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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15752

[Server] Investigate changes in SERVER-70790: shardingState command appends only the major and minor version of the ShardVersion

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      Changed the output of the shardingState command. Now, instead of the version portion of the command output looking like:

      "versions": {
          "<database>.<collection>" : Timestamp(<...>),
          "<database>.<collection>" : Timestamp(<...>)


      it will instead look like:

      "versions": {
          "<database>.<collection>": {
              "placementVersion": Timestamp(<...>), 
              "timestamp": Timestamp(<...>) 
          "<database>.<collection>": {
              "placementVersion": Timestamp(<...>), 
              "timestamp": Timestamp(<...>)


      Description of Linked Ticket

      The shardingState command attaches the versions of each collection as part of the output of the command. However, we are only attaching the timestamp (major and minor version) and ignoring the epoch and timestamp (and soon, the index version as well). We should check if we can change the output of this user command, and either update the version to include the epoch, timestamp, and index version or change the name of the command to appendCollectionPlacement (since we are not appending a shard version currently)

            alison.huh@mongodb.com Alison Huh
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              1 year, 22 weeks ago