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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-87479

Manually run SBE build variants on release branches in evergreen to generate and add SBE $group/$lookup tests with $skip/$limit prefixes

    • Query Execution
    • Fully Compatible
    • v7.3, v7.0, v6.0
    • QE 2024-03-18

      Inspired by SERVER-87313.

      By default, SBE is used only for $lookup and $group, as it provides significant performance benefits for this operations.

      This means that SBE (which is a huge project - a fully operational query execution engine) only tested in default configuration by jstests that are focused on $group and $lookup.

      But in the wild $lookup and $group and can a part of pipelines with any kind of stuff. InĀ  case of SERVER-87313 it was $sort + $limit.

      We must add a build variant that enables SBE to have proper test coverage for release branches.

      It can be done by either setting featureFlagSbeFull to true or setting internalQueryFrameworkControl to trySbeEngine.

            adi.agrawal@mongodb.com Adi Agrawal
            ivan.fefer@mongodb.com Ivan Fefer
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