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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-12340

Clarification on the usage of limit() and skip() used together in a sharded cluster


      In the following page: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/ ,
      we describe the interaction of limit() and skip() as

      When used in conjunction with a limit(), the mongos will pass the limit plus the value of the skip() to the shards to improve the efficiency of these operations.

      It is correct, however it could be misinterpreted as the skip() being run on each shard.

      The following may be more precise.

      When used in conjunction with a limit(), the mongos will pass
      the limit plus the value of the skip() to the shards as the number
      of document to limit to, without applying any skip.
      The mongos will then have the appropriate documents to
      apply the final limit() and skip() correctly.


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            daniel.coupal@mongodb.com Daniel Coupal
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              1 year, 26 weeks, 2 days ago