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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-14924

Investigate changes in SERVER-57310: record creation date of mongos

      Downstream Change Summary

      Added a field to config.mongos called "created" which is a Date indicating when the MongoS instance started running.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      It'll be nice if we can store the creation date of each MongoS in the mongos collections.

      mongos> db.getSiblingDB("config").mongos.find().pretty()
      	"_id" : "hostname.local:27017",
      	"advisoryHostFQDNs" : [
      	"mongoVersion" : "4.4.5",
              "created": ISODate("2021-05-31T11:42:24.629Z"),
      	"ping" : ISODate("2021-05-31T11:42:24.629Z"),
      	"up" : NumberLong(430953),
      	"waiting" : true

      This could just be the time when the mongos document is created.

      Sometimes, this kind of info help Devops or DBAs investigate environmental issues etc, with the CSRS and shards, we can get the creation date of the replica set from the replica set ID, but we don't have a way to tell MongoS creation date reliably.

            jeffrey.allen@mongodb.com Jeffrey Allen
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              2 years, 14 weeks, 1 day ago