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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-1660

Provide a method of proxing queries/commands through mongos to specific shards/servers

    • Cluster Scalability

      I was building a small dashboard for mongodb which connects to a mongos and lists the current status of all servers in the network.
      While working I found there was no way from my connection to the mongos to query the replication status, health, or stats from shards or individual servers.
      I ended up having to parse the host for the shard and make connections to the individual shards directly to check their health.
      I think it would be better to have a way to send commands through mongos to reduce the nodes that need to be opened up to make this kind of feature.

            backlog-server-cluster-scalability [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Cluster Scalability
            dantman Daniel Friesen
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