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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16119

[Server] Re-enable agg_merge_when_not_matched_insert.js in config_fuzzer passthrough suites

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      This has changed the `maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites` parameter to be settable both at startup (as before) and at runtime (new). We should update the server parameters doc section about this parameter. Here is the link to the doc in question: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites

      We should replace the line:
      "You cannot change
      during runtime."
      "During runtime, you can also set the parameter with the setParameter command:


      { setParameter: 1, maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites: 20}


      Similar to the last two sentences in this section: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck.
      Though we should specify that this is only settable at runtime from 7.1.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      The test (which performs concurrent user writes an chunk migrations)is currently blacklisted from config fuzzer passthrough suites because it is sensitive to specific values of a threshold parameter (details described here).

      In order to re-enable it, we can either tolerate timeout errors or exclude the execution of migration when the server parameter regulating the migration goes below a threshold value (to be qualified).

            alison.huh@mongodb.com Alison Huh
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              35 weeks, 6 days ago