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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16384

[Server] Investigate changes in SERVER-66018: Expose metrics for readPreference usage

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      serverStatus output now exposes metrics about readPreference. See this document for details about what is exposed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GZK3Izg3PBjtjCv1aiptuHQzudHMZlxnO5IdtDBUVgc/edit#heading=h.jmjxxubeuhdo

      Description of Linked Ticket

      Goal / Product Question:

      Our recommended topology is a replica set with three nodes for high availability. However, some customers are questioning the cost associated with running all three nodes, where they claim reads & writes only happen on their primary.

      We offer the ability to redirect reads to a secondary node. We believe there is a population of customers who use secondary reads, but we never had a good way to identify them. Exposing a metric to identify if a secondary node has served reads will help identify these customers who specifically directed reads to a secondary node.


      Must have: 

      -Number of clusters with secondary reads

      -Distribution of readPreference options (e.g. secondary, secondaryPreferred, primary)  


      Nice to Have:

      -Hedge Reads 

      -Mirror Reads

      -Number of clusters with reads with multiple read preferences

            alison.huh@mongodb.com Alison Huh
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              33 weeks, 4 days ago