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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15346

[Server] Investigate changes in SERVER-66495: Aggregations should be counted as Query ops, not Command ops

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      If the query team were to make this change, it would change a longstanding meaning in the server status counters and would potentially affect how downstream teams do their tracking. If this would negatively affect a downstream team, please comment on SERVER-66495 or reach out to the query team in #query-execution.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      Currently, only the official Find Command increments the "Query" OpCounter from db/stats/counters.h. Any use of the aggregation pipeline command is only counted as a "Command", lumped together with all other operations that aren't Query, writes, or getmores.
      Since it would be more useful to have all commands that perform query-like operations be counted as queries, we should start counting aggregations as queries.
      (Note that we already count get-mores issued on cursors sourced either by aggregation or by finds, without distinction.)

            joseph.dougherty@mongodb.com Joseph Dougherty
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

              40 weeks ago