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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-8152

Explain "Create at least one MongoDB Connector for BI user."

    • 0.5

      The following step is ambiguous:

      "Create at least one MongoDB Connector for BI user.
      Replace biuser in the following command with your desired Business Intelligence username, and fill in the connection string that points to your MongoDB instance.

      mongobiuser create biuser mongodb://your.mongodbhost.com:27017/db1
      mongobiuser will prompt you to set a password for biuser by default."


      It is unclear that the 'biuser' being described here only exists within the context of the BI Connector (and is not a database user).

      Put another way, it's unclear if the example given is referring to a MongoDB database that uses access control (authentication) or not. It might be clearer of there were a second example where the mongodb connection string includes a database username:password combination (where the username was different from 'biuser').

            bryan.reinero Bryan Reinero
            andrew.davidson@mongodb.com Andrew Davidson
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

              6 years, 34 weeks, 1 day ago