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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-6600

API: tutorial for creating a cluster omits the details about the MongoS/ConfigServer

      https://mmsdocs-staging.corp.mongodb.com/bob/2.0-draft-docs/onprem/tutorial/create-cluster-with-api.html only shows one example "process" which is for a shard member, but having an example config server and mongos would be very useful. The particular detail of note is adding the `sharding.clusterRole` value should be `configsvr` (though that value might not be required for all versions, particularly in earlier versions such as 2.4 which the tutorial is doing). Also a process for the MongoS would be useful particularly detailing how no `configdb` option needs to be set on the process (in contrast to a mongos requiring a `--configdb` to start up on the command line). That the `configdb` is inferred (I think from the `sharding.configServer` list on the automation config).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            daniel.gottlieb@mongodb.com Daniel Gottlieb (Inactive)
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              7 years, 41 weeks, 5 days ago