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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-10062

Fix checkpoint cleanup not to skip the internal pages

    • 3
    • Storage Engines - 2022-10-31, Storage Engines - 2022-11-14
    • v6.2, v6.1, v6.0, v5.0, v4.4

      Checkpoint cleanup avoids reading any internal pages from disk into memory when the internal pages aggregated stop durable timestamp is zero. This can cause problems when a truncate/remove operation is performed with by a non timestamped transaction.

      The obsolete pages without a timestamp information are never load back into the memory to free the disk space.

      Currently, we do not have proper aggregated time information to decide a page needs to be read into the cache or not. The solution to this problem is read every internal page into memory.

            haribabu.kommi@mongodb.com Haribabu Kommi
            haribabu.kommi@mongodb.com Haribabu Kommi
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