Click on ▽ or ▷
to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
470 samples
avg.thr max.thr call tree
49.17 51.00 ▽ clone:111
49.17 51.00
▽ start_thread:312
47.18 49.00
▽ ??
32.97 33.00
▽ mongo::threadpool::Worker::loop
28.06 33.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
4.87 16.00
▽ mongo::repl::multiSyncApply
4.23 16.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::syncApply
2.62 16.00
▽ mongo::repl::applyOperation_inlock
2.10 16.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
2.05 16.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
1.05 16.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
1.04 16.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
1.02 16.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.89 16.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.84 16.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.76 16.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ ??
0.76 16.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.57 16.00
│││││││││ ││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_search
0.31 16.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.26 15.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││├
▽ __wt_sleep
0.26 15.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││
▽ select:81
0.03 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││├
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.03 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││
▽ __wt_evict
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ ├
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ ├
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ │
▽ __wt_block_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ │
▽ __wt_block_write_off
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ │
▽ __wt_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ │
▽ pwrite64:81
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:2389
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │ └
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:167
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ └
▽ __wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││
▽ __wt_page_out
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ ├
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │││ └
▽ __wt_free_int
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││├
▽ __wt_hazard_set
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││└
▽ sched_yield:81
0.15 3.00
│││││││││ ││││ │└
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.15 9.00
│││││││││ ││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.04 9.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.04 9.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.04 9.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.03 3.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __wt_row_insert_alloc
0.03 3.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.02 3.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __wt_update_alloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ││
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │├
▽ __wt_txn_log_op
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ └
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_block_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_block_write_off
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_write
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ pwrite64:81
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ├
▽ __wt_split_multi
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_page_out
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ tcmalloc::DLL_Remove
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ └
▽ __wt_split_insert
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.04 1.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.03 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ ├
▽ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │
▽ mongo::KeyString::_appendOID
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │ ├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:141
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │ ├
▽ mongo::KeyString::_appendBytes
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │ ├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:26
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ │ └
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:159
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││ └
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ strlen:66
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ __wt_cursor_set_value
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││││
▽ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││└
▽ mongo::KeyString::appendRecordId
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ mongo::KeyString::_appendBytes
0.02 2.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.02 2.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 2.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ ??
0.01 2.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ __wt_btcur_reset
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││└
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││└
▽ mongo::Status::unref
0.08 2.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ std::pair<...> std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_insert_unique<...>
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││├
▽ std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││└
▽ tc_new
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ tc_malloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ strlen:67
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:157
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:29
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:25
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││└
▽ mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::BSONObjBuilderValueStream
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ std::_Rb_tree<...>::~_Rb_tree
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││ ├
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ ├
▽ tc_delete
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ ├
▽ std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ └
▽ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ mongo::BtreeAccessMethod::getKeys
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ std::_Rb_tree_increment
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │└
▽ mongo::Status::unref
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::shouldIgnoreUniqueIndex
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexDescriptor::_checkOk
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ mongo::repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator
0.97 16.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.61 16.00
▽ ??
0.60 16.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.38 16.00
││││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.19 15.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.19 15.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.18 15.00
││││││││││ ││ ├
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ ├
▽ __lll_lock_wait:138
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ └
▽ _L_lock_909
0.04 2.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_update_alloc
0.04 2.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.04 2.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││ ├
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ └
▽ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.03 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_row_insert_alloc
0.02 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_calloc
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ │││
▽ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ ├
▽ memset:57
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ └
▽ memset:54
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:25
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││└
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:134
0.02 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.02 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.02 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_txn_log_op
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_random
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:309
0.16 16.00
││││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_search
0.08 16.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.04 15.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_sleep
0.04 15.00
││││││││││ │││
▽ select:81
0.02 8.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ sched_yield:81
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_hazard_set
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││└
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││ └
▽ __wt_split_insert
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
││││││││││ │└
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ └
▽ __wt_hazard_clear
0.25 4.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.23 4.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.23 4.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.21 4.00
▽ ??
0.19 4.00
▽ __wt_txn_begin
0.17 4.00
▽ __wt_txn_refresh
0.05 2.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:297
0.05 2.00
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.02 2.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.02 2.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │├
▽ __memcpy_sse2:148
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │└
▽ __memcpy_sse2:65
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:81
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:93
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:40
0.01 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │├
▽ __memcpy_sse2:63
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │└
▽ __memcpy_sse2:110
0.01 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:161
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ __memcpy_sse2:61
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:83
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ │
▽ __wt_txnid_cmp
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ __memcpy_sse2:63
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:83
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ │
▽ __wt_txnid_cmp
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:40
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:57
0.00 1.00
││││││││││││││││ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:91
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:299
0.01 1.00
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:177
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:300
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort:307
0.01 2.00
▽ __wt_config_gets_def
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ clock_gettime@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:93
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::logger::globalLogManager
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::logger::LogComponentSettings::shouldLog
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::getSession
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.04 2.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.03 2.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.03 2.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.03 2.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.02 2.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_reset
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_changeNumRecords
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_new
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_nextId
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_value
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::cappedDeleteAsNeeded
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_new
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanCache::notifyOfWriteOp
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::next
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::_advance
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::_advance
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalogEntry::isReady
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexDescriptor::_checkOk
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::IndexIterator
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:112
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:74
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:1025
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSnapshotId
0.11 3.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getFields
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:106
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:66
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:109
0.01 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:2253
0.01 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:2263
0.01 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1857
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1357
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:211
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:2254
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:2239
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:732
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:212
0.00 1.00
▽ strcmp@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:238
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:270
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:271
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1732
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:255
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:257
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1118
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:180
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:181
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:860
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1984
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:237
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1736
0.00 1.00
▽ __strcmp_ssse3:1607
0.10 3.00
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
0.09 3.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.07 2.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.04 2.00
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_commit
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_txn_release
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_txn_release_snapshot
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │└
▽ __wt_logrec_free
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ └
▽ __wt_txn_op_free
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::TicketHolder::release
0.01 1.00
▽ sem_post:37
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_post:33
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_post@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_post:46
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::logger::LogComponentSettings::shouldLog
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::logger::ComponentMessageLogDomain::shouldLog
0.01 1.00
▽ tc_delete
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::NumRecordsChange::~NumRecordsChange
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::endWriteUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::lockState
0.07 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isCollectionLockedForMode
0.01 1.00
▽ std::string::find
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:58
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:25
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::ResourceId::ResourceId
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.01 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.01 1.00
▽ std::string::swap
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isW
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.01 1.00
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00
▽ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:166
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isR
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_delete
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
││││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00
▽ operator delete
0.06 2.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_getTicket
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::hasStrongLocks
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLocked
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:24
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:33
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:33
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::TicketHolder::waitForTicket
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_wait:58
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_wait:44
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::lockState
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::isModeCovered
0.05 1.00
▽ mongo::AuthorizationManager::logOp
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::AuthzManagerExternalStateLocal::logOp
0.04 1.00
▽ std::string::compare
0.01 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:47
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ strlen:67
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ strlen:66
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:48
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:1012
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:1011
0.00 1.00
││││││││ └
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:1577
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:66
0.02 2.00
▽ mongo::Database::getCollection
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::compare
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:56
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::~WriteUnitOfWork
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_abort
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::WriteUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::beginWriteUnitOfWork
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::OpCounters::gotInsert
0.01 2.00
▽ mongo::logger::LogComponentSettings::shouldLog
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::getGlobalAuthorizationManager
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::embeddedObject
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:74
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::lockState
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:108
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::logger::ComponentMessageLogDomain::shouldLog
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:112
0.69 16.00
▽ mongo::Client::Context::~Context
0.66 16.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.60 16.00
▽ mongo::Top::record
0.48 15.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.47 15.00
▽ _L_lock_909
0.47 15.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.07 2.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.07 2.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.07 2.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.06 2.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:360
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::get
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.01 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:56
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:309
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Top::_record
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.04 1.00
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.03 1.00
▽ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00
▽ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00
▽ tc_new
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:25
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:134
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:106
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen@plt
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_delete
0.02 2.00
▽ ??
0.01 2.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:93
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:134
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Timer::now
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isWriteLocked
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::isModeCovered
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLocked
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.23 15.00
▽ mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.16 14.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.15 14.00
▽ _L_lock_909
0.15 14.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.03 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.03 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.03 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.03 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.03 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isDbLockedForMode
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00
││││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isR
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
││││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
││││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isW
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.01 2.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:812
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:40
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::scoped_array<...>::operator[]
0.16 3.00
▽ mongo::Client::Context::Context
0.14 3.00
▽ mongo::Client::Context::_finishInit
0.12 3.00
▽ mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.07 2.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.06 2.00
▽ _L_lock_909
0.06 2.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.02 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.02 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.02 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isDbLockedForMode
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::ResourceId::ResourceId
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.01 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isW
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:25
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::scoped_array<...>::operator[]
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::enter
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::ensureStarted
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::curTimeMicros64
0.00 1.00
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:522
0.00 1.00
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:1145
0.00 1.00
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:44
0.00 1.00
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:64
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::ensureShardVersionOKOrThrow
0.00 1.00
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:93
0.14 4.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.09 3.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.08 3.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.08 3.00
│││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.08 3.00
│││││││ │
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.03 2.00
│││││││ │ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.02 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ mongo::LockManager::Partition::find
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:80
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ pthread_mutex_lock@plt
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.02 1.00
│││││││ │ ├
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getWaitingResource
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:33
0.01 1.00
│││││││ │ ├
▽ mongo::SpinLock::lock
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ │└
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.01 1.00
│││││││ │ ├
▽ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::clear
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ └
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00
│││││││ └
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isBatchWriter
0.04 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.04 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.02 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.01 1.00
│││││││ │├
▽ mongo::LockManager::Partition::find
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getWaitingResource
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │├
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:25
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │└
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ mongo::SpinLock::lock
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │└
▽ pthread_spin_trylock@plt
0.00 1.00
│││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::ResourceId::ResourceId
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:59
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::supportsDocLocking
0.06 2.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getStringField
0.06 2.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.04 2.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00
││││││ │├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00
││││││ ││
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
││││││ │├
▽ strlen:106
0.00 1.00
││││││ │├
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
││││││ │└
▽ strlen:66
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:949
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:48
0.05 2.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::reset
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.01 1.00
▽ std::string::_M_replace_safe
0.01 1.00
▽ std::string::_M_mutate
0.00 1.00
▽ std::string::assign
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::_reset
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::MaxTimeTracker::reset
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.04 2.00
▽ mongo::Database::getCollection
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.01 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.03 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.03 2.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.01 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::unlock
0.01 1.00
││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00
││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:80
0.00 1.00
││││││ │└
▽ mongo::LockManager::_getPartition
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getId
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::~DBLock
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_unlock
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlockAll
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.01 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::unlock
0.01 1.00
│││││││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ ├
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
│││││││ │ └
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:42
0.00 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
│││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_unlock@plt
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::unlock
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getWaitingResource
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:24
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::SpinLock::lock
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:168
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ mongo::FastMapNoAlloc<...>::insert
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::CollectionLock::~CollectionLock
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::supportsDocLocking
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::nsToCollectionSubstring
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:273
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:26
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:71
0.01 1.00
▽ tc_delete
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:111
0.00 1.00
▽ memcmp@plt
0.01 1.00
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00
▽ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00
▽ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_new
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::nsToDatabaseSubstring
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:25
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr@plt
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::CollectionLock::CollectionLock
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::ResourceId::ResourceId
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.00 1.00
▽ memchr:42
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::inShutdown
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::dbHolder
0.01 1.00
▽ tc_new
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::getCurOp
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:111
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:74
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::ResourceLock::unlock
0.00 1.00
▽ strlen:108
0.62 11.00
▽ mongo::repl::writeOpsToOplog2
0.54 11.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.54 11.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
0.52 11.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.32 11.00
▽ ??
0.31 11.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.16 8.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.04 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_update_alloc
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││ ├
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││ │ ├
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││ │ └
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││ └
▽ memset:82
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:37
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││└
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:54
0.04 2.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_row_insert_alloc
0.03 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_calloc
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││ ├
▽ memset:54
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │││ └
▽ memset:59
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:167
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││└
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:134
0.03 7.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.03 7.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.03 7.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_free_int
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_txn_log_op
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_random
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:80
0.13 11.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_row_search
0.07 11.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.03 10.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_sleep
0.03 10.00
│││││││││ │││
▽ select:81
0.01 4.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ sched_yield:81
0.01 2.00
│││││││││ ││├
▽ __wt_hazard_set
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││└
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ │
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:37
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││ └
▽ __wt_split_insert
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ││
▽ ??
0.02 2.00
│││││││││ │└
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ __wt_hazard_clear
0.11 3.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.10 3.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.10 3.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.09 3.00
▽ ??
0.09 3.00
││││││││││ ├
▽ __wt_txn_begin
0.08 3.00
││││││││││ │├
▽ __wt_txn_refresh
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __GI_qsort_r:297
0.01 1.00
││││││││││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ │├
▽ __memcpy_sse2:61
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ │└
▽ __memcpy_sse2:110
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ │
▽ __memcpy_sse2:63
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:83
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││
▽ __wt_txnid_cmp
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __GI_qsort_r:299
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │││
▽ tc_free
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││├
▽ __GI_qsort_r:177
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ ││└
▽ __GI_qsort:307
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ │└
▽ __wt_config_gets_def
0.00 1.00
││││││││││ └
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_reset
0.02 3.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.02 2.00
▽ tc_new
0.00 2.00
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 2.00
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │
▽ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::extractAndCheckLocForOplog
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::oploghack::extractKey
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00
│││││││││ ├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │├
▽ strlen:67
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ │└
▽ strlen:108
0.00 1.00
│││││││││ └
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:56
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_changeNumRecords
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_nextId
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::mutex::unlock
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_value
0.00 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanCache::notifyOfWriteOp
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::IndexIterator
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.04 2.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_commit
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_release
0.00 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_release_snapshot
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::TicketHolder::release
0.00 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ sem_post:37
0.00 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ sem_post:46
0.00 1.00
│││││││ ├
▽ sem_post:39
0.00 1.00
│││││││ └
▽ sem_post:33
0.00 1.00
▽ tc_delete
0.02 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_getTicket
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::hasStrongLocks
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLocked
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getLockMode
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_spin_unlock:24
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TicketHolder::waitForTicket
0.00 1.00
▽ sem_wait:58
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Client::Context::~Context
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.00 1.00
││││││ ├
▽ mongo::Top::record
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00
││││││ │
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
││││││ └
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00
▽ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::commitUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::~WriteUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::endUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::beginUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::OperationContextImpl
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::KVStorageEngine::newRecoveryUnit
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::GlobalEnvironmentMongoD::getGlobalStorageEngine
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::~OperationContextImpl
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TicketHolder::release
0.03 6.00
▽ mongo::threadpool::ThreadPool::task_done
0.03 6.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.03 6.00
▽ _L_lock_909
0.03 6.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:259
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_cond_lock:79
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_cond_lock_886
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
4.00 4.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
2.00 2.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.94 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepmicros
0.94 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
0.06 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.06 1.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Lock::ResourceLock::lock
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
0.06 1.00
││││ │
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.00 1.00
││││ └
▽ mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.00 1.00
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:56
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::GlobalCursorIdCache::timeoutCursors
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::ResourceLock::lock
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
0.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TTLMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
1.98 3.00
▽ __wt_cond_wait
1.98 3.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ __sigwait:97
1.00 1.00
▽ do_sigwait:60
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::_requestProcessorThreadBody
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::_consumeNetworkRequests
0.88 1.00
│││ ├
▽ boost::condition_variable::timed_wait
0.88 1.00
│││ │
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.12 1.00
│││ └
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::_runCommand
0.12 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::runCommand
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientWithCommands::runCommand
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findOne
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findN
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::query
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.12 1.00
│││ │
▽ __libc_recv:33
0.00 1.00
│││ └
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::ConnectionPool::acquireConnection
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::connect
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::_connect
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::connect
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::go
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::thread::start_thread
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_create_2_1:611
0.00 1.00
▽ create_thread:220
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___nptl_create_event:25
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncSourceFeedback::run
0.66 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncSourceFeedback::updateUpstream
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::runCommand
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientWithCommands::runCommand
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findOne
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findN
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::query
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.34 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.34 1.00
▽ __libc_recv:33
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::getWork
0.88 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::waitForWorkUntil
0.88 1.00
│││ │
▽ boost::condition_variable::timed_wait
0.88 1.00
│││ │
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.12 1.00
│││ └
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::waitForWork
0.12 1.00
▽ boost::condition_variable::wait
0.12 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.00 1.00
▽ boost::detail::interruption_checker::~interruption_checker
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::_producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::produce
0.59 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::more
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::requestMore
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.59 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.59 1.00
│││ │ ├
▽ __libc_recv:33
0.00 1.00
│││ │ └
▽ mongo::Socket::handleRecvError
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ std::ostream::flush
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ std::basic_filebuf<...>::sync
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ std::basic_filebuf<...>::overflow
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ std::basic_filebuf<...>::_M_convert_to_external
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ write:81
0.28 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::sleepmicros
0.28 1.00
│││ │
▽ nanosleep:81
0.03 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::shouldChangeSyncSource
0.03 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::shouldChangeSyncSource
0.03 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::waitForEvent
0.03 1.00
│││ │
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.02 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::BlockingQueue<...>::push
0.01 1.00
│││ │├
▽ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ void std::deque<...>::_M_push_back_aux<...>
0.02 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.01 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::BSONObj::copy
0.01 1.00
│││ │ ├
▽ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00
│││ │ │
▽ tc_malloc
0.00 1.00
│││ │ └
▽ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:29
0.01 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
0.01 1.00
│││ │
▽ nanosleep:81
0.01 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ memcmp@plt
0.01 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::isWaitingForApplierToDrain
0.00 1.00
│││ │├
▽ boost::mutex::lock
0.00 1.00
│││ ││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ boost::mutex::unlock
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
│││ ├
▽ boost::mutex::unlock
0.01 1.00
│││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
│││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
│││ ├
▽ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.00 1.00
│││ │├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::getMemberState
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ boost::mutex::unlock
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:309
0.00 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::OplogReader::moreInCurrentBatch
0.00 1.00
│││ └
▽ mongo::logger::ComponentMessageLogDomain::shouldLog
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::runSyncThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::oplogApplication
0.52 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::multiApply
0.46 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::applyOps
0.45 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ mongo::threadpool::ThreadPool::join
0.45 1.00
│││ │││
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00
│││ ││└
▽ mongo::threadpool::ThreadPool::schedule
0.01 1.00
│││ ││ ├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
│││ ││ │
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
│││ ││ │
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00
│││ ││ │
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00
│││ ││ └
▽ pthread_cond_broadcast@@GLIBC_2.3.2:98
0.06 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::fillWriterVectors
0.02 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00
│││ │││├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││ ││││
▽ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00
│││ │││└
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:47
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00
│││ │││├
▽ mongo::OID::hash_combine
0.00 1.00
│││ │││└
▽ mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00
│││ │││
▽ MurmurHash3_x64_128
0.00 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ MurmurHash3_x86_32
0.00 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.00 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ mongo::getGlobalEnvironment
0.00 1.00
│││ ││└
▽ mongo::GlobalEnvironmentMongoD::getGlobalStorageEngine
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.46 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::tryPopAndWaitForMore
0.38 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::waitForMore
0.38 1.00
│││ ││
▽ mongo::BlockingQueue<...>::blockingPeek
0.38 1.00
│││ ││
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.03 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::consume
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ boost::timed_mutex::unlock
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ _L_unlock_722
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ boost::condition_variable_any::notify_one
0.00 1.00
│││ │││├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00
│││ │││├
▽ pthread_cond_signal@@GLIBC_2.3.2:49
0.00 1.00
│││ │││└
▽ pthread_cond_signal@@GLIBC_2.3.2:130
0.00 1.00
│││ ││└
▽ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.02 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00
│││ │││
▽ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00
│││ │││
▽ strlen:107
0.00 1.00
│││ ││└
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:1586
0.01 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::peek
0.01 1.00
│││ ││├
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ _L_lock_909
0.01 1.00
│││ │││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00
│││ ││└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
│││ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
│││ │├
▽ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.00 1.00
│││ │└
▽ mongo::nsToCollectionSubstring
0.00 1.00
│││ ├
▽ std::deque<...>::~deque
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.00 1.00
│││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::getSlaveDelaySecs
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ boost::mutex::lock
0.00 1.00
│││ │
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00
│││ └
▽ mongo::repl::setMinValid
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Helpers::putSingleton
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OpDebug::OpDebug
0.00 1.00
▽ mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.00 1.00
▽ std::string::_M_replace_safe
0.18 2.00
▽ __wt_evict_lru_page
0.18 2.00
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.18 2.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.11 2.00
│││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.11 2.00
│││ │
▽ ??
0.11 2.00
│││ │
▽ ??
0.07 2.00
│││ │
▽ ??
0.07 2.00
│││ │ ├
▽ ??
0.06 2.00
│││ │ │├
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.03 2.00
│││ │ ││├
▽ __wt_block_write
0.03 2.00
│││ │ │││
▽ __wt_block_write_off
0.03 2.00
│││ │ │││ ├
▽ __wt_write
0.03 2.00
│││ │ │││ │
▽ pwrite64:81
0.00 1.00
│││ │ │││ └
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│││ │ ││└
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│││ │ ││
▽ snappy_compress
0.03 1.00
│││ │ ││
▽ snappy::RawCompress
0.03 1.00
│││ │ ││
▽ snappy::Compress
0.03 1.00
│││ │ ││
▽ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.00 1.00
│││ │ ││ ├
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:980
0.00 1.00
│││ │ ││ └
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:55
0.00 1.00
│││ │ │└
▽ ??
0.00 1.00
│││ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:2106
0.00 1.00
│││ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:69
0.06 2.00
│││ └
▽ __wt_split_multi
0.06 2.00
│││ ├
▽ __wt_page_out
0.01 1.00
│││ │├
▽ tc_free
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00
│││ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 2.00
│││ │└
▽ __wt_free_int
0.00 1.00
│││ └
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_thread_join
0.03 1.00
▽ pthread_join:92
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_tree_walk
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_thread_create
0.01 1.00
▽ __pthread_create_2_1:611
0.01 1.00
▽ create_thread:201
0.01 1.00
▽ do_clone:75
0.00 1.00
▽ __wt_sleep
1.99 2.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
1.99 2.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
1.99 2.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
1.99 2.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
1.99 2.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
1.99 2.00
▽ __libc_recv:33
0.00 1.00
▽ start_thread:301
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_lock_3358
0.00 1.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait_private:95
1.00 1.00 ▽ main
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Listener::initAndListen
0.03 1.00 ▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??:174
0.01 1.00 ▽ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.00 1.00 ▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::syncApply
0.00 1.00
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00
▽ _L_unlock_722