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359 samples
avg.thr max.thr  call tree
  25.06   26.00  clone:111
25.06 26.00 start_thread:312
13.00 13.00 ??
5.97 6.00 │├__wt_cond_wait
5.97 6.00 ││├pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.00 1.00 ││└__GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00 ││ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00 ││ _L_unlock_722
0.00 1.00 ││ __lll_unlock_wake:371
3.00 3.00 │├mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00 ││├??
1.00 1.00 │││ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00 │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00 ││├mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
1.00 1.00 │││ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00 │││ nanosleep:81
1.00 1.00 ││└mongo::TTLMonitor::run
0.84 1.00 ││ ├mongo::sleepsecs
0.84 1.00 ││ │ nanosleep:81
0.16 1.00 ││ └mongo::TTLMonitor::doTTLPass
0.16 1.00 ││ mongo::deleteObjects
0.16 1.00 ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::executePlan
0.16 1.00 ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.16 1.00 ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.15 1.00 ││ mongo::DeleteStage::work
0.08 1.00 ││ ├mongo::Collection::deleteDocument
0.04 1.00 ││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::deleteRecord
0.03 1.00 ││ ││├??
0.02 1.00 ││ │││├__wt_btcur_search
0.02 1.00 ││ ││││ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 ││ │││└__wt_btcur_remove
0.00 1.00 ││ │││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.00 1.00 ││ │││ └__wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 ││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.00 1.00 ││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_changeNumRecords
0.00 1.00 ││ │││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.00 1.00 ││ ││└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.03 1.00 ││ │├mongo::IndexCatalog::unindexRecord
0.03 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_unindexRecord
0.03 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::remove
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ ├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::removeOneKey
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::unindex
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_unindex
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ ??
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ __wt_btcur_remove
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ ├__wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ └__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ └mongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard::_unindex
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_remove
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ └mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImpl
0.01 1.00 ││ │└mongo::Collection::docFor
0.01 1.00 ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
0.01 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ │ __wt_btcur_search
0.01 1.00 ││ │ __wt_row_search
0.03 1.00 ││ ├mongo::FetchStage::work
0.03 1.00 ││ │├mongo::Collection::docFor
0.02 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ├??
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_search
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_cache_read
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_bt_read
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ snappy_uncompress
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ snappy::RawUncompress
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ │ snappy::RawUncompress
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ └__wt_buf_grow_worker
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_realloc
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ memset:93
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ ├__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ └mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get
0.01 1.00 ││ │└mongo::IndexScan::work
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├mongo::WorkingSet::allocate
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └mongo::IndexScan::initIndexScan
0.00 1.00 ││ │ mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::seek
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.02 1.00 ││ ├mongo::IndexScan::restoreState
0.01 1.00 ││ │├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::seek
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ├mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ └??
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ __wt_btcur_next
0.01 1.00 ││ │├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::restorePosition
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ __wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ __wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.00 1.00 ││ │└mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::repl::logOp
0.01 1.00 ││ │├mongo::ensureShardVersionOKOrThrow
0.00 1.00 ││ ││├mongo::ShardedConnectionInfo::get
0.00 1.00 ││ │││ boost::detail::get_tss_data
0.00 1.00 ││ │││ boost::detail::find_tss_data
0.00 1.00 ││ ││└mongo::NamespaceString::NamespaceString
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ std::string::find
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ memchr:25
0.00 1.00 ││ │└std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 ││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::IndexScan::saveState
0.01 1.00 ││ │ mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.01 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ __memmove_ssse3_back:1775
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
0.01 1.00 ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.01 1.00 ││ │ mongo::MigrateFromStatus::LogOpForShardingHandler::commit
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├__GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:309
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 ││ │ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00 ││ └mongo::ScopedTimer::~ScopedTimer
1.01 2.00 │├??
1.00 1.00 ││├__sigwait:97
1.00 1.00 │││ do_sigwait:60
0.01 1.00 ││└__wt_txn_checkpoint
0.01 1.00 ││ ├__wt_cache_op
0.01 1.00 ││ │├__wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00 ││ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │└__wt_tree_walk
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_split_multi
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_page_out
0.00 1.00 ││ │ tc_free
0.00 1.00 ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.00 1.00 ││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││ └??
0.01 1.00 ││ __wt_checkpoint
0.01 1.00 ││ __wt_cache_op
0.00 1.00 ││ __wt_evict_file_exclusive_on
0.00 1.00 ││ __wt_cond_wait
0.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00 │├boost::detail::thread_data<...>
1.00 1.00 ││ mongo::DistributedLockPinger::distLockPingThread
1.00 1.00 ││ mongo::DistributedLockPinger::_distLockPingThread
1.00 1.00 ││ mongo::sleepmicros
1.00 1.00 ││ nanosleep:81
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
0.97 1.00 ││├pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.03 1.00 ││└mongo::RangeDeleterDBEnv::deleteRange
0.03 1.00 ││ mongo::Helpers::removeRange
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::Helpers::RemoveSaver::goingToDelete
0.01 1.00 ││ │ std::ostream::write
0.01 1.00 ││ │ ├std::basic_filebuf<...>::xsputn
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ std::__basic_file<...>::xsputn_2
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ __libc_writev:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └std::ostream::sentry::sentry
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::Collection::deleteDocument
0.00 1.00 ││ │├mongo::IndexCatalog::unindexRecord
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_unindexRecord
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::remove
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.00 1.00 ││ │└mongo::Collection::docFor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ├mongo::ShardingState::getCollectionMetadata
0.00 1.00 ││ │ std::_Rb_tree<...>::find
0.00 1.00 ││ │ std::string::compare
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __memcmp_sse4_1:47
0.00 1.00 ││ ├mongo::PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ └mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.00 1.00 ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.00 1.00 ││ mongo::FetchStage::work
0.00 1.00 ││ mongo::IndexScan::work
0.00 1.00 ││ mongo::IndexScan::initIndexScan
0.00 1.00 ││ mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::seek
0.00 1.00 ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.00 1.00 ││ __wt_btcur_next
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00 │└__wt_evict_lru_page
0.01 1.00 __wt_evict_page
0.01 1.00 __wt_evict
0.01 1.00 │ ├__wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00 │ │├__wt_page_out
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tc_free
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.00 1.00 │ │└??
0.01 1.00 │ └__wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00 ??
0.01 1.00 ??
0.00 1.00 ??
0.00 1.00 ??
0.00 1.00 __wt_bt_write
0.00 1.00 ??
0.00 1.00 snappy_compress
0.00 1.00 snappy::RawCompress
0.00 1.00 snappy::Compress
0.00 1.00 snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.00 1.00 __memcmp_sse4_1:342
12.06 13.00 mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
8.76 12.00 mongo::MessagingPort::recv
8.76 12.00 mongo::Socket::recv
8.76 12.00 mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
8.76 12.00 mongo::Socket::_recv
8.76 12.00 __libc_recv:33
3.30 5.00 mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
3.30 5.00 mongo::assembleResponse
3.30 5.00 mongo::runQuery
3.30 5.00 mongo::_runCommands
3.30 5.00 mongo::Command::execCommand
3.30 5.00 mongo::_execCommand
2.24 4.00 │ ├mongo::SplitVector::run
2.18 4.00 │ │├mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
2.09 4.00 │ ││├mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
1.72 4.00 │ │││├mongo::IndexScan::work
0.86 4.00 │ ││││├mongo::IndexScan::checkEnd
0.53 3.00 │ │││││├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.53 3.00 │ ││││││ ??
0.28 3.00 │ ││││││ ├mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.13 2.00 │ ││││││ │├??
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ ││├memcpy@plt
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ││├__memmove_ssse3_back:61
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ││└__memmove_ssse3_back:2279
0.05 1.00 │ ││││││ │├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.05 1.00 │ ││││││ ││ tc_malloc
0.03 1.00 │ ││││││ │└mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.21 3.00 │ ││││││ └??
0.14 3.00 │ ││││││ ├??
0.05 2.00 │ ││││││ │├__wt_cursor_get_value
0.05 1.00 │ ││││││ ││ __wt_cursor_get_valuev
0.02 1.00 │ ││││││ │├void std::vector<...>::emplace_back<...>
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ │├mongo::KeyString::decodeRecordId
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ │└mongo::KeyString::TypeBits::resetFromBuffer
0.03 1.00 │ ││││││ ├__wt_cursor_get_key
0.03 1.00 │ ││││││ │ __wt_cursor_get_keyv
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ ├__memmove_ssse3_back:1775
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ ├__memmove_ssse3_back:1778
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ├__memmove_ssse3_back:1776
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ └__memmove_ssse3_back:2353
0.28 3.00 │ │││││├mongo::BSONObj::woCompare
0.09 2.00 │ ││││││├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││├strlen:66
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││├strlen:107
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││├strlen:69
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││├strlen:109
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││├strlen:137
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││└strlen:112
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││└mongo::BSONElement::woCompare
0.02 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.01 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::IndexScan::isEOF
0.00 1.00 │ │││││└mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::isEOF
0.40 3.00 │ ││││├??
0.38 3.00 │ │││││ ??
0.32 3.00 │ │││││ __wt_btcur_next
0.01 1.00 │ │││││ ├??
0.01 1.00 │ │││││ ├__wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.01 2.00 │ │││││ ├__wt_tree_walk
0.01 2.00 │ │││││ │ ??
0.01 2.00 │ │││││ │ __wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ ├sched_yield:81
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ └__wt_cache_read
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ __wt_bt_read
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ __wt_bm_read
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ __wt_block_read_off
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ __wt_read
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ │ pread64:81
0.01 1.00 │ │││││ ├__memmove_ssse3_back:55
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ └__memmove_ssse3_back:69
0.05 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::WorkingSet::flagNewIdxId
0.05 2.00 │ ││││├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.04 2.00 │ │││││ ??
0.04 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.02 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.02 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::WorkingSet::allocate
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::IndexScan::isEOF
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getValue
0.01 1.00 │ │││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │││││ ??
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::ScopedTimer::~ScopedTimer
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::advance
0.00 1.00 │ ││││└mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::isEOF
0.11 1.00 │ │││├mongo::WorkingSet::free
0.11 1.00 │ ││││ mongo::WorkingSetMember::clear
0.09 3.00 │ │││├mongo::PlanExecutor::restoreState
0.09 3.00 │ ││││ mongo::IndexScan::restoreState
0.08 3.00 │ ││││ ├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::restorePosition
0.08 3.00 │ ││││ │ ??
0.06 3.00 │ ││││ │ ├??
0.06 3.00 │ ││││ │ │├??
0.05 3.00 │ ││││ │ ││├__wt_btcur_search_near
0.05 3.00 │ ││││ │ │││ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ │││ ├__wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │││ │ __wt_row_ikey_alloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │││ └__wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │││ __wt_sleep
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │││ select:81
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ ││└mongo::KeyString::decodeRecordId
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ │ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ └mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ │ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ ├mongo::Timer::now
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ └mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_getTicket
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isWriteLocked
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ ├mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ └mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.06 2.00 │ │││├mongo::PlanYieldPolicy::yield
0.04 2.00 │ ││││├mongo::QueryYield::yieldAllLocks
0.02 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::saveLockStateAndUnlock
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││ mongo::LockManager::unlock
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:309
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││└void std::sort<...>
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ void std::__introsort_loop<...>
0.01 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::restoreLockState
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobal
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 │ │││││││ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.00 1.00 │ │││││││ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getWaitingResource
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.00 1.00 │ │││││└mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.00 1.00 │ │││││ mongo::logger::globalLogManager
0.02 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::saveState
0.01 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::WorkingSetCommon::forceFetchAllLocs
0.01 1.00 │ ││││││ mongo::WorkingSet::getAndClearIdxIds
0.01 1.00 │ │││││├mongo::IndexScan::saveState
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::savePosition
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::reset
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ __wt_btcur_reset
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ __wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ __wt_reconcile
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │││││└mongo::supportsDocLocking
0.01 1.00 │ ││││└mongo::OperationContextImpl::checkForInterrupt
0.01 1.00 │ ││││ mongo::OperationContextImpl::checkForInterruptNoAssert
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ ├mongo::CurOp::maxTimeHasExpired
0.00 1.00 │ ││││ └mongo::GlobalEnvironmentMongoD::getKillAllOperations
0.05 2.00 │ │││├mongo::PlanYieldPolicy::shouldYield
0.03 2.00 │ ││││├mongo::OperationContextImpl::lockState
0.01 1.00 │ ││││├mongo::PlanExecutor::getOpCtx
0.00 1.00 │ ││││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::inAWriteUnitOfWork
0.01 1.00 │ │││└mongo::ElapsedTracker::intervalHasElapsed
0.03 1.00 │ ││├mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.02 1.00 │ ││└tc_free
0.00 1.00 │ │├mongo::BSONObjBuilder& mongo::BSONObjBuilder::append<...>
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::_BufBuilder<...>::grow_reallocate
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::mongoRealloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tc_realloc
0.00 1.00 │ │└mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::logger::MessageEventDetailsEncoder::encode
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::outputDateAsISOStringLocal
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::time_t_to_Struct
0.00 1.00 │ │ __tz_convert:635
0.00 1.00 │ │ __tzfile_compute:622
0.84 1.00 │ ├mongo::MoveChunkCommand::run
0.83 1.00 │ │├mongo::sleepmicros
0.83 1.00 │ ││ nanosleep:81
0.01 1.00 │ │├mongo::MigrateFromStatus::storeCurrentLocs
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::IndexScan::work
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::IndexScan::checkEnd
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::BtreeIndexCursor::getKey
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ??
0.01 1.00 │ ││ mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │ tc_malloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ └mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.00 1.00 │ │├mongo::DBClientConnection::runCommand
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientWithCommands::runCommand
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientInterface::findOne
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientInterface::findN
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientConnection::query
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::Socket::recv
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.00 1.00 │ ││ __libc_recv:33
0.00 1.00 │ │├mongo::ScopedDbConnection::ScopedDbConnection
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBConnectionPool::get
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::DBConnectionPool::_get
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::PoolForHost::get
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::Socket::isStillConnected
0.00 1.00 │ │└mongo::logger::LogstreamBuilder::~LogstreamBuilder
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::logger::LogDomain<...>::append
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::logger::RotatableFileAppender<...>::append
0.00 1.00 │ │ std::ostream::flush
0.00 1.00 │ │ std::basic_filebuf<...>::sync
0.00 1.00 │ │ std::basic_filebuf<...>::overflow
0.00 1.00 │ │ std::basic_filebuf<...>::_M_convert_to_external
0.00 1.00 │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ write:81
0.21 3.00 │ ├mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.20 3.00 │ │├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.20 3.00 │ ││ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.20 3.00 │ ││ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.20 3.00 │ ││ ├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.12 2.00 │ ││ │├mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.12 2.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
0.07 2.00 │ ││ │││├mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
0.07 2.00 │ ││ ││││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
0.07 2.00 │ ││ ││││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.04 2.00 │ ││ ││││ ├mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.03 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │├mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││├??
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ __wt_update_alloc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ __wt_calloc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ └__wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││├mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ ├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ └mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ mongo::KeyString::_appendOID
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ mongo::KeyString::_appendBytes
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││├mongo::KeyString::appendRecordId
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ __memmove_ssse3_back:2790
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││└__wt_cursor_set_value
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │├mongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard::_insert
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││├??
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │├__wt_random
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │└__wt_update_alloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ __wt_calloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ └__wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ __wt_search_insert
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││└mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │└mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │ tc_new
0.02 2.00 │ ││ ││││ └mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImpl
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::getKeysImplWithArray
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││├mongo::BtreeKeyGeneratorV1::extractNextElement
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │││ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││└std::pair<...> std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_insert_unique<...>
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ││ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││││ │└tc_delete
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ ├tc_new
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││││ └mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.05 2.00 │ ││ │││└mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.04 2.00 │ ││ │││ ├??
0.04 2.00 │ ││ │││ │ __wt_btcur_insert
0.03 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ├__wt_row_modify
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │├__wt_update_alloc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ││├__wt_calloc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │││ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │││ ├memset:98
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │││ └memset:96
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ││└__memmove_ssse3_back:196
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ││├__memmove_ssse3_back:61
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ││└__wt_calloc
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │└__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.01 2.00 │ ││ │││ │ └__wt_row_search
0.01 2.00 │ ││ │││ │ __wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ├sched_yield:81
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ └__wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ __wt_split_insert
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ ├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ └mongo::logger::globalLogManager
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ └mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_nextId
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││└mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ ├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ └__memcmp_sse4_1:48
0.04 2.00 │ ││ │├mongo::repl::logOp
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::logOpForSharding
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ mongo::isInRange
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ ├mongo::ShardKeyPattern::extractShardKeyFromDoc
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ mongo::ShardKeyPattern::extractShardKeyFromMatchable
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ ├mongo::BSONElementIterator::more
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ │ mongo::getFieldDottedOrArray
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ └mongo::ShardKeyPattern::isValid
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ └mongo::BSONObj::woCompare
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ mongo::BSONElement::woCompare
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::ensureShardVersionOKOrThrow
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ mongo::NamespaceString::NamespaceString
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ ├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ │ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ └std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose
0.01 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::AuthorizationManager::logOp
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ mongo::AuthzManagerExternalStateLocal::logOp
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ std::string::compare
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ __memcmp_sse4_1:1577
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::isReplEnabled
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├__strstr_sse2_unaligned:23
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││└std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:134
0.02 2.00 │ ││ │├??
0.01 2.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.01 2.00 │ ││ │││ mongo::Top::record
0.01 1.00 │ ││ │││ ├mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::get
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │├mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ │└mongo::StringData::Hasher::operator
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ └__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::CurOp::setNS
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:488
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││└__strncpy_sse2_unaligned:1119
0.01 3.00 │ ││ │├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ ├mongo::MigrateFromStatus::LogOpForShardingHandler::commit
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ │ boost::unique_lock<...>::lock
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ │ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ │ _L_lock_909
0.01 3.00 │ ││ ││ │ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ └mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ __wt_txn_commit
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ __wt_txn_update_oldest
0.01 2.00 │ ││ │├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isCollectionLockedForMode
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├std::string::find
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ memchr:25
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │├mongo::CurOp::CurOp
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ││ std::string::_M_replace_safe
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │└mongo::CurOp::~CurOp
0.00 1.00 │ ││ │ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00 │ ││ └mongo::fixDocumentForInsert
0.00 1.00 │ │└mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::parseBSON
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::FieldParser::FieldState mongo::FieldParser::extract<...>
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::FieldParser::extract
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::BSONObj::copy
0.00 1.00 │ │ __memmove_ssse3_back:137
0.01 1.00 │ ├mongo::MigrateFromStatus::transferMods
0.00 1.00 │ │├mongo::Helpers::findById
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::Collection::docFor
0.00 1.00 │ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
0.00 1.00 │ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 │ ││ __wt_btcur_search
0.00 1.00 │ ││ __wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │ ││ __wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │ │├tc_delete
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.00 1.00 │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │ │└mongo::BSONArrayBuilder& mongo::BSONArrayBuilder::append<...>
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::BSONObjBuilder::numStr
0.00 1.00 │ │ __snprintf:33
0.00 1.00 │ │ _IO_vsnprintf:119
0.00 1.00 │ │ _IO_vfprintf_internal:1332
0.00 1.00 │ │ __find_specmb:108
0.00 1.00 │ │ strchrnul:25
0.00 1.00 │ └mongo::SplitChunkCommand::run
0.00 1.00 mongo::ConfigServer::logChange
0.00 1.00 mongo::clusterInsert
0.00 1.00 mongo::clusterWrite
0.00 1.00 mongo::ClusterWriter::write
0.00 1.00 mongo::ClusterWriter::configWrite
0.00 1.00 mongo::ConfigCoordinator::executeBatch
0.00 1.00 mongo::DBClientMultiCommand::recvAny
0.00 1.00 mongo::DBClientConnection::recv
0.00 1.00 mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.00 1.00 mongo::Socket::recv
0.00 1.00 mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.00 1.00 mongo::Socket::_recv
0.00 1.00 __libc_recv:33
0.00 1.00 mongo::Socket::send
0.00 1.00 mongo::Socket::_send
0.00 1.00 __libc_send:31
1.00 1.00 main
1.00 1.00 mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00 mongo::Listener::initAndListen
1.00 1.00 select:81
Click on or to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
0 samples
avg.thr max.thr  call tree