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  2. DOCS-3914

MMS OnPrem1.5 : Release notes

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • v1.3.10, mms-1.5
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Cloud Manager
    • None

      Considerations for Upgrade

      • Direct upgrades are supported only from 1.3 and 1.4.
      • Change in configurations and policy for 2FA
        • Two-factor authentication must now be explicitly enabled using the mms.multiFactorAuth.require setting. See [LINK TO DOCS]
      • The default LDAP group separator was changed from , to ;; . See [LINK TO DOCS]
      • Suppressed hosts will only remain suppressed for 30 minutes
        • Previously, if a host was deleted from MMS Monitoring the hostname/port would be added to a suppression list with an infinite lifetime. This was meant to prevent a race condition in which a host in a cluster would be auto-discovered by another member of a cluster before the cluster could fully be removed.
        • Suppressed hosts are now kept on this list for only 30 minutes.
      • mms.remoteIp.header in conf-mms.properties should be set if MMS is behind a load balancer
      • mongo.backupdb.mongoUri is no longer in conf-mms.properties. This was previously a required field in this file. It is still in the backup daemons's conf-daemon.properties.
      • Stored MongoDB profile data is not transferred between OnPrem 1.4 and OnPrem 1.5
        • If the optional feature to collect and store MongoDB profile data in MMS was enabled, this data will not be transferred between OnPrem 1.4 and OnPrem 1.5.


      • When an MMS Backup job fails to bind, the system will periodically and automatically retry
      • All MMS Backup jobs will retry indefinitely
      • Point in Time restores can be selected with one second granularity

      New Features

      • Public API http://mms.mongodb.com/help/reference/api/ currently, need to be visible on help-hosted
      • Explicit support for multiple MMS Backup Blockstore Databases and the ability to pin MMS Groups to specific backup daemons and databases. [LINK TO DOCS]
      • MMS can authenticate using LDAP to both the database backing MMS and the databases being monitored/backed up [LINK TO DOCS]
      • Enhanced auditing [LINK TO DOCS]
      • Ability to acknowledge alerts
      • New cluster page - shows individual, sum or average metrics for all shards in a cluster


      • Monitoring Agent Release Notes
        • Upgraded agent to use Go 1.3.
        • Updated mgo driver, which includes fix for MGO-34. All DNS lookups should now timeout appropriately.
        • Added support for connecting to hosts using LDAP authentication.
        • Added support for version and -version.
        • Agent now displays git commit hash of Monitoring Agent in the log file.
        • Updates to the configuration file format.
      • Backup Agent Release Notes
        • Backup Agent now sends oplog slices in batches
        • Improved stability around oplog tokens for environments with unstable networks.
        • Support for a new API that allows MMS to ingest oplog entries before the entire payload has reached the MMS servers.
        • Upgraded agent to use to Go 1.3
        • Added support for version and -version.
        • Added support for connecting to hosts using LDAP authentication.
        • Agent now provides additional logging information when the Backup Agent manipulates the balancer.
        • Agent now supports configuring HTTP proxies with the config file.

            sam.kleinman Sam Kleinman (Inactive)
            cailin.nelson@mongodb.com Cailin Nelson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

              9 years, 50 weeks, 5 days ago