLock::SpinLoop
0.01 1.00 │││││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.04 4.00 ││││├mongo::ShardingState::getVersion
0.04 4.00 │││││ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.04 4.00 │││││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.04 4.00 │││││ _L_lock_909
0.04 4.00 │││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.04 1.00 ││││├mongo::Explain::getPlanSummary
0.04 1.00 │││││ mongo::Explain::getPlanSummary
0.03 1.00 │││││ ├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ tc_new
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││ └??
0.01 1.00 │││││ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.01 1.00 │││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 │││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 │││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.04 1.00 ││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor
0.03 1.00 │││││├tc_delete
0.03 1.00 ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.03 1.00 ││││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.03 1.00 ││││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.03 1.00 ││││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.03 1.00 ││││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││└mongo::WorkingSet::~WorkingSet
0.01 1.00 │││││ tc_delete
0.02 1.00 ││││├??
0.02 2.00 ││││├mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::~AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.01 1.00 │││││├mongo::Lock::DBLock::~DBLock
0.01 1.00 ││││││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││││││ boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.01 1.00 ││││││ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.01 1.00 │││││└mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.01 1.00 │││││ mongo::Top::record
0.01 1.00 │││││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 │││││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 │││││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 ││││├mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::checkCanServeReadsFor
0.01 1.00 ││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::deregisterExec
0.01 1.00 │││││ mongo::CursorManager::deregisterExecutor
0.01 1.00 ││││└mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││││ tc_malloc
2.83 31.00 │││├mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
2.83 31.00 ││││ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
2.82 31.00 ││││ ├mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
2.54 31.00 ││││ │├mongo::logger::RotatableFileWriter::Use::Use
2.54 31.00 ││││ ││ pthread_mutex_lock
2.54 31.00 ││││ ││ _L_lock_909
2.54 31.00 ││││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.20 1.00 ││││ │├mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.20 1.00 ││││ ││ std::ostream::write
0.20 1.00 ││││ ││ std::basic_filebuf<...>::xsputn
0.20 1.00 ││││ ││ std::__basic_file<...>::xsputn_2
0.20 1.00 ││││ ││ writev
0.08 2.00 ││││ │└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.08 2.00 ││││ │ _L_unlock_722
0.08 2.00 ││││ │ __lll_unlock_wake
0.01 1.00 ││││ └mongo::RamLogAppender::append
0.01 1.00 ││││ mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.01 1.00 ││││ mongo::outputDateAsISOStringLocal
0.01 1.00 ││││ snprintf
0.01 1.00 ││││ vsnprintf
0.01 1.00 ││││ ??
0.08 3.00 │││├mongo::NamespaceString::NamespaceString
0.06 3.00 ││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.06 3.00 │││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.05 3.00 │││││ ├std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.05 3.00 │││││ │ tc_new
0.04 3.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.04 3.00 │││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.04 3.00 │││││ │ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.04 3.00 │││││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││││ └??
0.01 1.00 ││││├std::string::swap
0.01 1.00 ││││└std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose
0.07 2.00 │││├mongo::QueryMessage::QueryMessage
0.07 2.00 ││││ mongo::DbMessage::nextJsObj
0.07 2.00 ││││ mongo::validateBSON
0.03 1.00 ││││ ├tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 ││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.01 1.00 ││││ └tc_delete
0.05 1.00 │││├mongo::CurOp::reset
0.04 1.00 ││││ mongo::CurOp::reset
0.02 1.00 ││││ ├mongo::CurOp::_reset
0.02 1.00 ││││ └mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.01 1.00 ││││ pthread_spin_trylock
0.01 1.00 │││├??
0.01 1.00 │││├mongo::DbMessage::DbMessage
0.01 1.00 ││││ strnlen
0.01 1.00 │││├mongo::ClientBasic::getAuthorizationSession
0.01 1.00 ││││ mongo::ClientBasic::hasAuthorizationSession
0.01 1.00 │││└mongo::OpDebug::report
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONElement::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONElement::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONElement::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONElement::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONObj::toString
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::BSONElement::toString
1.07 7.00 ││├mongo::Socket::send
1.07 7.00 │││ mongo::Socket::_send
1.07 7.00 │││ send
0.15 3.00 ││├mongo::OperationContextImpl::~OperationContextImpl
0.14 3.00 │││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.14 3.00 ││││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.08 2.00 ││││ ├mongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::releaseSession
0.03 1.00 ││││ │├pthread_mutex_lock
0.02 1.00 ││││ ││ _L_lock_909
0.02 1.00 ││││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.02 1.00 ││││ │├boost::this_thread::disable_interruption::disable_interruption
0.02 1.00 ││││ ││ boost::this_thread::interruption_enabled
0.01 1.00 ││││ ││ ├boost::detail::get_current_thread_data
0.01 1.00 ││││ ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││││ ││ └pthread_getspecific
0.01 1.00 ││││ │└pthread_cond_signal@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.05 3.00 ││││ └tc_delete
0.05 3.00 ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.05 3.00 ││││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.05 3.00 ││││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.05 3.00 ││││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.05 3.00 ││││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::assertEmpty
0.01 1.00 ││└mongo::OperationContextImpl::OperationContextImpl
20.25 89.00 │├mongo::MessagingPort::recv
20.24 89.00 ││├mongo::Socket::recv
20.24 89.00 │││ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
20.24 89.00 │││ mongo::Socket::_recv
20.24 89.00 │││ recv
0.01 1.00 ││└mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││ tc_malloc
0.90 20.00 │├mongo::markThreadIdle
0.90 20.00 ││ ??
0.77 19.00 ││ ├pthread_mutex_lock
0.77 19.00 ││ │ _L_lock_909
0.77 19.00 ││ │ __lll_lock_wait
0.14 1.00 ││ └tcmalloc::ThreadCache::DeleteCache
0.14 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::Cleanup
0.14 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.14 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.12 1.00 ││ ├SpinLock::SlowLock
0.12 1.00 ││ │ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.02 1.00 ││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.02 1.00 │├mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
0.02 1.00 ││ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
0.02 1.00 ││ mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
0.02 1.00 ││ mongo::logger::RotatableFileWriter::Use::Use
0.02 1.00 ││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.02 1.00 ││ _L_lock_909
0.02 1.00 ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │├mongo::Client::shutdown
0.01 1.00 ││ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.01 1.00 ││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 ││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │├mongo::Socket::close
0.01 1.00 ││ shutdown
0.01 1.00 │├mongo::Client::initThread
0.01 1.00 ││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 ││ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 │└mongo::setThreadName
0.01 1.00 boost::detail::set_tss_data
0.01 1.00 boost::detail::add_new_tss_node
0.01 1.00 ??
0.01 1.00 tc_new
0.01 1.00 tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 base::internal::SpinLockDelay
15.00 15.00 ??
4.96 7.00 │├__wt_cond_wait
4.95 7.00 ││├pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.01 1.00 ││└pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00 ││ __lll_unlock_wake
3.00 3.00 │├mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00 ││├??
1.00 1.00 │││ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00 │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
1.00 1.00 ││├mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
1.00 1.00 │││ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00 │││ nanosleep
1.00 1.00 ││└mongo::TTLMonitor::run
1.00 1.00 ││ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00 ││ nanosleep
2.11 3.00 │├??
1.00 1.00 ││├__wt_txn_checkpoint
1.00 1.00 │││ __wt_cache_op
1.00 1.00 │││ __wt_reconcile
1.00 1.00 │││ ??
0.84 1.00 │││ ??
0.79 1.00 │││ ??
0.78 1.00 │││ ├__wt_bt_write
0.59 1.00 │││ │├__wt_block_write
0.59 1.00 │││ ││ __wt_block_write_off
0.59 1.00 │││ ││ ├__wt_write
0.59 1.00 │││ ││ │ pwrite64
0.01 1.00 │││ ││ └pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 │││ ││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 │││ ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.19 1.00 │││ │└??
0.19 1.00 │││ │ snappy_compress
0.19 1.00 │││ │ snappy::RawCompress
0.19 1.00 │││ │ snappy::Compress
0.19 1.00 │││ │ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.01 1.00 │││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │││ └??
0.01 1.00 │││ __wt_bt_write
0.01 1.00 │││ __wt_block_write
0.01 1.00 │││ __wt_block_write_off
0.01 1.00 │││ __wt_write
0.01 1.00 │││ pwrite64
1.00 1.00 ││├sigwait
0.10 1.00 ││├fprintf
0.10 1.00 │││ vfprintf
0.10 1.00 │││ _IO_file_xsputn
0.10 1.00 │││ _IO_do_write
0.10 1.00 │││ _IO_file_write
0.10 1.00 │││ write
0.01 1.00 ││└__wt_curstat_open
0.01 1.00 ││ __wt_config_subgets
0.01 1.00 ││ strlen
1.92 3.00 │├__wt_evict_lru_page
1.88 3.00 ││├__wt_evict_page
1.88 3.00 │││ __wt_evict
1.61 3.00 │││ ├??
1.50 3.00 │││ │ __wt_reconcile
1.50 3.00 │││ │ ??
1.46 3.00 │││ │ ├??
1.44 3.00 │││ │ │ ??
1.42 3.00 │││ │ │ __wt_bt_write
1.26 3.00 │││ │ │ ├__wt_block_write
1.26 3.00 │││ │ │ │ __wt_block_write_off
1.26 3.00 │││ │ │ │ __wt_write
1.26 3.00 │││ │ │ │ pwrite64
0.16 3.00 │││ │ │ └??
0.16 3.00 │││ │ │ snappy_compress
0.16 3.00 │││ │ │ snappy::RawCompress
0.16 3.00 │││ │ │ snappy::Compress
0.14 3.00 │││ │ │ ├snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.03 1.00 │││ │ │ │ ??
0.03 2.00 │││ │ │ └snappy::internal::WorkingMemory::GetHashTable
0.02 2.00 │││ │ │ ├tc_newarray
0.01 1.00 │││ │ │ └memset
0.01 1.00 │││ │ └__wt_block_free
0.01 1.00 │││ │ __wt_block_off_free
0.01 1.00 │││ │ __wt_block_off_remove_overlap
0.22 3.00 │││ ├__wt_split_multi
0.22 3.00 │││ │ ??
0.13 1.00 │││ │ ├__wt_calloc
0.13 1.00 │││ │ │ tc_calloc
0.13 1.00 │││ │ │ memset
0.05 2.00 │││ │ ├sched_yield
0.03 1.00 │││ │ └__wt_delete_page_skip
0.05 2.00 │││ └__wt_page_out
0.05 2.00 │││ tc_free
0.04 2.00 │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.04 2.00 │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││ ├SpinLock::SlowUnlock
0.01 1.00 │││ │ base::internal::SpinLockWake
0.01 1.00 │││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00 │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.04 1.00 ││└sched_yield
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
1.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
0.59 1.00 │├__wt_tree_walk
0.03 1.00 ││ __wt_page_in_func
0.25 1.00 │├__wt_sleep
0.25 1.00 ││ select
0.08 1.00 │├sched_yield
0.03 1.00 │├qsort_r
0.03 1.00 ││ ??
0.03 1.00 ││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││ ??
0.02 1.00 ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ??
0.01 1.00 │├__wt_dirlist
0.01 1.00 ││ close
0.01 1.00 │└__wt_cond_signal
0.01 1.00 pthread_mutex_unlock
0.01 1.00 _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00 __lll_unlock_wake
0.05 1.00 _L_lock_3358
0.05 1.00 __lll_lock_wait_private
0.02 1.00 __nptl_deallocate_tsd
0.01 1.00 │├??
0.01 1.00 ││ mongo::Client::~Client
0.01 1.00 ││ mongo::Client::~Client
0.01 1.00 ││ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.01 1.00 ││ pthread_mutex_lock
0.01 1.00 ││ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00 ││ __lll_lock_wait
0.01 1.00 │└tcmalloc::ThreadCache::DeleteCache
0.01 1.00 tcmalloc::ThreadCache::Cleanup
0.01 1.00 tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00 SpinLock::SlowLock
0.01 1.00 base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00 __nptl_death_event
1.00 1.00 main
1.00 1.00 mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00 mongo::Listener::initAndListen
0.91 1.00 select
0.07 1.00 mongo::PortMessageServer::accepted
0.07 1.00 pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5
0.05 1.00 │ ├do_clone.constprop
0.05 1.00 │ │ clone
0.01 1.00 │ └__nptl_create_event
0.02 1.00 mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
0.02 1.00 mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
0.02 1.00 mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
0.02 1.00 mongo::logger::RotatableFileWriter::Use::Use
0.02 1.00 pthread_mutex_lock
0.02 1.00 _L_lock_909
0.02 1.00 __lll_lock_wait
0.05 1.00 ??
0.05 1.00 ??
0.03 1.00 ??
0.03 1.00 clone