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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-14260

[OM] Add details about both S3 blockstores and oplog stores not having versioning or lifecycle rules

      S3 buckets cannot have Versioning enabled and they should not have a Lifecycle rules.

      This is obvious to us because we know how Ops Manager works, but it is not obvious to users who see AWS dashboard insisting that AWS best practices are for S3 buckets to have both.

      Please update the documentation for all supported OM versions:


      In the Considerations section, please add the following:

      Dedicated Bucket

      The S3 bucket used must be managed by Ops Manager alone.

      • Versioning is not supported. Do not enable versioning on the bucket.
      • Lifecycle rules are not supported. Any lifecycle rule which Expires current versions of objects or Transitions current versions of objects will result in incomplete snapshots which cannot be restored.

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            sarah.simpers@mongodb.com Sarah Simpers
            amit.jain@mongodb.com Amit Jain
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

              3 years, 4 weeks, 1 day ago