Click on ▽ or ▷
to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
78 samples
avg.thr max.thr reverse call tree
100.03 101.00 ▽ LEAF
44.54 48.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
33.69 43.00
▽ __wt_cond_wait_signal
25.86 35.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
11.21 32.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
11.21 32.00
▽ ??
8.69 32.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
6.08 30.00
││││ │├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::repl::_logOp
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::repl::logOp
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::OpObserver::onInsert
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::Command::run
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::runCommands
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ ??
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ start_thread
6.08 30.00
││││ ││
▽ clone
2.62 22.00
││││ │└
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ ??
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
2.62 22.00
││││ │
▽ clone
2.50 20.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ ??
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
2.50 20.00
││││ │
▽ clone
0.01 1.00
││││ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSizeStorer::syncCache
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::syncSizeInfo
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::haveDropsQueued
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::releaseSession
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::~OperationContextImpl
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::OperationContextImpl::~OperationContextImpl
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
10.27 33.00
▽ ??
10.27 33.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
10.27 33.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
9.60 32.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ ??
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
9.60 32.00
││││ │
▽ clone
0.41 1.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.41 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSnapshotManager::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.41 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.41 1.00
││││ │
▽ ??
0.41 1.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
0.18 2.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerServerStatusSection::generateSection
0.18 2.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::CmdServerStatus::run
0.09 1.00
││││ │ ├
▽ ??
0.09 1.00
││││ │ │
▽ mongo::FTDCCollectorCollection::collect
0.09 1.00
││││ │ │
▽ mongo::FTDCController::doLoop
0.09 1.00
││││ │ │
▽ ??
0.09 1.00
││││ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.09 1.00
││││ │ │
▽ clone
0.09 1.00
││││ │ └
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.09 1.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
0.08 1.00
││││ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::storageSize
0.08 1.00
▽ mongo::CollectionStats::run
0.08 1.00
▽ ??
0.08 1.00
▽ mongo::FTDCCollectorCollection::collect
0.08 1.00
▽ mongo::FTDCController::doLoop
0.08 1.00
▽ ??
0.08 1.00
▽ start_thread
4.13 24.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
4.13 24.00
▽ __wt_row_search
4.13 24.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
4.13 24.00
▽ ??
3.82 24.00
││││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ ??
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ start_thread
3.82 24.00
││││ │
▽ clone
0.31 11.00
││││ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.31 11.00
▽ ??
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.31 11.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.31 11.00
▽ start_thread
0.15 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.15 1.00
▽ ??
0.15 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Cursor::next
0.15 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.15 1.00
▽ ??
0.15 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.10 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_prev
0.10 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.10 1.00
▽ ??
0.10 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Cursor::next
0.10 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.10 1.00
▽ ??
0.10 1.00
▽ start_thread
7.83 8.00
▽ ??
7.83 8.00
▽ start_thread
5.01 27.00
▽ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
5.01 27.00
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
5.01 27.00
▽ mongo::Lock::ResourceLock::lock
4.81 27.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::synchronizeOnCappedInFlightResource
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::repl::_logOp
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::repl::logOp
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::OpObserver::onInsert
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ ??
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
4.81 27.00
││ │
▽ start_thread
0.21 1.00
││ └
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.21 1.00
▽ ??
0.21 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::waitForMore
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::tryPopAndWaitForMore
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::oplogApplication
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::runSyncThread
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::executor::NetworkInterfaceASIO::waitForWorkUntil
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::getWork
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncSourceFeedback::run
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.83 1.00
▽ mongo::FTDCController::doLoop
0.83 1.00
▽ ??
0.83 1.00
▽ start_thread
40.03 41.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2
38.03 39.00
▽ std::condition_variable::wait
36.00 36.00
▽ mongo::ThreadPool::_consumeTasks
36.00 36.00
▽ mongo::ThreadPool::_workerThreadBody
36.00 36.00
▽ ??
36.00 36.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::OplogStones::awaitHasExcessStonesOrDead
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::yieldAndAwaitOplogDeletionRequest
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::Event::waitUntilSignaled
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::processHeartbeatV1
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::CmdReplSetHeartbeat::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
2.00 2.00
▽ asio::detail::scheduler::do_run_one
2.00 2.00
▽ asio::detail::scheduler::run
2.00 2.00
▽ asio::io_service::run
1.00 1.00
│ ├
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
│ └
▽ asio_detail_posix_thread_function
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
5.00 5.00
▽ nanosleep
4.00 4.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::HostnameCanonicalizationWorker::_doWork
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::_producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TTLMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepmicros
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::WiredTigerJournalFlusher::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
3.90 4.00
▽ recv
3.90 4.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
3.90 4.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
3.90 4.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
3.90 4.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
3.90 4.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
3.90 4.00
▽ start_thread
2.03 31.00
▽ __lll_lock_wait
2.03 31.00
▽ _L_lock_790
2.03 31.00
▽ pthread_mutex_lock
2.03 31.00
▽ __wt_las_cursor
2.03 31.00
▽ ??
1.14 24.00
│ ├
▽ ??
1.14 24.00
│ │
▽ __wt_reconcile
1.14 24.00
│ │
▽ __wt_evict
1.14 24.00
│ │
▽ ??
1.14 24.00
│ │
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.55 17.00
│ │ ├
▽ ??
0.55 17.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.55 17.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ ??
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.51 16.00
│ │ │ │
▽ clone
0.04 1.00
│ │ │ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.04 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSnapshotManager::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.04 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.04 1.00
│ │ │
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
│ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.55 23.00
│ │ ├
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.55 23.00
│ │ │
▽ ??
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ ??
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.41 14.00
│ │ │ │
▽ clone
0.14 9.00
│ │ │ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ ??
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.14 9.00
│ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.04 3.00
│ │ └
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ __wt_row_search
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.88 31.00
│ └
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.88 31.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.88 31.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.88 31.00
▽ ??
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.88 31.00
▽ ??
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.88 31.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.88 31.00
▽ start_thread
1.68 2.00
▽ select
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Listener::initAndListen
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::initAndListen
0.68 1.00
▽ __wt_sleep
0.68 1.00
▽ ??
0.68 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ sigwait
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
1.00 1.00
▽ epoll_wait
1.00 1.00
▽ asio::detail::epoll_reactor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ asio::detail::scheduler::do_run_one
1.00 1.00
▽ asio::detail::scheduler::run
1.00 1.00
▽ asio::io_service::run
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.27 1.00
▽ __wt_tree_walk
0.27 1.00
▽ ??
0.27 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.17 2.00
▽ ??
0.06 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_op
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_checkpoint
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ ├
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __wt_cache_op
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __wt_txn_checkpoint
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
││ └
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_op
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_checkpoint
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.05 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_named_snapshot_begin
0.05 1.00
▽ ??
0.05 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSnapshotManager::createSnapshot
0.05 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.05 1.00
▽ ??
0.05 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_get_snapshot
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_op
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_checkpoint
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_prev
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Cursor::next
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.17 13.00
▽ pwrite64
0.17 13.00
▽ __wt_write
0.17 13.00
▽ __wt_block_write_off
0.17 13.00
▽ __wt_block_write
0.17 13.00
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.17 13.00
▽ ??
0.17 13.00
▽ ??
0.13 10.00
│ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.13 10.00
│ │
▽ __wt_evict
0.13 10.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.09 7.00
│ │ ├
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.05 4.00
│ │ │├
▽ ??
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ ??
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.05 4.00
│ │ ││
▽ start_thread
0.03 2.00
│ │ │├
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ ??
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ ??
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.03 2.00
│ │ ││
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
│ │ │└
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.04 3.00
│ │ └
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.04 3.00
│ └
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.04 3.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.04 3.00
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.01 1.00
│ ├
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSnapshotManager::prepareForCreateSnapshot
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::repl::SnapshotThread::run
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
│ ├
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
│ └
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.10 4.00
▽ pread64
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_read
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_block_read_off
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_bm_read
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_bt_read
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.10 4.00
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.10 4.00
▽ ??
0.06 4.00
│ ├
▽ __wt_las_remove_block
0.06 4.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.06 4.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.06 4.00
│ │
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.06 4.00
│ │
▽ __wt_evict
0.06 4.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
│ │ ├
▽ ??
0.04 3.00
│ │ │
▽ start_thread
0.03 1.00
│ │ └
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.04 1.00
│ └
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.04 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ __wt_evict
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.03 1.00
│ │
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
│ └
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_next
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Cursor::next
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::CollectionScan::work
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextImpl
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::runQuery
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.03 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.03 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_hazard_set
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ __wt_tree_walk
0.03 1.00
▽ ??
0.03 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_hazard_clear
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_tree_walk
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_commit
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_eviction_worker
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_cache_op
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_txn_checkpoint
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ start_thread
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexAccessMethod::insert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexFilteredRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecords
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocuments
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::run
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::runCommands
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg