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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15905

[SERVER] timelib support for additional format specifiers

      Original title: Investigate changes in SERVER-73402: timelib support for additional format specifiers

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      Added %b and %B format specifiers to $dateToString, which return the three-letter name of the month (ex. "Jan") and the full name of the month (ex. "January") respectively. These will be returned in TitleCase, and the user can use $toUpper or $toLower to adjust capitalization as needed.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      We want to add additional format specifiers to the timelib library, to create symmetry between dateFromString and dateToString; all format specifiers supported by one, should be supported by the other. This means adding %b and %B in dateToString, and %U and %w in dateFromString.

            kanchana.sekhar@mongodb.com Kanchana Sekhar
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
            0 Vote for this issue
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              1 year, 11 weeks, 4 days ago