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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16557

[Server] Fix YUM Upgrade

      Need to update documentation for MongoDB Version upgrade options via yum package manager.

      Reference HELP ticket :  HELP-53445.


      As per our documentation we follow below steps for any version upgrade via yum package manager.

      1. Create the yum repo for upgraded version.
       2. Then "Install the MongoDB Enterprise packages" and execute-

      "sudo yum install -y mongodb-enterprise",

      Technically mongodb-enterprise is a metapackage which does not instal/upgrade all the component at once.  Also there is not a clear versioning requirement within the metapackage definition. That would not be an issue for fresh deployments attempting to install for the first time because there are no packages on-system that could satisfy the package dependencies. In the case of running yum install mongodb-enterprise to upgrade to another version, there already exists packages that satisfy said dependencies so it will only install packages that didn't exist in prior versions.  

      That said, using yum install $package_name (or more accurately: dnf install $package_name) is not the means recommended by RedHat to upgrade a package.


      To upgrade all mongodb-enterprise components to their latest/recommended versions, there are 3 options which needs to updated in our global documentation:-

      1. Specify each Version Component separately to upgrade the mongodb version (Recommended).


      sudo yum install -y mongodb-enterprise-5.0.23 mongodb-enterprise-database-5.0.23 mongodb-enterprise-server-5.0.23 mongodb-enterprise-shell-5.0.23 mongodb-enterprise-mongos-5.0.23 mongodb-enterprise-tools-5.0.23 


      2. Remove all current mongodb packages, install mongodb-enterprise fresh, and restore previous data .

      •  Take the backup of your current data directories before removing the older packages then proceed with the upgrade.

      3. Run the command yum upgrade (without any further arguments)

      •  Note: this may update all the OS related packages as well, Please check with your OS admin before executing the command.



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            mohit.tayal@mongodb.com Mohit Tayal (Inactive)
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              18 weeks, 5 days ago