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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15703

Initial Sync overview

      Hi Team,

      There is no mention of the OpLog window that MUST cover the process in the overview of the Initial Sync. link: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/upcoming/core/replica-set-sync/

      Maybe that is the intention of the phrase: 

      1. Pulls newly added oplog records during the data copy. Ensure that the target member has enough disk space in the local database to temporarily store these oplog records for the duration of this data copy stage.

      But it looks like the OpLog is stored in a Database to be applied once the sync has been done and no mention of the source needing to have enough to cover the whole process especially since for some versions it needs to be set beforehand.


      Can we either put it as a consideration or get a more implicit phrasing?


      Thank you in advance.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            charles.vp@mongodb.com Charles Van Parys
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              1 year, 27 weeks, 3 days ago